[VGMC] Day 7! feat. Colors, Lights, Forces, Speeds, and Time Itself

Board 8

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Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 7! feat. Colors, Lights, Forces, Speeds, and Time Itself
Welcome to Video Game Music Contest 18, an annual celebration of the best of the best video game music according to the voters!

Important Links:
Bracket: https://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=478494
Contest info sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HBxgL9woiCMFKNOPuN_qdxmzjStJXSpC3Ocalfsavdk
Contest discussion thread: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/80763291
Main bracket playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT3m7iohpL0y-5OyCrkgprWtXARkEJzh_
Compatibility sheet: ?!?!?!
Last years spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SAJKYJmYhccLvbf_H-5uSA7-eMwXfW8k1q74Qho1bLU
VGMC total stats sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K1XdLWiUKB2kX99qYBgnRbLU_sCz4dvZSByKKJHCT6o
Discord: https://discord.gg/7FVXqWj

- Listen to both songs in a given match, at least through the loop time provided (to make sure you don't skip before you've heard the whole thing!)
- Please consider the loop point listed when judging the song; if a video loops one minute 5 times, don't treat it as if it's a repetitive 5 minute song
- If it's a match between your favorite song ever and a song you despise, still LISTEN TO BOTH! Votes can and will be disqualified if there is suspicion songs are not being listened to, and you may be discounted for the rest of the contest for repeat offenses.
- No alt accounts, no rallying or begging, etc., etc.... You only get one vote! Swapping votes is alright, just make clear that you've already made a vote and are swapping.
- Make clear what your voting options are! Please keep votes separate from any comments, and use the titles given in the topic post.
- Voting in all matches is not mandatory, feel free to skip matches you do not wish to vote in.
- Vote based on the links provided, and not other sources of audio. Links are specifically chosen for best quality and the like.
- Don't discuss vote tallies in this thread, or in other threads, as they may influence votes. Likewise, please refrain from looking at the running tally before voting.

Voting Period:
- Today's matches will last 24 hours from the time of posting, or 24 hours from 11pm Eastern, whichever is the later time.
- Please note this may mean that two topics will be active at the same time!
- If you anticipate being unable to vote in a given day, please send an absentee vote to @banshiryuu, or post your absentee vote in the discussion thread!


Match 1

Child of Light - Aurora's Theme
Composer: Batrice Martin (Cur de pirate)
Loop Point: 3:26

Schizm: Mysterious Journey - Aurora
Composer: Daniel Kleczyski
Loop Point: 5:38


Match 2

Arknights - Speed of Light
Composer: DJ OKAWARI
Loop Point: 4:00

Mega Man Network Transmission - Zero Gravity Area
Composer: Shinji Hosoe
Loop Point: 2:15


Match 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed - Redeem the Future
Composer: Manami Kiyota
Loop Point: 5:45

Touhou Luna Nights - Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Composer: ZUN arr. peposoft
Loop Point: 3:33


Easy vote form:
Aurora's Theme / Aurora
Speed of Light / Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future / Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future
Schizm: Mysterious Journey - Aurora
Mega Man Network Transmission - Zero Gravity Area
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed - Redeem the Future
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library

Aurora's Theme reminds me of Cyan's theme from FF6 for some reason. It's fine. 6/10

The other aurora thing is uh... yup! That sure is some soundscape. 5.5/10

I hate these stupid mobile games that have giant whale budgets and make the game seem cooler than it actually is. This is a surprisingly catchy little pop tune! I actually like it a fair bit. The chorus is a catchy hook. I would catch myself dancing to this and feel slightly embarrassed. 7.5/10

Network Transmission was an interesting soundtrack discovery from MMMM - I never really beat this game so I never noticed how good the music is. The chorus is an fucking EARWORM get it out of my head argh 8/10

A solemn chorus of girls breaking out into electric guitars, very epic yadda yadda, god I've heard it before, I'm just so tired of it. It's not even that bad or anything, I'm just bored. 5/10

Hey, a not-half-bad Touhou thing. It's a little oversaturated as ZUN songs tend to be - never really learned how to cure his MIDI disease - but it's a spry little action tune that I don't mind at all. 6.5/10
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future

meta knight flashbacks

had to add one for zero gravity right now (we're running out oh no)

i'm thoroughly embarrassed and disappointed voile of all things is the pepo rep this year, it's not even up there for arrangements of it specifically (if you wanted a good one in a style like this, dolldraft's soundtrack is right there...)
Child of Light - Aurora's Theme
Arknights - Speed of Light
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed - Redeem the Future
My bracket looked like random picks compared to his.
Congrats to azuarc for winning the GotD 2020 Guru Contest!
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future
"The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present." -Hobbes
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area

I'll vote in match 3 later
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library

I love mysterious sci-fi ambience so much!!!!! wowowoqoq!!!!!

I always appreciate Arknights for what it does, but I honestly considered supporting Zero Gravity Area tbh so I gotta just gotta go for it ....

Maybe it's bc I'm used to Max G's uploads but I kind of prefer the two halves of Redeem the Future as separate things. honestly... I prefer the Touhou song ??? Kinda surprised here and I'm not one of the Touhou h8ers in this community.
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, Magic Library

Aurora's Theme >= Voile, Magic Library > Redeem the Future / Redeem the Future - Finale > Speed of Light > Zero Gravity Area > Aurora

Aurora's Theme - 8
nice song I like

Aurora - 5
what the fuck are the odds that these are both the second song in their respective soundtracks. anyways this is a song that exists, could maybe go lower for just being boring but eh there was a nice part 4 minutes in I'll keep it at a 5

Speed of Light - 7.25
eh it's decent but not particularly my thing. not entirely sure what I expected but wasn't this. any chance this game has more songs like All hail Savior! by chance I remember liking that one

Zero Gravity Area - 7
man idk it's fffffffffffffffine but like nothing about this stands out at all. is it weird that I prefer MM5 Star Man Stage

Redeem the Future / Redeem the Future - Finale - 7.5
it may be better Zanza, but that's not the highest bar. way better Xenoblade songs exist, guys. give Counterattack or OST Moebius Battle a shot, or bring back Mechanical Rhythm, Gaur Plain, Uncontrollable, just better songs c'mon

Stage 3 - Voile, Magic Library - 8
y'know what this is pretty neat
Erica, she/her. Subscribe to GaMetal.
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
Redeem the Future

Other 2 tomorrow hopefully if I have time.
I didn't do guru this year but azuarc can be in my sig anyways.
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?"
"You drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future
Puff Stuff
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
-Abraham Lincoln
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Omniscience lies beyond the void, beyond decay!
I am one with the Akashic Records!
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Save in the name of true love

Lots of close matches, third in particular.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Aurora's Theme (the first one)
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
https://i.imgur.com/TGkNCva.gif https://i.imgur.com/8mWCvA4.gif
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
A hero cannot be defeated simply by making him die.
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Sunshine. Lunchbox. Playground. Raincoat. Hot Dog. Oatmeal. Railroad. Ice Cream. Bathtub. Pancake. Eardrum.
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
The Pizza Formerly Known as CalzoneB
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library

Aurora's Theme is lovely.

I'm soooo happy Zero Gravity Area got in. It's one of my all-time favorites.

Voile, the Magic Library has amazing percussion which automatically puts it above many other songs by default. The rest of it is cool too.

Pretty solid day for me - the only song I didn't really care for is Redeem the Future. I liked everything else to some degree.
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Currently in the mood to have a signature, though unsure of what.
Aurora's Theme: Very nice cello. I like the piano too. Fairly simple song, but it's pretty emotive, which brings it up for me.

Aurora: Very ambient piece with a lovely soundscape. Not a lot else to say on it.

Speed of Light: This one's a lot of fun. Great vocalist, and the keys in particular are really good. Pretty cool song.

Zero Gravity Area: I've never really liked Mega Man music much. This one's alright, but doesn't do much to stand out to me. The lick being so prominent in the melody is amusing though.

Redeem the Future: I like the song pretty well, but this upload is pretty awful tbh. Weird, awkward transitions between each phase, and pretty bad audio quality too. Not sure what to do with this one.

Voile, the Magic Library: This one's not bad for Touhou. Melody needs work, but the percussion is fun.

Actually gonna abstain for the first time ever.

Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Don't trust everything that you read on the Internet.
-Abraham Lincoln
Aurora's Theme (CoL)
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library

Poll should have Aurora from Shatter. Which is funny, because I just voted for A-S-S. It's a very vulgar day.

Guess what I originally typed that earned me this message:
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Optimism is the first step to disappointment.
Schizm Aurora
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future

Aurora's Theme is nice. CoL's music is nice in general. That's about as far as I'd go tho. Doesn't take much to beat vanilla Aurora, which is pure BGM.

There were several good Arknights songs nominated. This isn't one of them. The vocals suck, and it feels like an utterly generic 'regular' song. Zero Gravity Area's not amazing, but it's a fun little bop. Kinda reminds me of Super Robot Wars music for some reason.

Redeem the Future doesn't quite go in the direction I want it to, but I enjoy it the whole time. For the Touhou song, I've heard better remixes than this one.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Zero Gravity Area
Redeem the Future (Best overall so far)
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
Speed of Light
Redeem the Future
azuarc is quite good at predicting GameFAQs bracket battles.
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Aurora's Theme
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
"Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness... Might controls everything. And without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself."
- Vergil, DMC3
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Congrats to azuarc who beat me by 1 point!
Aurora's Theme
Speed of Light
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
Just killing time until the world ends.
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library

shinji hosoe making a nice lil cleanser after 3 songs i have had middling to negative feelings on

Be formless, shapeless... like water.
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Aurora (Skhizm)
Zero Gravity Area
Stage 3 - Voile, the Magic Library
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 7! feat. Colors, Lights, Forces, Speeds, and Time Itself
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