So which Pokemon like game would you recommend?

Board 8

Thanks for the recommendatios!

JackMan posted...

I guess I'll give up on Temtem, a lot of reviews on steam are saying something similar. It's a shame, because when I started looking for something it did catch my eye.

Dels posted...
maybe check out Monster Sanctuary, if that counts?

It looks good, but I don't like metroidvanias unfortunately.

Mobilezoid posted...

Probably picking this up when it comes out of early access

Raka_Putra posted...
Persona 5

I fear I'll not even make it halfway through before it's 2025. My gaming time has diminished a lot in my thirties.

MrSmartGuy posted...
Cassette Beasts is the best I've played.

I'll give it a go! Might pick it up for the Switch, have been looking for a new game to play (will be good to play something aside from Slay the Spire).