What four games are on the "Video Games That Didn't Hold Up" Rushmore?

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Board 8 » What four games are on the "Video Games That Didn't Hold Up" Rushmore?
FFX is still completely great though. Gameplay holds up fine. Much better than any of FF7-9.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Leonhart4 posted...
Again, IX got blasted for being slow when it came out. It didn't age poorly in that regard. Our tolerance for its slowness in an age of the fast forward button aged poorly

It's the same thing. That's literally what it means for a game to age poorly. It's not like these games change their fundamental properties-- It's all about what our standards are.

Us not realizing like 12fps sucked for the kind of FPS Goldeneye was going for back in the day doesn't mean it didn't age because the framerate was always bad and we didn't know better.

Our tolerance for slowness matters
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Nah, the difference is IX's wasn't "we didn't know better." People agreed its speed was a problem even then. It just stands out as an even bigger problem now, one Square has since addressed.
People agreed it was a bit of a problem back then

Now it's a HUGE problem
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
FFX's gameplay holds up but it suffers from being an early attempt at a 3D cinematic experience. This goes beyond just the voice acting. Character animations and scene direction can get really funky. I'd say in that regard it's aged about as poorly as FF9's gameplay, just in a different way.

Neither game has aged nearly poorly enough to make this topic though. We're trying to fit square pegs into round holes here.
It's Reyn Time.
Lopen posted...
People agreed it was a bit of a problem back then

Now it's a HUGE problem

Eh, but I don't think this is what it means for a game to age poorly. You're saying an aspect of the game you thought was bad then is still bad now, so it's aged poorly? Nah, it's gotta be something you thought was good or at least you didn't notice it was bad before, and it's bad now.
I consider myself one of the top FFIX haters on the board but I didn't nominate it because it's always been bad!
MZero , to the extreme
Like PC gamers knew Goldeneye was no good back when it came out too, but they were a minority back then

It took console gamers until Halo to know what good FPS gameplay was-- doesn't mean it wasn't always bad though. And that's why it's getting so many voteshere.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
skulltrumpets posted...
Goldeneye 007
Pokemon RBY

I don't have strong opinions on Goldeneye but this is the one game I always see my peers bring up when this subject is breached. I'm not really in the business for invoking my spicy takes.

Or am I? I feel like hating on RBY could be a spicy take in this community. That game was my life for a few years, but I continued to prefer each subsequent release up to and including BW2. It just doesn't excite me anymore, sorry!

Somehow this game completely slipped out of my consciousness
Also what I'm gathering from this topic is that 2008 might be the king of "wow this didn't age well" because we've had multiple mentions of MGS4, Brawl, and Fallout 3

Tales of Vesperia was a 2008 game too...!
Leonhart4 posted...
Also what I'm gathering from this topic is that 2008 might be the king of "wow this didn't age well"
Absolutely. You could see that in the Years Contest (apologies for making you remember that).
It's Reyn Time.
What is it about Fallout 3? Just QoL issues that stand out more now?
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Leonhart4 posted...
Also what I'm gathering from this topic is that 2008 might be the king of "wow this didn't age well" because we've had multiple mentions of MGS4, Brawl, and Fallout 3

Tales of Vesperia was a 2008 game too...!

The Casual Revolution strikes again
MZero , to the extreme
redrocket posted...
What is it about Fallout 3? Just QoL issues that stand out more now?

for some reason I booted up Fallout 3 for a bit relatively recently (like within the last few years, not actually recently) and being surprised at how bad the shooting felt.

theyve obviously got other issues, but the part where you shoot stuff with a gun feels pretty decent in 4 and 76. Going back to 3 is pretty rough.
For your Azuarc .
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
KamikazePotato posted...
RBY is a good choice if you're a series fan who keeps up with each new Pokmon game and replays them and ranks them and such. Personally, I'd rather replay RBY than be forced to play Sword and Shield for the first time.
See, as someone who is neutral to negative on half of the gen 1 roster and whose favourite Pokemon types either sucked or didn't exist back then (with like one exception) I just don't feel the urge to revist it!

Sword and Shield is ugly as sin and slow as molasses but at least I can replay it ten times in a row and come out of it with completely unique teams of Pokemon I actually like....

Edit: I do like FRLG though, so it isn't like the roster is 100% my issues ...
Fallout 3 is also so very, very brown. to the point that it's just dull.

Fallout 3
Goldeneye 007
Kingdom Hearts
Sonic Adventure

FO3 just does not hold up.
i do wonder how Goldeneye will be after the N64 recompiler stuff gets to it. having it be native to Windows, with full mod access, constant 60 FPS, etc will potentially make it feel like a new game.
KH is a good one because once the novelty wore off and we replayed whatever HD remake we could get the game became painfully clear that it's just... not very good. the music is still great, the everything else is not. especially combat.
Sonic needs at least a mention in this column because dammit, people were praising Adventure like it was an amazing 3D game when it wasn't even at the time but holy hell has it aged badly on top of that.

stuff like Chrono Cross doesn't work for me here because while it reviewed well, users were always split on it.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
Fallout 3
Super Mario Sunshine
Dragon Quest
Conkers Bad Fur Day

dragon quest 1 is a total grind, its no good

Conker feels like a good choice because the gameplay didnt age well but also its got an edginess that is very specific to its time, so the jokes didnt age great either
For your Azuarc .
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
DomaDragoon posted...
* Altered Beast


Kingdom Hearts is still good
I feel like Goldeneye still gets a ton of praise
"Foolishness, Dante. Foolishness... Might controls everything. And without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself."
- Vergil, DMC3
KH1 has a good back half even now but I do think its episodic chunk (everything before Hollow Bastion really) aged really badly . Maybe it was just me playing it for the first time in the 2020s but I looked at the Alice world for example and instantly went 'dude...this area is a square. Like straight up a square'. And it was REALLY obvious too. It felt like something I wouldn't have cared about if I'd played it at the time it came out but it really stood out how simplistic it was in places. I wouldn't even say the entire game aged awfully, but the Disney worlds absolutely did.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Donkey Kong 64
metal gear solid 4
conkers bad fur day
stop victory lapping around your desk, your chair has rollers, it's not even really exercise
KH1 is still good if you're playing the remix on modern hardware. The original PS2 version is ass now.

Nominate Sesame Street songs
KanzarisKelshen posted...
'dude...this area is a square. Like straight up a square'.
[NO Azuarc NO PEACE]
What's wrong with square areas?
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
MGS4 is a really good choice, but it seems like it already has enough support, and there needs to be some "support" for RE tank controls.

I've honestly never played Wizardry and just voted for it because I thought old-school obtuse RPGs needed a mention here. If there's a better option I'll change my vote to that. I considered Dragon Warrior, but the gameplay for it's not really obscure or difficult, just really basic. I am now remembering that you have to go back to the king to save, though. Hmmm...
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
Metroid (NES)
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
Pokmon RBY
Metal Gear Solid 4

I feel like there should be games that didnt age well not necessarily because of gameplay but because of characters or story. Nothing really comes to mind though.
I can't live forever
With my head and my heart in the clouds
Bitto posted...
Pokmon RBY
Metal Gear Solid 4

I feel like there should be games that didnt age well not necessarily because of gameplay but because of characters or story. Nothing really comes to mind though.

Oh, heres one that Im surprised no one mentioned yet.

Add Fire Emblem Awakening
I can't live forever
With my head and my heart in the clouds
Underleveled posted...
KH1 is still good if you're playing the remix on modern hardware. The original PS2 version is ass now.

Nominate Sesame Street songs
I think the only real issue with the original PS2 KH is unskippable cutscenes, but honestly that's a big enough problem that I'd agree with this take anyway.
Chilly McFreeze
Fire Emblem Awakening is definitely a case of vocal minority. Of course Fire Emblem is also probably the fanbase with the biggest gulf in opinion between the diehard fans and the general audience, but the people who came on board with Awakening still really love Awakening.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
I am an old school Fire Emblem fan and still love Awakening.

If anything not being a huge fan of the series direction since then made me appreciate Awakening more for doing it well the first time.

MGS4 is a good shout out though-- the story always had problems but now seeing where the games have gone since it feels a lot less satisfying.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Yeah I have also been into Fire Emblem for a long time and like Awakening quite a bit. There are a lot of very vocal, very committed fans who hate it though and not even necessarily because of the future direction. But much more than that from more recent Fire Emblem fans I still hear a lot of affection for that game.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
Bitto posted...
I feel like there should be games that didnt age well not necessarily because of gameplay but because of characters or story. Nothing really comes to mind though.

Pokemon RBY kind of applies for OG Jynx!
MZero , to the extreme
i think RBY have a pretty ageless quality. my partner played through multiple gyms of it recently for the first time and liked it in many ways more than sword and violet.
yet all azuarc of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
Bitto posted...

I feel like there should be games that didnt age well not necessarily because of gameplay but because of characters or story. Nothing really comes to mind though.

I tried to think of examples of this too, but any time I came up with something my mind went: "If you said _____, you're wrong! They were never popular!"
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
Leonhart4 posted...
Potential nomination for Juneteenth: Black actors
Underleveled posted...
Nominate: Guitar Hero songs
2nd both of these, and nominate DDR songs

sull56ivan2010 posted...
You need to realize Nintendo is not untouchable. The game is deserving of criticism. Mario 64's controls aren't that great and the later half of the game (as with most Mario games) gets lazy and dull. The 64 is not the most ideal system to go back to and the controller plays a factor. If you don't think it does, good for you.
are you part of the CE infestation or something
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify
SeabassDebeste posted...
i think RBY have a pretty ageless quality. my partner played through multiple gyms of it recently for the first time and liked it in many ways more than sword and violet.

actually, amending this a bit - RBY definitely aged and lacks a ton of quality of life stuff. but its simplicity and speed are still incredibly potent.
yet all azuarc of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
Bitto posted...
Pokmon RBY
Metal Gear Solid 4

I feel like there should be games that didnt age well not necessarily because of gameplay but because of characters or story. Nothing really comes to mind though.

Conkers was a good one, Duke Nukem 3D probably

maybe South Park Stick of Truth too
VeryInsane's mobile account
Super Mario 64 was my favorite game of all time for many years. It kinda is by default nowadays, dunno that I have a confident answer that rises above my nostalgia.

The Switch port from Super Mario 3D All-Stars disappointed me. The camera that I defended many times before just got on my nerves too much with that release. I heard some commentary about how the Switch's controller is not well-suited for SM64's camera but I dunno.

Still a fantastic game and still got 120 stars, but now I might take Banjo-Kazooie over it as a platformer or some other more modern releases nowadays over it overall.

That disappointment in mind, it's not enough to fit this list. I'd rather see SMS or SMB1 here out of the mainline Mario games.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
HaRRicH posted...
That disappointment in mind, it's not enough to fit this list. I'd rather see SMS or SMB1 here out of the mainline Mario games.

SMB1 does not belong on this list at all. It's a timeless classic. Moreso than perhaps any other Mario game. SMB1 is the game I started my kids on, because it's so easily accessible for anyone. It's one of the most intuitive games there is. The simplicity of it allows it to hold up better than any other NES game. I don't think many games have aged as well as Mario 1 has. It's a theme used even in Super Mario Maker, and even has callbacks in Super Mario Odyssey.
The user formerly known as Ashethan
Yeah, I don't know how you'd argue Mario 1 has aged poorly. It still has solid controls and level design.
I would argue SMB1 has aged even better than SMB3
MZero , to the extreme
Mario has at least two other 2D Mario games that does everything I want out of SMB1 much better than SMB1, and the game was such a hit that now we have four decades of platformers to compare against it. Then again, I didn't love SMB1 back in the day either.

It makes sense to start the kids there. Seriously it has a lot of quality design to respect about it, but also I don't know what it's like for people who played games for years but not ever playing SMB1 to then go play SMB1. I don't know what reactions in that context would be like.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
I'm not saying it's the best Mario game, but you can pick it up and play it right now, and it's still an enjoyable experience. The game still has very few flaws.
SMB has aged perfectly because it does something uniquely it and it does it well

You'd be better suited to arguing SMB3 or SMW imo. Not that I'd even vaguely consider either of those myself.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Pokemon RBY
Crash Bandicoot

watched my wife play a port of Crash for like 5-10 minutes and it was so dull that she bounced off immediately. maybe thats not sufficient to put it on the Rushmore, but there really wasnt enough going on to give us hope. and I remembered loving it
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
Halo 1
Final Fantasy X
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Resident Evil 1
The beautiful thing about the Super Mario series is, the level design is so good it actually doesnt matter all that much if the mechanics feel dated. That always holds up. I played through 64 when 3D All Stars came out (first time actually beating it though I got to the final boss as a kid) and although some of the precision platforming was not great, the level design still feels top notch so I had a blast with it anyway.

Now if you want to see a 3D platformer from that era that was bad then but somehow holds up even worse? Go and take a look at Bubsy 3D.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
Yeah original SMB does not fit this

MZero posted...
I would argue SMB1 has aged even better than SMB3
I agree with this too - SMB3 is still pretty great but the autoscrollers can make it a slog

SeabassDebeste posted...
RBY.....its simplicity and speed are still incredibly potent
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify
Board 8 » What four games are on the "Video Games That Didn't Hold Up" Rushmore?
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