[VGMC] Day 14! feat. Movement and Containment, Slumber and Waking, and uhhhh wtf

Board 8

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Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 14! feat. Movement and Containment, Slumber and Waking, and uhhhh wtf
Across Dimming Asterisms
Before I Rise
Across Dimming Asterisms
Before I Rise
Genshin Impact - Across Dimming Asterisms
Heaven Burns Red - Before I Rise
Arcaea - Take
Across Dimming Asterisms
Blue Desert Hotel
Don't trust everything that you read on the Internet.
-Abraham Lincoln
Enclosure South America Jungle
Before I Rise
Across Dimming Asterisms
Blue Desert Hotel

it's really hard to explain how impossible match 3 is for me. i really am unable to vote on this it is two completely different parts of my brain trying to win out against each other and i cannot let that happen

Blue Desert Hotel >> Portals = Take >>> Before I Rise > Across Dimming Asterisms >= Enclosure South America Jungle
super strong day
Across Dimming Asterisms
Before I Rise
Squirrel is back, and allergic to nuts :'(
Across Dimming Asterisms
Blue Desert Hotel

I'm a huge fan of desert themes of all kinds, so hearing one that plays it straight with the real-life Middle Eastern/Arabic style is so enthralling. Solid percussion, really nice woodwinds and oud - and it even chooses to combine the Chinese-style instrumentation of Genshin in the second half, and it works great! Easily a great recent find for my desert theme playlist.

Enclosure is a fun pick, with some nice Latin guitar and other chill instruments to fill in the mood. It can definitely afford to flesh itself out some more, but I appreciate the simple baseline it provides for the direction it's going for.

Blue Desert Hotel never fails to put me in a good mood; I love songs with strong happy/carefree, relaxing vibes like this, and this does REALLY well in helping me forget about my worries until I'm ready to face them again. The oboe here deserves all the spotlight it's getting with its incredibly playful performance, and the backing instruments excel in helping creating the peaceful, joy-filled atmosphere this song is after. Strong favor with this one, I'm really happy this was brought for this year's bracket!

I don't know a lot about Heaven Burns Red, but man , this has to be the best song that's been offered to me so far. I'm falling in love with the vocals in this one, especially during the verses where they come across as soft and airy and then lead into stronger energy during the chorus. Easily the best anime-esque VGM I've heard in quite some time.

Even more ambience! I quite enjoy how mysterious but soothing Portals is, this is probably the most "dream-like" piece we've had so far this contest. I do wish the volume wasn't as quiet, but that's a minor complaint for this cool piece.

Take's just silly in that Japanese hyper-moe sense, just like Bi. The breakbeat section around the end makes me laugh every time I hear it.
Genshin Impact : Across Dimming Asterisms - This quickly became one of my favorite Genshin songs when I first heard it (and that's saying a lot given how stellar even just the average Genshin song is). The Arabian vibes are strong with this one. Incredible melody and percussion work here. And omg that desert flute is just the icing on the cake. Easily my favorite song of the day hands down.

Zoo Hospital (Wii) : Enclosure South America Jungle - It's pretty nice and pleasant albeit a bit basic. Shout out to the uploader, Fiddler Fove! You're a pretty cool person (yes I have talked with this person personally).

Opoona : Blue Desert Hotel - Nice use of sax (?) (edit: NOPE it's an oboe. That makes more sense considering oboes are used as snake charmers and are probably commonly used in desert pieces) and flutes here. Very pleasant song to listen to even if there are other pieces from this OST that I prefer like Partizans.

Heaven Burns Red : Before I Rise - Long anime opening song vibes. Yeah, it's fine, but I don't really like the vocals much. Never found myself caring for the HBR ost, and this song is no exception unfortunately. The synths are cool though.

The Crystal Key : Portals - It's a really nice and relaxing soundscape. With this piece, I feel like I could just close my eyes and imagine that I'm floating through the universe. It doesn't have much substance outside of being a really cool soundscape, unfortunately, but what is there in this piece is REALLY cool.

Arcaea : Take - The music video is cute. The song itself is.....Solfan 2.0 (albeit much more tolerable than Solfan). Or Bi 2.0 (pejorative). Maybe Bi 2.0 makes more sense because "bi" could also mean "two" in Latin. Yeah, neither are favorable comparisons.

genshin desert song >> opoona desert song >>>>> portals > zoo hospital > before I rise > bi 2.0

Across Dimming Asterisms
Blue Desert Hotel

Genshin and Opoona CARRY today's picks and it's not even CLOSE.
Fox Only, Final Destination.
Across Dimming Asterisms
Before I Rise

There is allegedly a Splatoon reference in Take, but ironically the beginning of Portals immediately gave me similar vibes to Splatoon.

Match 1 is pretty close because I actually consider both songs to be kind of similar.
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
Zoo Hospital (Wii) - Enclosure South America Jungle
Heaven Burns Red - Before I Rise
The Crystal Key - Portals
Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 14! feat. Movement and Containment, Slumber and Waking, and uhhhh wtf
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