[VGMC] Day 16! feat. EitCtatisftrag, DF, FR, MF, SoE, and K

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Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 16! feat. EitCtatisftrag, DF, FR, MF, SoE, and K
Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul
Mechonis Field
Spiral of Erebos

All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul

Flamerock Refuge

Spiral of Erebos

Matches 2 and 3 were pure pleasure and pain: all 4 spoke to special corners of my life-long musical heart, and then I was forced to tear at it to make my choices.
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Devil Forest
Flamerock Refuge
Spiral of Erebos
The art of quirky SNES games no one cares about
Devil Forest
Mechonis Field

Even in the Carpathians is a very cool track, though.
Devil Forest is just being mischievous, I guess.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Epic Loon - Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul
Xenoblade Chronicles - Mechonis Field
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Spiral of Erebos
Epic Loon - Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - Flamerock Refuge
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Spiral of Erebos

[9.5] Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul
[8.5] Mechonis Field
[8.0] Flamerock Refuge
[8.0] Devil Forest
[8.0] Spiral of Erebos
[8.0] Kitsch

huh what?? Why am I voting for the borderlands song if I think Mechonis Field is better!! Honestly I think it comes down to having zero expectations and then being met with one of my favorite discoveries of the season? Like woah, would have never expected a sound that fresh from the millionth Randy Pitchford expansion/sequel/gaiden game/whatever

Carpathians and the Epic Loon soundtrack at large have become the soundtrack of the past year of my life and I'd be thrilled to see it take R1 at the least. Extremely special stuff, there.
Hi. I wanna play you something.
Place posted...
Why am I voting for the borderlands song if I think Mechonis Field is better!!
because you want to kill our compatibility for some reason
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
both match 1 songs are good. Not sure what to vote here.

I love/hate match 2. Mechonis is a phantom support, but Flamerock really had to come out with the flute and strings like that. Tough match. Still giving Mechonis the edge for being more interesting, but this hurts.

Both songs in match 3 are solid. Kitsch has elements that remind me both of Mario Kart and (funnily enough) Brain Age music, which is always a plus. However, I don't like some of the instrumental choices in Kitsch, and Erebos has a much stronger melody. For that, I'm giving it to Erebos.

Mechonis >= Flamerock > Erebos > both match 1 songs > Kitsch

Pretty good day.

Mechonis Field
Spiral of Erebos

Fox Only, Final Destination.
Ghoul > Devil
Field > Flame
Kitsch > yawn
azuarc is quite good at predicting GameFAQs bracket battles.
Devil Forest
Mechonis Field
Even in the Carpathians, taking a train is still faster than riding a ghoul
Mechonis Field
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
Devil Forest
Mechonis Field

Carpathians is a wild ride for sure, it feels a lot like modern Paper Mario music (specifically Origami King and by extension of style, the TTYD remake that was just released). It feels unrestrained and "cares not what you think" in its execution, and I respect it for that.

Devil Forest is so cool with its chill synths. Really, that's what I'm here for with this song in particular. It's atmospheric and a little hypnotic without needing to use too much effort.

Flamerock Refuge is cooler than I was expecting it to be, I wouldn't expect a Fable-esque/"high fantasy" track in a game like this. This erhu/guitar combo was the last thing I was expecting, this is just a delightful piece that soothes while coming and going.

Mechonis Field just fits that "low energy sci-fi ambience" bill very well. It doesn't go heavy on/try to overwhelm the listener with unneeded noise, it sticks to delivering a pleasing soundscape brought by all its synths working together. It's such a pleasing track, I could see why people would choose to listen to it for hours at a time.

The opening for Spiral of Erebos is perhaps the strongest part of it, and the leading into the main part is another pleasing moment as well. After that though, I do think the song could stand to rein in the guitar a bit to let the other instruments have their moments. I really like the violin part coming in, but I also think it drags on for a "verse" too long as well. The execution has its weak moments, but I think it makes for a good piece overall.

Forgive me Tekken fans, but I was definitely introduced to this song thanks to the "Tekken in Smash" discussion across the Smash Bros. fanbase. A song like this is easily up my alley: a electronic/jazzy combo that's simple enough to be put on repeat and not feel tiring to listen to. The piano, synths and vocal chops all coming together like it does - why wouldn't I like this?
Devil Forest
Mechonis Field
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
Last Bible III - Devil Forest
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Spiral of Erebos

Yeah idk for match 2 today, Mechonis wasn't hitting quite as hard as usual and i like the more natural sounds of flamerock a bit more, but its also kinda easy to see where more like of Mechonis comes from (for me too) when its just . doing more. more pronounced melody, more energy to it. idk if i had hours id figure it out but eh

Board 8 » [VGMC] Day 16! feat. EitCtatisftrag, DF, FR, MF, SoE, and K
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