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Community » ANort175
The strongest, coolest, most brokenly powerful character in the whole series versus...some dumb pink blob of putty. Gotta give it to the Yaj man
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No one's stopping you from eating grass, TC. Be the change you want to see in the world.
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If this ever happens to me I'll probably be unreasonably mad, the cheese sauce is the whole point of getting a beef n cheddar instead of a regular roast beef.
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Are we the baddies?
That post was only worth a Warned? Really?
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Wouldn't really affect me at all, and for stuff like PB&J you could just use Nutella or some other chocolate-flavored spread instead, would serve the same exact function.
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I don't think I could even defeat my own cat in a fight, those claws would fuck me up good. And how can you hit something so adorable.
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You are very dedicated to your username's gimmick.
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Hopefully they convict the father as well.
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I thought this would be about the other type of thread.
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Goten is literally just "Gohan but somehow they found a way to make him even lamer".
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I've never played Dragon Age Origins or Dragon Age 2 without using the item duplication glitch, fucking hate how expensive all the good gear in those games is and how little money they give you.
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XxKrebsxX posted...
I mean, life was better.

Incomes were up. Purchasing power was up. Wives acted like actual wives. Union membership was up.

There's a reason why it's referred to as the golden age of America.
How in the world has this post been left up for 12 hours
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You mean you don't eat one of each at the same time for a fruit punch flavor?
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"Not here Scotty, not here"
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NCloud posted...
You should take a leaf out of Biden's book and have no presence AT ALL on this board.
You should lead by example, show him how it's done.
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This topic needs more edge
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imagine imaginary dragons imagining you imagining them
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I think it depends on the show and the host, like No Reservations was basically this kind of show but it was also so much more, and Anthony Bourdain made it really entertaining to watch.
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What does the firefox say?
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I don't always restore memes from my recycle bin, but when I do,
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1337toothbrush posted...
They look related.
That's probably what people think when they see you standing next to a garbage can.
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Are we the baddies?
You could take off all the zeroes and I'd still choose the money, I don't need the headaches that would come from being seen in public with a famous celebrity like her.
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im thirfty
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He should really say these sorts of things in public. Who gives a fuck how mad it makes the right-wing media outlets, they're not the ones he needs to energize to get out to vote in the election. Call that piece of shit sick fuck exactly what he is, we all know it's true.
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Guide posted...
Fuck that, +5 years of vidya is worth a painful death.
Sometimes it's scary how others here seem to think exactly the same way I do.
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Most people who need to lose weight could easily do so by just cutting out junk food and sugary drinks from their diet and by paying attention to how many calories they consume and trying to stay under 2,000 each day, you don't even really need to exercise though of course you really should since it comes with other benefits as well.
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A vote for Biden is a vote for wokism.
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Are we the baddies?
I really thought this was a joke topic, I should have left before reading the rest of TC's posts.
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Are we the baddies?
Chatting on AIM mostly.
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Lol calls me rude then immediately blocks me because he didn't feel like giving actual reasons for his opinion. Something tells me nothing of value will be lost with that one.
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FL81 posted...
Buffalo wings don't come from actual buffalo

Asherlee10 posted...
Eel sauce doesn't contain eel.
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Quoting your wrong opinions doesn't change the fact it's wrong. KH's story is the best in the series I'll give you that but its combat is basic as fuck and pretty much nothing in the game poses a challenge once you've grinded to the max level, even Xemnas is a joke on proud mode unless you fight him at a low level.
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There's gonna be violence either way, but especially if Trump loses again or if Trump wins the EC vote but loses the popular vote again.
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VampireCoyote posted...
Only the first game was good imo
KH2 FM+ on critcal mode completely shits all over the first game.
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Southernfatman posted...
What a koala-ty video.
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Community » ANort175