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Community » Aysander
Phantom Brave the Lost Hero.

I might be one of a very small handful of Phantom Brave fans that still exist. lol.
Furina from Genshin?

Unless she suddenly decided on a new, more violent way to use her vision, I think I'm fine.
Can't think of a game that's actually like this. Not even one.

If a game isn't vibing with you after the first 10-20 hours, you're forcing yourself to play it. Nothing says you HAVE to play it, either. At least with reference to longer games.

For shorter games that are around 30-60 hours to complete I'd say if the intro doesn't compel you to keep going, it is fair to drop it (so 3-4 hours at most maybe).

Again, if you don't like a game, nobody is forcing you to play it. And playing it longer is not going to suddenly make it better. LITERALLY NO GAME gets "better" half way to three quarters of the way through.

Even MMOs.
Revelation34 posted...
Some random asshole loudly shouting at everybody and everything.

Skyrim, of course.

High schoolers drop out of school temporarily to handle a civil war issue and for some reason people keep holding back so they eventually sort of win.
Tales of Symphonia.
Not only does Fandom kinda suck (Hate the Wikis btw, they keep trying to bypass my adblock so I have to come at them with harsher methods of ad prevention), but they also don't realize how political they're being in trying to censor political or sexual discussions on this board.

It feels like a very pro-Christian agenda, pro-Republican agenda move to limit the transfer of information between a large community that you have no actual MEANINGFUL control over besides a bunch of board rules.

Oh, and Fandom?

Shut the fuck up.
brestugo posted...
These. Have cousins in RC.

Not really a fan of anything north of Burbank, tbqh.

There is definitely a certain sense of...ego? inherent to those in Cali the farther north you go yeah. Spent most of my childhood in Sacramento, part of it in Rancho Cordova, and then it was like a breath of fresh air moving to Idaho. I'm in Tennessee now and hate it though -- too sticky out here for me.
Games do not have to be a perfect masterpiece or else they're garbage. All that truly matters is your personal enjoyment.
Any weapon you touch, you can immediately master.

It doesn't seem like a lame power at first glance, but in a more peaceful world you may as well not even have a power at all.
C_Pain posted...
Keep worshipping teachers who demean and abuse children with impunity

They're always beheld as paragons of virtue who are so critical since they educate the next generation. Yet many are assholes and traumatize you when you're developing, and the rest are just fine.

I'm sorry you had a fucked up childhood but that's no excuse to pretend that teachers don't deal with a ton of shit themselves, including a fucked up system and useless-ass administrators that are unwilling to actually assist them and choose to run schools as a for-profit business.

It's also no excuse to shut our eyes and refuse to do better so other people have a chance not to have similarly fucked up experiences.

As for the specific topic at hand, no this is stupid. Would sooner see the principal, secretaries, and deans replaced with AI lol.
Trails in the Sky.

There's probably something I've played earlier, but while Sky's are *bad* at times with the RNG, it's really the only one I can remember.

If I've played something w/ worse escort missions that wasn't F2P MMO or something...I fully blocked it from my mind.
Decently competent at best. Surely not an expert. lol.
Really depends on narrative scope and how gameplay works.

More personal character driven stories with mechanics built FOR rather than AROUND the characters as well, I feel like 4-8 is good.

Large narratives that reasonably require more "actively involved" characters with different layers to the mechanics that leave a good chunk of who you bring up to favorite characters and how you choose to build them...12-16 is fine. This way you can have larger final battles, or different parties handling tasks in different areas, if the plot demands it.
Suddenly reminded of one of my Government professors. First day of class, since I was in his course during an election year, he literally said "The biggest political lie everyone tells themselves and will tell you are: They are Independent Voters. No such thing."

I just can't see the wisdom and dignity in claiming you are undecided when we know who the candidates are going to be, and have actual experience with how the worse one will function when they have power.
GunmaN1905 posted...
I never watched any other anime, but I've seen every episode of DB, even Super.

He created something that transcended the genre and became a part of mainstream culture. I'd say that he's responsible for a lot of people becoming anime fans, as DB was the first thing they watched.

Even putting aside his influence on Anime, Toriyama influenced a lot of what we have artistically for JRPGs too, working as an artist for Dragon Quest from start to current times, and Crono Trigger which is one of the big classics.

I remember when I was growing up, I tried to draw Goku a lot as a kid, and Piccolo, and was generally good enough at it. But it always felt like I was missing something. The man had a way with the pen, and he will never be forgotten.
Why'd they even bother locking me up, then?

1) Never leave a prisoner alone.
2) Always post more guards than there are prisoners.
3) Always ensure your prisoners have nothing that can be used as a weapon, even if it means stripping them down to check.
4) Don't put people in prisons, dumbass! *Proceeds to break the gate off the cage*
Jeff Dunham. Even before he doubled down on the stereotype-based humor, the man got maybe one joke to land out of twenty.
Red_XIV posted...
Your point? It's still weird that it's split into 3 games like this.

Not really.

As someone who's played and beaten the original a solid five times, I think there is a huge benefit of doing it this way.

That benefit is more breathing room for the characters. People are always attempting to praise the OG for it's characters and scripting, which has always been weird to me because they're just not that great in the grand scheme of things. Other titles out around the same time did better at scratching the narrative itch.

Remake comparatively breathed a lot more life into Midgar itself, the people that live there, and even made Shinra a little bit more memorable as villains outside of just being "Big megacorp bad" (Try to insist with any degree that Shinra 'had character', especially with dialogue-related evidence, and I can almost guarantee you it's either from extended material or FF7 Machinabridged and not OG FF7).

And Rebirth is looking to be a continuation of the same, putting care and effort into fleshing out the areas we journeyed to in the OG as well as taking a new spin on things.

I am looking at it less as "A single game being split into three parts", but akin to something like the Trails series - the Cold Steel arc in particular - where the multiple games are necessitated for narrative purposes.
Mid is better than ass honestly, because half the things people call ass/trash are in fact nowhere near bad enough to qualify. The internet and communities in general love to hate things too much lol.
Community » Aysander