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Community » Cartoon_Quoter
AbsolutelyNoOne posted...
though I think they made a daytime version for Friday evenings (5pm EST-ish) that airs classic Toonami stuff like DBZ and Sailor Moon to compliment a similar block that airs classic CN shows

Yeah, this has only been on for about a month.
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You're a phony!

Hey, this guy's a great big phony!
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I apologize for nothing!
YugiNoob posted...
I mean hell, I thought the second post wouldve given away the fact that its a joke. Or at least people wouldve Googled all/part of it since it seems like everyone else didnt get it.

I was also quite surprised where this went. It's from the movie episodes ffs. I can't believe anyone got wooshed.
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You chose well when to end that quote.
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Unknown5uspect posted...
Then vote the fucking fascist party out of every possible seat and into oblivion. We can avoid this. I mean we won't, but we can.

Yes, that's what I said. The current style of Republicanism should die off with the Boomers, but that's still a half dozen or more presidential cycles off. That is an eternity in American politics, maintaining vigilance for that long will be hard.
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Vyrulisse posted...
They WILL enact their plans if he wins.

More importantly, they won't abandon those plans when he loses. Or the next guy or the guy after that or they guy after that. They only have to win once. After that, it will take a war to undo the damage.
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As if I needed another reason to clown on New Jersey.
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Kitt posted...

If it makes you feel better, i did it too.
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BlueBoy675 posted...
Not bad. Jessica Jones did have a superhero name before she turned to private investigation

The easter egg in the Netflix show was amazing.
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Adam Scott?
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I don't think so, Tirm.
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ModernPost posted...
I read that they were both charged with multiple crimes. Disorderly conduct, unlawful restraint, felony kidnapping, and assault were the ones I saw listed.

I misunderstood the last bit. Charges were filed, but no arrests at the time or follow up on the charges (which may just still be pending, since it's only been two months.)
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Haejin posted...
It's kind of funny when Trump says this sort of shit in a rally and the crow goes "?" and but still clap their hands just cause lmao

The words are unimportant. It is an honor simply to hear Dear Leader speak.
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Through most of that video I was impressed by how well the locals were handling it. And then they just don't make an arrest...
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But the handouts!
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Fuck off, NFL IP lawyers
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I grew up with Prego for pasta and have never bothered to try any other brand. I do like the Ragu pizza sauce the best.
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What in the Zoomer Hell is this topic?
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Persona posted...
did y'all ever even have a bookshelf, cartoon_quoter

Totally misread that. I guess you win now.
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I think it's pretty clear he doesn't know what a bookend is, either.
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Persona posted...
okay, cartoon_quoter
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I see I gave you too much credit on the whole learning thing.
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Today you learned that "end" can mean something other than "last", in this case "edge". Imagine what you might learn tomorrow.
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Yesterday. Always yesterday.
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brestugo posted...
I love how zoomers have created this meme that Ohio is basically Florida on meth.

Yeah, that's nonsense. Everyone around here is on heroin, not meth.
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CassandraCroft posted...
we do not get...Reeses Cups

No wonder you're so angry all the time.
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I skipped through SD. I saw them talk about the segment from Monday, but nothing new actually happened, right? Not even more glitches?
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Umbreon posted...
I'd die.

Especially with just one puny small sprite.

Honestly, this seems like a bigger issue than people think. Or maybe I just drink a lot.
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Lonestar2000 posted...
Only accounts that have visited GameFAQs in the last year can access CE

Is this constantly checked or was it just at the moment of the cutoff?
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I'd try, so long as the ketchup isn't mandatory. I've never done more than 20, but 20 isn't so much that i can't keep going. Probably wouldn't make it, and definitely wouldn't be happy by the end, but why not try?
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The 4 that you added in post 12 isn't right. Which should leave a 37 pair in column 8, simplifying the red line in the lower right box.
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In the center column, you know the two blue cells have to be the same group, but not the same number. So the center box blue cell has to be either a 4 or a 6. So you can eliminate half the options for the entire blue line. But it doesn't lead to anything more that I can see.
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"I won't answer your question on the grounds that any answer exposes my actual agenda. Here's my talking point that poorly obfuscates said agenda again. Please stop. I can do this all day, because I was raised to never self-reflect, but I'd rather spend that time working on the next assault on those other people I hate."
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If anyone was curious, it looks like the counter reset at just over 15 million. So, a little more than one modded post per minute.
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The ID numbers reset when they changed the system a few years ago. You can see the old numbers if you go back far enough on Hellhole.
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Three days, fifty post, and I get Wargames? Excellent.
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The guy is a mob boss. They're probably worried he'll have their families killed. At best, they know he knows all their skeletons and is willing to just lie about those few who don't have any. The only other choice is retirement, and these are people who have been chasing power their entire lives. They don't have it in them to give it up voluntarily.
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If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are.
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Not enough. But I bet it'll spike by the end of the year. After the election, and his response to it.
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It was really good. But the real tests will be tomorrow and Monday.
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My AC has been running at 71 all week. the room it's in hasn't been below 75 until several hours after dark, and the bedroom hasn't been 75 since the heat first spiked.

Sleep has been... difficult.
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Don't be shitty, Cyril.
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I was going to make a topic about how terrible these are, but I figured everyone would just be "yeah, obviously."

Just seems weird to use "The worst people you know love our product" as the selling point.
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Trump can barely speak English, there's no way he knows any German.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I know this is serious.
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UnholyMudcrab posted...
Reminder: it has been 5,539 days since Sean Hannity offered to be waterboarded to prove that it isn't torture

I like to imagine that it went exactly like that scene from Archer and he just had all the tapes burnt so his shame couldn't be made public. You know, rather than it just being the obvious cowardice.
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Shadowblade posted...
I have no weapons to guard myself with.

Seems like you might have some problems exterminating that owl.
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He'd probably want them executed for failing the first time.
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I am really not going to miss this guy.
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Zikten posted...
This should be at odds with federal law though. How can they do this?

Someone has to have the time, the authority, and the will to stop them. And then that someone's boss needs to not say "overruled".
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