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Community » ClayGuida
Part of me is like, yea but the other part is like, rich hedge fund assholes are pushing this.
Eat_More_Beef posted...

What do you mean by this statement?

How are reports of mass shootings, you know data points, "mainstream?
They mean, we shouldn't be able to track mass shootings by state, it should be isolated moments, not a daily occurrence.

But because they happen so often, there's a mass shooting everywhere all at once.

It's like Columbine being a huge thing in 1999, now we have a Columbine every year. The fact it went this far without any prevention being put in place is appalling.
The problem is the courts will now step in preventing this from happening like they did trump.

That's why the president alone can't fix the border and it takes congress, and it's why it's so infuriating that piece of shit Republicans blocked the bill they literally wrote because trump wanted to run on it.

Republicans constantly putting politics over everyone just to preserve power.

Reminds me of Chip Roy, noted piece of shit, standing on the house floor pleading with his party to give him a single thing to campaign on, and was met with silence.
If there's not 9 episodes dedicated to Karaoke what's even the point.
I did a little bit of a vacation there, the zoo is a must, and I toured the carrier on the harbor. Wish I could have spent another few days there to do more.
mustachedmystic posted...
Intentionally misleading topics should be moddable
What's misleading?

I assume you're just a troll.
"Is it true that you met your wife when she was 14 and you were 38?"
4 goals on a single powerplay is kinda nuts.
dummy420 posted...
Last one was MOVING because Trump finally got convicted and it carried into this one. Now we will approach a standard lull and this one has a ways to go.
Eh the posts there slowed down considerably over the weekend.
Yea its silly to make a new topic so early if this is moving slow.
Every allegation is an admission

This is why courts matter, there's far too many racist and bigoted fucks in the system with lifetime appointments.

A panel of the 11th Circuit, reversing a lower-court ruling, says the venture capital firm may not issue the $20,000 grants while the legal case plays out

The same person who sued the government over affirmative action sued here too. He's a troll.
Yea, he's absolutely bonkers and that's somewhat derailed what was a great career.
The One should have been better. The One today would probably be remarkable.
Makeveli_lives posted...

his actual best movie.
Man, I've told this story before, but when episode 3 released, my friend and I went to see it, but my friend who worked at the theater told us the wrong time, so we went to see unleashed instead, it ended up running longer than expected so we left to catch Revenge of the Sith, and through the whole movie, we'd kinda look at each other and wonder how the last 30 minutes of unleashed was, because we were so bored of Star Wars.

After we were both like, God we should skipped this and finished watching Unleashed.
BearlyWilling posted...
how do you mean white bitch in a complimentary way? How out of touch with reality is this guy?
Eh, I think he was just using it improperly. There's plenty of people who call themselves a bad bitch or that bitch, he was just being a moron, trying to catch onto that.

Jade Cargill of aew fame and now wwe called TBS That Bitch Show, after herself. I assume he was trying to make fetch happen like that, but he failed.
No clue what that means. But psych does kind of settle down the shenanigans as they age. Though Gus starts to become a kind of ladies man later in the series and Jules starts to partake in some of the wackiness.

The only vid about sharks you need to watch.
I'm just confused why it's listed as a Tampa published story, posted about Indiana, on a Cleveland website.

The simple solution to all this horse shit is to simply expand the courts. There's absolutely no reason for these court cases to be delayed a decade.
Hearing about them using cgi and shit was a real bummer.
LoZguy709 posted...
The strategy seems to be undermining enthusiasm over voting blue, and if enough people buy into political apathy because there are too many people telling them all politicians are corrupt and therefore no one deserves their support, Republicans just have to make sure their usuals show up. And give them shit all you want for being hypocritical to their Christian values, but they make for very reliable voters.

So basically all I'm saying is let's not get to that level of confidence yet.
That was the strategy for 2016. If America repeats the same bullshit I'll have to update my sig.
For anyone that played, did it need a sequel? I've never played but was mildly interested, is it on pc?
Nikki Haley endorsed a felon.

And just a reminder, trump needs every single republican vote to have a shot at winning. He can't afford to shed any of them
Give me HIMYM all day. It's far superior and has an actual plot for the most part.
WingsOfGood posted...
You assume he is trying to change the market.
Last time he had figured something out and it was no gamble. Dude is not dumb.
He didn't figure anything out. He went all in, then got others to follow and it got hedge funds to vet against them. He thought gamestop was a viable brand, not a meme stock to exploit hedge funds.

Dude bought like a few thousand shares at $15, then it dropped to like $5 or less, then he doubled down, then when others started hopping on board, he got it to shoot up, then more and more.

He didn't single handedly tip the market, but his videos and developing a following on reddit sure as shit helped.
ReiRei89 posted...
Claiming Phillips is a Democrat is like swearing Gabbard was totally a Democrat.
She's literally in the running for trumps vp pick according to Vegas.
I mean didn't he give that weisselberg asshole 500k every 6 months to perjure himself?
WingsOfGood posted...
You think he planned this? I don't.
Dudes been a corrupt asshole his entire life.
Why, are you afraid of displaying your pride?
I'm sure he's still super rich with or without it. Paul Dano will be fine.

But trying to change the market completely is a huge gamble.
totalnerdken posted...
Lmao, he basically foreshadowed reality.
Noname13 posted...
What if I have one already, will I get two now?
Only if you'll lose it, then he'll replace it. Probably with a kidnapped migrant or something.
Netanyahu is reviled. And sooner or later, he'll removed.
People should read what the Spaghetti Incident was.
DuranOfForcena posted...
yes. the only difference between a religion and a cult is federal tax exemption status, and Scientology lost that status in the 60s.
They're tax exempt.
darkace77450 posted...
Ted Cruz.
Graham imo. What Trump said about Cruz's wife was nothing compared to what Trump and his supports have said and done to the McCain family, who was Graham's bff.

"Your wife is ugly"


"Your best friend was a traitor to this country who sang like a canary and sold out this country and doesn't deserve to be praised at all"

Are two very different and appalling things. For someone to sit by and allow their best friend to get raked through the mud after what he endured for this country is about as low as anyone has gotten for Trump.
BrohammedAli posted...
For fundamentalists, Trump being the Antichrist is the appeal.

The Antichrist is necessary for the return of Jesus and to deliver the true believers to eternal salvation.
Being the son of Satan and being the exact opposite of Jesus are two different things.

Trump is the literal anti Jesus because he is literally the exact opposite as Jesus. Everything Jesus allegedly stood for, Trump stands completely against.

I mean he clearly is a batshit lunatic without a real thought in his head, but he's talking about how Police fear losing their wives and homes due to arresting and deporting migrants, so he'll help them with that.

What he means by that, who fucking knows, because this guy probably gave RFK his brain worms, but here he is saying weird and insane shit, and people are like, well what he really means is...

He also talks about collateral damage in his big deportation as being the reason people would be outraged.
UnfairRepresent posted...
39% of US adults view him favorably?

What the fuck is wrong with America?
Fox News has gotten like 60% of all cable news viewership for the last 2 decades.
Xatrion posted...
All religions are cults by definition.
I disagree. I'm anti religion for sure, but you can practice a religion or be faithful, without actually attending a church.

What scientologists practice scientology without participating in their church activities? I've been to several churches. Scientology would never let me in. They actually have armed guards outside their 'churches'.

So there is a drastic difference between being a Christian and being a Scientologist.
Pikachuchupika posted...
Regardless of what's happening to Clark, her popularity and attention is bringing in more eyes and ears to the WNBA has ever received ever since the league was established. It's incredible.
And due to that the league needs to stop ignoring this shit and start calling these fouls. There's been like 6-8 times that Clark has been blasted in the face and the refs shrug and tell them to play on, while in the NBA they review it and assess flagrant 1's and 2's.

If you're going to bully her and foul her non stop, let her make you pay for it from the line.
darkace77450 posted...
* He claimed the system was rigged against him when he didn't win an Emmy in 2011.
* He claimed the system was rigged against him when he didn't win the Iowa Caucus in 2016.
* He claimed the system was rigged against him when he thought he was going to lose the general election in 2016.
* He claimed the system was rigged against him when he didn't win the popular vote in 2016.
* He claimed the system was rigged against him when he lost in 2020.
* He's claiming the system is rigged against him now that he thinks he might lose in 2024.

According to him, and by extension his cult, the man's never lost a fair contest. He's that great, and he's that unfortunate to always find himself on the wrong side of a rigged system.
Kim Jong Un has no butthole levels of idolatry.
Her teammates need to lay them the fuck out.
Statistics also say we would have had multiple women Presidents by now too.
Xenogears15 posted...
The fact that more than 10% of Muslims--let alone more than a third--could support Trump is so fucking baffling to me. But I guess that that kinda lines up with the progressive/conservative Muslim split in the country.
There were Jews who supported the Nazis. Then they were rounded up too. House slaves pretended they were part of the families and helped track down the field slaves, but at the end of the day, both were still owned by the same people and had no freedom whatsoever.

Some people simply can't be reasoned with and will routinely vote against their best interests. Look at all the women in Kansas, Ohio, Florida, Texas, and so on that are outraged by the abortion bans and continue voting for the people who enact these bans they're so infuriated about.
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