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Community » Devil_May_Cry
I had a catholic friend growing up who was smarter than me and really fun to be around. He was pro choice and talked about anal with women and other stuff.

Catholics like protestants, Jews, muslims, etc are not a monolith
I just watched on netflix last week and it was superb.
dedbus posted...
Probably the ones where they put hours of prosthetics/ makeup on every day.
Being an alien would be sick idk what you are on about
So someone told me I gave off acting energy and encouraged me to be an actor I was like damn this was the nicest thing anyone sad to me but then he elaborated at what he saw me in. As like some serial killer movie or something. Thing is he really likes horror movies so i dont think he was trying to be funny.

Personally the only thing worse than staring as some creep would be a nerd/comic relief character. I cant think of anything more degrading but maybe you all can.

I would rather play someone like Norman Bates than Sheldon on Big Bang theory for instance XD
adjl posted...
Won't somebody think of the straight white cismen for a change?
Agreed them and Israel need respect
They are doing the right thing
dreamium posted...
most popular? how long you been here
Ive been getting banned since 2005
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Doesn't really invalidate my point at all.
so you left this comment?
Zareth posted...
I bet you deleted system 32 to make your PC run faster too
or the old alt -f4 trick to make you win the game

computer multiplayer games really bring out toxic elitists lol
adjl posted...

"More moral" by what metrics?

well there is a constant barrage of rockets and hell fire that the iron dome must contend with.

Hamas is literally pure evil, collateral damage sucks but its part of war. Do you weep for German citizens that got killed in the Dresden bombings fighting the Nazis?
Again Hamas is responsible for the wholesale slaughter in Gaza. Their guerrilla warfare tactics and ruthlessness makes this battle gruesome.

Israel is Americas number one ally and I pray everyday before I go to bed and when I wake up that this stays this way.

i also pray that Palestinians find him peace and happiness. To do that Hamas must be eradicated
Yeah it lost sentimental value.
ParanoidObsessive posted...
I don't think we ever showed respect to the actual popular posters, even when the board had tons of real posters, and not just two dozen people and all their alts.

proof I no alt
My ultimatum is give me respect or I will find a new forum possibly

Same old tired slandering of Israel as the clown in this video who went into hiding out of guilt.
I HATE ALL KIDS! They are little monsters.
I feel white supremacy is the greatest threat to global stability with far right governments in Europe and even there is a push in the United States using dogwhistle and dehumanization of others.
As a white man I am ashamed to be white because of how much hate is done in the name of white supremacy
Zareth posted...
IDF received reports that children might actually be bundles of explosives in disguise.
I witnessed white supremacists using Palestinians deaths to bully innocent American Jews into tears

Lets be real. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict does not involve us Americans. We need to stay out of it and fight the greatest threat to humanity in America. White supremacists and their abundance of hate crimes must be stopped if we even want a two state solution in the future. White supremacists find both sides and fan the flames of hate.
Lokarin posted...
Is it illegal for a civilian in Gaza to merely own a gun? (No, actually, no permit is required in Gaza, although you do need a permit in the West Bank)

Does merely touching a gun make you a combatant? (No)

Is it illegal to deliver weapons in humanitarian aid air drops? (Yes, both by the Geneva Convention, the ICRC and pressure from the Red Cross and Red Crescent) EDIT: So if the IDF seized the shipments and found arms they'd have a major political advantage
I am sure Israel will uncover more of Hamass atrocious acts. I pray every day the proof is uncovered to redeem Israel on the global stage.

until then I am asking consideration for the feelings of Israeli visitors to this site who may be experiencing heart break seeing their favorite posters attack their country
agesboy posted...

they're firing on civilians trying to open humanitarian aid air drops
There could be weapons in the crates. IDF is just acting on security intel.

Biden is a great president. Vote for him. He was VP to the first black president. Stop saying he is supporting a genocide. He is supporting the more moral side in a fucking war
I just buy one. That way if I lose no biggie.
adjl posted...
With good reason. Netenyahu is a genocidal maniac.
There you go again Godwin's law. What is happening in Palestine is not a genocide or an attempted genocide.
They are trying to eradicate terrorists. Now I dont think they are going about it in the best manner but that is Netanyahus government not the IDF or Israeli civilians.

have you all met an actual Israeli before? Great people. I like Palestinians too. I guarantee Israelis reading gamefaqs are crying about how hateful you all can be.
agesboy posted...
you've made multiple topics about israel yourself though

you just don't like it when they don't go your way
Every topic devolves into bashing Israel.

i am willing to do good faith intellectual and civil discourse.

in fact I was blocked by half of pod for even daring to defend Israel.
Can the mods ban talking about Israel since discussions become unhinged
Yellow posted...
Alex Jones would be the worst possible timeline.
Oh without a doubt it would be cancer on a stick.

i just would want to see that cringe fest because its akin to watching a dumpster fire.
ItIsSoOver posted...
Good. Weed makes you smell like a butt and kills your motivation. We don't need to glamorize it.
Nah dont be hateful. I dont do it but I dont stereotype

Their goose is cooked. Game looked to be all style no substance anyways
Sufferedphoenix posted...
That's not how intelligence works. Believe James woods was listed on a top 20 currently living iq list once and isn't he a right winger?
IQ doesnt mean shit. I was measured above average intellectually yet I am posting here on a dying game forum.

meanwhile Trump who can barely articulate coherent thoughts is a billionaire.

i dont really believe intelligence can be measured definitively as we all have the ability to learn and improve
Woulda ps2 mem card work?
I dont think he is stupid. Probably average to above average intellectually. He just has that fuck you money so he can afford to piss money away and is impulsive

but no I voted no because he definitely isnt some brooding intellectual bustling with insight
Jake is going to get fucked up. This is going to be like watching a dumpster fire I cant watch.

Iron Mike is going to win for sure. I feel bad for Jake Paul even though he has terrible associations (I think his brother disrespected the dead)
ConfusedTorchic posted...

well, he could have but that's not why he was cancelled

at the 2012 game developers conference, a japanese dev asked him what he thought about modern japanese games, and he said "your games just suck"

which prompted a bunch of backlash, people calling him a racist monster, ect. keiji inafune, though, said it was a "necessary criticism"
i love how its not racist to say Japanese games are better than western games but its cool to critique the diverse western games as woke
Jen0125 posted...
This isn't a movie. This is a real life genocide. Stop trolling. You're saying really disgusting things.
Israel isnt trying to exterminate Palestinians. They just want security.
Jen0125 posted...
I'm asking you direct questions based on your prior posts. So, you can ask if Americans should be hypothetically crucified but I can't ask you if you feel that Palestinians should be killed for trying to get their donated flour??

I'm asking you to morally justify these actions since you wholeheartedly back the IDF. You need to justify this.
no but have you ever watched the movie Die Hard the cop who sides with John mclane shot a kid with a toy gun in the past

seeing a threat can cause trigger fingers. These idf people firing on the swarm of Palestinians erratically demanding food need better training. The Palestinians should have been more orderly and peaceful though
Jen0125 posted...
Should Palestinians be gunned down for trying to get donated flour?
Could you stop it with your gatcha framing of a tragedy to score political points

I feel like I aim shaving my nuts with a machete talking to you people
if your family was in danger of being blown up by rockets and you had the opportunity to kill the ones targeting your family but there are innocent people around them would you take them out still?

If you say no to collateral damage than you dont care as much about your family or country as you thought
We all make mistakes is what I should have said. Should Americans be crucified for what bush did after 9-11?
Jen0125 posted...

How do you explain this?
They were swarming and possibly scaring the military. Look at the clips. It wasnt organized at all there is chaos.

It was wrong to fire on them but I understand passions were high in the moment so have compassion for the IDF please
BoomerKuwanger posted...
His posts are pretty consistent with a right winger doing their caricature version of a liberal that they think people would find annoying imo
I was turning people against the far left so that Trump will win in 2024
BoomerKuwanger posted...
If you aren't Jewish, why do you wear a star of David in that picture? I'm not Jewish myself so I can't speak to how offensive that is, but I gotta feel like that's at a very minimum very weird
To show solidarity. Also Star of David is important to all the Abrahamic religions
BoomerKuwanger posted...
Also, if he really is Jewish, his beloved MAGA will come after him eventually if they get their way. I mean many Trump supporters already take the streets with literal Nazi flags, but I'm sure he thinks it's just an antifa false flag or something
Im not Jewish. But anyone who doesnt toe the ideological far left line is a goose stepping Nazi amirite?

Trump has numerous times condemned white supremacists. He puts his foot in his mouth sometimes but so does Biden.

Nazis are the ultimate evil and must be taken serious. Trump has Jewish grandchildren and even though he stereotypes Jews and is bigoted. It is disingenuous to claim he wants to eradicate Jews.
BoomerKuwanger posted...
Did Hamas really do that or is that another IDF propaganda lie? Not to defend Hamas but Israel has lied about countless things in this conflict and said "but Hamas tho". As if blowing up people's homes is no big deal because they were given a half-assed performative warning about escaping, creating a massive refugee crisis at best. Ah, but the citizens want peace! I guess anything goes because they want peace, surely there's no way that mass bombings and civilian casualties won't escalate any future conflicts. Apparently only Israel gets to dictate what peace entails though, and Palestinians should just shut up and be happy that their children got blown up cause they're being "freed" from Hamas

BTW international courts have recognized this as genocide and war crimes. You are absolute scum to continue to defend this. Go fuck yourself loser
Hamas hides under and around civilian infrastructure. If you hate America and Israel so much Why not go to another country to espouse your unbridled disdain for the people of Israel and the USA.

For that last bit, I want you to know I reported you to our moderators who will most likely choose inaction because they do a terrible job.

BoomerKuwanger posted...
Maybe that's harsh but dude literally just posts nothing but Zionist shilling and don't care if I get modded lol
You wont get modded for bullying because the mods themselves are bullies
Jen0125 posted...
So you think Palestinians deserve death because they have a government that hasn't allowed free elections since like 2006? Make that make sense please.
The vast majority of Israelis want peace and prosperity for Palestinians and everyone but go ahead and hate a whole country and jump intellectual loops around me trying to libel Israel.

Israel drops notes warning innocent civilians but Hamas will throw notes away and hold civilians hostage while lobbing bombs / rockets
Jen0125 posted...
Free Palestine

If all my education on the Holocaust taught me anything it's Free Palestine. Being a victim doesn't give you the right to perpetrate the same crimes against others.
Palestine elected terrorist Hamas. Palestine oppresses women and kills lgbt you should be banned for this if our mods had any modicum of decency
adjl posted...
Personally, I don't have any issues showing the colour of "genocide is bad." I'd even go so far as to suggest that anyone who does have issues with that particular colour should immediately re-evaluate their views on the world and consider permanently isolating themselves from society in every possible regard if they choose not to change their mind.
So supporting our greatest ally in their time of need means we have to basically gulag ourselves to a mental Siberia?
Jen0125 posted...
I don't support Israel

Fuck Israel tbh
Well then vote on some other issue. Just be aware your true colors are showing with statements like this so keep quiet imo
Jen0125 posted...
why do they make me vote for joe biden
Because he is atleast doing somewhat good in Israel. Support Israel and vote for Trump or Biden
Zareth posted...
There's some lady on twitter with tens of thousands of followers who insists that COVID was made in a lab as a tool for pharmaceutical companies to inject us with vaccines that will kill us.
Wouldnt that kill their customer base and decrease profits?
Geaux1210 posted...
quick question; why do yall assume MAGA is so horrible? What did he ever do to hurt gaming?

As for Stewart I think his heart is in the right place. Help for 9/11 first responders shouldnt be a partisan issue.
I do not consider MAGA horrible. My whole purpose here is to subvert rational beliefs and reinstate glorious god king emperor Trump as leader
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