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Community » DrYuya
I like stripper polls. Like when painters who strip off paint ask about the best methods to do so ect in a stripper poll
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Yes, it isn't a great series. Most of its games are bad and this "best one" is only decent or mildly fun.

I mean... That's all the points to take away. You touched on them... I just did the same. So we're done here I guess?

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
So in the original video posted in this thread... Just to warn everyone there's a minute of talking at first... A plug for the creators patron... Then he talks through the whole video.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Okay yes... Thinking long term he has won (in the sense of getting what he ultimately wanted) a lot... via losing.

My thread was talking in more simple terms. But going to that level... Yes he's the most successful loser there is.

I did totally forget about Loki. Around that time Loki was probably getting jobbed out worse than anyone
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
slacker03150 posted...
What would you consider his record against Dormammu as?

Its most of the reason I made this thread lol...was it like 12336534 to 1? I can't remember movie too well.

But being VERY generous to Strange lets call that 1 to 1

Still there's Kaecilius which I don't think Strange ever beat (had Dormammu send him off)?
Ebony Maw (who Strange shouldn't have lost to but did)
Thanos was out of his league and I think won every fight against him
Freaking Spiderman...
Wanda Maximoff...see Thanos

Just...he doesn't win.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
I think the beast at beginning of MoM is only one coming to mind.

Against other named superheroes or villains is win loss record is terrible
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
My son actually tried Re4 remake and said "it's boring I can't get into it"

So I'm having an abortion even though he's 13 and I'm a male
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Side note I never understood phrase "my respect is something to be earned"

Why would I want to go through so much work and bother for that? What tangible rewards that I can use does another person's respect give me?

Now like if it's say Magnus Carlesson (sp?) saying he respects my chess skill or something I can say maybe that's a moment of slight (fleeting) joy to be had...

But it's regular Joe's saying whether they do or don't respect me with thier average Joe standards after some too difficult to learn set of criteria has been established... Why would anyone bother?
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Diddy can easily get away with many things. He keeps escaping punishment then coming back again and about time to...

But this time I think he was just in the mood..

And he flew real high with his jetpack on
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
I actually find anything even from ps2/gamecube era to be difficult to stomach. Not that games at that time and before weren't classics... Obviously they were or the game industry would never have grown like it did to begin with.

It's just that games aren't movies or books... A classic story in those other mediums is pretty much all that's needed to stand the test of time. Well... That's mostly true except I guess when they added color and audio to movies that was a technical improvement that changed things... Anyway forgetting that kind of stuff those mediums are more or less time proof.

Games though are a different beast. In the games medium... Technical improvements are a much bigger deal. Things like auto save... Complex combat or navigation mechanics... 3d environments ect ect
These things all matter for a games overall quality. We only didn't care before in most cases because we didn't know they could exist... Until they existed.

That said... Pretty much skyward sword or earlier I'd have trouble playing and enjoying.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Not arguing that the person who "creates" it is an artist. I mean...I don't think they all

But that looks better than "real" art and so when I have to choose to look at something ai vs'll be the thing that looks better. That is fair, right?
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Andy plays with toys in Toy Story 3

And not a movie but "death" of Going Merry in One Piece
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
There's no such thing as a show that makes you a bad person for liking/watching.

This is all just media folks... It doesn't have that much sway over who you are as a person... Or at least it shouldnt
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
You didn't number the options. I know what the assumed numbering should probably be but it's less guessing if you number them
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
I'm watching my son with a mask so we are sinilar
It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of ass but still have plenty of bubblegum to chew at my leisure.
Community » DrYuya