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Happy Birthday man!!!!
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
You need to start collecting stamps man.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
archizzy posted...
I know what it is. Like I said I want it loaded up, not just chili and cheese which I occasionally do.

So you want NACHOS. You need to be concerned with just his chili cheese curly fries. Nobody was talkin nachos here and we won't until you make a topic about it. Let's go
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
archizzy posted...
I'd want it loaded up with some more variety. Nothing wrong with plain chili cheese fries but I want some salsa/pico de gallo on there, some black olives, some green onions (scallions), and some jalapenos. I want it loaded up. This is of course taking into account it is home made chili and that in and of itself will carry a few extra ingredients in my case. Hopefully you didn't use some garbage canned chili.

Side note I literally had home made chili tonight here at work for my evening meal.

Dude........ that's NACHOS. HE made Chili Cheese Curly Fries.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Alright this is escalating so if it's gonna go down im breaking his tv, fridgem and microwave. Possibly even pluggin in that fuckin coffee cock sucker too.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Maybe. Since im in your house eatin those I might as well walk out with a few things for myself though. It's only fair.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Ohio is closer to Canada than where I am so they had it good.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
SiO4 posted...
Imagine going to your mail box and realizing your number has been were going off to War.

In a Country you didn't know of, for a reason that was unclear.
To Kill or be Killed for an enemy you did not know?

That all really happened not too long ago.

That's why Canada is there. We go hang out with them for a while and eat poutine and get hammered on Canadian Whiskey.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
So what's the gimmick? Lay it on me.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Pororin posted...
You know the feeling of going to the store for da first time. It's dat tingly sensation behind your back feeling save and secure from the guy upstairs pororin!

Yeah I get that tingly sensation in my left arm. I hear ya.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Oh im not moving im sitting on my couch. Glad that got cleared up. I wasn't losing my marbles here.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Well she used to be a dude I think and fished out dried up poop out the asshole area of her region once. She made a topic about it and I remember it because it shook me to my foundation that day.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
That's a good song they should play that at every protest everywhere anytime. Makes me wanna smash a few mail boxes myself.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Sayora? Aren't you the dude that would dig out dry poop from your ass?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Explain please.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Just scroll up once and it wont move unless you want it to. YOURE the boss there. Don't let anyone tell you when you're getting new messages!!!!
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
She should have gouged his fuckin eyes out. Nobody ever runnin off with me without my consent or my fingers in their eye sockets.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
The Discord misses you sir.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Guy at work is in a kick ball league. Didn't even know that was a thing here but they just get drunk at the park and play kickball.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Cassie posted...
God I cant wait until this fad is over.

It just started why don't you just SIT DOWN WHILE OTHERS WORK THEIR ANGLES EH?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Scorse you should join our Discord.

Many apologies to our skid.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
This sounds like hornyposting. KNOCK IT OFF!
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
KainWind posted...
Seems like I'm in the minority that thinks the blank card takes the fun out of it.

It's all I use. I seem to lose more when we have em but I make myself laugh so i'm a winner in my own world.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
What Harbors against insanity?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
MarbyIsBack posted...
Johnnu didn't include me and now I am the sad.

I was thinkin you had a different name here. Fuck im drinkin get off my back
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
I just wanna make it clear I never approved of this.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
If you put me in the same room with


GODAMNIT there's some more but I can't figure out their gamefucks names

Anyway it'd be a mess

This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
d.) I undercook shit and get salmonella and shit out my breakfast before I eat it. HELP WENDY'S
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Harpie posted...
ce youre gonne be sick of me, I aint got SHIT to do for the next week and half. On a week break from school, newly broken up and needing constant validation???

my amp gonna be in the 1000s when Im done with this place

Awwww.. Shut up and let's play Mario Party.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
YugiNoob posted...

Go to bed @Johnny_Nutcase

Suck the piss outta my pants.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
gixxerlove posted...
Hey I used to pretty much just lurk the Drinking Topics can I get an invite?

Did I used to fight with you? Your name looks familiar.

We could take a stab at it. I'll send invite.

This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
YugiNoob posted...
Let it be known that Johnny is the nerd of the group and everyone has to pick on him. Thems the rules

Yes. Proceed.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Bullet_Wing posted...
I'll take an invite, I've been more active on discord recently

PM sent sir!
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Smackems posted...
Nah we like people

That's our slogan
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Ivynn posted...
Seems like you're already a pretty tight friend group and anyone new would just be intruding. :(

Not at all man we welcome new people all the time. Some people are new to me even if they've been there for over a year cuz I can't remember shit.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
AWWW For the love of FUCK there's ribs everywhere!

This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Yeah ya fuck ass. Shut the fuck up.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
How bout you fuck a moose pal?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
That DICKHEAD Mabus is just ok.
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Smackems posted...
Blue plate >

This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Harpie posted...
Cause youre old, probably dont exercise and probably dont eat a well balanced diet
like me in 6 months when I turn 25

*catches breath*

Oh.... yeah?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
How the hell did she know I have high blood pressure?
This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha
Why don't you shut your shit hole and focus on what really matters. Like.... whic mayon... man i'm PISSED NOW

This post took 10 years off my life - Ankha