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Community » Naye745
aussie survivor scares me but i'm probably gonna have to get in on the us vs australia season somehow when that happens
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BlueCrystalTear posted...
She blew up her own game the round Mo went home because she wanted to keep more women in the game... and couldn't specify a reason. We also know her "Woman Life Freedom" catchphrase. The signs are all pretty obvious there.

Kendra voted for the only guy she'd have voted for tbh. She's also not the most sane person in the world and I really wish we'd have seen more of her being quirky.

Also I agree that the immediate "After Show" needs to go. The losing finalists don't want to be there. Many of them have spoken out about this. Give them a day to digest what happened. But we all know the reason why it's this way is so Jeff can, well, Jeff.

Russell and Cassidy screwed themselves, each by being a narcissist. Both of them deserved to lose accordingly.
Parvati was screwed because she didn't disassociate from Russell enough.

Aubry is the only one there who was legitimately screwed by two big bitter babies who couldn't admit that they got outplayed by the nerdy girl. Yes, Aubry mismanaged Julia with the way she handled the strikethrough, so Julia isn't guilty at all. But the Tweedles both should have given Aubry a chance and did not. One of the only times there were legitimately bitter jurors. Lex in All-Stars and Kenny in Gabon are two others who come to mind.

This is not one of those examples, but there are quite a few oddities.
fwiw i think russell deserved to lose every time and forever, i'm just throwing out some of the names that get mentioned
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maryanne is a great example of what can happen when a "quiet" player has the space to explain her game. she killed it and mike fumbled hard but, like, i can't help but see the parallels to what charlie never got to do here. we saw Q in confessional say how he viewed charlie as naive and too timid to take action - yet after he took out q and maria back to back, q still voted kenzie in the end and didn't give charlie credit for his level of control. perceptions bit charlie in the butt despite his hard work and straight up, that's lame as hell
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Mewtwo59 posted...
And that just shows how stupid firemaking is. Charlie shouldn't have to go to fire to take out his biggest threat(though a vote might end up going the same way anyway). Charlie lost when Ben won immunity, because he needed Ben on the jury to do what Maria was too bitter to do.
ding ding. among the obvious reasons why f4 firemaking sucks ass, this season reminded us:
-final 5 is a cakewalk vote for the "biggest threat" every time, because there are no real repercussions to the 4 remaining players about the way votes can play out.
-players are arbitrarily scored on their participation in this stupid event, whether it's scoring points inexplicably for winning (especially against someone who was horrible and known to be bad at it anyway) or not for avoiding the challenge entirely (despite this often proving their social capital to be picked as a f3 player anyway)
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this logic would make more sense to me if any of these people had pissed each other off in a way that russell and parvati did to the others! liz going out at 4 in fire did not make charlie lose in a way that he had any control over. if he wanted to win the game he should have won every immunity and also found seven hidden immunity idols too! nothing done by other players is ever unjustifiable!
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i doubt it's that brutal - charlie was struggling to hold his nerves before he even knew the result and he was obviously devastated at the outcome. but like, man. it's tough stanning maria after this. she really was pissed in a way that's impossible to defend
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as always i'm led by stephen fishbach's comment about survivor juries: they vote for who they like the most in the end, and use whatever logic they want to justify it. these people ultimately, for some reason, wanted kenzie to win more. but charlie did everything right. he moved, every step of the way, with the flow of traffic - dictated when he could, got maria and q out at the last moment, and was brought to the end without winning immunity because his relationships got him there. he was never on the wrong side of a single vote and was everywhere on the season. ultimately tiffany and q had the most influence in the jury, they wanted kenzie to win, and it happened. but i'll be bitter as hell about it until 47 airs. charlie got absolutely screwed, worse than cassidy, aubry, russell, parvati, any oft-mentioned "screwed" finalist we've ever had.
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kind of insane that maria didn't go to bat for charlie at all - i think it screwed him, both in the obvious (its 4-4 with her vote) and not (tiffany dictated the pace and structure of the final tc questioning - to kenzie's enormous benefit)
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i have a different opinion. i need to write up a dissertation to disagree? no thanks. ben's story of overcoming personal struggles on and off the show made him deeply relatable. maria's determination was compelling and felt real in a way that someone like venus whining about nobody working with her didn't. charlie balanced being a goofball and a "gamebot" with genuine heart and compassion to everyone he was with the entire season long, even in the moments after his heart was ripped out after losing he was still the better person.

this is the kind of shit i like on survivor! i want people who can play hard and have a good spirit! i don't want everyone to yell and be messy, and i find a lot of those types exhausting as hell - especially when they don't shut the fuck about themselves on twitter.
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and siga was the best part of the season for me.

but like i said, your taste is ass, always and forever
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Mewtwo59 posted...
Yeah, after listening to them explaining it, I'm on Naye's side here. They just gave it to the person with the best sob story. What a disappointment.
its funny that 8 years after the fact i'm actually coming back around to being pissed at the jury for giving michele the win in kaoh rong. (and look i love michele, she's great)

but like, genuinely, outside of me being annoyed at the outcome here - are we sincerely never allowed to be critical of the jury members? are we not allowed to say that they are bitter or biased or just looking at the game in a very narrow way in any way whatsoever? if there is no point to any of these games beyond "make the right friends" and that's it, doesn't that feel tedious and reductive?
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venus sucks, tevin was great, and charlie and ben and maria carried the season for me
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Blaziken posted...
Immediate post-finale reactions:
god your taste blows so so much
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Dels posted...
yeah idk how I feel about this.

i don't wanna be a hypocrite 'cause like, sophie tried it too and i thought she was a badass, so if i have to choose, i'd rather with sophie lmao, but yeah i dunno it does seem really unfair. being able to win a challenge should be a thing you can do even if you're on the outs.

actually i thought each person's plank would have a different number of holes to prevent this and that that's why liz's number wasn't going to work, but i guess that wasn't it.
i think they actually were different numbers of holes - liz collects kenzie's green plank (matching the green puzzle) which seems completely unacceptable in any situation of fairness
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tbqh i think the hype of this season has been overblown before this week anyway and the finale was not even good at all.

ben was good at least - that's about all i've got.
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lost in the hot mess of the ending is my reminder that liz being allowed to go onto kenzie's course and retrieve her piece for her is complete bullshit. albert couldn't pick up sophie's fucking stack, why is this any different?
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i had to leave before the reunion show. but holy shit aysha from rhap is on 47

(46 people you all still suck)
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your taste sucks
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this was worse than HHH.
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This was the worst finale in the entire 24 year history of the show. I'm in awe at how horrific and indefensible that was. Fuck all of these people and I pray I never see any of them on screen again.
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fwiw venus's posts on twitter today are exactly why i don't like venus

liz being a secret sonja stan makes me love liz though. really sad news to hear about sonja passing.
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angelina was naturally funny in a way that venus isn't tbqh. i find a lot of eliza in venus, and hey, i liked eliza. the way venus comes across in the show just irks me - but it's also her going to twitter looking for sympathy points while being very pointed and critical in the show. like, i'm all for you getting revenge on the people who didn't want to work with you! i just don't feel sympathetic like you've been unrighteously aggrieved - they screwed up and you're getting your moves off now. neither of y'all are better than each other and only one is trying to act like you are, and it's not tevin and hunter.
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hunter was the right vote though, good work everyone

i liked hunter but like, dude was too many steps behind the speed of the game
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today i solidified not liking venus - she's really smug and cocky now that she's even in a little bit of power (despite totally being on the outs of the core of what's going on) when she was crying over not being in an alliance on day 1 of nami beach; she's a good character, obviously clear why she was cast, but personally she gets on my nerves and i'm looking forward to her (hopefully) comeuppance

sorry stan twitter, get better taste i guess
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i think this season still has plenty of potential but 4 episodes in feels like mostly a wash. bhanu being dead man walking for 180 hours was far too much.
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i am surprised at how much i've loved ben so far this season. bhanu was fun but i probably would have been fine with him leaving, still i guess more drama is alright.
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Community » Naye745