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Community » Shah138
mistymermaid posted...
Our methods are simply different. He wants to ignore the options he won't use.
I wish to hide the options I won't use.
I think hiding options is fair. Certain games only let you select some game options at the start, and in order to enable them again you have to start over. When I'm already mid-game I feel like I shouldn't have to artificially nerf myself because the developers made something too easy.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Wow, votes split 50/50

Spectre of Dark Aether
R_Jackal posted...
One of the reasons I will always hate Bethesda. MTX and broken ass bare bones games they expect their community to fix. Shit company.
While mods are very popular for their games, they are also very popular even before mods were introduced. It took a long time for them to be on console.

AceMos posted...
but there is this fact with nintendo you at least get a complete product when you purchase it
This isn't entirely true. With Breath of the Wild they released a Season Pass. Even if you bought that, you did not get all of the content in the game. Certain armors required you to buy separate Amiibos to obtain. Similarly with I think Samus Returns you needed an Amiibo to unlock Fusion Mode.
Spectre of Dark Aether
SAlYAN posted...
Yes, they have.

It just didn't work. That's the difference. The sequels were too bad to salvage.
I'm thinking of something on the level of the Clone Wars show. Does the Sequel Trilogy have that?
Spectre of Dark Aether
The Sequel Trilogy. My perception of the Prequel Trilogy has improved as they add more supplemental material. They haven't done anything substantive like that for the Sequels yet.
Spectre of Dark Aether
ThunderTrain posted...
My problem with fall damage is that I feel like it limits the ability to explore in open world games. Wanna see if you can go over there? Well you cant and now you died and now you have to respawn and walk over to where you died to collect things you dropped. It also doesnt help if janky controls cause you to fall.

Fall Damage and weapon durability both dont respect players time IMO
I don't think that should really count since janky controls are a result of incompetence, and not an issue with fall damage itself. Similarly, I wouldn't use Dark Souls 2 durability as an example on why item durability is bad because there was a bug that resulted in higher framerates lowering durability faster.

Otherwise, I think there should be limitations to exploration. The developers made a set of obstacles to prevent you in getting from A to B and fall damage can help you keep within those boundaries.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Now that you mention them, I don't remember these in Rebirth at all.
Spectre of Dark Aether
JMPzero posted...
I'll just stick with my eagle airstrikes and precision strike for outposts until I get the grenade pistol to do it.
I just got eagle airstrike, its so much better than the previous eagle stratagem lol
Spectre of Dark Aether
JMPzero posted...
People are now intentionally drawing aggro as far away as possible while one diver loops around and does the objective with little to no opposition since the other divers are causing so much commotion.
Not sure if the devs intended this, but that seems like a smart move on the players part.
Spectre of Dark Aether
JMPzero posted...
Correct, don't do defense planets (planets with timers) if you're trying to unlock difficulties. Run through liberate planets (no timer, just liberate percentage) if you want to unlock difficulties or wait for the weekend and I'll be able to run you through everything.
Gotcha, thanks!
Spectre of Dark Aether
I think thats the first operation that I've outright failed. I'm assuming all 3 need to be successes to get the next difficulty?
Spectre of Dark Aether
I have so few common samples, not sure if I'm doing something wrong or the rate is just that low. My next difficulty is hard. Just did a mission where we were supposed to defend until 8 rockets were launched, but we failed :(
Spectre of Dark Aether
I'm conflicted. The game on it's own has enough content to justify a full release. When taking Breath of the Wild into account however, so much of the game is just a repeat. Did we really need Korok Seeds to be a thing again, or over a hundred shrines where so many of them have nothing of substance?
Spectre of Dark Aether
Guide posted...
Really? It looked so fast and acrobatic in the trailers. I was fully expecting a Warframe clone.
I dont think its that fast from what I remember of Warframe. From the start, Stellar Blade is a bit slow, but as you get more skills it becomes more dynamic. When you beat the demo it unlocks a boss fight where you have a lot more skills unlocked.
Spectre of Dark Aether
The ending of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad were meh, and El Camino was a waste of time.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Looks fun.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Blood Omen 2 was my first and only Legacy of Kain game. Id love to play the rest some day.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Im remember playing a modded version of 7 the last time I did a playthrough. For some reason the Highwind controls wouldnt work at certain points so I had to turn it off temporarily.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Are you able to do Master Levels for all of the game now? I recall on release there was only a couple.
Spectre of Dark Aether
Ooh neat, I have Spiderman Blue on my read list
Spectre of Dark Aether
I didnt even know season two was out
Spectre of Dark Aether
Community » Shah138