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Yo Chuck, bust a move man
I was on my way up here to Red Lobster. You know what I'm saying?
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It's not something I watch, but I am sort of glad they're doing something different than just a straight remake.
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Civil war general lookin ass.

In a weird way, I miss the days when you could just laugh at Jones because he was a relatively harmless goof. Same for most other conspiracy nuts.
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SaikyoStyle posted...
Should have just used a picture of Rich Evans

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-The Shawshank Redemption was good, but nowhere near GOAT level like many make it out to be. Haven't seen it in a while though, to be fair.

-Star Trek The Motion Picture is great. It's slow in parts, but it's closest in tone to the show. Speaking of Trek, the idea of "all the odd numbered movies are bad" is wrong. Out of the original movies, only 5 is not so good.

-Some of my favorite James Bond movies are the hated ones.

GregsMedley posted...
Casino > Goodfellas

This too.

GregsMedley posted...
Rob Zombie Halloweens are fun and get too much hate

I think House Of 1000 Corpses gets too much hate.
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The control of and punishment of women is just so important to conservatives. It's wild how sick these people are.
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Fascist wants other fascist in power so they both can do fascist things. Cops would love to be the new brown shirts, or blue shirts, of Trump.
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There was always a schism between WWE fans and other wrestling fans, especially indy wrestling fans, which AEW caters to. It's sort of a cycle. Some AEW fans would act stuck up and troll or crap on WWE fans when AEW was doing good. Now that AEW isn't as hot as it was and WWE got better (from what I hear), some WWE fans are stuck up and troll and crap on AEW.

Lots of wrestling fans aren't great. AEW ain't my thing so I just don't watch it. Neither is WWE. Back in the day, I watched and loved both WCW and WWF at the same time. I never got the extreme tribalism.
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Dungeater posted...
ok i hate these threads. it feels like im the only person in them who's genuine

and @Southernfatman

Some others might be. Some are certainly not.
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Beany posted...
Does your cousin still have it?

Nah, I asked. My aunt most likely sold it.
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Doom_Art posted...
I mean in fairness the New York Democratic Party is notoriously filthy

This kind of stuff goes further than just the NY party.
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"It gives her character and teaches her the value of hard work and the dollar" - conservatives.
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And some people deny Democrats don't like progressives. Also pretty sad foreign interests control both parties.
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pazzy posted...
The problem is that the explanation we get for Luke is the issue. If he was defeated, you have to give a good reason. Tlj wasn't it. It tries so hard to subvert expectations that it abandons logic to get there.

The movie doesn't want to showcase reasons for things, it just says they happen and wants you to roll with it.

And that too.

mehmeh1 posted...
tbh the actual big mistake with him (and Leia for that matter) was just destroying the new republic and putting things back to reheated Rebels vs Empire. That was basically saying "yeah nothing in the OT mattered"

And that. If done right you could probably flip it to where there's a small, but dedicated neo-Imperial group that does terrorist attacks against the New Republic. Or do something different than Empire vs Rebels again.
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Because the TV told me to.
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Humble_Novice posted...
What has the LAPD done to fix this problem?

Probably harass and/or murder some unrelated people.
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darkace77450 posted...
It's not the expectations or the disappointment that I take umbrage with, it's the singular focus on something that's ultimately subjective. You can argue that his regression is bad for the character while others might argue it's fine.

But everyone should agree that the Holdo Maneuver is dumb or that the Canto Bight scene was both unnecessary and hamfisted or that the space chase scene was plodding and contrived or Rose's murder-suicide attempt to kill herself and Finn was irrational. That's the crap that made TLJ a terrible movie, not your expectations for Luke's character being unmet.

I mean, taking the hero and main character of the original trilogy and turning him into a bitter failure is a pretty big deal to a lot of people. You could also say the opinions on all you listed are also subjective too. Some people actually liked those things. I agree they're pretty big problems though, but they're big problems on top of other big problems.
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Season 5 isn't as good as the previous ones and might stray a little bit in the realism of the series at times, but it's still worth watching. The worst of The Wire is still way better than the best of a lot of TV shows.
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darkace77450 posted...
My beef is with people who are indignant because his characterization in TLJ didn't align with the head canon they'd spent decades cultivating for themselves.

I never got this particular criticism. It's like nobody can ever have an expectation for a character and can't be dissapointed when that doesn't happen. Why is it wrong to have that especially when the previous entries of a series pretty much showed he was going in that direction? The people who take it too seriously and constantly complain about it are one thing, but can't a fan of a series be dissapointed about something in a sequel? We have to accept everything that's given to us?

Luke going from the noble Jedi he was supposed to be at the end of ROTJ to the bitter hermit he was portrayed as in TLJ is no more jarring than him going from whiny bitch in ESB to noble Jedi in ROTJ, or from Yoda going from noble Jedi in the PT to crazed hermit in ESB.

I think it can be jarring. And Luke going from a whiny brat to a Jedi is his arc. It shows growth. Him going back to being a whiny brat is just regression. Also, Yoda was only pretending to be crazy at first to test Luke. That's something TLJ sort of forgot about.

Of all TLJ's flaws - and there are so, so many - Luke's characterization shouldn't be one of them to anyone casually interested in the IP.

Why not? Can't people have different opinions? I don't think it's just fanboys who complain about Luke either.
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Hey, I've literally rolled on the floor laughing several times. That was a lie. I am a liar.
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darkace77450 posted...
Because he's never been portrayed as a noble Jedi before. He was a green kid in ANH. He was a whiner in ESB. He could have passed as a noble Jedi in the ROTJ's first act. And he wasn't in TFA. There's not much in these four movies to hang your Noble Jedi hat on.

It seems like the direction of the original trilogy was that Luke was going on to be a Jedi Knight. He was training to become one throughout the trilogy and becomes one at the end of ROTJ after defeating Vader.

It's fine that some people don't want that and want him to be different, but many people wanted to see Luke be a cool Jedi Master. I don't see why some people make that out to be a dumb and immature view or expectation to have. Having a typical hero isn't always bad.
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It's a very well done show about how institutions are corrupt and have failed so many people who end up stuck in a life of poverty and/or crime. The show is both about Baltimore and America as a whole. Each season has a main topic in a sense like the police force, unions and blue collar workers, the press, the school system, and politics.

It's sort of tough to get into because the show does not hold your hand when it comes to the plot and all the characters. It took a couple of times for me to get into it, but when you do, you'll be hooked. Be prepared, it can be a very heavy show.
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It's just them being lazy. The characters have their fall so they can rise up again. It's easier than coming up with something interesting for a "legacy" character who already won the day. That plus getting the old actors back for that nostalgia.
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I feel there's a middle ground between TLJ Luke and EU Goku-like Luke. Not everyone who didn't like TLJ wants EU Luke. That's become a straw man. They went so ridiculous in the EU where he could pull Star Destroyers down out of orbit and stuff.

Luke can still be a cool Jedi master and still have issues and problems to overcome.
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I just think they're neat.
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Cheap Sunglasses or Waitin' For The Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago
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Hard to forget.
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When I sin I sin real good.
Read the topic title in David Bowie's voice from Twin Peaks.

"I'm not gonna talk about Horny. If fact, we're not going to talk about horny at all. We're going to leave horny out of it."
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A good bit. Both had/have typical boomer tastes. My dad liked classic rock, but also southern rock and country music. Mostly outlaw country like Hank Williams Jr., Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, etc.). 80s metal too. My dad had a special remastered CD of Dark Side Of The Moon which he forbade me to ever touch.

My mom was a bit on the lighter side when it came to rock. Basically a lot of 70s and 80s stuff that leaned on the more pop side. Lots of pop music too even up to the 90s. The stuff you'd hear on Adult Contemporary stations.

Both liked disco so I got into that through them. Both also liked Led Zeppelin. Stairway To Heaven was their song. Weird choice, but not a bad one I guess.

Choco posted...

these posts are so weird to me

How is it weird? Did you hate everything your parents listened to or something?
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Fix your hearts or die.
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Godnorgosh posted...
Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds.

I kinda like this one, Bob. Leave it.
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Why was it not protected in glass? Besides, what good do these goons think ruining or attempting to ruin paintings will do against climate change? Not even the notoriety and attention benefits fighting climate change. It just pisses people off.
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On top of not respecting them, I have full blown contempt and hatred towards them.
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"Nice PJs Simpson. Did your mommy buy them for ya?"
"Of course she did. Who else would have?"
"...Alright Simpson. You win this round."
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I hate that I can't tell if this is real or satire.
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Super Mario All Stars. Always liked playing it over the originals. I rarely ever play my SNES anymore or any of my other old games really.

Hexenherz posted...
I naively and stupidly gave 98% of my SNES games to my uncle's girlfriend, and no one stopped me and I thought that was really annoying that I don't have them any more. I had some great ones, and some of the dumb ones (like that unicycle racing game).

I got guilt tripped into giving my original SNES and games away when I was a kid. My mom said I had my N64 while my cousin had nothing. Same for my Game Gear. On one hand I'm glad to have helped my cousin out, but on the other I parted with some great games. Plus the nostalgia of playing it with my dad who died when I was 12.
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bigbadharry posted...
I'm not gay! I have relationships with women and sex with men!

I got news for you. That means you're...bisexual.
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bfslick50 posted...
There were people asking how the husky got into a crib. It jumped, husky is a big dog. Big dogs other than pit bulls often get a reputation of gentle giants and the owners dont perceive the threat.

I think people would be asking the same questions if it were a pit. Although it's certainly possible it just jumped in there. While other big dogs might not get as much scrutiny as pits, I think most people realize they are also a possible danger. Still to be fair, pits do deserve at least some of extra attention they get because they are so powerful.
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C_Pain posted...
If this was a pit...

creativerealms posted...
No one here would be doubting this story of the dog was a pitt bull. They would instead be calling for pitts to be banned.

Just saying.

Is anyone even doubting that the dog mauled the baby? This seems odd to say. Nobody should have big aggressive dogs around small children, pits or not.
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It's such an awful mindset where people feel the need to kick out their own children when they turn 18. It's especially horrible in this day in age.
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GregsMedley posted...
Same but I dig your humor, FWIW.

Well thank you. Felt like I was getting crickets all the time. And I enjoy your posts as well.
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My friends think I'm funny and I seem to crack them up quite a bit. My jokes and wisecracks on the internet don't seem to land though.
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ablegator posted...
I agree with that, but not the score. Agree on the detente scene, also the ill buy you an ice cream

Fair enough, and that's a good one too.
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People need to quit hatin on AC/DC. :(

They're not deep, but they don't have to be. It's just fun balls out rock.
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I didn't think about the pride stuff. I always say LGBT+ people, along with many other groups that are seen as the enemy by conservatives, need to arm up and learn how to defend themselves. Others have too. We can't depend on anybody else to save us.

dameon_reaper posted...
People here complain about Mississippi and Alabama and Arkansas but personally they're all the damn same to me. Terrible places to live but they're cheap and I wouldn't be able to afford a move. Terrible people overall. Southern kindness is shallow at best. People make it sound like we're the nicest people in the world but wait until you're out of view and they're going to talk shit.

Yeah, most of the south is very similar, especially when it comes to being horrible. Some states are slightly better than others, but overall they all suck.

Most people down here are full of shit on top of being bigoted and ignorant, but I will say there are still good folks down here who show legitimate southern hospitality and you can't top that kind of kindness. Too bad it's rare.
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A lot people justify every evil action done by Israel because of the hostages. I wonder how they feel about this.
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ablegator posted...
Its fine. The score is grating. You could argue Moores best. Im taking at least half Connerys, both Daltons a Brosnan or two and a few of the Craigs over it. oHMSS too.

Yeah, I wouldn't put it in the top 10, but it's gets hated on more than it should. It's definitely one of Moore's best and it was good that it's more grounded after the spectacle of Moonraker. The "Dtente" scene might be one of my favorite scenes in a James Bond movie.

I like the funky score, but the title song doesn't do much for me.
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Underrated movie
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dameon_reaper posted...
I know another person here who lives in Louisiana. was that you or someone else? I remembered there was south in their username. I think they lived near or in New Orleans.

Nah, I'm next door in Mississippi.
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I live in the south, obviously, but thankfully I'm in the closet when it comes to my leftism plus my sexuality and gender identity. Only my friends know my politics. I can defend myself regardless if the dumb fucks try something.
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