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Kingdom Hearts.

This one would hurt if I took the cash, since I actually like Sora as a protagonist and a character, and would consider Trump to be a gargantuan downgrade from him. But on the other hand, it's free money and I could amuse myself by repeatedly allowing the Heartless to kill him over and over and over...

I might have to give this one some more thought before I weigh in, one way or the other.
Screw you for putting me through another existential crisis. Now I'm going to be spending the rest of the day having panic attacks and hysterical sobbing fits over how, sooner or later, I and everyone else are going to suddenly cease to exist altogether in any meaningful sense, and there's nothing that can ever be done to stop it from happening.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and the SCROTUS reaffirms its naked villainy and lack of regard for the US Constitution (in total spite of their "originalist" claims) by striking down the 13th Amendment or something.
I lost interest in the show some time after the first movie, but I heard it got better again after the second movie came out and Stephen Hillenburg rejoined the crew. Did it decline again after Hillenburg died from ALS?
When you get right down to it, it's really just mindless spite and hatred toward everyone who isn't exactly like themselves in every single way.
Bass posted...
"The children yearn for the mines." - Republicans, probably.
Didn't one of those bastards say those exact words while pushing for getting rid of child labor laws by citing the popularity of Minecraft?
Absolutely not. They're going to use their new money to fund their genocidal, religious fundamentalist, fascist candidates' campaigns, and if they win, said candidates will immediately use their power to harm innocent people.
Glad to see some pushback against the neo-Nazi scum, especially given how the EU seems to otherwise be following the US down into the far-right.
FurryPhilosifer posted...
1) They didn't trust that someone could carry it to the ocean without Sauron intercepting it.
2) Sauron was still steamrolling Middle Earth even without the ring. They needed it destroyed to beat him.
3) There are creatures in the ocean that would be attracted to the ring and it would end up back on land eventually anyway.
4) The Eagles weren't really Gandalf's to command like that. The eagles answered directly to Manw, King of the Valar (think archangels in Abrahamic mythology), while Gandalf himself is a rank-and-file Maia (think regular angel) working under a group of five Valar (including Manw), and the eagles been in the mortal world considerably longer than the wizards were. This allowed him to get an occasional rescue out of them (e.g. when he rode one of them to rescue Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom after the Ring's destruction; and when the eagles got him, Bilbo, and 14 dwarves out of Goblin-town), but it doesn't give him the authority to do crazy stunts like Ring-handling.

5) What if the eagles got corrupted by the Ring before they could get the damned thing to the ocean? Next thing you know, the one carrying it is suddenly making a U-turn mid-flight and hauling ass to Mordor, instantly dooming the world.
Utterly ridiculous. If our own civilization's current trajectory is any indication, a hyper-advanced civilization like the conspiracy theorists claim existed would have stupided itself into wiping out all life on the planet. Obviously, that didn't happen, since we're here now.
EPR-radar posted...
Right wingers hate all science, because science deals with reality, and reality is not kind to wingnut delusions.
They're also not very fond of society, either, on account of how sometimes, it doesn't exclusively cater to psychopaths and narcissists like themselves.
And the corpo-rats responded to the world's brief taste of life without their infernal influence, once they were finally able to (thanks in large part to having their bought-and-paid-for politicians and media outlets calling for lockdown to end way too early), by going even harder on the shittiness and soul-sucking than they had before.
Raise your hand if you are even a little bit surprised that the fascist piece of shit and Romanian sex trafficker is racist.
ROBANN_88 posted...
has there been any evidence at all that he's "crooked" or is that just a Republican 'if we say it enough, people will believe it' thing?
It's not just a Republican "if we say it enough, people will believe it" thing.

It's also a Republican "projecting more than the world's biggest multiplex movie theater" thing.
He's better than Convicted Felon Trump by a country mile, I can tell you that.
DrizztLink posted...
It depends on the writer, but mostly.

Another explanation is it's a fear response, another is that his perception is so heightened he's got all the time in the world to think of zingers.
And sometimes, Spidey's snark is a deliberate tactic used to piss off his enemies so that, in their rage, they get sloppier at fighting and inadvertently give him openings to exploit.
He looks like a reanimated corpse.
Floor it.
Bold of you to assume that they haven't already taken over a long time ago.

Sure, we might think we're the ones in charge, what with the whole modern civilization thing, and the fact that we sometimes manage to get lucky and swat one of them down, but when you get right down to it, they feast like kings upon our waste and upon our corpses, and there's nothing we can really do to stop them. And when our civilization crumbles, and the last human is dead, the flies will still be here eating the flesh from our bones.
Hayame_Zero posted...
I mean, yeah. It still would have happened with or without Hitler. With the overwhelming bitterness over WW1 and The Weimar Republic, we still would have gotten something akin to the Third Reich.
And without Hitler in charge of it, it might well have been worse, since Hitler was rather incompetent (and, supposedly, addicted to opiates, cocaine, and amphetamines, which could explain quite a bit of his well-documented impulsiveness and agitation that led to quite a lot of the Nazis' more stupid and self-destructive decisions), even by the low standards of fascists. The Allies even decided, late in the war, to stop trying to assassinate Hitler, since they realized that Nazi Germany would be worse at fighting the war with him still in charge instead of him dying and being replaced by someone halfway comptetent.
At this point, you could probably play it on a potato of a computer.
That moment when Homer Simpson, of all people, turns out to be a linguist.

Sir, I am disgruntled! And up until this point I was relatively gruntled!
Voidgolem posted...
I'm reasonably convinced sony lost the source code which is why they've ported (almost) everything else.
Depending on what the contract between Sony and FromSoft says, it's possible that the source code isn't lost, it's just still under FromSoft's ownership, while Sony still holds the rights to the game itself. If that's the case, then a conflict between FromSoft and Sony over residuals and whatnot could be the reason why there isn't a PC port, since pretty much all of the recent spate of Sony PC ports are of games developed by internal studios. Granted, it's possible that Sony could get, say, Bluepoint to reverse-engineer code from a retail copy of the game, but it would probably be more expensive than drawing up a new contract with FromSoft that both they and Sony could agree to, and would take so much time to do that it likely wouldn't be worth it.

This situation has befallen the gaming world before, as perhaps best demonstrated with the original arcade version of Donkey Kong: Nintendo owned the IP and the game design, but outsourced the programming to electronics manufacturer Ikegami Tsushinki, and neglected to get ownership of the code in writing (at the time, it wasn't settled law in Japan that computer code could be copyrighted), hence why the original arcade game couldn't get a direct port until 2018 as part of Hamster's "Arcade Archives" series (all other ports of the game, including the NES version, were essentially remakes running on completely Nintendo-owned code).

or they're holding out for a bloodborne remaster that they'll try to drive console sales with
That's also unfortunately very possible.
dummy420 posted...
What did he get cancelled for? Im not going to lie I always disliked that guy for no real reason. Something about him seemed off.
Apparently, this:

Hardwick's ex-girlfriend Chloe Dykstra published an essay on Medium on June 14, 2018, in which she alleged that she had been subjected to emotional and sexual abuse by an unnamed ex-boyfriend, and claimed that she was subject to career blacklisting in retaliation for ending the relationship. The essay did not name the abuser, but the timing and several key details led readers to conclude it was Hardwick. In response, Nerdist removed all mentions of Hardwick from its website while AMC announced that further episodes of Talking with Chris Hardwick would be pulled. Hardwick also stepped away from moderating all AMC and BBC America panels at San Diego Comic-Con.

On July 25, 2018, AMC announced that a comprehensive investigation conducted alongside law firm Loeb & Loeb had failed to confirm Dykstra's allegations and that Hardwick would return as host of Talking Dead and Talking with Chris Hardwick. Their statement read, "We take these matters very seriously and given the information available to us after a very careful review, including interviews with numerous individuals, we believe returning Chris to work is the appropriate step." Dykstra, who refused to cooperate in the investigation, stated two days later on Twitter, "I chose not to participate in the investigation of the person I spoke of. I do not believe in an eye for an eye." She also stated that she "originally wrote her essay so she could move on with her life, and now she intends to do so". On July 31, 2018, NBC announced that Hardwick would return as host of The Wall following its own investigation. On August 10, 2018, his name was returned to Nerdist's website after their own investigation.
Baha05 posted...
Dunderhead and what the hell is Charles middle name?
According to the same episode that image is from, "Norbert". Later in the episode, it turns out that Stu and Didi Pickles didn't realize he even had a middle name, with Stu bitterly remarking that "maybe he bought one".
That depends on whether you define giving your money to ActiBlizz for anything to be in any way "good".
Vehicular homicide rocks!
What better way is there to "own the libs" than to cook yourself in the hot sun until you pass out from total thermoregulatory failure, and potentially never wake back up again? Especially if it happens before you get the chance to cast your ballot for your trashy, fashy, tyrannical god-emperor?
Nope. Though, with the near-constant high humidity where I live and how much sweat my defective body puts out, I still feel like I'm being roasted in my own juices on any day when there isn't snow.
When life gives you lemons, get your engineers to turn them into incendiary grenades and use them to burn life's house down.
I haven't even had the opportunity to leave North America.
I'm currently in the middle of a Mario kick after buying The Thousand-Year Door, so I think I'll pick "Other" and go with the Mushroom Kingdom. Sure, it gets invaded by turtles every week or so, but it's remarkably easy to get filthy stinking rich there, and it also has green mushrooms that bring the dead back to life, so I could probably manage to avoid ever dying.
Mario. The guy regularly breaks bricks by punching them, so I'm pretty sure I'll need to go to the E.R. at best.
havean776 posted...
Maybe cut down thier work hours?
Are you mad, man?! How could you even consider instituting an idea like that, which would make the workers' lives measurably better in every way but also make the shareholders slightly less than all the money right this second?! /s
Supposedly, sharks don't actually like the taste of human flesh very much, and will only go out of their way to eat people if they're sufficiently hungry and there's nothing else convenient around. So, really, as long as you're making yourself too much of a hassle to be worth the energy expenditure of killing and eating, you should be okay.
I fucking wish that was even remotely true. Far-right propaganda outlets like Fox and InfoWars are nothing short of a cancer upon society, and I'd be only too happy to watch them be forcibly excised.
I once had a dream where I had to run for my life from an evil robot wasp the size of my head as it kept trying to sting me with its electrical stinger. No goddamned idea what the hell you'd be able to glean from that one, apart from a justifiable fear of wasps maybe.
WingsOfGood posted...
Elon unironically could have saved gamefaqs by buying fandom
I'm sorry, do you want him to let the trolls and Nazis run wild here, too?
DipDipDiver posted...
Knowing that no one competent will work for Trump anymore, I'd probably just take his money and testify against him anyway because what is he going to do about it
Given his fanatical voter base, their propensity for violence, and his total lack of morals and ethics, you really don't want to know the answer to that question.
Sephiroth_C_Ryu posted...
Someone probably has.

Are digital bibles things? Like, stand alone things, not just an app or document on a normal device?
Yes, electronic Bibles are stand-alone things, but there's no way you're ever running Doom on one without making significant physical modifications to the device, seeing as it only displays text rather than proper graphics, and the processing power is likely only a step above a regular (non-graphing) calculator.
I find it considerably easier to imagine pigs sprouting wings and taking to the air, Hell suddenly hitting 32 F, a hippogriff being born, and myself actually managing to become a functional member of society, all on the same day.
Waxitron_Gazer posted...
Furiousa is like... the only thing I can think of that has worked.
What about when Rare made Nintendo's original arcade Donkey Kong into a crotchety old man when they revamped the series for SNES?
It is passing through a gastrointestinal tract.
Dungeater posted...
im not sure im following tbh. im amab, but i realized i wanted to look like a chick. like i wanted to transition to the point of softening up, getting curves and boobs, but not get bottom surgery or change my name or gender identity, since i still feel like a guy. i just strongly desire a feminine appearance
Okay, I understand now. My bad, I got it completely wrong before. I incorrectly thought you were an AFAB transmasc person, and was confused as to why you'd be re-feminizing your body through HRT, not an AMAB person who identified with the gender assigned to him at birth but wanted to have a more feminine appearance. Sorry about the mix-up. Hope the process goes well for you, dude!
How does it compare to the boat part in Silent Hill 2?
Smashingpmkns posted...
My personal Mandela effect is that I thought this dude died like 5 years ago
I fucking wish. Even if it wouldn't affect a whole lot, since his far-right propaganda empire is just too entrenched after all these decades and would no doubt keep on trucking without him, it would at least be a slight relief to see that Murdoch himself could no longer enjoy the pain he happily inflicts upon innocent people.
SaikyoStyle posted...
Banning pride lights on bridges? He sees this as a show of strength?
For authoritarians like DeSantis, and the modern Republican Party as a whole, there is no greater form of strength than oppressing others in any way possible.
Blue_Popo posted...
The Simpsons pretty much spoiled this movie though
I hate ev'ry ape I see
From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z
No, you'll never make a monkey out of me!
Forgive me if this is getting too personal, but I'm confused as to why you're taking specifically feminizing hormones while you appear to have a masculine-leaning gender identity, as indicated by the "he/him" pronouns in your sig and your use of the word "dude" in reference to yourself in the topic title. Wouldn't that be counterproductive in terms of an AFAB person trying to achieve a less-feminine body that better lines up with his identity (assuming I'm understanding this right; I fully admit that I could very easily be wrong about both your gender identity and assigned sex at birth here, and I'm sorry if I am), or is there some other reason that you're taking them, separate from being trans (e.g. some sort of non-gender-related medical condition that feminizing hormones are necessary to treat, with the tradeoff being that you'll have some undesired effects on your body)?

If you're not comfortable with answering the above (completely understandable if you are), I'll instead ask this question: Do you play Dungeons & Dragons, and if so, what sort of characters do you tend to gravitate toward creating (e.g. race, class, alignment, specific weapons or spells, etc.)?
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