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Community » TigerTycoon
That's their niche.

It's like how there are Minecraft youtubers and FPS youtubers.

Some do full variety but some like to pick a niche and stick to it for their branding. Nintendo happens to have an especially loyal fanbase compared to Playstaytion and Xbox, so that helps.
ConfusedTorchic posted...
maybe he should stop going public and having shareholders then

I could be wrong here but I think there exists "magic hackers" in the Marvel universe that could just steal his stuff regardless so it wouldn't really matter.
It's never even really explained what Bruce Wayne's company does, he just has a company that's so profitable he can fund the Justice League's worldwide/intergalactic operations with (fully staffed) space stations, orbital weapons, intergalactic spacecraft, and teleportation.

Because "Bruce Wayne" is basically an irrelevant part of Batman's character in most stories, it's just an excuse to explain where his infinite resources come from and that he's Batman because his parents got shot.

Now, Tony Stark on the other hand, stopped selling weapons and makes a lot of new tech he doesn't sell, so in theory he should run out of money eventually if he keeps mass producing Iron Man suits and Avengers buildings, but he just doesn't.
Entity13 posted...
I don't personally know any leap year babies, but am aware that Hololive's Bae is one. She celebrated yesterday since it was the 29th in Australia (where she is from) and Japan.
I was going to say Bae too.

She performed this concert live for her birthday if anyone's interested.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
I'd rather see them have the orbs to still make her death completely unavoidable, and rubbing everyone's nose in it.
As stated, I am aware a large portion of the fanbase is upset the remake deviated from the original story at all.

But for me, it's more interesting if they had to write the rest of the story where she's still there, over just following the original story where she isn't.

"The real twist is there is no twist" is basically The Last Jedi "subverting expectations" in a bunch of ways that don't matter and just make the writing nonsensical, then keeping things the same where they could have actually deviated from the base formula and made they story more interesting.

At least that's the opinion of someone who doesn't see FFVII as religious scripture and rather see a new twist on it that forces them to make real changes in the future games.

Which is the real reason why I doubt it'll happen, it'd take too much effort to rewrite the story that heavily.
Aerith not dying.

Yeah, it's only speculation, but this is pretty much the biggest point of contention in the fanbase (and boy do the developers know it, and even teased it) since it was discovered the remake wasn't necessarily going to follow the original story. I want to see them have the pal spheres to make it happen.
Community » TigerTycoon