Community > Timmy_Duncan

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Community » Timmy_Duncan
adjl posted...
Fandom recently decreed that CE should get the LUE treatment (new accounts can't access it, any existing account that gets purg'd loses access to it), as well as that all "political discussion" (a term which they've done a very poor job of explaining) is now forbidden on every board except CE. They've also shut down the Sex and Sexuality board with little warning and no particular explanation except a vague ban on "hornyposting," as well as shutting down the Religion board with no explanation beyond "hardly anyone used it anyway." The general impression is that they're trying to stamp out all board traffic that isn't gaming-related in an effort to ensure that people who stumble across the site looking for gaming discussion aren't turned away by off-topic or offensive content, but given that it's really not possible to accidentally end up on a social board, that excuse doesn't really track.

It might not be getting outright killed any time soon, but Fandom's recent direction seems to suggest that they want to change it up in ways that probably don't include us.
Thanks, that clears it up!
I think I'm missing something - is GameFAQs shutting down or just becoming less active?
It'll never die
This is worse than when we lost the Library of Alexandria.
Bust out that Sohcahtoa.
Community » Timmy_Duncan