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008Zulu posted...
What's a good series of theirs to start with?
If you want D&D with a light-hearted story: Fantasy High. Fantasy High is a parody of teen movies. Petty drama, tropes galore, it's a fun time watching everyone act like goofballs. The clip I posted earlier with the anarchist halflings is from Fantasy High.

Brennen seems to like taking these classic tropes, parodying them, but then uses that to disarm his players for when shit gets real later. This is no more apparent than A Crown of Candy; which is a gumdrops and rainbows world of Candyland...but with tense political machinations more at home with something like Game of Thrones.

And then there's Mentopolis. One of their newer shows. It's not D&D, only has one season, and is like Inside Out meets a noir detective movie. Each character takes on some complex or nuanced emotion within a person's mind and is trying to solve some unknown crisis happening within his head.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Captain_Qwark posted...
Just please have the flare system from Worlds. I love being able to see all the options and pick the one I wanted the most.
Yeah they fired an SOS Flare in the trailer and 3 hunters rode in to join them.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Stuff rom the official site.
New Characters
  • Alma (dark hair, glasses) - New Handler.
  • Gemma (wild, blond hair) - Smithy.
New Monsters.
  • The rat-bear is named Doshaguma.
  • The Croc Frog is named Chatacabra.

The bird-wyvern mount is called a Seikret. It comes with a sling that can carry a back-up weapon, so you're able to bring two weapons with you into any hunt. It seems to have most of the basic features that Wyvern Ride had with the added benefit that you can move it around like a palamute or something. All 14 main weapons have been confirmed to return. The region we're exploring is known as the Forbidden Lands. We're bringing some little kid with us, the website only tells us he's mysterious. The first zone we've seen lots of footage is called Windward Plains. Changing ecosystems is the big selling point of the game. Every region has two general states; a stormy "harsh" state and an a calm, bountiful state. The kinds of monsters you can fight are different during these states and it should be fun to watch the ecosystem evolve.

The hunter's moveset has been expanded as usual. There is something called "Focus Mode" that allows you to more precisely aim your attacks and guards. It says it can be used to pinpoint a monster's weakness, and we'll get new special attacks to deal big damage. The goal of focus mode is to make it easier to space yourself and aim your attacks during hunts, so this is likely to be a "casualization / QoL" feature that I'm sure everyone is going to be perfectly normal about.

The Slinger has been upgraded into a Hook Slinger, which can pick up ammo at range. It can also be used to interact with the environment; though this wasn't shown.

The sight makes reference to a unique culture that's developed in these extreme locales, but we haven't seen what the hub area looks like yet. There probably is one though.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Used to eat at Subway once or twice a week until I slowly realized they were the ones consistently giving me food poisoning a solid 30% of the time I ate there. Haven't gone back since I put two and two together and now I don't have food poisoning every week. Should be illegal to run a place like that.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
When Triangle strategy was new we had quite a few people getting moderated for talking about the Choice to give Prince Roland over to your enemies, or whether you would risk everything by sheltering him. This particular choice was like, the back of the box advertised "Decisions Matter" selling point of the game. Almost anyone who knew anything about the game would know that you have to choose whether or not to give up Prince Roland. It was even in the demo for crying out loud. Yet there'd be like 3+ deletions a day for the first two weeks that game was out because of people talking about that specific plot point.

So nah; we can actually be pretty shit about moderating spoilers properly. Genuinely a pet peeve of mine. I've been working on my end every now and again to try and improve accuracy, but if any of you want to help it would do a lot to write precisely why you feel something is a spoiler whenever you report something. We don't always know everything about every media ever and mistakes happen primarily because sometimes none of us are aware of obscure anime of the season #38.

That said none of that applies to this one imo. I'll reserve sharing my thoughts on it though since it's in dispute.

David1988 posted...
can you spoil historical events here? I remember some guy once got modded for spoiling which side wins ww2
Depends on context, but usually historic events don't fall under our spoiler rules.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Malcolm in the Middle is pretty good for the first two seasons, arguably the third too, but rapidly becomes a cartoon of itself where anything goes after that. It became a lot harder to watch when the characters started feeling like; well characters, more than they did a funnily dysfunctional family.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
The thing with Jojo is they wrap the systems of power up in a way that makes a certain degree of logical sense. Like, Hamon is wrapped up in Tibetan Buddhist mysticism. The same school of thought that leads to things like Tulpas; which in turn is how an idea like Stands comes about. It's easy to see how Araki could arrive at an idea like stand powers if he'd been studying Tibetan Mysticism for JJBA.

Here's a quick example in Demon Slayer. Why can Tanjiro talk to birds? Is he...smelling the birds emotions to glean intent and parse it like language? Several characters comment on this unusual ability and it's never explained. Many people act like this is a special ability, some act like it has special significance that they aren't willing to share yet, and then it eventually just stops being relevant. In Jojo's, someone talking to birds would have some kind of insane tragic backstory about how he was raised by birds after his father was killed by an an evil airplane, and his Stand Power allows him to see through the eyes of any bird within a 1 mile radius; an ability he exclusively uses to play hide and seek in a booby-trapped minefield. He'd have some weirdo philosophy about humans should never have learned to fly and that birds are the true rulers of our world as no other life form lives as freely as a bird in flight.

It'd be a bizarre explanation for why that guy is like that, but in Demon Slayer Tanjiro never gets explained. Why are the swords like that? Just because. This mountain makes special ore for some reason. Why does breathing let you cut demons? Just because. This breathing style is special for some reason. Why is Tanjiro able to smell so well that he literally gets to "view" an x-ray of his opponents and know their weak spots? Just because. I guess his senses are just that special for some reason.

Maybe it's just me, but I'll take a BS explanation that's hard to understand over no explanation at all. At least the former is fun to speculate over.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Sonic stomps easily.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
random_man9119 posted...
It was just a fun, quick Shonen to read, shut my brain off, and see some neat fights without having to worry about a crazy plot...
In the manga, the fights weren't really all that interesting either. Mostly just people slap-fighting with swords and then occasionally breaking out a cool attack. It's 100% Ufotable's adaptation that gives these fights any weight at all.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
St0rmFury posted...
My guess is there's probably no proper English word for it so they went with the next best description.
No they just never explain it. They explain that the special moves are related to being good at breathing. That's it. I think the author expects you to just assume it's the same logic as Hamon from JJBA; where Hamon was a means to reclaim the solar / life energy from your body through specialized breathing. But the thing with Jojo is even as dumb as Hamon was it had pretty clear rules and techniques that could be accomplished with it. In Demon Slayer you just do whatever you want.

Like, they make so much of a big deal about Red Swords in Demon Slayer and then it turns out It's just pressure. You can bash your sword against someone else's and it'll turn red. Only works if you're as strong as a Pillar or something, but lmao that's it. But yeah the lore and worldbuilding are rather lazy and the author clearly barely cared or didn't think too much about it. It's explicit both in and out of the text that the special elements that come from the blade aren't real. That it's basically just there for our own amusement. Except for when Tanjiro uses the water to make a whilpool that could redirect an opponent's attacks; his blade never connecting with the attacks but the 'water' does. Or when he uses the waterfall attack to reduce his fall damage...

I dunno. I just got frustrated at the series constantly acting like everything had rules and would be explained with time, only for them to consistently ignore the rules, never explain anything, or make the explanation the single most boring way you could have interpreted it. This is the kind of writing I'd expect out of a gag manga series; only there's no punchlines.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
wanderingshade posted...
I'd still rather watch it than My Hero. I don't even know why people like that show past season 3.
I've been OotL on this one for a while but the story stays good for quite a while. The anime adaptation becomes abysmal though. I think Season 3 was around when I gave up on it. Couldn't handle big fights being reduced to slide shows.

Also maybe a little controversial, but I think that that Vigilantes spin-off eventually surpasses the original in exploring the gritty line between hero and villain society. It's not as flashy, but it goes deeper into the series original premise imo. MHA original kind of gets too high on the whole good vs evil dynamic and imo sort of forgets the people stuck in grey areas.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Gotta agree with Vegy on this one. Even when it was new I said it was like, a 7/10 story at best elevated to a perfect 10 only by its godlike animation quality, but the story gets more boring as it goes on. Very repetitive and almost never breaks formula.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Dunno why, one of her favorite places to hang out is in the dryer.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
There's a ton of little things to significantly improve taking care of a cat, but a lot of it is pretty intuitive. Most important thing imo is don't let your cat wander outside. Cats are an invasive species, and letting them out harms their local ecosystem and significantly increases the risk of your cat getting hurt or sick.

My cat seems perfectly happy with my 2 room apartment. I'd like to give her more space if / when I can afford a house, but as long as a cat has plenty of places to climb and hide they'll rarely get bored of two rooms. Most of their enrichment comes from playtime, they don't actually need to explore all that much. Cats have extremely high heartrates, and outside of hunting time they prefer to just lounge somewhere safe and cozy. All letting them go outside will accomplish is give them some other random place to nap and / or a chance to get in a fight with a cat who doesn't like yours hunting in their space.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Kamil posted...
Oh FFXIV. Hah that mmo was cool. I feel like them casualizing it would probably help me. But I guess I am just over it by now :/ I quit playing it before it got real good apparently.

Congrats on your achievement!
It's weird. When ARR came out people were like, "well, it's at least good by MMO standards". It was a true wasteland of content back then. Now ARR is the bad part people want to skip through as quick as they can.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Boars are wildly adaptable. Spain used to bring pigs with them when exploring. If they found good land they'd release them into the wild knowing that they would conquer their new ecosystem and provide a ready food supply when the settlers came back a few years later to get set up. Pigs are also pretty much barely domesticated compared to boars. Supposedly they can go back to their feral states in just two generations.

Some scientists believe that if not apes, it would have been boars who conquered the earth and possibly achieved sapience. Basically just real life orcs.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
I get infrequent bouts of insomnia sometimes. More frequent if anxiety is bad; but whenever it happens I basically can't sleep without something like ZQuil and even then I have to time things carefully. Have to lie in bed and read until I notice myself having trouble focusing on the words and then go to bed right then and there. If I don't I'll miss the window and won't fall asleep for like an hour or more.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Euripides posted...
Is this a new rule going forward, or are they going to nuke Duncan and Sunhawk's current alts?
It's not retroactive. Anyone currently able to post, even if they have past bans can continue to do so as long as they follow the rules.

By promoting consistency in moderation and addressing specific issues such as hornyposting, ban/purg evasion, and trolling we aim to create a more welcoming and inclusive space for all users.
But yeah this was technically announced with the other changes. Though for obvious reasons it went under the radar and very few people actually knew this was a new change. The worst people know how to get around this system, but those are also the kind of people who have gimmicks obvious enough to spot them or can't help but out themselves. They're doing it for the attention in the first place, so it's not fun for them if nobody knows who they are.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
CreekCo posted...
Heat death which will lead to collapse. Its impossible that the universe is rapidly expanding as theres really no reason for it to. You would need a massive amount of mass being created currently and I dont recall seeing much evidence of that. If you believe in thermodynamics and even mildly in some parts of evolution I dont see why any conclusion other than an eventual Big Crunch would be the endgame.
You should avoid speaking so confidently on a subject you definitely don't know anything about.

Wikipedia posted...
The Big Crunch is a hypothetical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately causing the cosmic scale factor to reach zero, an event potentially followed by a reformation of the universe starting with another Big Bang. The vast majority of evidence indicates that this hypothesis is not correct. Instead, astronomical observations show that the expansion of the universe is accelerating rather than being slowed by gravity, suggesting that a Big Chill is more likely.

Like I said earlier. Dark Energy is causing the universe to continually accelerate. This will result in all things in the universe growing farther apart until the universe grows dark outside of isolated star clusters / galaxies. When those die, they won't reform into new stars; or if they do they'll only make smaller and smaller stars until there is not enough mass left in the system for new stars to be born. (Note: Heavy elements like iron is actually "poisonous" to stars, this makes every new star have a harder time getting going as the more heavy elements there are in an area the more likely you are to get a failed star. Ie. Brown Dwarf) That residual matter will steadily break down due to various natural forces and radiation and eventually we'll be left with nothing but stray electrons and other fundamental particles, before those too probably quantum tunnel themselves out of existence.

Anyone talking about Big Crunch or Big Bounce hasn't been paying much attention to science for the past 20 years. Dark Energy and Eternal Expansion / Entropy have been widely regarded as the most likely fate of our universe since 2003. Big Bounce (the idea that we're constantly expanding and contracting) was thrown out in like the 80s. Apparently there are some theories which still work around theories of Big Bounce / Crunch, but they're not mainstream or readily accepted ideas.

As with everything there's always a chance for this science to be wrong. Maybe our ultimate fate will be a Big Crunch. But the evidence we have and our current understanding all points towards either a Big Rip or a Big Chill.

You're also completely backwards? More mass being introduced to the universe would encourage the big crunch. Mass has gravity, which pulls things together not pushes them apart. More mass being fabricated in the universe somehow would act as a decelerator.

It kind of baffles me how confidently wrong you were about so many different subjects there all at once.

Sufferedphoenix posted...
Would heat death really end the universe or just everything in it making it q big empty universe?
Can't really say, but everything in it would be gone. Either reduced to electrons and neutrinos or gone gone. Without any observers it'd be about the same either way.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Just woke up. Plan on going for a 2 mile walk later though. The weather is nice and gloomy.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
P4wn4g3 posted...
I don't remember, was this when fluffy went joyboy or was it when he became giant? The cartoonist animations for joyboy is there because he basically has loony tunes superpower. I can appreciate that, the show was always silly like that.
It's pretty atrocious. Anyone whose studied animation; Japanese, western, doesn't matter, they'd all tell you this is really bad. There's a couple interesting shots (most of which are only good because they're recreations of the manga panels) but it's near impossible to follow visually, doesn't look good, and has some really off-putting directorial choices like the whole roulette wheel gear 5 graphic display for some odd reason. Again, for weeks people were trying to edit this to make it make sense.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Dressrosa had some pacing issues but nothing there felt wasted. It was a long arc that maybe dragged at points, but it set up and paid off so many different things at once. I have no problems calling it one of at least top third islands. Then after that was Zou. Even as a furry, Zou was kind of dull. At least it had the only girls in One Piece I ever found cute >.> Whole Cake Island might be one of the best arcs period, and then we get Wano.

Had all the right ingredients to do everything perfect, and then spends a shitload of time doing the one thing One Piece has always sworn to not do. Waste our time with a damn training arc. It was also just, way too scattered, the characters who needed screentime the most hardly got anything, and by the time we got to some of the greatest moments in the series' history the anime had pissed away its budget and left us with little more than ugly smear frames and glitter bombs to hide how bad the animation was.

But hey. Egghead is shaping up to be another greatest of all time. Even if you're an anime only, I would recommend just skipping Wano and reading the manga instead. You'll get through it in a few days versus weeks and since you won't have to wait on chapters the pacing problems will sting a lot less. Once you get to Egghead you can probably go back to the anime. Well. Maybe. I guess we'll see. I still haven't forgiven them for glitter bombing the Kaido fight to the point you can't even see what's happening. Gear 5th was so bad people spent weeks trying to re-cut those scenes to make any amount of sense. Even ms paint amateurs on Youtube had stuff that looked better.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
iirc it's been pretty well known for a while now that the universe is accelerating. Whether that results in a "Big Rip" where the laws of physics start upending themselves I have no idea.

Failing that, entropy will win sooner or later. Big Crunch has been pretty firmly ruled out, but I'm not skilled enough at science to explain precisely why. Something about the type of "stuff" in the universe rapidly becoming dark energy dominant instead of matter / energy dominant.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
I just want people to know that SMIB is the guy who got banned because people were quoting him, and he tried to report those people for "quoting hate speech." That's what all this is about. He called himself a bigot in some 5D Hyperchess maneuver to try and get people moderated and was predictably kicked off the site instead.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
For what it's worth I liked the Occultic;Nine anime. It has some problems. About half the cast talks way too fast as they try to condense all of their worldbuilding and intrigue down into 22 minute episodes. Seriously some parts need to be watched at .75x speed. The twist(s) are also super easy to predict if you just pay careful attention. When they finally draw back the curtain and explain the sci-fi components at play it's almost completely nonsensical and very much screams "Don't worry this will make sense in the VN". Sort of like the ending to Punch Line.

But aside from those admittedly pretty big problems I still had a lot of fun with the series. The characters were entertaining, I enjoyed the general atmosphere almost as much as Chaos;Head, and the animation was pretty well done and has a few pretty iconic moments left in my memory too. Shame it didn't do well though.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
If they cared about traffic they wouldnt be doing everything to kill gamefaqs since purchase
They almost certainly do care about site traffic. My guide for FFVII: Rebirth is getting cross-linked into FF Wikis or something like that. Probably the same for the Q&A I'm required to fill out as part of the game bounty too. I think Fandom willingly bringing back the bounty program, and not only that but developing entirely new tools to encourage flow to the site shows that they believe in GameFAQ's as a money-maker. If nothing else.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Revisited posted...
Doesn't any mods have any blithe remarks that they want to post itt? Those are usually my favorite whenever a topic is about to be locked. It's like in shows when the cop hurls an insult at the perpetrator they just captured and beat up, always makes for a humorous scene.
We were told in advance and got most of our angst out ahead of time. :P
I'm just here to answer questions if I can, but I think I covered everything I wanted to in the last topic. Feel free to ping me if you want. Dealing with some vertigo so I may be slow to respond but I'll try to help where I can.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
FurryPhilosifer posted...
Also! I can't see how CE really impacts anything else on the site. You need to go looking for it.

I wonder if they'll try and shutter the boards entirely. Maybe have the answers section only. A quora of gaming.
As a Guide Writer I can say that they do want the answers section to be a bigger part of the site. Bounties now require a certain number of Q&A to be filled out by the author of the guide. I highly doubt they're planning on tossing out the boards. Even just from like, a pure practicality standpoint. A lot of information on this site is contained in random posts on random boards or stickies. That's basically free SEO.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
viewmaster_pi posted...
they should have announced this on april 1st
I might be saying too much here but fuck it. They almost did? There was going to be an announcement (not on CE being walled) on the 31st and then the walling was supposed to be I think the 3rd of April. Things happened and it got pushed back, but yeah it would have been close enough to april fools that people would have thought it was a late joke.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
-ZIO- posted...
What about the current events topics that take place on the NGS social board? That contains alot of charged, extreme right wing discussion on world politics, generally. Will that be deleted, or remain as is?
Depends. Political discussion as it relates directly to gaming is still allowed. A lot of things also still aren't technically a political issue even if politicians like to make it that way. For example, I certainly wouldn't be moderating posts talking about the BLM stuff in Spider Man games. For one, when I was in the military we were explicitly told that BLM is not a political statement, and that soldiers were allowed to participate. And for two, it's in the game itself. People can totally talk about that.

But yes anything outside of that scope has to go. If NGS has a handful of extremely politically charged topics those probably need to go. The board itself should be fine though. It's just a social board for general gaming right? Hope that clears some stuff up.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
s0nicfan posted...
Say what you will, from my viewpoint this place has gotten better. Well, maybe not the Isreal threads. But overall better. The level limit on CE really helped keep a lot of the lower-effort trolls out.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
viewmaster_pi posted...
he really said "hornyposting"
It amuses me that a, I think Director of Trust and Safety used this term in an official capacity.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
radical_rhino posted...
This is the beginning of them closing down all the social boards for good, isnt it?
Probably not. I can't say too much on the subject, but the goal is not to close down all social boards. From the announcement post their primary concern is toxicity. CE is essentially being spared the hammer on political talks, as long as people retain some modicum of decorum. Any other social board should be fine since they're not related to politics.

_Valigarmanda_ posted...
What the hell is hornyposting, anyways?
You're allowed to talk about if people are cute / attractive / maybe even sexy. You aren't allowed to make posts that would make say, a 13 year old girl visiting GameFAQs feel like this is a hostile environment towards women.

WingsOfGood posted...
Posting pic of woman and asking if she is ready
ie: Stuff like this. Don't do this anymore.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Heineken14 posted...
Bet the reddit cesspool is stocking up on alts as we speak! lol
Probably too late for them.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
MangaBroski posted...
Is this the guy who was also saying Japan would defend Taiwan? If it is, that guy just wants Japan to be allowed into military combat.
He's LDP, and like most members of LDP he's in the ultra-nationalist Nippon Kaigi. So yeah, this speech is almost certainly him trying to drum up support to get Japan's warfighting sanctions lifted. Convert the SDF into a full standing military, pretend you're doing it for world peace, but really all they want is to start shooting at China and Korea again.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
I like the bit where they sing a song about how kids suck at everything.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
It starts in Season 3 but there's a noticeable drop in quality by Season 4. Some friends and I did a rewarch of it and I think we gave up around Season 4 or 5.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
DrizztLink posted...
It's based off browsing history, so I have a theory.
Yes and no. People who click right-wing sites for the sake of being outraged get sent more of it because from the perspective of the algorithms a click is a click. People on the internet these days love seeking shit they hate so they have a reason to be mad, and the internet is more than happy to feed it back to them and keep them trapped in their own torment.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Youtube intentionally tries to float up low level channels these days. You'll often find small creators with sub 100 to 1k views in your recs. As for why it's some anti-woke thing. Dunno.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Discussing Swampys death and the whistleblower lawsuit he left behind, the longtime former Boeing executive told me, I dont think one can be cynical enough when it comes to these guys. Did that mean he thought Boeing assassinated Swampy? Its a top-secret military contractor, remember; there are spies everywhere, he replied. More importantly, he added, there is a principle in American law that there is no such thing as an accidental death during the commission of a felony. Lets say you rob a bank and while traveling at high speed in the getaway you run down a pedestrian and kill them. Thats second-degree murder at the very least.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
SkittyOnWailord posted...
It's the Tiffany scene. In particular.
Why would I be jealous of Tiffany?
Because Tiffany's... a BOY!!!

mehmeh1 posted...
Thought the original guy got exposed early on, while the show lasted 3 seasons
After looking into it it seems you're right. I'd always heard he was the reason it got canned. Regardless the rest is still relatively true. The creatives fought hard to keep it going and I wish it had. I found a lot of the more mundane plots rather relatable.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Killmonger posted...
Out of the two, which is turn best to start?
Depends on taste. The AT characters can start off screechy and annoying for many people but gets way better once it starts delving more into story. If you want a story that starts off very childish but grows more mature over time start there.
Regular show is pretty consistently just great stoner humor through and through. There's very few duds, almost every character is immediately likeable. But there's not much of a story arc until the very end aside from the occasional romance drama. Start there if you want mindless entertainment.

To other posts. Clarence is a fantastic show. It breaks my heart a bit knowing that most of the staff tried to save it from cancelation. The originally creator had little to no involvement beyond the pitch of "fat kid does funny stuff". Supposedly the individual episode directors hard carried the tone along side skilled writers, and they all tried to convince CN they could continue the show without the original guy since he never did anything anyways. CN didn't listen and pulled the plug.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Speaking of moments that live rent free in my mind.

Killmonger posted...
Ive never seen this or Adventure Time. Theyre on HBO, so maybe theyre worth checking out.
They're both great. Regular Show follows a very predictable formula. Mordecai and Rigby get assigned a task, don't want to do that task because something cool is happening and / or they get distracted. This somehow almost immediately spirals out of control into a world-ending disaster which then has to be resolved usually in a way related to their initial task but in a way that means they have even more work than if they'd just done their job from the start. Somehow, it never gets boring.

Adventure Time starts off episodic and kind of weird. There's a handful of duds in the early seasons, like I don't think anyone's going to hate you for skipping that snail episode, but it pretty consistently gets better and better as the show goes on and once The Lich becomes a factor (voiced by Ron Pearlman!) the show starts getting really really good.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
KajeI posted...
It was my first introduction to the idea of a Tessaract. Blew a few adults minds when they brought them up and I already knew what they were about.
Was that the episode where they had to solve equations and like, they arbitrarily got powers / curses associated with the equations they got? So one kid gets a brief chance to explore teleportation by solving for d=s/t and setting t = 0 or something like that. I remember the teacher being really frustrated because he wanted to play with the powers.

Also more on topic, Regular Show was great. It and Adventure Time were great. I also liked TTG sometimes but they ran that show way too damn often and I kind of just got really sick and tired of it.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
KajeI posted...
Strange Days at Blake Holsey High
I dont think I've ever met someone who watched this show besides me. It was one of my favorites during the period my dad forced me to only watch Discovery because it was "educational".
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Turbam posted...
You should be demoted from moderator for this tbh
Nah fuck off, it was like the only good CN Real show on the block. I used to be real big into Survivorman but I hated the show Les Stroud did on CN. It quickly devolved into petty teen drama rather than practical survival skills and I heard there was a lot of controversy about the kids possibly getting hurt while working on it. Also who cares if it's "scripted" it's a show about blowing stuff up lmao. That's like complaining about wrestling being scripted.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
_____Cait posted...
Real talk. Adventure Time and RS came out around the same time, when CN was doing that dumb reality thing, Nick was doing nothing, and disney was stuck on teen girl dramas. AT pretty much saved that entire era and inspired everything after it.
Okay, but Destroy Build Destroy kind of ruled.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Simon_Gruber posted...
Don't most (all?) already have a 13+ policy anyways? Even this place has had that since the 90's.
COPPA basically says you can't collect info on kids. Most sites collect info. Therefore, kids can't have accounts. As far as I can tell this bill is utterly meaningless unless he creates new enforceability standards. As is, COPPA compliance forces websites to not allow accounts to people 12 and below. So maybe DeSantis just wanted to expand the limit by 2 years for some reason.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
Everyone fights, he probably loses to Vegeta and Piccolo, he reveals he was going easy on them and / or just wanted to make sure the planet would be okay without him. If he wins then it'd motive for everyone to train even harder.
She / Her
Others don't get to dictate what's normal and what isn't. It's something we decide for ourselves.
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