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Are you looking forward to having a whiny snowflake ex president with incredibly tiny hands on your case load?
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Umbreon posted...
Christians have no problem coexisting with non-Christians.

""Christians"" who use God to justify their wickedness, on the other hand...

This too. I am a Christian, and I will fight hard to keep government from imposing my faith or beliefs on anyone else. Freedom to believe as you choose is what democracy is all about.

I am in a very liberal denomination, but our pastor gave a sermon that infuriated me and my wife yesterday. It was about how all Christians have to be unified from the far right to the far left, and that both sides are just using the media to make us angry and grift.

NO. One side is doing the vast majority of weaponizing the media, and only the far right is twisting my faith as a way to oppress and impose upon people. Which is the exact opposite of what we are taught to do-we are supposed to love and respect our neighbors, not try to crush them in a clash of values. I am not going to sit here and pretend that fascists like Alito and his GOP buddies are A-ok just because they profess to be Christian. Evil has to be opposed. People that use their faith as a weapon against others, to divide us (which is the only move of the far right evangelicals) are always going to have me as a vocal opponent. And that includes the grifting far right loons on this joke of a court.

Sorry for the rant. We have been going to the same church for almost 20 years, and my wife and I are actually thinking about finding another one. I could not believe same things both sides was actually coming out of our pastors mouth. These people on the far right who are attacking others using faith as a shield are not to be accepted. They are to be stopped, using every legal means at our disposal.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
EPR-radar posted...
There's no such thing as a system of checks and balances that can withstand the 21st century GOP.

Not even the civil war was as corrosive as today's Republicans.

This. One of our political parties has become a complete bad faith entity. There is no system of government that can withstand that, no matter how sturdy. The Republican Party either needs to lose over and over at the ballot box until they decide it is in their interest to return to some semblance of good faith governing, or this democracy will remain broken and stalled until it collapses. No government can function like this-where one side wont even acknowledge obvious facts while actively courting fringe elements and deplorables for votes.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I think climate change is the single most important issue facing us, but I echo many others in this thread. We individuals absolutely should do our part at home to mitigate climate change to the extent we can. But until corporations and governments also have to, it isnt going to make much of a difference. I was fortunate enough to be able to walk to and from work every day for 12 years before our office moved. It was lovely, and I felt good about it, but I am not silly enough to think it made any real difference.

The most important thing we can do is vote for and donate to candidates and organizations that want to implement better climate policies on a large scale. It is the only way we will make any progress-if we show that a person who makes climate change a central issue will get votes. It is a very tough hill to climb for so many reasons, but it is the only way.

I am very fearful it might already be too late-but we have to try.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
AceMos posted...
indeed carmilla is who they had built up as the big bad

honestly i dont even remember who the none spoiler villian of season 4 was for trevors group

You dont deserve my blood is one of my favorite episode titles of all time. A big episode for Carmilla.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I thought both Castlevania and Nocturne were great.

And I love the way Nocturne set up Season 2.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Ryven posted...
'Everyone in the Room Was Groaning': Rob Schneider Removed From Charity Event Over Anti-Trans and Anti-Vaccine Jokes (

Over the weekend, comedian Rob Schneider was removed from the stage at a charity event for the Hospitals of Regina Foundation.

The incident took place at the Four Seasons Ball on Saturday night, where the Jack & Jill actor's performance was met with widespread disapproval and boos from the audience.

Schneider's material allegedly focused on topics related to the LGBTQ+ community and vaccines, which led to discomfort among the audience and ultimately resulted in his removal from the stage.

Attendees reportedly started walking out of the event before the Grown Ups actor was asked to leave the stage.

One attendee of the charity fundraiser told outlets, Everyone in the room was groaning, adding that it was apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt.

Tynan Allan, a Black, queer person who attended the event to support various healthcare causes, told CBC that he was horrified by the transphobic and misogynistic content of Schneider's set.
"Everyone in the room was groaning, saying, 'What is going on?' Like whispering to themselves. Not a single laugh at times," Allan said. "It was just very apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were."

The Regina organization noted that Schneiders jokes did not align with the views of the charity.
While we recognize that in a free and democratic society, individuals are entitled to their views and opinions and that comedy is intended to be edgy, the content, positions and opinions expressed during Mr. Schneiders set do not align with the values of our Foundation and team, the foundation said in a statement.

itico reported that the frequent Adam Sandler collaborator was cut off after 10 minutes during what was supposed to be a 30-minute set at the Waldorf Astoria and that Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi chose to leave because she found Schneider's routine "gross and vulgar."

"Nobody removed me from stage, somebody waved to me at the 50-minute mark," Schneider told TMZ. "I'm not changing my material or apologizing for my jokes to anybody. Enough with this woke bulls---, America's sick of it."

Rob Schneider has never been, or ever will be funny. Talentless waste of a human.

America is sick of you Rob. Makin copies was a long ass time ago.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
It is the bare minimum. It all comes down to this for me: I dont care if a man or a woman sleeps with zero people or 1,000 people in a lifetime. People should do what works for them and makes them happy. Have as many consenting partners as you want with zero judgement from me.

But, if you make a commitment to someone (assuming the participants have decided that the marriage is not open), you should keep it. If you cant keep it, you owe it to them to tell them rather than breaking their trust. Of course, there are exceptions for when a spouse is dangerous, at which point leaving safely would be the priority. But generally speaking.

No one forces people to make that commitment, and plenty of people dont get married which is fine. But when you do, you need to honor your word, whether you are a star or an average joe.

This world we be a much better place generally if people prioritized keeping their promises and staying true to their word.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Dean Cain is a MAGA moron, but that show is big goofy fun. I watched it again during COVID, and to say it holds up is a stretch (the effects in particular are abysmal). But it is still fun.

Puts on glasses: Im Clark Kent.

Takes off glasses: No, Im Superman!!!

.Hello???!! Duh!!!!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I would take that deal. Pretty much a steal.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
GTA is ok, but it is a very overrated series of games.

Ill show myself out.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Remove the stone of shame!

Attach the stone of triumph!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DrizztLink posted...
Fair point on Hellblade, but if you thought Starfield was gonna stay exclusive I have a bridge for you.

I didnt think it would because Xbox has been going this way a long time. But when they acquired Bethesda, Xbox was telling everyone who would listen that the properties from their new acquisitions-with the exception of Call of Duty-would be exclusive to the console.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
PaintGimmick posted...
I think they do it because they dropped $70B and the bean counters at Microsoft realized that you have to sell games to make money

This is what I think too. It is no coincidence that these huge acquisitions happened and suddenly so many games are being considered for PS.

I think some people dont want to hear it, and I get why. But I think anything Spencer has said about where Xbox is going is now irrelevant. After 70B spent, Microsoft bean counters are absolutely taking this brand over.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
DrizztLink posted...
Largely irrelevant in terms of exclusivity.

SUBSTANTIALLY more relevant, that one would surprise me.

I cant agree that Starfield and Hellblade 2 are largely irrelevant in terms of exclusivity. Whatever anyone things of those games, Xbox marketed them as being huge for Gamepass. And Starfield did have a significant amount of GP players.

And, as you note, if Halo came to PS5 that would blow the rest out of the water.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Archgoat posted...
These rumors pop up all the time. We shall see I guess. Personally I think the Series X is a better system than the PS5 by just a smidge. I have both and I like it better. Last gen PS4 was by far the better console.

Yeahbut the last set of rumors were completely true. I can find Hi-Fi and Sea of Thieves and Grounded on the PS Store right now.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I dont care about console wars-I have all the major consoles, including Xbox and PS. It is clear to me that Xbox is going to be a publisher eventually and forgo hardware altogether. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But having their major games going to their competitor is the first step on that path.

They have gotten kicked around for two generations now, and they spent so much money on acquisitions (without a clear plan to manage those acquisitions-hi Redfall!), that now Microsoft at large is noticing and the direction is changing. We may see the handheld. We may even see another Xbox. But I think Xbox is getting away from consoles pretty soon.

Chances are both Halo and Starfield will soon be available on PS5. That is the rumor. That tells us a lot about where this is headed. Why would anyone even buy an Xbox if everything good from them is available everywhere?
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Zeeak4444 posted...
Not really. Bad gameplay, graphics, story, and progression killed the game.

games as a service is just the boogeyman because its an easy catch all for bad games with the title attached.

I agree with you to an extent, but I think in this case live service model is a little more to blame than usual. Specifically: It is clear that Rocksteady didnt want to make a live service game, didnt know how, and werent supported with additional expertise to do it.

Everything you listed appears to start with that..

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ThatGeminiGuy posted...

This one still gets a laugh out of me every time, decades later.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
If you had told me 7 years ago that I would completely reject a game from Rocksteady, especially one set in the Arkham verse, I never would have believed it.

But I am never touching this game-even if it eventually comes to Plus or GP. What a shame. So much time and talent wasted.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
GregsMedley posted...

Oh look, here we are at the finding out stage!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Hejiru posted...
This is what I dont get. How are there so many young Trumpers? I can understand the boomers who have had their brains melted by Fox, but young people are constantly online. Why do they support him?

My oldest son is voting blue in a swing state in the first major election for which he is eligible in November. I raised a good Democrat and did my part!

My youngest son is not old enough to vote yet, but we are on a good track with him too. I have posted about this here before: one Saturday when he was 11, he sat down beside me. Out of the blue he said: Dad, I have been thinking a lot about this. Donald Trump is such a little bitch. No preamble or previous political discussion-just a statement of fact from his perspective.

Obviously I had to reprimand him for language, but I was secretly pretty proud. Corruption and evil have to be opposed, and it starts with calling it out.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
The possibility of a second Trump term and climate change are my big ones. It is a full 15 degrees over average June temperature here today.

My home and professional life are actually exactly what I want them to be. It is just the world around me that is burning-literally and metaphorically.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I think Trump is going to lose. He needs to expand his cult base to win, and he cant do it.

The fact that it will even be close is a testament to how broken the EC is and how thoroughly the GOP has managed to bust our political system.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Cory898 posted...
So sick of hearing this. You all grew up on too many tv shows where the good guys had to win every episode because if evil wins once its all over.

You have got a convicted felon twice impeached nominee who has already tried to overthrow the duly elected government and he and his supporters cant stop talking about who they are going to jail and kill when he is back in the WH.

And your concern is the manner in which people are expressing concern about that? No one is giving up. Everyone is sounding the alarm, because a good portion of our electorate doesnt seem to grasp the stakes.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.


But I also think this skit is on the money, especially in our current political environment. If a person watched Trump try to overthrow the duly elected government on 1/6 (among many other examples of corruption) and still doesnt know who to vote for, they are either a brainwashed cultist or uninformed/dumb as hell.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Asherlee10 posted...
You may very well be right. I'm not sure.

I think Microsoft will still make next gen consoles as a loss leader. I'm also seeing news about them making handheld which could be very interesting in the SteamDeck competition aspect. Having 600+ games available on a handheld through GamePass Ultimate could be fun.

That is absolutely what they are saying, and they absolutely could. I think a lot more of their games will start flowing to PS5, and at that point there will be little point for them to be anything but a publisher.

I hope I am wrong and you are right, because I would be VERY interested in the Microsoft handheld that is rumored! GP on the go? Yes please.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Asherlee10 posted...
For me, Microsoft beefing up the game pass, play anywhere, and cross-play ease have been my favorite thing in this gen of gaming.

I also love Game Pass. I think defining winning as putting forward those features for the public is a very good argument.

The problem for them is that none of those great features ended up being very profitable-especially in light of their huge acquisitions. PS is outselling them by a significant rate. To a degree where honestly, I think this generation is the last XBOX console we are going to see. I know they are saying otherwise, but a few months ago they were saying that games like Hi-FI Rush was exactly what they needed. Now Tango is closed.

Again, I really like your argument. I think XBOX has some great features for the public, and in that sense they won and so did we. But it is hard for me to declare them the winner when I think this generation was the nail in the coffin for their console. I think we see a PS 6, but I don't think we see another XBOX.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Zikten posted...
Sony. Nintendo is doing its own thing. They aren't try to be at the top. Xbox seems about to fall. So Sony wins

This is what I think. I have all three consoles (and a few others too), so I don't really care. But Nintendo seems to be trying to hit different targets and audiences than the rest, and I firmly believe that pretty soon Microsoft will just be a publisher of games.

The console war was between PS and XBOX. PS won it handily.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
JustMyOpinion posted...
What's with multiple people here talking about COVID? He explicitly called it the China virus.

I was going to point that out in my original post, but I was not going to type that crap. I was disgusted. So I just typed COVID because I just wanted to avoid his actual nauseating words.

I am glad you posted this though. The fact that Convicted Felon Donald Trump is a blatant racist (while also pushing a platform and using language that panders to racists) on top of his many many many other failings always needs to be called out.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Alucard188 posted...
Tim Pool and Laura Loomer. I can't think of two more depressingly incompetent individuals with a public forum. They have a point, though - get evidence of crimes and convict people of crimes. You have an entire branch of government that is built for it. Hold people of public office accountable for their actions.

But you know that's not what they are talking about.

Moron Tim Pool: Get evidence of crimes, present evidence to impartial judge/jury, convict people of crimes.

Justice system does exactly that with Convicted Felon Donald Trump.

Moron Tim Pool: No, not like that!!!!!!!!!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Who would have thought that nominating a twice impeached convicted felon with disastrous decisions against him in civil court could be a bad idea?/s
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I finished the game and it was fine-the hordes were great, but everything else in it has been done better in other games. Glad I played it, 6-7 out of 10.

How long are the developers of this game going to complain about not getting a sequel for this game? They did it at various times last year already. It must stink to pour your heart into something and get met with a meh reception. But come on now-Lots of people like Days Gone, but it didnt set the world on fire. If you want a sequel, make a game that connects with more people.

They have every right to be bummed, but I wish they would quit whining about it. It is embarrassing for them and annoying for the rest of us.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ZaruenKosai posted...
Only Trump can bribe witnesses and still lose.
Only Trump can rig an election and still lose.

Truly, there is no one better than him, at losing.

That guy could go bankrupt running a casino. Oh wait, he already did!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I saw the Family Guy joke about them recently, and I thought it was pretty funny. The tag line at the end of their new movie about talking sweaters: Pixar! We arent a home run anymore!
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I had three long term relationships before I met my wife, and I am friends with all of them. Two of them live near us-both I have known since elementary school, both are married with kids, and our families hang out a couple times a year or so.

I was friends with every girl I ever dated first, and I have always managed to stay friends after. I have been very fortunate to avoid any hostile break-ups. I always assumed it would be my turn at some point, but my wife and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary later this week, so I think I am out of the woods.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
It is a fantastic game. Sadly, it also has the most bugs of any game I have played in four decades of gaming.

I encountered one bug where the game would crash if I was not wearing a certain cowboy hat on the strip. Oh, and that hat can be destroyed. That beauty cost me hours of progress. It is one example of many annoying road blocks.

Dont get me wrong, NV is absolutely worth it. But SO many bugs.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
This is not even the most ridiculous part of the clip. Convicted Felon Donald Trump also says that he is fantastic at bringing people together, and that he brought America together before COVID ruined it.

What a delusional, feckless little bitch he is.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
darkace77450 posted...
Ted Cruz.

Point conceded!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
On a related note: has there ever been a more cowardly boot licker than JD Vance? Jesus, his breath must smell like old leather.

I guess that upbringing he wrote about in crayon didnt include developing a fucking spine. But hey, he sold his soul and dignity to get to a clown show Congress that will be known as a joke forever. Good for him, I guess.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Derwood posted...
All the best biblical experts say, and even the Pope himself, who I hear likes me a lot, even the Pope and all the priests say that I have done more for Christians than Jesus himself

Does he lose a single vote?

The Pope came up to me with tears in his eyes, very big tears, and said sir

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
BlackOmnimon posted...
"'No Way to Prevent This,'" Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

It cant be a wedge issue and donations from the NRA et. al would stop rolling in if the GOP leaders actually let Congress work in good faith toward solving this problem. You know-doing their jobs.

Seriously: People are dying and all of us are in danger from gun violence because the GOP wants money and power. The vast majority of us want common sense gun control, but these ghouls will never allow it even though lives are literally at stake. It is infuriating.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ai123 posted...
Whatever you think about the couple's choice, it's their choice and their day.

It's about you respecting their wishes, not the other way around.

This. My wife and I had the kind of outdoor casual summer wedding that TC is talking about because that felt right to us. Butif a couple chooses differently, who cares? Their day. Their choices.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
As many have pointed out-this is how they always behave anyway.

This is just performative bootlicking for Convicted Felon Donald Trump and his mindless cult.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Heineken14 posted...
*slides you a $20*

Thanks for not ratting!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
Rika_Furude posted...
What can be dumber than attending a court hearing about a crime, and then committing the crime you are in court for during the court hearing :/

There are things you can bring to court related to crime that carry much harsher penalties than having a suspended license.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
mybbqrules posted...
I see the NY Post continues to be garbage

The NY Post might become relevant again if there is another toilet paper shortage.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
mybbqrules posted...
Almost nailed it. Needed more usage of "woke", a few spelling/grammatical errors, and some not so subtle racism.

Damn! I was so close!

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
I dont believe anything Trump or anyone associated with him says. Because he is a liar and a convicted felon.

But it is also true that: A fool and his money are soon parted. MAGA has lots of fools to wring money from.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
It can happen to anyonewho commits a felony crime.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
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