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Yeah the trailers/memes for these are always better than the final product
while you slept, the world changed
Leonhart4 posted...
I need to give Death Stranding another shot

I played an hour or two before I got distracted by other things and never got back to it

It is the greatest video game of all time with the least amount of fun. An awesome experience I will never do again. Until DS2 I guess, but I honestly might just youtube the cutscenes this time around.
while you slept, the world changed
Leonhart4 posted...
The problem isn't that she's not Maya. The problem is she isn't a good assistant.

I think you're not thinking about this scientifically enough
while you slept, the world changed
that ruled
while you slept, the world changed
This reminded me how much of a bummer it is that Sports Story ended up being terrible
while you slept, the world changed
Ema: 9

If only the first game existed, I would prefer Ema over Maya.
while you slept, the world changed
My Best Friend the Terrorist
9 . Crow Armbrust, aka C, aka Azure Siegfried

In all the hustle and bustle of The Great Twilight and civil war and Mecha-Mishy, we can forget that our beloved Crow was a bona fide terrorist. He's funny, he's a bit of a scamp, and oh yeah, I guess he's a murderer? I don't actually remember if the ILF actually killed anybody or if they just blew stuff up. Sure, it was to resist Osborne, but I'm not sure that lets you off the hook, Crow! You're not in the clear for that whole embarassing "Azure Siegfried" phase either. I guess it's a Sailor Moon reference to when Tuxedo Mask was mind controlled but that was just embarassing my dude.
8 . Loewe, aka Lorence, aka Leonhardt the Bladelord

Having the most iconic boss battle in the series will get you far on this list. If you're playing along at home, "OP hero" equals bad. "OP antagonist" equals ok (unless you're McBurn). Loewe died a long time ago canonically and people still can't shut up about Joshua's big bro from Hamel. If he was so tough he should've killed Agate and saved us from the misery of Titagate. Or he could've killed Ragnard the dragon. Or he should've killed us! (which he did, quite a few times on hard mode at least).

Up next: Characters who are in lots of the games
while you slept, the world changed
I'm not a fan of the industrial cities
while you slept, the world changed
Bonus List: Best places to live in Zemuria

10 - Eryn Village, Erebonia
Who wouldn't want to live in generic Middle Earth where the mayor is an 800 year old pre-teen?

9 - Armorica Village, Crossbell
If you can't handle to bustle of Crossbell, why not try out one of its rural suburbs?

8 - Ymir, Erebonia
A bit cold perhaps, but I love me some hot springs.

7 - Legram, Erebonia
Small city, full of mist. It's like Inaba but less fun. Bonus haunted castle!

6 - Grancel, Liberl
I've always dreamed of living in a castle city. I prefer this over Heimdallr. Too soviet.

5 - Trista, Erebonia
College towns are the best. A bit boring during the summer perhaps.

4 - Alster, Erebonia
A bit small and out of the way, but it's a quiet and peaceful distillery town. (Ignore the scary crater behind it).

3 - Ruan, Liberl
Simply love a drawbridge. Close to good schools and burnable orphanages.

2 - Ordis, Erebonia
Close to Raquel, but also full of commerce and a beautiful harbor. You have to be rich to live here.

1 - Crossbell City, Crossbell
Yeah, the mafia/gang wars /constant threat of war sucks, but it's perfect otherwise. Good wi-fi.

Up next: Rivals of White Hair
while you slept, the world changed
If you don't like any non-turn-based combat I can see disliking Remake/Rebirth's combat.

But if you dislike it but also like stuff like Tales games then I'm befuddled
while you slept, the world changed
LeonhartFour posted...

Bonus Question: Whats your most painful loss as a sports fan?

Federer losing to Djokovic in the 2019 Wimbledon men's final. The first final's with the new 5th set rules. Federer having two championship points on his serve and blowing it. Fed's storybook ending was denied and Djokovic is going on to get all the records. It haunts me to this day.
while you slept, the world changed
this sucks cause I liked the "if you like" series but I'll be damned if I put in that amount of work

this is also the prize at the fair guy right? damn.

while you slept, the world changed
no issues whatsoever with the numerical order of the rankings. an 8 is too high for FFXV. drag it through the dirt
while you slept, the world changed
I think people conveniently forgot all the questionable antisemitic stuff from Kyrie too. really smh at the whole "kyrie is reformed!" bs going around. dude will always be a clown to me
while you slept, the world changed
+3 Drawfee
while you slept, the world changed

he's good but also in hindsight a surprisingly simple character
while you slept, the world changed
changmas posted...
book it now mavs in 6

yeah this is almost certainly going to be correct
while you slept, the world changed
My theory is that Valorant players are gonna Valorant. Overwatchers gonna overwatch. Maybe Marvel Rivals gets some casuals invested due to the IP for two months. But Concord looked real generic sci-fi and heavy on the Whedon quips. People were sick of that two years ago with Forspoken.
while you slept, the world changed
hunts are the best part of the game

but you know what would be even better? pressing buttons and casting revive yourself
while you slept, the world changed
T&T probably wins for best conclusion to a trilogy. Not a fan of Phoenix/Iris though.
while you slept, the world changed
KanzarisKelshen posted...
Infinity Nikki is my pick for best of this set but DW Origins, Astro Bot, Ballad of Antara, Marvelwatch and Where Winds Meet all looked good. Not a bad showcase, if short and comically mismanaged by wasting so much time on a game no one cares about in Concord.

Concord is Redfall all over again. I actually legitimately feel bad for the devs. They clearly signed on for this project five years ago when the whole gaming climate was COMPLETELY different. It's coming out now like a musician trying to cash in on a trend that died two years ago. Unless it ends up being a surprise success that whole studio's going to get shuttered by the end of the year.
while you slept, the world changed
Where were you hiding that?
12 . Arianrhod, aka Lianne Sandlot

Pictured above: Me, trying to justify why Arianrhod is ranked so highly. Firstly, Siegfried is my favorite Soul Calibur character. Secondly, I think her backstory is probably the best thing about the whole "War of the Lions"/ Dreichels / resurrection stuff that makes up CS3 and 4. Thirdly: that Azure battle. Probably the best and most difficult AP optional fight in the series? Fourthly: I just wanted to rank the sword babes together. Deal with it.
11 . Laura S. Arseid

Besides being the objectively best hetero-pairing for Rean, Laura has other stuff going for her too. The rivalry/friendship with Fie feels real and earned. Her bonding events are actually interesting for the most part (Her CS4 romance route is the only one that doesn't feel pandering). She's a secret Mishy stan. It's a shame her English VA changed at least twice it seems (bless the person trying to do a Laura impression in CS4 but it just ain't it). I get it if you think she's boring though, because yeah, I can only take so much "I have to master the Arseid school" stuff.
10 . Rixia Mao

Accuse me of falling for obvious sex appeal if you want, but if the question is "who's the "best girl" in the Trails series?" the answer is unequivocally Rixia Mao. A sweet dancer during the day and a sweet assassin at night. Every 13 year old's dream girl. Still, if she was only weeb bait I don't think she'd rank this high. I think she's well-written with a great design. Yes, it's completely obvious she's Yin from the beginning, but in a case like this it's not about the secret identity itself, but the dramatics surrounding the secret identity.

Up next: Since we're into the top 10, let's kill momentum with a bonus ranking of the best towns.
while you slept, the world changed
If you want to say XVI is better than Remake... I disagree but I can see it.

Now if you say XVI is better than Rebirth... that's a bannable offense
while you slept, the world changed
SHINE_GET_64 posted...
even though I'm not partically a Mavs fan I do like Luka. I'm still tempted to go to an NBA Finals game just because

I actually hate luka more than any other current nba star I think. he's complaining after every single possession I stg
while you slept, the world changed
Powers: 7.5 - buoyed by 2-4 as well
Oldbag: 6.5 - I was happy to see her return.. up to a point
Hammer: 5 - pretty interesting as far as victims go. lots of backstory here.
Nichols: 5 - cute character I guess. but mostly just here for exposition
Manella: 6 - he roxors
Hackins: 6 - fairly endearing
Vasquez: 3 - there's not enough here. I get why people like her but I needed more.
while you slept, the world changed
the narrative on minnesota has gone from "one year away" to "the next dynasty" to "basically the clippers" really quickly
while you slept, the world changed
_stingers_ posted...
Lloyd is infinitely better written than Rean and it's not even close lol. And as someone said earlier he is actually competent and serves to progress the story with his own discoveries and actions far more than Rean who is basically guided by fate and plot devices. The most agency he has is picking which one of the 18 girls who are attracted to him he can hug at the end of the game

That was me. Even acknowledging this he's less interesting than Rean since he's such a typical good guy.
while you slept, the world changed
Dragon Quest III
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
Nier: Automata

If Nier doesn't count, Kingdom Hearts (the first post says "developed by")
while you slept, the world changed
There can be only one
15 . Lloyd Bannings

Look at Bannings board 8! I almost called him Lloyd Irving. Wrong Lloyd. Our first MC off the board, but really it's a toss-up between he and Rean. I could see it either way. Lloyd has a more interesting backstory than Rean (at least at first): he's out to solve the mystery behind his older brother's murder, as well as become a baby-faced assassin (of juggy babes) himself. He's optimistic and has a strong sense of justice, which doesn't say much since that's every JRPG protag ever. I guess I do find him to be a tad generic and a bit too much of a goody-goody.
14 . Rean Schwarzer

The harem king himself. He's slightly better than Lloyd, despite the harem stuff, which sucks. It wouldn't be so bad if they figured out a way to make the romance stuff optional. Putting all of that aside, I have to admit he's kind of cool. He's got that whole Bleach thing going, with the whole Hollow-fication inner monster stuff. He's also a gundam pilot! It's just like one of my Japanese animes. Just watch Rean's CS4 s-craft and tell me he's not cool. I will say that Rean basically just reacts to the events of his games the whole time. I feel like Lloyd and Estelle both actually "guide the action" of their games much more prominently than he does.
13 . Joshua Astray

One better than his Enforcer number, Joshua could be thought of as the "male MC" of Trails in the Sky FC I guess. That's my logic for putting him in this grouping at least. He's also got his own female following. I used to really like Joshua, but I feel like stuff with him gets resolved way too quickly. He and Estelle have their beach moment in SC and everything is basically back to normal. I still feel like I don't know anything about him basically. Thank christ for double slash though.

Up next: the return of big sword energy
while you slept, the world changed
parappa robot almost makes the state of play worth it

but yeah I think that was the worst one yet
while you slept, the world changed
man astro bot seriously could be goty this year
while you slept, the world changed
MacArrowny posted...
State of Plays are always bad tbqh. No reason to watch them unless you care that much about Resident Evil

People say this but they forget that at least two State of Plays had FF7 remake announcements/trailers
while you slept, the world changed
you can't tell me these games weren't all conceived by AI
while you slept, the world changed
yep that's bargain bin overwatch alright

lots of people gonna lose jobs over this one!
while you slept, the world changed
good lord a ten minute cg trailer in 2024? no wonder the industry is in the toilet
while you slept, the world changed
long dev cycles means that you get games inspired by guardians of galaxy/marvel way after they've firmly been relegated to cringe territory
while you slept, the world changed
Lopen posted...
What you actually do makes for a boring movie though

no question there
while you slept, the world changed
As an English professor, Williams's character in DPS is often what I think of if my life was one of those "what people think I do vs. what I actually do" memes

it's iconic though I guess
while you slept, the world changed
nah this is definitely real

let's go leon
while you slept, the world changed
I don't see Noel on that list!

"Special Support Section" sounds like a fashion feature
19 . Randy Orlando

Winner of the "Most Likely to Be Fired for Sexual Harassment" superlative, Randy is a pretty swell guy (so long as you can get around his murderous past and playboy present).It's a kind of put-upon swagger that I don't usually go for, but Randy pulls it off pretty well. He's got some genuinely funny moments, and when he isn't around at the beginning of Azure you definitely feel his absence. He makes the leap to Cold Steel pretty much intact.
18 . Zeit

It's a dog. He's not on the level of Repede or Red XIII, but he's firmly in the second level of dog/wolf playable JRPG characters (with Koromaru I guess). He's also the guardian spirit of Crossbell, so he theoretically could have just transformed into a giant wolf spirit earlier to save us all a lot of trouble. But then we wouldn't have much of a story would we?
17 . Juna Crawford

Juna is really good. Personality wise, she's a perfect blend of Estelle and Lloyd without some of the stuff that makes Lloyd kind of boring. There's a world out there in the multiverse where Rean doesn't come back until the end of Cold Steel 4 and it gets to be "her game." I think that would've been such a cool idea, because she is essentially the MC of CS4 for the first third, and she does a great job. Unfortunately that isn't what happens, and she quickly drops in relevancy as soon as Rean returns.
16 . Tio Plato

Everyone danced and made a wishy with Mishy in order for Tio to be ranked this high. At first, I really didn't see the appeal (again, I played CS before Crossbell). The Crossbell games might have some issues, but Tio definitely isn't one of them. I must protect this smart child. I have to say it kind of sucks how reliant players have to be on her S-Craft in the superbosses. But that's what Zeram capsules are for I suppose.

Up next: Main Character Syndrome
while you slept, the world changed
no video games for me thank you

i'll probably get around to playing eiyuden though
while you slept, the world changed
May: 4
Grossberg: 6
Bellboy: 3
while you slept, the world changed
Is this even going to have original songs? That's all that matters to me.
while you slept, the world changed
He doesn't deserve you
22 . Duvalie the Swift

I do not remember the context of this photo. Maybe there was an ice cream cone glued to Duvalie's head somehow, and Rean is trying to remove it? Regardless, Duvalie deserves praise for being an Ouroborous member who actually cares that nothing that they do makes a lick of sense in CS3 and 4. She's classic tsun, but not to an annoying degree. Props for that CS4 outfit too. So much better than the clunky Stahlritter armor. She basically should leave Ouroborous for good and join Thors as a soccer coach or something.
21 . Noel Seeker

Poor Noey. She's a bit of a cop, and not a "cool cop" the way the rest of the SSS are. Her mini-heel turn felt earned because of all the setup throughout Azure. Despite her brief toe-dipping into fascism, she's still cute and I liked her way more than Elie. I guess Noel's kind of like Makoto from Persona 5: strong sense of responsibility, a bit nerdy. Unfortunately for her chances with Lloyd, Rixia also exists.
20 . Josette Capua

I probably am the world' biggest Josette defender. I'd go so far as to say, IN TERMS OF JOSHUA SHIPPING ONLY, she's better than Estelle. One, because they're not brother and goddamn sister, and two, because their rapport just feels much more interesting than the wholesome Estelle stuff. She's a sky pirate! She's a displaced noble! She's a reformed villain! She's funny! She has all this stuff going for her, but no, they have to completely kick this character to the curb once Joshua and Estelle get together.

Yes, she should have been better incorporated into the party in SC. But I'm still glad they did it! As far as her appearances in Cold Steel: screw Falcom cause she's awful in that series. She doesn't even feel like the same character. Part of this is due to the graphical engine giving everyone same-face, but part of it is the fact they completely took away all of her interesting qualities and just turned her into basically Alisa I guess. Another thing Falcom: YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE PEOPLE LONG HAIR TO SHOW THAT THEY'RE OLDER. It's lazy and sexist you pieces of (*gets chloroformed*)

Up next: A character whose name sounds like a porn star's

while you slept, the world changed
Lopen posted...
Don't you play as Edgeworth in Trials and Tribulations and isn't it awesome there

Or am I misremembering

It works there cause it's basically just for one day (and there's a lot of funny gumshoe stuff there).

I will stand by my opinion that playing as Edgeworth isn't as fun. He's not poorly written or anything, I just don't like him as much as Phoenix. Still gets an 8 though which is pretty good.
while you slept, the world changed
LeonhartFour posted...

Bonus Question: What was the first video game story beat that affected you emotionally?

Probably FFIV (Palom & Porom). I remember feeling genuinely sad about that. But the real answer is probably Suikoden II (with Nanami's death). That actually tore me up. FF7 got spoiled for me.
while you slept, the world changed
Aw yeah Bloodborne remake here we go
while you slept, the world changed

Don't kill me!

The AAI games are not good, and I think part of the blame has to lie on Edgeworth and him just not being as fun to play as.

Also, he's just a bit too buttoned up for my tastes, even in the original trilogy.
while you slept, the world changed
+5 Final Fantasy VI
+4 Contra 3: The Alien Wars
+4 Illusion of Gaia
+3 Earthbound
+3 Chrono Trigger
+3 The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
+2 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
+2 Super Empire Strikes Back
+2 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
+2 Final Fantasy IV
+1 Mega Man X
+1 Secret of Mana
+1 Super Mario World
+1 Super Metroid
+1 Street Fighter II
+1 Actraiser
+1 Breath of Fire 2
+1 Super Mario Kart
+1 Final Fantasy V
+1 Super Castlevania IV
while you slept, the world changed
Final Fantasy VI
Metal Gear Solid 3
Trials & Tribulations
Nier: Automata

while you slept, the world changed
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