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Community » dhampire1
How many licks does it take?
Was it a sword fight between you 2?
Fruity Pebbles
Chicken nuggets
No way. By far the most off the rails by far was Felicity.
The whole show was a quiet girl following her crush to college.
It was a JJ Abrams show before he was famous. 5 seasons of average college girls dating stuff. Nothing new or unique.
it had Kimberly the Pink Ranger as a star.

but the show ended. Had the ending and all the stories wrapped up, plus the whole love triangle building for years wrapped up.

then the channel told him to add more episodes.

so he just changed everything.
he randomly added witchcraft, time travel, changing history and people dying and such just fucking around.
Nice the first one is great. By all accounts it should have been bad, but turned out great
LeoRavus posted...
Movies set in the not-so-distant future that are overly futuristic. Then when the actual year arrives the movie looks clownish.

Watching Johnny Mnemonic (1995) and they have way advanced stuff for 2021, but are still using CDs and CRT TVs. Clown show.

Also display resolution being absolute shit in sci-fi films. Pixels the size of cockroaches. Why would resolution get worse in the future?

Yeah Blade Runner was set 5 years ago and the Jetsons was over 20 years ago.
Barf, Dark Helmet and Dot actors are all dead or completely retired. Thats 3 of the 6? Main stars about.
I really dont see this happening.
Mel Brooks mostly retired decades ago.
Daredevil is great. Before the Boys Id say maybe the best comic book super hero show ever.

many liked Luke Cage but I kinda didnt like that at all. It was so boring and not like the comic to me at all. His character is kick ass and take names later in comics.
in the show its more, talk, talk, avoid fighting, talk, avoid. Then fight as a last option.
Defenders was a huge let down because it didnt feel epic or special like it should have.

Punisher was kinda bad to me. Great moments but so much drama from side characters that was not needed in any way. Like random side characters fill up most the time.
Such a waste because just do stuff from the comics. Like an issue and episode. No need for long drawn out nothing characters drama.

JJ and Iron Fist were ok.
Daredevil was so well done, high in quality and amazing, its hard to compare the others to it.

on their own each is good, against DD they each falter
It was for SiM.
They did the opening for the last season of Attack on Titan and it made them kinda famous and the song a worldwide hit.
I saw them recently and they acknowledged it and said how grateful they were for it
gamepimp12 posted...
id actually make the topics regardless.

I dont really care for the attention.
And yet you want strangers to know everything about you and you always are quick to respond to everyone.
those are the actions of one desperate for attention
Another thing Ive always hated so much is anytime theres time travel or flashbacks or a time skip the actors still have the exact same hair style and facial hair even if its 15 years later
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
It's so strange to like... categorize yourself in such a limited way.

I've also found it's made me super reductive as I'm looking at profiles and whatnot. You list yourself as self-employed? Likely I'm skipping cause I just don't know if I trust that. Sure it could be legit, but you could also be in a weird pyramid scheme. Most of your pictures involve fishing and camping and stuff? I assume we won't have much in common, so SKIP!

It's just not my ideal way to date I guess? I'm in a managerial role where I work so I can't really "meet new people" at work and have the chance to date them if they are my employees. Where do single people in their late 30's hang out? Probably at home scrolling dating apps if they're looking. =/
If youre religious at all lots of people, especially older people meet people at church functions. Or just go to local events. If you help in charities then youd not just be around people but also probably be talking and interacting with them which also breaks all the first awkwardness
gamepimp12 posted...
No Id be hurt. But I wouldnt expect loyalty from a stranger.
Didnt you create a few topics not long ago complaining about a girl because she was with another guy when you were saying she should with you? Stalking her online and mad at everything she did not involving you?
I have a shiny, so screw your base stats
How can one person have nonstop problems with women many, many times a week. Enough to make nonstop topics on video game boards.

scary, no. Funny yes.

his nose is literally the head of a penis many scenes. Its a joke
Soon? Half the Star Wars actors are gone and most the Star Trek actors as well
Almost all action movies, when shot its cg blood.
and worse new movies when shooting a gun the flash is bad cg
I miss it.
I miss the quiet, less crowded stores, less cars on the streets.
I liked the news stories of nature kinda making a comeback in areas.
Hes Peters stuffed animal and best friend as a kid (just like Calvin & Hobbes)
Today hes Stewies toy passed down from Peter and now his best friend.
Hence its why both play with him and have him as the imaginary living best friend
pjnelson posted...
All Presidents aged a lot during their terms, except Trump because it's the stresses of being responsible for an entire nation and to some extent the world but you have to actually care and truly carry that burden to be crushed by it and Trump doesn't care.
Yeah he literally spent the first half of each day only watching tv as reported then spent literally 3-4 days each week golfing at his golf courses not working.
he had one of the most stressful jobs in the world and turn it into an average persons vacation for all 4 years
There was an issue I read last week where he makes a bet with Superman if its possible for Batman to hit a ball Superman pitches at his fastest speed
Season 3 starts august 13th maybe
Shang Chi teams up with Kamala and they do wacky hijinks making jokes while jumping all over the world. Or multiple worlds
JustMyOpinion posted...
If they were brothers wouldn't Goku also be the prince of all Saiyans?
and that would be a good reason for Vegeta to always be jealous.
or just make Vegeta older and it falls on him. Which also would annoy him because his younger brother is always better
TMOG posted...
The initial reason Vegeta never left Earth (permanently) was because he was so motivated to surpass Goku, and he couldn't really do that unless he was actually within punching distance of his measuring stick. You don't need to have a blood relation for a rivalry.

Besides, Vegeta did leave Earth to train at least once. And after he started his relationship with Bulma and had a kid with her, he had even more reason to stick around. After all, Vegeta's got to live somewhere, and Earth is where he was starting to put down roots whether he intended to or not.
I get all that, but I think theyd work well as brothers.
Vegeta also left another time for training where he learned much more, probably surpassing Goku. But thats all after the shows ended in the manga
Im a big comic book reader, and I hate how they always try to make some villains related to the hero. It happens so much.
But this is maybe the only time I do wish they made a villain related to the hero. Im talking Vegeta, not Raditz.
Storywise I think it would have worked better and made more sense for Goku to always be there and try to work with him. Plus same with Vegeta, it would work as a reason he never left considering he has nothing left in the universe.
His father also added nothing to the plot.
but both characters help show what he was supposed to be like and what his race was like.

The first season was ehh. Started kinda bad, but by the end of the season I was actually liking it and the characters.
it will never match the original, but it did grow on me
Hes been insane forever, always plays the race card and victim card then always tries to act smart but fails miserably.
hes almost like a cartoon character by how ridiculous he gets
Hunk & Skunk
The original is great, sequel is decent.
but man it dive bombs after that and each sequel gets worse and worse to ridiculous levels

MC Mound Hill

The Beastly Boys
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I never got this. I grew up years in Southern California and I had friends whose parents couldnt speak a word of English and would have elementary school kids explain and ask for everything for them everywhere.
some of these people lived in the country over 20 years and still never learned to speak one sentence.

I dont get it, why move to a place and not want to at least try to learn its language? It would make every aspect of your life easier. Easier to get a job, easier to get help, easier to find a place to live, to buy groceries. Literally everything.
its ridiculous to have a 6-7 year old on the phone scheduling medical appointments for the parent refusing to learn English. Or even calling about an electric bill or anything. I child doesnt know anything about all that stuff.

this might sound bad, but I do wish when applying for citizenship theyd at least have a basic English test included just to make it easier for everyone.
im not saying to get rid of or stop speaking their language.
also that alone would drastically cut the amount of people flooding the border waiting months for a hearing.
but its absurd people walks for months straight, risk their lives and their childrens lives to go live someone where, but not once on those months of walking even try to learn a single word of that nations language
LightningThief posted...
Went with my gf to see the movie.

Some things bothered me about the movie. SPOILER ALERT
Like 300 years passed, but a portion of humans devolved to be complete cavemen?
The humans that aren't cavemen, what exactly are they doing? The entire movie they spent the woman trying to get this chip or whatever from a military complex so it can speak to some other location?
The apes don't seem to have progressed beyond the 3rd movie. Arguably they regressed in their technological prowess. Just found it a lil odd the apes didn't adapt any of the tech from humans at all.
There was a few other things, but the above is a few to start.

Entertaining movie, but as a story, a lot of things bothered me. If the movie was completely standalone, the story wouldn't bother me as much.
I didnt get why some humans were dumb, and others were not. But originally the serum that made the apes smart was also making humans dumber.
I think the whole thing the girl got was to show humans are making a comeback.
the biggest thing in war is communication. Thats what changed the game forever. Knowing whats where and happening all over in an instant. That makes planning so much easier and easier to get info.
For older people there is that awesome SNL skit where Eddie Murphy (before being known) made himself white to see what it was like. He rode a bus. Its funny.

Foppe posted...
To be fair, the Punisher didnt want to be black, he just wanted to not be recognized.
It wasnt that.
a druggie prostitute did surgery on him to fix his face after it was cut all up bad. The side effects made him black.
so of course the first thing he does is go to Detroit to the hood and team up with Luke Cage.
then a few issues later they say his skin just faded back to its normal color.
no joke. Its ridiculous
Morgan Spurlock made a whole show based on this 20 years ago.
a whole white family living as a black family in a new area and a whole black family living as a white family for weeks or months
Damn I loved King Arthur and the Knights of Justice.
the show never had an ending, but the SNES game actually did have an ending to the whole story interestingly
Its a game I never owned but Im always looking for
Westernwolf4 posted...
This moron is the worst President we have ever had, and one of the worst human beings who has ever lived.

The brave men and women who have fought and died for this country deserve so much better than a whiny narcissist trying to overshadow them.
Which brings up the most baffling thing to me, why do veterans and police have such a huge majority voting for him 8 years ago and still today??
For veterans hes literally put them down and mocked them. Plus hes a 5 time draft dodger.

Even police, republicans blame them for so much and block all bills (unanimously at times) to get them better health care, more resources and money and even better retirements.
Its weird how in Japan Dominos goes nonstop with the gimmick pizzas. Kinda like how Pizza Hut was here, yet in the US Dominos does zero gimmick stuff like that. Nothing they do is for a month, they only add stuff thats permanent on the menu so they barely add stuff
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