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Community » joaquintall
ooger posted...
Imagine voting for someone that has dead worms in their brain.

Could be worse... could be voting for a convicted felon, or someone convicted of fraud... both? ... and there's more?
Yep, I use it all the time. That feeling when you get the look from the wife who thinks she's had undercooked chicken...
ToteAll posted...
Expiration dates are mostly bullshit. I've eaten "expired" food, taken "expired" medication, it's just a combination of companies bullet-proofing themselves against any ill-effects, which are extremely rare, and medication no longer being guaranteed to work at 100% efficacy past certain date. Those somehow turned into "taking this will kill you".

Generally nothing past an expiration date will kill you.

Medication and toothpaste will lose its potency.

Chocolate that is well past its expiration date is horrid.

Even bottled water has an expiration date... it's literally WATER. But it's not the water that expires, it's the bottle itself.

I tend to buy toothpaste from Costco, and it's frequently on sale, so there are times when it will expire before I have even opened it. I likely wouldn't use it though... I don't mess around when it comes to oral health.
TomClark posted...
Counting Crows are ridiculously good live.

I had the exact opposite impression. It was a CC/Matchbox 20 double-bill. Adam spoke-sang through everything. When they played Omaha, he tried to get the crowd to sing "in the heart of middle America" ... probably not the most crowd-pleasing moment in big city Canada.

Maybe that soured him being early on in the show, but the energy level was low.

Anyways, I loved Mr Jones and Long December. I think they are rated just about right.
Just ask her out
Get to a gym
Here's a song that's going to be huge when you're in your 20s... copyright it, and sue them... it's ok... anyone whose opinion matters hates them
Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
So instead they're going to vote for the brainworms guy who sounds like he has Stage Infinity Lung Cancer?

Yep, I chose the word "uninformed" for that exact reason.
I've said it from the beginning and still believe it - it hurts Biden more.

Trump has been convicted of fraud, and people still send him money. He is a convicted felon, and is still in the running. His voters simply want liberal tears, and no amount of treachery will sway them. Kennedy's presence is not costing Trump any votes.

However, you have that set of uninformed Dems that are buying into the "he's too old/border stuff/senility" rhetoric and clearly aren't voting for Trump.

Then there are the never-Trumper republicans who instead of voting Biden, will vote for the guy who isn't a Dem. Where if Kennedy were not an option, they would begrudgingly vote for Biden.
How can we prove Earth isn't flat? How about a flat-Earther gets in an airplane to find the edge?

They can go ahead, charter an airplane with ridiculous mileage and hire a pilot. Start flying in a single direction. There are airplanes that fly 16 hours before needing to refuel. Start heading straight east for 16 hours, refuel, do it again and again until you find the edge of Earth.

And tell them not to come back until they do.
Not enough money... especially if *I'm* not the one who gets to use the force.
Bishop_Hastur posted...
Hulk. Not real sure what I'd do outside of jumping around.

I went with Hulk too. I figure I would smash things. I might have a target or two in mind...

Was thinking mar-a-lardo, but lardo himself would probably end up getting legitimate insurance money... grossly overstated at that.

So instead, perhaps break into area 51, see what's really inside.

And I would smash the buildings of the biggest polluters around the world.
Anti-woke flags... white flags to oppose rainbow flags.

Like we need more reasons to laugh at the stupidity.
Smallville posted...
never heard of mamas for can get alot?

Not really, but it's a better solution than just junking stuff you want to get rid of, and way less trouble than a yard sale.

It's basically craigslist or facebook marketplace for parents of young children.
Some have gone to younger cousins, some have gone to other people on Mamas for Mamas (my wife likes this one because there are lots of people who are looking for cheap clothes/toys).
X Japan - Art of Life. It's a 30 minute song (ok, 29 minutes) that is it's own album. Despite the thrash elements and pounding drums, the dynamic shifts seem to soothe me.
I could do it. Can I also record video of it and post it to youtube to show how much of a loser he really is? I'd probably ask him questions about how he really feels about certain things/people.
Better sleep means other subtle health benefits too, so easy choice long-term.
I don't know if I can hide my eye rolls when someone says globalists or w.e.f.

Had to excuse myself the last time someone started talking about the moon landing being a hoax.
Went with basketball. It's painful in that the close games take forever to complete. And on the other side of the coin, announcers go bonkers on dunks that cut deficits to 30 points.
They have good songs, but top 20 all time is a stretch.
DuranOfForcena posted...
lmfao @ the posters claiming our "moral compass" would suffer without religion and people would be killing people and just having a free for all without religion. what a fucking stupid claim. religion is not a necessary or required component of morality. the concept of morality existed before organized religion and will still exist if organized religion went away. people in a civilized society understand innately that it is in everyone's best interest if people in the society behave morally.

i'm reminded of the best line from True Detective season 1, when Marty claims, like someone in this topic did, that without religion people would just be murdering each other in the streets with no restraint, Rust says, "If the ONLY thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."

As someone who is raising a kid in a non-religious household, it *does* need to be said that kids have no frame of reference of what's right or wrong except for what the adults tell them.

Do the kids hurt each other? Do they lie? Do they make more noise than our neighbours should have to tolerate?

The answer to all of those is yes. And if *we* as the adults aren't helping fix those behaviours, then who is? TV? Internet? The same friends who also hit, lie and make noise?

Religion, for all of its faults, *can* be helpful in shaping a child's morality. Unfortunately, religion has lost its way and also teaches intolerance, and fear among other things.

That said, even regular church-goers, for all their moral high-ground will often say - screw it, I'm doing it this way anyways - and ignore anything that would be considered moral.

I forgot the point I was trying to make. I guess it's that some kids don't have the luxury of moral parents to help guide them through to being moral adults.

Kind of a mixed bag. Without religion, our moral compass comes down to what our parents and schools teach us, and that's already in a pretty sad state of affairs.
SpawnShadow posted...
It's against the law for the Treasury to print currency depicting anyone who is still alive. So unless Donnie-boy is going to do the world a huge favor by shuffling off this mortal coil in the near-future, he's not getting on a $500 bill anytime soon.

Wait... why is this the first I'm hearing about this? Let's get this $500 bill thing started.
To be fair, he also said he would leave Michigan permanently if they voted him out. Gee, yet another lie.
Might be a hot take, but it has never jumped the shark.

While the prequels were painful, Revenge of the Sith was decent. The sequels have been average.

However, Rogue One was great, Mandalorian has been great, Obi-Wan was solid. I never watched them, but I've heard good things about Clone Wars, Acolyte, the Cassian Andor one.

So while the franchise has had its ups and downs, there has not been one defining moment where it has gone downhill and never recovered.
TommyVercetti posted...
Why do you think that though, not exactly saying you're wrong

- My job where I get asked the most basic questions, where the answers are obvious to everyone with eyes.
- I live in a city that has a reputation for bad drivers and they live up to this reputation on a daily basis
- A country where people have willingly given millions of dollars to someone who had already been convicted of fraud. Who would willingly put the fraud and now convicted felon into the highest office in the country
- Flat-Earthers
- Moon landing denyers
- Anti-vaxxers (I'm sure there's some overlap)

Anyways, yeah... I typically assume the worst in people and they certainly fulfill that assumption.
XBoner posted...
so you don't think much of people?

Lol... you have no idea how right you are!
No tipping
Akihabara (I highly recommend the driving range in the 9 storey shopping centre if you're into golf)
Ninja Gaiden?
Considering how dumb average people are, I'd say above average, but definitely not genius.
Pass... what good is money if you can't do awesome things with it?

Amazon and food delivery only gets you so far.
I started WCW when Bret Hart left WWF. It was fun learning all these new wrestlers, and seeing all the 80s/90s WWF stars still in action.

Liked Booker T, Malenko, Benoit, Mysterio, DDP.

Can never forget the West Texas Rednecks. Hilarious that their anti-rap messaging made them faces.
Ivany2008 posted...

Honestly? I'd probably go with Thailand. I've heard its dirt cheap to live there, and the food is amazing.

Really trying to make sure that $1 billion doesn't run out!
KogaSteelfang posted...
Just in case anyone wanted to test their luck.

I lost.

Got a kid the first one, then some old ladies. 4th try was the best of the bunch, next few were extraordinarily average. Very low odds of a good score. Keep your money.

I may have to pass.
Give me the granola.

I can magic carpet myself anywhere. Get sustenance as needed. Feed hungry kids. Make it rain granola on Russian soldiers. I could make my own shade while at the beach.

I'd probably also do bad things... flood the houses of people I dislike, businesses too.
The wife suggested tossing ours because we have yet to use it (it was a gift). I refused... sounds like I may be right. Will try the chickpeas, maybe yam fries. Any other recommendations with it?
It's not for everyone.

Someone who wants kids should REALLY want it, and you clearly don't.

It will change your entire life in both positive ways and negative ways.

The best part for me is seeing this amazing little kid absolutely adoring me just for being there. Seeing them, and realizing that this is your positive contribution to the world.

On the other hand, yes they cost lots of money. Personal life goals and activities take a back seat. You are responsible for the safety and upbringing of a helpless person. You will fight with your partner (sometimes a lot, and often over stupid things).
Nirvanas_Nox posted...
Lol what's to wtf? Most cooked veggies taste gross to me. Especially broccoli. I prefer raw vegetables.

I wonder if there is something to that... like how some people love cilantro or hate it because it tastes like soap. And that all has to do with the presence or absence of a gene.

I love broccoli in all forms, but clearly not everyone does.
If you have stomach issues like I did, lots of veggies is a good idea.

Thought I had an ulcer, changed my diet to really focus on veggies, and my stomach issues went away without medication. They come back when I'm being bad, but I know what I need to eat and what to avoid for stomach health.
I suddenly thought of Human Cannonball for Atari 2600... I often aimed to miss the target, because it's hilarious watching the guy sail over the target or bounce off of it.

I would have taken the money if that was the last game I played!

Pass... Link to the Past is too good of a game to wreck it for a measly $5000.
So a felon cannot be near a gun, but CAN be head of state to a nuclear-armed country. Makes sense to me. /s
Stupendous Slash Headbutt

... I need a Zidane meme!
Done... while I may suffer a little embarrassment at first, I could tell them to piss off. Meanwhile, I will upload a pic of me naked basking in heaping piles of money, and no one will want to see that.

And if they looked at the history, aside from a little 18+ stuff, it would be really really boring, and nothing incriminating.
Done, I would get a chance to watch it again... just haven't had time the last few years. I probably watched it a lot longer than most others.

Edit: forgot to add - giggity!
Blue_Thunder posted...
Your phone doesn't have a silent mode?

It does, but I never remember to turn the sound back on, and then miss important calls.
Yes, don't want to risk being woken with bot calls in the middle of the night, or texts from my parents who go to sleep at weird hours.
All Repubs: Well... I *was* going to get groceries now that I can afford it, but my favorite billionaire has bigly unfair Demonrat-imposed bills to pay.

So... yeah I take it, nothing really changes except the head chud actually has money that he will hoard and now I have a nice chunk of money.
Easily the green lights. Waiting at red lights is probably what I dislike the most about driving. TP is plentiful in my household.
I don't think negative currency is a thing. Then again, only chuds would want it in the first place, and will be constantly duped with counterfeits (how appropriate).
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