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Necronmon posted...
On top of that...some other things that are not just minor changes are...Rufus now being goaded into invading Wutai by Glen...some guy from the Prequel game that wears a Organization Coat right out of Kingdom hearts and might be Cloud's father so that's a drastic change.

The weapons showing up much earlier, like a lesser Wepaon showing up in Gongaga to devour Tifa...which now is being run by Cissnei from Crises Core...somehow without Shinra knowing.

The entire Temple of the Ancients got relocated...and a few other issues but bringing in the Whispers a whole thing in itself.
There's also the fact that some highlight scenes have upped the spectacle for things to the point that the entire tone of the scenes feel different.
lydiaquayle posted...
Is he a white Mexican? Or is he mestizo? That often explains a lot.
Again, there's a reason I responded with "depends on that Latin." Latins are too diverse to try to say they are similar. I honestly hate stats like this, because it tries to act like racial groups are like... Tribes that are sitting right next to each other and not groups that are possibly hundreds or more miles from each other.
Depends on the circumstances of the invasion.
Southernfatman posted...
It's sad how conservatives act like children and/or teenage internet trolls.

And this whole thing is basically:
It's worse than that. Because he involved someone else while the comic didn't.
Hayame_Zero posted...
The thing about the main plot sections is the game still follows all the main story beats for the most part, but they're expanded on substantially. Every event from the original happens as it does in FF7R, but they're added onto to the point that they feel different.
Or in some cases, there's some much other stuff added that it changes the concept to the point that it isn't the same but there's enough room to make it be ignored for the changes.
GuerrillaSoldier posted...
this is literally false

like, why even make such a false statement
Depends on the Latin community. Tbh, I think slapping Latins in the same net is really stupid because they aren't even the same countries and cultures necessarily.

Sometimes I do, but it's not my main go to unless the game has a particularly good soundtrack.
It's okay I guess? It's one of those shows that if it was on, it's fine, but there's no reason to go out of your way to watch it.
I don't hate streaming or even streamers. I just don't make it a point to follow any in particular.

You don't have to hate something or there isn't hate of something because you don't follow the trend.

What I do hate are when people randomly bring up news about streamers and when you look at them with a "who is that," they act like you're stupid or something. That's far worse than any streamer.
They just keep inventing more reasons for people to not eat there.
R1masher posted...
Yes. This game was really cool with the movement abilities and the movement system in general in that game. It really deserves a sequel. Even crazier is that there's never been a spiritual successor.
Vegy posted...
We like cops now?
No, but I don't dislike people that do their job. If only people could get this indignant when someone is UNFAIRLY treated.
Not fear. I have better things to do.
ToteAll posted...
You see people on CE defending homeowners literally shooting fleeing unarmed burglars on the back, but castrating convicted child molestors is somehow awful?

This place is bananas.
Who the heck is doing that? You're going to have to post an example of that.
lydiaquayle posted...
Mostly because it's very rare to be able to rehabilitate a pedophile rapist. Pedophiles genuinely are sexually attracted to prepubescent children. It's not something that you can just use therapy to fix -- just as you likely won't find anyone that can ever convince a heterosexual male to not be attracted to women.
Rarity doesn't mean much. That it shouldn't be done. No matter the circumstances the issue with the action is an adult doing something with a child. There's a fine line between convincing someone about attraction and making them understand that their actions hurt people. That's literally the point of rehabilitation.

If the response to crime is "give up." Society literally can't progress.
PowerOats posted...
Except for Toads Turnpike, and the battle stages, and the vibes, you aren't missing much tbh
Toad's Turnpike extra is like the best thing in that game
StealThisSheen posted...
Looking into it further, California, Florida, and Texas all offer chemical castration as a choice. Louisiana also already did this. In this case, it'd be making surgical castration mandatory.
Also this.
lydiaquayle posted...
Any punishment can be abused. Instead, focus on the systemic issues that allow such abuse to occur in the first place.

I would argue that sentencing someone to 100 years in prison for raping a child is more cruel than castrating. So why not allow a guilty convict to choose an option?
I don't think that's going to work as a response here. A state that constantly proposes LGBT people are the actual child molesters and then starts making crappy laws like this already revealed its ass on the goals.

Both are ridiculously cruel so I don't see your point here. Mutilation of your own body and being gaslighted into believing it makes you "redeemable." Or rotting in jail for life because you're considered "irredeemable." Awful punishment system that doesn't seem to solve the problem. You might as well give people the option to shoot themselves in the head if they have life sentences to make their sentences shorter.

Why is the US always pushing for destroying a person instead of rehabilitation?
GeminiDeus posted...
Eh, I played it a lot at a Blockbuster N64 kiosk, but it wasn't nearly as fun as Super Mario Kart, and the CPUs were super cheaters in MK64.
They cheat even more in super Mario kart. What?

As for the game, it's alright. Physics are kind of weird but not so weird you can't adjust. Not my favorite Mario kart, but still solid.
lydiaquayle posted...
It would only be reserved for individuals who confess to the crime and are seeking redemption and rehabilitation. If I was a pedophile, and genuinely believe that I had a problem, then I would want to do whatever it took to prevent my urges from hurting any other child ever again.
I'd rather genuinely try to get help for my problem than mutilate myself. And dangling a less severe sentence over someone with a mental problem is all sorts of fucked up.

"Think of the children." Never bodes well for these types of sentences. It can and will be abused.
lydiaquayle posted...
As someone who considers themselves center-left, and firmly opposes the death penalty, I actually support castration if the guilty person agrees to it in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Pedophilia is almost an addiction for many rapists, and if I were a pedophile and truly wanted to become a better person, I would want to do whatever it takes to eliminate those urges.

No ....
EbonTitanium posted...
How is that even legal?
It definitely shouldn't be.
DuranOfForcena posted...
oh god no, this is one of the most terrible gaming opinions i have ever heard. everything about DA2 was ass, and the combat was an atrociously bad departure from the tactical gameplay of Origins. especially at launch when there was no auto-attack and you had to literally buttonmash in order to attack. even when they did patch in an auto-attack, there was no semblance of any kind of tactical considerations for combat, positioning was meaningless, because you had enemies literally spawning out of thin air coming at you from all angles. it was ridiculous.
Da2 has a tactics menu. Da2 got rid of needing to level up frivolous skills to unlock more tactical options. Da2 added stamina pots so it wasn't just mages that could restore their "mp." Yes, awakening had it, but origins did not, and never patched it in. Da2 added a much more robust crafting system that allowed you to make items far more easily without having to trek all over the place to get them. Da2 had things like revival items so making a competent team that wasn't minmaxed to shit and didn't have a mage could still revive if something went wrong.

Da2 streamlined some of the classes and got rid of stupid things like pretending rogues could / should use strength, having several abilities locked behind other skills. It also expanded on the combo system allowing cross class combos instead of just spell ones.

Again, mechanically da2 is better than 1. It just isn't better designed because it's rushed. Da origins is the better game because of da2's shortcomings, but the combat is definitely better.

Auto attack not being standard is kind of annoying, but it got patched out so you don't have to do it, so complaining about that now is a moot point, because I'd that's the case, we'd complain about how origins was a glitchy mess on release and didn't even run on some PCs that should have been able to run it because of the massive memory leaks. Let's not forget that the fade was actually unplayable when it first got released on the PS3 for instance.
UnholyMudcrab posted...
DA2 at least still had the tactics menu. It would have been much better if the enemies didn't just spawn out of thin air in a circle around you
This. Like that's the actual problem with the game. Enemies literally ambush spawn on you so any sort of positioning you had goes to shit.

My biggest regrets from origin is that they killed warrior archer as well as dual wield warrior who was great because you could be a berserker archer or a 2 swords and mow people down in a fun way.
MorbidFaithless posted...
One of my favorite things about DAO is the combat... wtf are these people on?
Yeah. Da2, despite its shortcomings had the best combat overall imo.
nocturnal_traveler posted...
If I wanted Mass Effect gameplay, I would play Mass Effect. Dragon Age should have stuck with with the gameplay of either Origins or Inquisition. Oh well. It's not like I would've bought this game at launch, since I no longer buy AAA games anymore unless they're on sale.
2 was fine as well. Mechanically it's good... Design wise?? It's nasty. The dlc having fully realized dungeons shows the game could have been really good.

And yeah, that's how it is for me. This is definitely not a day 1 purchase from me after seeing that.
Aristoph posted...
I have never had a tube of toothpaste last long enough to expire.
This. So idk what I'd do.
Noname13 posted...
Yall must not lift lift though. Gettting beeg numbers
No. I do lift, lift. And I'm not running around hungry and drinking so much liquid protein that I can't eat...

A fact apparently a ton of people whiffed on for noticing when they gave advice.
Noname13 posted...
Not when you lift, mfers always hungry tbh
I do lift. That's why I'm saying what I'm saying. If I was hungry, I'd eat. If I couldn't eat but wasn't getting the macros I needed, it's because I ate like dog shite.
totalnerdken posted...
Thanks for the compliment.

I personally really need to do a lot better at keeping track of the studies I read or skim through.

I was also going to mention that it may actually help build more muscle to eat a lot at once but I couldn't actually remember if I read that and from where, so I deleted that before posting. But here it is.
There's a lot that people jumped on for what I said. What I said was exactly the truth. If you did nothing but drink liquid protein and your body is full but you "need more," that is a dietary issue.

A lot of people use supplements as a way to excuse bad diet behavior like not cooking meals or eating lopsided imbalanced meals.

If you're hitting a "I need more to eat but I'm full" that is absolutely a diet issue.
Stop consuming liquid protein. If you're taking in that much liquid protein, rethink your dietary consumption.
Kircheis posted...
I actually prefer 3's combat over K2. Kiryu just feels so clunky in the dragon engine. Still need to actually finish 6 at some point, just haven't felt the urge to play in a while.
You'll need to cancel more onto throws in the early game to make it feel less bad. The issue is you aren't very mobile, and your crowd control options are pretty limited without weapons or objects.
The issue is that Yakuza 3 has some stiff combat because of the computer ai tendency to block relentlessly and how bad kiryu 's base kit is in it. The opening is a turn off for some as well.

To be honest, y6 kiryu feels the same way. Though in its defense, t5 kiryu is insanely broken.
Yes. That's why I don't bother with American Christianity. It's worship of a false god.
HighSeraph posted...
Yeah my dad started to fall down the Trump rabbit hole but died before he went full MAGA
Was it COVID if you don't mind me asking?
I started to lose a friend over this, and what woke them up was me actually full on snapping at them and apparently when I was yelling at them they said and I quote "I've never seen you look at anyone with that much malice before."

You can't treat these people with kid gloves. You have to be firm with them that their beliefs are not okay.
Turbam posted...
Honestly? Yeah, that's ... Lmao.
Biofighter55 posted...
same but now it sounds worse than I thought and it seems like they're trying to make it sound good by putting down the previous games
Yeah, I think I'll wait until it's on sale. I don't like it when people put down games to make it sound better.
Tyranthraxus posted...
How is this any different from any other 10s of thousands of domestic abusers every day that you've never heard of before?
BlueBoy675 posted...
So you guys just dont care this guy with a platform is abusing and beating women because youve never heard of him? Really feminist of you, CE
How is anyone supposed to care about this guy? Like if I was upset for every person out there that was deplorable, I'd never be happy. What kind of mentality is this?
Well that doesn't bode well. It just sounds like mass effect slapped into dragon age. People were already mocking mass effect 3 for being dragon effect.

Now they've just gone all in.

YugiNoob posted...
Google practically any name + the hedgehog
Yes. How dare kids draw fan art?
Because people wanted to collectively try to say their franchise wasn't the worst and everyone decided sonic was a good target.
So they don't have a right to a fair election, but they do have the right to bare arms. Like ... You cannot make this shit up.
More friends of mineral town had one /palyername.

That I can think of. It's really jarring. Most mistranslations are harmless, but another big one I can think of was "my suppose" in tales of the abyss because it was voice acted.

BDSMKane posted...
Having engaged with Sheen plenty in the past, I would agree theyre not a troll. Maybe a bit hasty, but its always been directed at people theyve perceived as amoral, corrupt, or cruel. Thats my opinion at least.
Which reading comprehension being bad is just as obnoxious. I have had encounters with that in other topics where they misread something so poorly that I can't even comprehend how the hell they took it that way.

On topic, the irony of this whole thing is stunning and I really wish countries would step away from disinformation. It's highly dangerous with how things spread globally. Especially when it comes to medical talks.
It should be moddable to post the x links without the embed.
I think I know more about this guy than I ever would if it wasn't for gamefaqs. Some people give idiots way too much power.
I really don't understand why this country has such a hard time with accountability.
K181 posted...
Ive heard of wannabe cops before, but wannabe mall cops?

Any person that says they are in overwatch for just moving about when they see something already gives the most obvious of signs that they are delusional.
This game is just a vampire.
What possessed the clinician to do that?
Learning about it near puberty makes sense.
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