Updated bumplist a bit, now displays when the last bumpbot post was made


DilloFAQs » Updated bumplist a bit, now displays when the last bumpbot post was made

As topic says, cleaned up a little with the topic info too, and topics are now listed in order of most recent bump first... of course, it's not gonna be accurate until a new bump is made from this point since I'm only tracking that data starting now.

Minor but yeah.
Are you the necrobumper guy on CE?
If so I feel bad for saying mean things about you.
Well I'm the guy that manages the bumping bots o_o

See the bump tab
I'm asking because I didn't see any of the CE bumpers in those B8 topics, and I don't recognize any of those bots.
While we're on the subject of B8, do you know who ran the old ASCII Art archive? I had quite a few projects on there I never saved anywhere else and it'd be amazing if that stuff is backed up somewhere.
I'm thiiiiinking aga, the guy who used to run aerisdies.com & imgcake... there was another thing and I'm remembering ASCII-relatedness

... If it's anything like imgcake though, that was lost including all images we had uploaded after he let it expire and someone else bought the domain =|

if it was aga, he goes by Ainoxi now and still visits B8 every now and then, usually about Chester updates

*checks the B8 wiki*


- "is an ASCII artist"

yeap that's what I remembered!
DilloFAQs » Updated bumplist a bit, now displays when the last bumpbot post was made