Lurker > Ayvuir

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Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:14:00 AM
“Right… And finally how do you feel about the other tributes that have been selected? Do you feel you are fit and ready enough to win?”

“I feel like I stand a great chance at beating the other tributes” Deadpool answered.

The crowd stayed silent… Expecting a slightly more detailed answer, but it never came.

“Ok…” Ayv finally said, breaking the silence when he realised nothing else was going to be said. “Short but sweet, I guess.”

Deadpool got up and walked off the stage before Ayv could even give him a send off.

“Well… I guess there is always one who doesn’t give much of an interview” He said to the crowd shrugging his shoulders. “Anyway, let’s hope our next tribute is a bit more talkative! Its his District 2 comrade, he’s a chemist by trade, please welcome ZAZI GUADO!!!”

The theme music cued ) A tall slim man walked out on to the stage, his blue hair immediately caught the attention of the crowd who liked someone who stood out and the cheers rose. He addressed the crowd as per protocol and smiled kindly. He shook Ayv’s hand and sat down opposite him.

“Zazi, welcome to The Hunger Games! Tell me your feelings on being selected.”

“Thanks for having me Ayv” Zazi smiled. “Well, it's all in the luck of the draw really. The funny thing about the Hunger Games is that it doesn't care who you are. If I'm correct, my fellow tribute, Deadpool, is a professor at the local university in District 2. Certainly his job is an important one. My colleague, Maniac and I were working on specialist medicines for the King. Now opinions of the King may vary, and I certainly have my own, but it's all about duty. In the Hunger Games, regardless of rankings, supporters, or what have you, we all have the same duty that we wish, and plan on, fulfilling. My duty, before Draw Day at least, was to my work. Now my duty has changed, and I accept it. I know there is parity amongst the districts, but in the Hunger Games, it, in a way, makes all the divisions equal. It's interesting.” He chuckled. “That's what I believe, at least.”

“Makes all divisions equal huh?” Ayv said, stroking his chin. “I guess you can look at it that way certainly, but in terms of previous years results, it certainly shows that they are not equal at all.”

“Perhaps.” Zazi replied.

“Anyway, as you’ve mentioned, you’re a chemist, and I’ve been told you work long hours and don’t get too much of a chance to exercise, keep fit, and make yourself physically strong in case of Game selection. No offence, but looking at you, you look the weediest of the 4 tributes from Districts 1 and 2. What do you think you can bring to The Games despite your obvious lack of physical strength? Do you think you can win?”

“I think you could take the entire crop of tributes and find something that they do better than all the other tributes. Some people are, as you pointed out, physically stronger. Some people are more intelligent. Some people are better at skipping stones. Some people are better at making love.” The crowd gave a few wolf whistles. Ayv hushed them with his hand. “The key to victory is just figuring out what that something is, and how it can help you achieve victory. As for me winning? Sure, I think I can win. If I didn't, I might as well just kill myself on this stage in front of everyone, as my life would be essentially over. That'd make for television, wouldn't it? No, I think I can win. I just need to figure out what about me will be the reason I win.”

“Yes please don’t kill yourself!” Ayv laughed “Or I may be out of a job!”

Zazi laughed with him. “No no, don’t worry, I don’t intend to.”

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:14:00 AM
“Oh my goodness, what a question! Ummm Chris and I just...grew up together is all...He's an all around great guy. I can't help but feel incredibly down about the whole situation, though. Such poor luck for the two of us to get drawn in the same games. Chris is a very important person to me and I can't possibly imagine returning to a home without him. My heart feels so...heavy. I don't even want to entertain the thought of facing off against someone I care about so much. I'll figure it out if it ever comes down to that, but I'm praying it doesn't.”

“Wow… Interesting answer!” Ayv said slowly. “Talking to Chris earlier, he seemed to be saying that although you two were very close, he knew what had to be done if you came face to face with each other.”

“I guess you could say my answer is along similar lines” Ryoko answered.

“I suppose… It seems you feel a bit more for him than he does for you though…” Ayv said, trying to rile something up. “But maybe that’s just my observation.”

“…Maybe.” Ryoko smiled sheepishly.

“Anyway, we’ll move on to my third question. You are one of only two girls in this years Games. Do you reckon you’ll have sympathy if you come face to face with the other girl within the contest, maybe form an alliance, or will you be going in with a kill everything on sight attitude?”

Ryoko chuckled. “Gender always seems to pop up in these things, huh? Just because I'm female doesn't mean any of the players should take me lightly, you know! I've been training my whole life for this moment and I won't let it all go to waste. I'm sure little miss Five is quite the scrapper as well. Definitely going to keep my eye on her. Who knows how that'll turn out! As for my strategy in the arena? I feel it'd be more fun if I just kept that little secret to myself. The viewers will just have to wait and see!” She gave a very cheeky wink to the crowd on her last sentence which sent them in to raptures.

“Haha!” Ayv laughed “Very nice! Thank you very much Ryoko, and good luck in the Arena!”

Ryoko stood up, kissed Ayv on both cheeks, waved to the crowd and walked off the stage.

“Right!” Ayv said to the crowd. “2 down, 8 to go! And next out is the first of our D2 tributes…In a cruel twist of fate for his family, his brother was a tribute for the games several years ago and was killed, now presumably hell bent on revenge, give a warm welcome to Deadpool Eagles!!!!

The theme music cued ) and a man wearing a lime green suit came out and walked straight for the chair and sat down, barely even acknowledging the crowd. He looked serious.

“Well Deadpool, Welcome!” Ayv said happily.

“Thanks.” Deadpool answered abruptly and sternly.

“Right… Well first of all, congratulations on being chosen Deadpool, but as well all know, your brother was killed in the Games several years ago now. How are you feeling on being picked?”

“I feel like I will do his memory proud by winning.” Deadpool answered.
“…Right.” Ayv nodded. “That it?”

“Yes.” Deadpool replied.

“Ok… Will you be out for revenge on the District 1 tributes for killing your brother and only focusing on them first of all so you can have your revenge? Or will you just be out to kill anybody you see and hope no-one else kills off the District 1 tributes before you get the chance too?”

“I feel I would serve my brother's memory better by focusing on winning the game then focusing on killing people from the same district that killed him. All I care about is them dieing. I don't care if it is by my hand or not.” Deadpools eyes didn’t even flinch away from Ayv, who was not getting slightly put off by Deadpool’s intensity.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:13:00 AM
“I’m sure she does know what happen if you’ll meet” Ayv agreed “But I’m sure it’ll be hard if you do ever meet, despite you not really showing that right now.”

“Well” Chris said “We’ll just have to see when the time comes.”

“We shall.” Ayv replied, nodding his head. “And finally, what do you think of the competition from the other Districts now you’ve had the chance to see them, anyone you’re potentially worried about?”

“I believe these games demand respect of even the most lowly of people. We are but flesh and bone. Even an amateur who slices open my throat will spill fatal amounts of blood. I don't know a lot about the other districts but they seem spirited and I shall treat them with the common respect of knowing that any one of them is capable of taking my life if I am to take them too lightly. I just will tell them now though: I won't make that mistake, so you are better off avoiding me. A fair warning, if you will.”

“Wow, honest” Ayv said slightly startled. “Most tributes from District 1 we have on here talk down the other Districts like their dirt on the bottom of their shoes.”

“Well, I’m not most tributes.” Chris smiled.

“Indeed” Ayv replied. “Well thank you Chris, great answers, and we look forward to seeing you in the Arena!”

Chris waved to the cheering crowd and made his way off stage. He passed Ryoko on his way out. “Good luck kiddo” He winked at her.

“Ha, you’re the one that’s gonna need luck once we get in to the arena!” She said fiercely.

“Hmph” Chris simply chucked and continued walking past the other tributes all lined up waiting to go on.

Back on the stage Ayv was attempting to calm the crowd down who were already chanting Chris’ name. “Now now, we have another 9 tributes to interview, and without further ado, our SECOND doctor from District 1, she’s feisty and sandgerous, allow me to introduce… Ryoko Shadow!”

Her theme music cued ) and out walked a stunning girl with shoulder length mousy brown hair and wide alluring eyes that immediately drew the crowd to her. She was wearing a lengthy purple silk dress, as purple was the colour choice of he District 1 designers this year.

She blew a few kisses to the crowd, much to the joy of the male audience and sat down opposite Ayv.

“Wowzer!” Ayv said, fanning himself with his question cards “Looking good Ryoko!”

“Thank you!” Ryoko replied beaming at Ayv and then at the crowd.

Chris, looking on from a TV in his dressing room, smiled slightly. “Playing the game well Ryoko.” He said to himself.

“Now, Ryoko!” Ayv started “ First off congratulations on being chosen for The Games. How are you feeling right now?”

“Well Ayv, I'm feeling pretty great right now, thanks. Excited, even! To be honest, everything hasn't really sunken in yet. It feels so surreal! Never did I actually think that my name would be called, but here I am and I'm definitely ready to go. I'm quite honored to be the one chosen to lead District One into victory and I most certainly won't let my home down”

She finished her last sentence and pumped her fist in the air with her fore finger pointed to the sky, the typical victory sign for District 1 members.

The crowd cheered and wolf whistled. “Awesome stuff!” Ayv said, smiling. “Now as you know, we had Chris on just before you… The facts say you two are just friends… But rumour has it there is a romantic connection between you two? Is that true, and if so will it make you hesitate if you come face to face with him in the arena?”

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:12:00 AM
Chapter 7

The lights came up, the television cameras turned on, the cue was counted in, and The eleventh Hunger Games Interview Show had began.

Applause erupted from the crowd, of which all were made up from high flyers that lived in the capital city.

Ayv Yure stepped out from backstage and made his way to his plush velvet laced chair in the centre of the stage and waved to the applauding crowd. He brushed his black hair, that had a unique white streak running diagonally through it out of his eye and adjusted his emerald green suit.

“Hello Bordate!” He shouted to the crowd. “And welcome to the Interview Show! The show we do each year to interview this years tributes and gauge their personalities and determination to win, and just generally have a bit of fun!”

The crowd wooped and roared in approval.

“And what a year we have this year!” Ayv continued “Ten very different people, all with different things to bring to these years games! So without further ado, lets get this show on the road!”

Ayv now turned towards the camera, the bright lights already starting to make him slightly sweat, as per usual. “Our first tribute from District 1, he’s a doctor, but has been training in preparation for the Games for years, and has already been given the nickname DOCTOR DOOM! ITS CHRIS KNIGHT!!!”

The theme music cued ) and a man wearing a silk purple suit walked on to stage. He held himself with dignity and poise and gave a big thumbs up to the crowd before he sat down opposite Ayv.

“Welcome Chris!” Ayv greeted the man now sat opposite him.

“Its great to be here Ayv” Chris smiled.

“Now Chris, I’m sure you know how this works, but each tribute gets three questions during this interview, and your answers can be as long and as in depth as possible. I won’t stop you until you’ve finished all you want to say.”

“I’m well aware of that Ayv, but thanks for the reminder!” Chris smiled cheekily, which caused a small audience chuckle.

“Right then!” Ayv said slightly abrubtly, flustered by Chris’ little dig. “So Chris, As a District 1 tribute you must be very honoured to have been chosen, as well all know how much District 1 relish The Games. Describe your current feelings to me.”

“Well Ayv, first I would like to apologize for being late, and it was kind of you to not mention that. My tardiness was not spent on lazy idleness, however. I searched my soul for hesitation and for doubt and found none. I have done a very thorough job of preparing myself for being selected as well as the many tribulations to come. With that said what took me by surprise the most was the joy that I could hardly contain. I have always prided myself on working as hard as I can towards any of my goals but to know that I now have the chance to represent some of the greatest people of our world it is a tremendous honor.”

The crowd gave a tremendous cheer and started whooping. They seemed very impressed by Chris’ determination.

“Alright!” Ayv smiled “Very good! District 1 should be very proud to have you here! But we have to say, in a cruel twist of fate, we know the other District 1 tribute, Ryoko, is a close friend of yours. Will this prevent you from perhaps killing her when the time comes?”

“I have a great affection for Ryoko. As for how that applies to these games... I think Ryoko knows what will happen if we should meet. I see no need to to reveal information that District 1 in these games already knows.”

“Ooooooo” The crowd roared in unison. Chris’ steely determination and flat out honesty was winning them over and kicking off the show to a great start.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:10:00 AM
“Oh my god!” He exclaimed “Why the hell would anyone wanna drink that?!”

The boys tipped the remaining contents of the flask away and continued their kickabout, thoroughly disappointed with their first taste of beer.

“I’m sure we’ll get used to it…” Han said positively.

“Yeh… If we get the chance too.” Mik replied glumy.

Midday came, and as by law, everyone in the District was present in and around the Square. Many were drunk, some were stoned, others were even passing out out on the floor.

The mayor of District 5, who wasn’t drunk as he knew the TV cameras were on him walked up to the stage.

“You all hate this day, I hate this day, so lets just get this over with quickly.” He said in to the microphone. “I know you’re all drunk, but if you get picked, try not to make a fool out of yourself, lets try and have a good year for representation yeh?”

A loud drunken boo echoed round the crowd.

“Whatever.” The mayor retorted sticking his hand in to the glass bowl in front of him, pulling out the first tribute’s name. “Comm Adore.” He read out loudly.

“Comm! Comm!” Justin shouted, trying to shake his friend awake, who was lying in a drunken heap on the floor. “Get the hell up man you got picked!”

“Huh?!” Comm said drowsily. “I got licked? By who?! Was it a chick?!” He slurred.

“No” Justin said panicstricken, the callout of his friends name immediately sobering up. “You got picked as a tribute for The Hunger Games.”

Comm had no idea what Justin was saying. He was struggling to focus. “Just let me go back to sleep Justin” He managed to get out.

“No, you have to go up on stage, or they’ll kill you and draw out another name.” Justin said, helping his friend to his feet.

Justin held up Comm and walked him to the stage, leaving they’re other friend Alec face down in the mud, dead to the world. They reached the stage and Justin pushed Comm up the stairs.

The mayor rolled his eyes at the scene unfolding before him as Comm crawled on his hands and knees towards him. The mayor crouched down next to him.

“Anything you want to say to the crowd?” The mayor asked

“…Whats going on? Where am I?” Comm slurred.

“Excellent.” The mayor said standing back up. “Just great” He muttered under his breath.

“Lets hope the next one isn’t steaming drunk” He announced as he dipped his hand in to the bowl once more. “Though I wouldn’t count my chickens…”

He unravelled the piece of paper and spoke loudly once again in to the microphone. “Gen Saga!”

Gen, who had not met back up with her husband, had never felt more alone as she did now. She quickly scanned the crowd but couldn’t see him and had no choice but to just walk up to the stage.

“Well at least you seem sober. Hopefully that will work in your favour” The mayor smiled at Gen as she greeted him. Behind them, Comm was puking over the back of the wooden stage.

“Gen! GEN!” Came a call from the traditionally silent crowd.

Gen looked in the direction of the voice she recognised. It was Dizzy’s, pushing his way through the crowd looking distraught. Her beautiful husband, she thought, no doubt he was going to shout to her words of encouragement, was going to tell her that he loved her, and that everything was going to be ok.

Dizzy pushed to the front of the crowd, looked up at her, and pointed.

“See! I ****ing told you!” He shouted. “Racists!”

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:10:00 AM
“One of us is definitely gonna get picked today. You know how racist that King Link is!” A bald dark skinned man retorted as he ordered a beer from the bar.

“Dizzy you know its completely random, everyones name is in that bowl.” Replied a girl of equal race with short dirty black hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while.

“So you say Gen, so you say.” Dizzy said “But it ****ing wouldn’t surprise me if those bastards put our names in to the bowl like a hundred off times to increase our chances of being chosen.”

“Don’t be so ****ing pessimistic!” Gen responded angrily. “You’re like this every ****ing year and we still haven’t been picked so shut the **** up!”

“Yeh but look how many other ****ing ******s get picked! One every ****ing year. Now you look around here and tell me how many other ******s you see?! Huh?! Not that many eh?” Dizzy shouted “They’re ****ing rigging it I tell ya!”

“God you piss me off Dizzy.” Gen stared daggers in to his eyes. “We may be married but I really hate you sometimes.”

With that Gen got up and stormed off through the door of the pub. “**** him!” She said to herself. “Every year is the same…”

She started to wander slowly towards the District Square where the Draw was being held.

When she got there, unsurprisingly, it was pretty empty. There was still an hour to the Draw, and she suspected most people were still in the pubs, drinking away the reality of today.

The district square wasn’t much to look at. It basically was a large area of mud formed in to the shape of a square. A wooden stage had been erected at one end though.

She spied a small trio of young men at the other end of the square, kicking about what looked to be a poorly custom made soccer ball. They must be too young to drink, she thought. She hoped they were also younger than 16, too young to be in the Draw for The Games.

“Man I can’t wait til next year when we can actually get drunk before the Draw” said Han, kicking the ball accurately to his friends feet.

“Yeh, not being old enough to drink, but being old enough for tribute selection is a ****ing joke!” Mik responded, passing the ball onwards to the third and final member of their little group.

Whatis controlled the ball and looked up at the wooden stage at the other end of the square to where they were playing. “It would be a total ***** if one of us was selected and we had never tasted alcohol.” He said.

He then turned to them and smiled. “Which is why I brought this!” He pulled out a small dirty tin flask from the back pocket of his ripped and scruffy shorts.

“What the hell is that?!” Han asked, mesmerised.

“It’s a drinking flask” Whatis answered. “I stole it from my Dad and filled it with some of his beer he had left over.”

The drinking age in District 5 was 18. But the age to be eligible for The Hunger Games was 16. The three boys were all 17, and in that horrible limbo age where you couldn’t drink. Drinking underage was highly illegal and if caught, was punishable by death, so many didn’t dare do it.

“Oh man…” Mik said, looking around him, but the Square was deserted, except for a black woman who was now facing away from them.

“Ok” Han said “Lets drink it quickly before anyone sees.”

“My thoughts exactly” Whatis smiled as he undid the cap of the flask and took a swig.

He immediately spluttered and coughed. “Ugh!” He exclaimed. “It tastes like ****!”

“Here lemme taste” Han outstretched his hand and grabbed the flask. After one swig he came to the same conclusion, wincing slightly as he swallowed. “Yeh… That is disgusting.”

“Give it here you babies” Mik grabbed the flask and took a gulp.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:09:00 AM
“Ugh don’t remind me” Alec looked glum. “If I get picked I think I would top myself before even entering the Arena, would probably be a much more bearable death.”

Comm looked deep in to his pint glass, as if looking for some sort of salvation from the coming events of the day. “Yeh…” He eventually said. “It would suck to get drawn out of that devil of a glass bowl.”


“Morning Doc” a glum voice came from the person sitting on the bar stool next to him.

“Hey Mai.” Doc replied raising his pint glass in a toasting fashion.

Doc Football was the only “doctor” in the whole of the district. He had never been medically trained, but his father had taught him a few remedies and how to detect for diseases and such. He had been essential for saving a number of lives within the District, and almost everybody knew of him. As he adjusted his glasses, which were held together by a piece of tape, he imagined what life in the District would be like without him. The death rate would be a hell of a lot higher that’s for sure. If he got picked today for The Games… Well… It wouldn’t even bear thinking about.

“Lost in thought?” Mai, an attractive girl for someone living in the lower Districts, and still with all her teeth, asked the doctor.

“Yeh.” Doc replied. “I always think what this place would come to without me… Ya know, if I get picked today.”

“Ah don’t worry bout it” Mai replied, almost buoyantly, taking a swig of her beer. “The odds are pretty damn low, it’s the way I always see it. Just gotta hope for the best really Doc.”

Mai Immortal lived on what one would call the wealthier side of District 5. It was only regarded as wealthier because the wooden houses there were slightly sturdier than others, and better built. She was an attractive girl, which is dangerous in District 5, as most of the men are hungry for lust, to feel something good for once in their mostly miserable existences. Mai was a tough girl though, and the men had learnt not to take her for granted, or as an easy target, in some ways she had even earnt their respect.

As the sun shone down on what seemed like a good and rare sunny day in The Fallout District, Jeffrey Raze pulled the remaining weeds out of the ground around him. Him and his wife Naomi grew herbs. A rare profession in a District full of miners, but one that had got them by for years.

Jeffrey stood up and took a quick glance around him to make sure no-one was around. He was on the edge of the district, in an area where he thought know one knew, and the area where him and Naomi grew their herbs.

“You gonna help at all today Naomi, or you just gonna sit there getting stoned?” Jeffrey asked his wife, hand on hips.

Naomi was leaning back on a tree, letting her jet black hair flow down her side. She took a puff on the small white cylindrical tube she had in her hand, inhaled deeply, and eventually breathed out the smoke.

“…Yep” she eventually replied, smiling vacantly.

Jeffrey and Naomi also grew “Special Herbs”, which the authorities of District 5 allowed them to grow, as long as they got a cut for free everytime a new batch was produced. This actually made the pair of them the most money.

“You’re completely baked aren’t you?” Jeffrey asked, who only smoked the special herbs occasionly.

“…Yep” Naomi replied again, laughing deeply.

Jeffrey paused for a moment, looking at her. “**** it!” He eventually said. “It is Draw Day, give that here!” And he outstretched his hand.

Naomi gave him what he desired, still smiling, and Jeffrey took a long drag.

“Might as well and try relax on a day like today…” He said, breathing out.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:09:00 AM
Chapter 6

The clinking of pint glasses on the morning of Draw Day in District 5, otherwise known as The Fallout District, was a familiar sound. Yes, the people in District 5 has very little in the way of money, but come Draw Day, almost every member of District 5 would be found in the pub, as long as they were legally able to, of course.

Much like District 4, which is also known as The Umineko District, the members of District 5 didn’t have much in the way of a lavish life, and they were often grouped together in discussions of the poorest people in Contestia. In reality though, District 5 was much worse. Roads were merely mud paths, houses were made of wood and constantly flooded during the wet season, people died of starvation on a regular basis due to lack of supply and money. The lucky ones in District 5 were the families that had small shops, or who’s men worked in the mines, and they could bring some sort of income and food. To be fair this was a vast majority of the District, but there seemed to be far more cases of death than all the other Districts put together.

This had given the civilians of District 5 a keen sense of survival, and grit and determination in whatever they did. Although no-one wished to be part of any Hunger Games, they always provided entertainment for the people watching in the Capital, as many were very spontaneous, messy fighters, and always brought about the most watchable deaths. Despite this keen survival instinct that most possessed, The Games was always far too much for any of them, the highest a member of District 5 ever placed was fourth, a couple of years back, and more often than not, they were eliminated towards the beginning, usually because of their rash movements and behaviour, and their inability to think through a situation.

Today was a dark day in The Fallout District, and a day to drink away their sorrows and fears of the impending midday Draw. Doors opened at 7am on Draw Day, and in one pub, named The Sum, two childhood friends were already on their fifth pint of the day.

“I am gonna be SO ****ing hammered come midday” Alec, a tall well built miner, with skin that had darkened due to being in the mines, said as he took another swig of his drink.

“If I’m less drunk than you, I’m gonna be so disappointed!” Comm, also a miner with charcoaled skin, scraggly black hair, and a slight scar under his left eye replied, whilst matching his friend swig for swig.

Alec and Comm had grown up next door to each other in the slums of District 5. When Comm’s parents had died when he was only 9, Alec’s family let him stay with him, despite having another mouth to feed. Alec’s parents died shortly after his 19th birthday, and now Alec and Comm lived together in his parents house. Both managed to get mining jobs at the age of 20, and 5 years down the line they had never struggled to put food on their plate at the end of the day.

“Awww ****!!!” Came a voice from behind Comm. “I gotta hell of a lot of catching up to do!”

“Sleep in again Justin?” Alec laughed, as a young looking man with white blonde hair sat down next to him.

“Hey Justin, are you even OLD enough to be in here?!” Comm broke out in laughter, almost spilling some of his pint.

“Wow, that joke really never gets old does it…” Justin said sarcastically.

Justin in fact looked extremely young, often mistake for someone of the age of as low as fourteen he often got questioning looks when entering the pubs of District 5. This pub though, knew him well, and he knew he was always welcome here, despite being the butt of every joke going.

“So… Draw Day again eh?” Justin said sipping his pint. “Comes round so goddamn quick!”

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:07:00 AM
He put his hand in to the large glass bowl and the crowd once again fell silent, except you could almost hear everyone’s heart racing.

“Sirius Bell!” He spluttered in to the microphone. “The owner of Bell’s Bakery!” He added with a smile. “Come on up my old friend!”

The crowd let out a unified groan, as they all knew of Bell’s Bakery, and many of them had already been there this morning and seen Sirius and his young apprentice Cody. Cosy was trying to hold back the tears as Bell walked begrudgingly up to the stage.

“You make some damn good bread my man!” Guybrush smiled as Bell walked up to greet him. “Some DAMN good bread!”

“Thanks” Bell replied somewhat sheepishly. He faced the crowd, bowed slightly, and then stood back as Guybrush dipped his hand again in to the glass bowl.

“Next one is…. Kaycee Eff!” He shouted.

Guybrush’s voice hit Kaycee like a ton of bricks. Never in all his years would he thought he’d actually get selected. He knew he was in good shape and athletic enough to compete, but he was a bricklayer, he didn’t have the street smarts like Guybrush did, and brains was a big part of winning The Games. He knew that.

“Kayceeeeeeeeeeee” Guybrush repeated. “Get your ass up here”

For some reason, to the shock of the crowd, instead of walking up to the stage, Kaycee decided to jog up. Why not? He thought. He didn’t know if he’d ever be able to jog casually again as he so enjoyed doing, he might as well do it one last time.

“Congratulations Kaycee” Guybrush drunkenly spluttered, shaking his hand.

“Thanks Guybrush… Kaycee replied, emotionless.

“Hey Bell” Guybrush gestured to the man standing behind him. “Get up here!”

Bell joined Guybrush on the stage and stood the other side of him. Guybrush grabbed each of their hands and raised them up in the air. “Fellow 4sies! These are your tributes! Cheer them on like you did me! And we shall have another winner, another legend!” He so modestly shouted to the crowd.

Surprisingly the crowd responded, probably out of relief more than anything else of not being chosen, and a large roar rang round the square.

“See!” Guybrush winked at them both. “It ain’t all bad!”

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:07:00 AM
DP shot his regulars a quick glance and a small wave and then continued his conversation with the young girl.

“Standard DP eh? *hic*” Said a dark haired man, as Junk and Smurf joined him at the table.

“You’re right there Cata.” Smurf replied.

“Hey Cata…” Junk began. “How long have you been here…?”

“Well…” Cata swayed slightly whilst looking at the clock on the wall. He eventually managed to focus his vision. “DP opened up at 8am this morning, sooooo…. Since 8am” He replied with a beaming, heavily drunken smile on his face.

“Well lets hope you don’t get picked!” Junk laughed “You’ll probably puke on stage!”

“Hey!” Cata protested. “Our one winner was famously drunk on Draw Day when he got selected, I see it as a good thing!”

“That’s true…” Smurf pondered. “Good old Guybrush, it’ll be good to see him again today.”

Noon came and the town square was packed, as it had to be. Failure to attend Draw Day meant a potential execution. The suns ray of light rained down on the 4sies, all already looking distraught and frantic as the District 4 mayor took the stage. The standard speech that they had heard for the last few years came out, and how it wasn’t impossible to win The Hunger Games if you were from District 4, and that one man had proved that.

That man was the man to step up next and do the Draw. That mans names was Guybrush Threepwood. His day job used to be a carpet maker, but he was well known in the District, not just for his hilarious personality and ability to make people laugh, but his constant drunken blunders. The year he got picked, more people than ever had cried from District 4, as he was a well loved character, but when he got up on stage that year, he had made everyone laugh and not to worry about him.

And worried they had need not be. Despite his blunderings in and around the District, Guybrush was surprisingly a very cunning and clever individual. He had won over sponsors with his sword fighting skills and general personality and had managed to acquire much food and water over the days of that years Games. He had basically laid low and stayed hidden for most of the Games and let everyone else do the killing, until there was just him and a tribute from District 1 left. District 1’s tribute was weary and delirious from all the killing and fighting he had done in the previous hours and Guybrush had sneakily gone up behind him, grabbed a sword that was lying on the ground nearby, and stabbed him in the back, winning the games. Although it could have been deemed slightly unsportsmanlike, there was nothing sportsmanlike about the Games in the first place. It had been District 4’s defining and most proudest moment in its history, and a statue of him was immediately erected within the town square.

After The Games he had gone to live the lavish lifestyle up in Bordate, much to the dismay of Link and his government. The thought of having someone of that lower class in the capital disgusted them, as they had always just expected the higher districts to win. He was a hero, a legend, to everyone in District 4, and today, he was drunk, as per usual.

He stumbled up slightly and addressed the crowd, which lifted the mood slightly as he told a few jokes about the government, but then came the serious business. The Draw for the tributes of District 4.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:06:00 AM
The young man carrying the fresh batch of bread to the counter was Bell’s apprentice, Cody. A slightly shy young man, but Bell knew he had a passion for bread like no other, aside from himself of course.

Bell took the batch from Cody and arranged the pieces of bread neatly on the counter. He scratched his rough brown hair and adjusted his glasses, pondering his next move.

“Cody… We’re definitely gonna need some more bread.” He finally said. “Fire up the oven again boy!”

“Yes Sirius!” Cody replied and jogged back to the oven to fire up another load.

Suddenly there was a ring from the bell above the door as a customer came in.

“Goddamn that smells so ****ing good Sirius!” Came the exclamation.

“Well it is Draw Day Charon!” Sirius replied buoyantly. “This could be the last time two sorry ass people get to taste my bread, so I gotta make it as good as possible.

“True that.” Charon replied, a large bald man who chopped wood in the forests surrounding the districts. “I’m going to have to buy a loaf, it’ll hopefully make my family a little bit calmer and happier about the impending Draw.”

“It would be my pleasure to serve you my friend, take your pick!”

Charon bought his loaf and walked back out in to the sunshine. “Yes”. He said to himself. “The wife will love this I’m sure!”

As he walked back through the square with his bread in hand, he passed a group of people praying to the stage in the middle of the square. Surely praying that they wouldn’t get picked. Charon didn’t believe in all that God nonsense, but each to their own he thought.

Squirrel raised his head from his prayer position and faced the stage. He had believed in God from an early age, as his parents had both been extremely religious. His praying had survived him the first ten years of Draws, and he believed it would save him again.

As he looked around he saw a few people mocking him and his friends for praying, but he pitied them. They were probably just heading to the nearest pub and getting drunk, like many 4sies did on Draw Day. They were almost as bad and unruly as District 5 in that respect, he thought to himself.

“What do those ****ing idiots think they’re doing?!” Smurf, a small ginger haired man with a slightly strange accent exclaimed.

“Praying…” His tall, muscly friend, called Junk, replied. “I’d prefer to do my praying over a pint of ale.”

“Damn straight!” Smurf said.

They both laughed as they made their way over to the pub down one of the alleyways leading off from the cobbled town square.

They were still laughing as they pushed open the door to the pub, aptly named “Oblivion”. It was one of the usually quieter pubs in town, but on Draw Day the pub was always packed to the rafters, as many chose it for its likeness to what they would feel they are heading in to if they were picked as a District 4 tribute.

In fact it was called Oblivion after its owner, Daniel Pietro Oblivion, known as just DP to his friends. DP was of average height, but enjoyed working out a lot and had a very good physique. The one perks of looking good and owning a pub, was of course the women. In fact as Junk and Smurf walked through the door they noticed DP behind the bar chatting up one of the local girls, who everyone knew became a lot looser in the days leading up to Draw Day…

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:06:00 AM
Chapter 5

District 4, proud home of the 4sies. Whereas District 5 concentrated on manual labour industries such as coal mining, wood chopping and such, District 4 were home to the builders, and fabric makers. Many 4sies actually got to venture in to Districts 1 and 2 when needed to build new buildings, parks etc, and many of them detested going there because they were witnessing their dirty wealth and felt they were being used just to improve someone elses life to no real benefit of their own.

Although most of the houses within District 4 weren’t basic and wooden like they were in the slums of District 5, they were still pretty run down. Despite many of the workers in the district being builders, the materials to build their own houses weren’t readily made available for them, and for that, they probably detested King Link and his regime more than any other district.

As the sun rose on the dawn of Draw Day, it woke Darren from his sleep. The bright light shone through his curtainless window. He chuckled as he usually did when he woke up, considering the irony that he himself made curtains for a living, but weren’t allowed any himself. He had considered many a time to steal some materials from his workplace, but he needed the job to feed his family, and always hastily reconsidered… Though some curtains would be damn nice, he thought.

As he looked out the window, he saw a man running by, out for an early jog.

He chuckled again. “Even on this morning, you’re still out for a jog.” He said to himself.

Kaycee nodded to his neighbour as he jogged past his house, like he did every morning. He was well aware today was Draw Day, but he wanted to continue his routine as normal. Routine meant a lot to Kaycee, within his life in District 4 as a bricklayer, it was nice to have other things to do with his time, rather than waste it down a pub drinking.

As he ran over a puddle, he managed to still accumulate a splash of mud up his left leg. He quickly glanced down, unphased, and carried on. Kaycee was never afraid to get a little dirty, and he thought if he ever got selected for the games he’d be able to hold his own. Hell, he might even be able to give the 4sies they’re second winner!

As he ran through the town square, as per usual, people had already started gathering in the square, despite it being a good 3 hours until the draw. His nose hairs suddenly twitched, and a divine smell wafted from over his left shoulder. It was from Bell’s Bakery, the best bakery in the whole of the district.

“Make sure you don’t drop that, it’s gonna be busy today!”

“Yes Sirius!” Came the response from a young man with curly blonde hair.

Sirius Bell was the owner of Bell’s Bakery. Draw Day was his biggest day of the year, sales wise. People would come in, all fearing the worse that they were going to be drawn to compete in The Hunger Games, and would spend what money they had on his delicious fresh bread, for perhaps the last time.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:05:00 AM
“You can do it kid. We all believe in you.” He said. Raka then began to chant. “Flubbin, Flubbin, Flubbin!”

The people responded, and soon the whole crowd was chanting, and finally Flubbin started walking to the stage, unable to hug his Dad goodbye, who was just standing there, mouth gaped open.

As Flubbin got to the stage, the crowd fell silent, realising that the tribute was just a boy. Cries erupted, some filled with tears, others out of anger, raising protest to the selection of such a young man.

“I’m sorry son” The mayor said consolingly.

Flubbin just nodded, and stood to the back.

The mayor turned back to the round, coughing and clearing his throat. “Right.” He started. “The next tribute is….Halo Shadow!” He yelled after pulling another name from the glass bowl and reading out its contents.

“****” Halo muttered under his breath. He didn’t stall like Flubbin did though, already excepting his fate beforehand. He had woken up with a funny feeling that morning, that he was going to be picked. Although he had originally discarded it as nerves, for some reason he had already accepted that he was going to be chosen.

Halo had seen the nerves of the boy that had been picked. Halo was now in his 30’s, he had lived enough of a life, this boy hadn’t. As he walked up to the stage he vowed to himself to protect the boy for as long as he could.

He walked up to the stage and waved to the crowd. Most of it was silent, still in shock of Flubbin’s selection, but some clapped and wished him luck.

Halo walked straight to the still panic stricken boy and put his hand on his shoulder. “I got your back, ok kid? Don’t you worry about a thing.” He smiled.

Flubbin forced a smile and half nodded back. “Thanks.” He said quietly.

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:04:00 AM
“You ok son?” Eff-Eff put his head around the bedroom door to check on his child.

Flubbin had turned 16 this year, for the first time making him eligible for this years selection, and to say that he was ****ting himself would have been an understatement.

“I’m scared Dad” answered Flubbin.

Eff-eff pushed the door open further and entered the room. “You’ll be fine. I’ve been in the draw 11 years and never been picked.” He said comfortingly.

“I guess you’re right.” Flubbin said, still not feeling any great comfort from his father’s word. He was just hoping the odds would be in his favour.

“98…99…100” Raka sat back up wiping the sweat off his brow having just completed his 100 sit ups of the morning.

Raka was known in District 3 as one of the proudest 3bies there ever was, especially when it came to The Hunger Games, he was always the one cheering on their tributes the loudest, for the short amount of time they actually survived. Many of District 3, along with Raka himself, believed he could bring District 3 their first ever victor of The Games, and make the rest of the country take notice of them for once.

Now all he needed was to be selected…

Yet dropped his cigarette and rubbed it in to the ground with his shoe. As he looked up he squinted in the sunlight.

“Beautiful day huh?” said a passer by.

Beautiful? Yet thought. Beuatiful in the fact that it is the day where 2 families get ripped apart and destroyed. Beautiful was the last thing he’d use to describe Draw Day.

“Hmph” He grunted back in acknowledgement, but nothing more.

“Well that was rude” muttered the passerby as he made his way up to the town square for the drawing. Azuarc had a slight spring to his step as he walked.

Unlike the man he just passed, azuarc was confident he wasn’t going to get picked. He had prayed the night before, as he had done every day before Draw Day since The Games began, and it hadn’t yet failed him.

“God shall not fail me now” He smiled as he immersed himself in to the growing crowd.

Kaybee stood in the crowd at the back, trying to look over a sea of heads in front of him. Around him stood families crying, drunk men swaying and laughing at the hilarity of the situation. Every year, the scenario never changed. Kaybee raised his hand over his dark green eyes to block out the sun. The mayor was about to begin his speech.

“And so it begins again” Yet said, walking up next to his old friend.

“May the odds be ever in our favour” Kaybee replied.

“People have always underestimated us as a district.” The mayor exclaimed in to the microphone. “But this year shall be different! I know none of you really wish to be selected, but unfortunately 2 of you will. So I ask, to the 2 tributes, do us proud! Make the other districts remember who we are! How proud we are to be from this District!”

The crowd cheered, although rather subdued at first, many still fearing the impending draw.

District 3 had no previous winner, and no special guest to do the draw, so it was up to the mayor. He dipped his hand in to the giant glass bowl in front of him and pulled out the first name. The crowd held their breath.

“Flubbin Sixman” He shouted in to the microphone. “Come on up Flubbin.”

Eff-eff turned to face his son with a look of disbelief. “Son…” He began to say.

“It’s fine Dad.” Flubbing replied “It’s fine.”

But it wasn’t fine. Flubbin was stuck rigid to the spot, not quite believing what actually happened.

Raka, standing a row behind the now chosen tribute, gathered what was happening. He put a hand on the boys shoulder, making him jump.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:04:00 AM
Chapter 4

District 3. The Zolom District. The middle ground of the 5 Districts. Not as poor as Districts 4 and 5, but not as wealthy as 1 and 2. District 3 is the admin district. Bordate uses the people of District 3 to control and record accounts, population, and all other paperwork needed for the government. Everyone in District 3 that worked, worked 9-5, Monday to Friday, all in offices, bar the ones that worked in restaurants and pubs.

District 3. The boring district, or so people thought. All tributes from District 3 so far had mainly been pencil pushers, usually had the lowest survival stats and were always the first to perish. Where as District 1 and 2 tributes had money behind their sponsors, as well as their tributes being generally athletic, and Districts 4 and 5 having just the pure grit and determination to survive, and the muscles from performing manual labour, District 3bies had none of this.

This fact leads many of the other districts to underestimate any tribute from District 3, so thought Thirteen, as he polished a pint glass clean and placed it back on the rack. Thirteen’s pub was the drinker’s choice in the whole of District 3, and whilst he himself drunk, he made sure he remained fit and healthy in case of Game selection. No longer would the rest of the country underestimate District 3 if he got selected, he would show the all.

“Hey Thirteen, fill er up!” Came a shout from the end of the bar.

It was only 9am and the doors to the pub had just opened, but this was Draw Day, so the pub was already starting to fill up, with nervous 3bies wetting their whistle before the midday selection. Extha was one of these 3bies. He adjusted his glasses and called to Thirteen again to get him another pint, having downed the first one in under 30 seconds.

“Yeh yeh hold on Extha!” Thirteen yelled back. “****ing drunk.”

“Hey! I’m gonna have to have a few drinks in me before midday” Extha answered back. “We all have to!”

A huge cheer in agreement circulated the pub. Despite their seemingly mundane existence, it was a peaceful and happy one. No-one wanted to be selected. No-one wanted to die.

“You know you don’t have to work today? it being Draw Day and all.” Questioned a middle aged man, peering round the door of Halo’s office.

“I know Muk.” Halo replied. “But if I get selected, I’d at least like to know the person to replace me has everything in the correct order.”

“You won’t get selected Halo” Muk said rolling his eyes. “The odds are huge, come on you know that.”

“I’m well aware of the odds Muk” Halo said, sighing, putting his hand on top of his head of bushy black hair. “But nevertheless, one must be prepared.”

“Suit yourself.” Muk shrugged. “I’m going to the pub.”

Ry Senkari reeled in his fishing rod for what could have been the last time. Like others, he had his Draw Day rituals. He would always go fishing in the lake just outside the city, potentially one last time if his name was to be called.

As he packed up his equipment, he took one last look at the lake and smiled. Ry was now in his 40s, and not as athletic as he once was. He knew that if he was selected, unless everyone else selected was crippled or blind, he wouldn’t have much chance of survival.

He let out a large sigh as he got in to his car and made his way back in to the city.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:02:00 AM
Once the crowd had settled down and Deadpool had taken his place beside the mayor, Freeman drew out the second name. The crowd held their breath.

“Zazi Guado!”

“You gotta be kidding me!” Yelled Maniac “What the hell are they thinking?!” He turned round to face his colleague, who was looking surprisingly far more calm than he was.

“Its fine.” Zazi answered “Its all the luck of the draw right? It would have been unfair to have taken us out anyway.”

“But I can’t solve our little problem without you!” Maniac pleaded.

“Of course you can” Zazi smiled “You are far older and wiser than me, you’ll be fine.”

“Zazi Gaudo” Came the call from the stage again. “Come on up, you’ve been chosen!”

Zazi started to walk towards the stage. The crowd sensed his uneasiness, despite his attempts to try and hide it, and he didn’t get as big of a cheer as Deadpool did, but more looks of concern and comfort.

Gordon walked over to Zazi as he walked up on stage. “You alright there kid?” He asked.

“Yeh I’m fine” Zazi replied calmly. “Just gotta do my best for the District” He said as he turned to the crowd.

Behind him, Deadpool led the applause, nodding in agreement.

“So there we have it District 2” Gordon shouted through the continuous applause. “Your Hunger Games tributes!”

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:02:00 AM
Maniac hunched over the desk in front of him. Unlike the tall, young and handsome Zazi, Maniac was a short, slightly chunky man with round glasses.

Zazi looked at his watch. “Anyway, we have to get going to the square, its almost time for the tribute draw.

Maniac laughed. “I don’t even see why we need to go. There’s absolutely no way the Capital will allow our names to be in the draw in the current situation. They need us!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Zazi said nervously. “Either way, we should probably attend, otherwise you know what happens.”

Maniac of course knew what happened if you were found out to have been absent from Draw Day. You were killed. He grumbled at the thought, but he knew how ruthless King Link was, he wouldn’t be surprised if their names hadn’t been exempt with their failure to find a cure for his daughter, but if one of their names was read out, then Link would surely be the one to lose out.

The mayor of District 2 finished giving his usual speech of district pride, and what a great year it had been, and to win The Games would top it all off.

The man that stepped up next to draw out the names was an ex District 2 winner, who was met with wild cheers as he waved and acknowledged the crowd.

Dr Gordon Freeman was an ex-scientist, but after winning The Games he was now living the high life in Bordate. An unlikely winner, as he was a large outsider in the betting ring, he used his intellect and cunning to overcome his competitors in a fascinating games.

“Remember” He shouted, before dipping his hand in to the bowl full of tiny slips of paper. “It takes brains to win The Games, not just brawn.”

He pulled out the first piece of paper and read out the name.

“Deadpool Eagles”

Deadpool pumped his fist excitedly and made his way through the crowd, some people were patting him on the back and congratulating him, others breathing huge sighs of relief as there was only one more name to be read out.

Deadpool jumped up on the stage and faced the crowd, thrusting his arms in the air. As Gordon came over to speak to him, Deadpool grabbed the microphone out of his hand and addressed the crowd.

“I will win these games fellow Laytonians!” He shouted. “I will do it for my brother who died in these games several years ago. I will destroy every District 1 scum that gets in my way!”

The last sentence sent the crowd in to raptures. Gordon Freeman, at first taken aback by the actions of Deadpool, was now nodding and smiling. He looked back at the mayor and mouthed to him “I think we’ve got ourselves another winner.”

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:01:00 AM
“Only an hour and a half eh?” Came a voice from behind him.

A man in his mid twenties with scruffy short brown hair, yet still managed to maintain a very smart and respectable appearance, sat down in the café opposite him.

Semi let out a large sigh. “Yep.” He replied. “How would you feel if you got picked Dexter?”

Dexter let out a short laugh “I honestly don’t know my friend. Guess it would have to happen first for me to truly know.”

“Spoken like a true philosopher” Semi smiled.

After the rebellion ended, Ytter had tried to retreat to his home within what is now District 1. Instead, he had been forced by King Link’s men in to District 2, claiming his place was now there, saying he didn’t have the required status or funds to be part of District 1 anymore.

Ytter had lived in misery for years, and tried to get back in to the Phoenix District on countless occasions, but none of his fellow 1ers has even tried to help him. He then began to detest everything in District 1 and used what money he had to set up his new life in District 2, finally swearing a private allegiance to them.

As he walked through the sunlit streets he now recognised as his home, Ytter smiled to himself. He shielded the sun from his eyes and glanced left, the direction of his past life, a life he now glad he’d left behind. He wanted to get picked today. He wanted to bring glory to District 2.

Not walking far behind Ytter was a man called Gravy. A chef at one of the most expensive restaurants within the District. He had an opposite tale. Originally from District 4, his culinary skills caught the eye of a Placement Officer. Placement Officers were men employed from the capital to monitor the Districts, and make any living changes, so everyone was in their rightful place. Gravy benefited from the scheme and began a much more prosperous life in District 2.

Gravy was biting his nails though. Although he had now been living in District 2 for 3 years, he still had the mentality of a 4sie. He remembered the Draw Days in his old district, where his friends would be crying, praying not to be picked on the day. He had come so far now, had a solid job, a solid life, he didn’t want to lose all of that by being picked, and potentially, or in Gravy’s mind, probably dying.

“These equations are wrong! They’re all ****ing wrong!!!” Shouted Maniac at the top of his voice, throwing the marker pen on the floor.

The white board in front of him was covered in numbers and letters, dashes and smudges, senseless equations to the uninformed.

A handsome, tall man with short spiky blue hair leant down to pick up the marker his colleague had thrown down. “Calm down Maniac, we’ll work it out soon.”

Maniac, the hot tempered scientist, tried to calm his breathing. “You’re right Zazi, but you know how annoyed I get.” He thrust his hands in to his pockets, as he always did when he tried to calm down.

“I know the guys from the Capital are getting on our back about this and they want it done, but they can bloody wait.” Zazi exclaimed. “Perfection takes time.”

Zazi and Maniac were some of the finest chemists within the country, and had been appointed by the Capital to find a cure for King Link’s daughters mysterious illness. The whole topic had been hush hush and Zazi and Maniac had been sworn to secrecy when informed of the situation. But Link’s daughter was getting worse, and Zazi and Maniac were yet to find a cure.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:00:00 AM
Chapter 3

The Layton District, more commonly known as District 2, contain some of the greatest minds in Contestia. Although not as well off as the bigwigs of District 1, the civilians of District 2 knew that as a whole, they were intellectually better off. Architects, scientists, researchers, amongst other highly regarded professionals were abundant in District 2.

Most of the newer buildings within District 1 were actually designed by members of District 2, which annoyed 1ers to no end, and some were even reluctant to live or work in said buildings. District pride is quite something.

Crimson Ocean was one of those architects involved in designing the new hospital within District 1. Today was just another day of work to her. As she took a sip from her morning coffee, and looked down at her rough designs for a new park within her area, she tried to push the fact that it was Draw Day to the back of her mind. She ran her delicate fingers through her long red hair and sighed.

Crimson knew the ongoing rivalry and dislike between District 1 and 2 was at its highest during The Hunger Games, and some of those in the area truly relished the competition, always looking to get one up on the Phoenix District, and although she always cheered on the tributes from her own District, she wondered that if she ever did get chosen… Could she handle the responsibility?

One man that knew he could handle the responsibility was Deadpool. By 8am he had already been running on the treadmill for an hour, making sure that he could be as fit as he could be in case he was chosen today. Deadpool’s brother had died in The Games two years ago, by a District 1er, and Deadpool had vowed to get his revenge one day. His day job was a Professor at the local university, teaching physics. He never socialised after work, more interested in going to the gym and remaning fit and lean, just in case.

“So its that day again eh Stan?” asked a man with dark hair, which fell gracefully over one eye.

“That it is Regaro… That it is.” Answered Stan, a balding man in his mid 30s. He studied the test tube sample in front of him, and wrote an assortment of letters and numbers on the side of it, ones which only he and his colleagues understood.

“Guess that cure for cancer will have to wait for a day” Regaro chuckled.

“Well if one of us gets chosen and wins, we’ll have more than enough money to carry on our research for years.” Stan said positively.

“True… But would you not just take the high life in the Capital City if you won?!” Regaro asked.

“I dunno, probably not, I love this place… We do alright.” Stan replied.

“District pride and all that” Regaro laughed again.

“Precisely.” Stan smiled.

Semi looked at his watch. 10:30am. An hour and a half until the draw. He was in two minds about being chosen. He didn’t deny that he was ready, but he doubted whether he could kill if it came down to it.

Semi was a professional writer, and had created many influential novels, and mainly kept himself to himself. No-one ever really knew the man behind the words. He wrote the official story of the first ever Hunger Games as he watched it on the big screens, documenting Duke Nukems famous win. The book sell hundreds of thousands and was a huge hit, but many of his fellow District 2 citizens shafted him from social events as he had documented a District 1 winner.

Since then Semi had slowly gained back his reputation within his own district. He felt that if he got selected, he could truly win back their hearts by winning The Games, and then all would be forgiven… He just had to survive… Maybe kill a few people, if he could bring himself to do it.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 5:00:00 AM
Duke reached his hand in to the giant glass bowl in front of him, filled with small pieces of paper. He grabbed one and pulled it out, unravelled it, and read the content out.

“Chris Knight!” He bellowed.

Chris’ eyes widened as the name was read out. Him and Ryoko were standing only a few rows back from where the crowd started. Ryoko had to give him a big pat on the back to snap him out of his daze, and he came round to hear cheers and clapping surrounding his ears. He staggered up to the stage not quite believing what was happening. He’d been picked! His dream had finally come true! He was going to be in the games.

Duke grabbed him round the neck. “How do you feel son?” He said, thrusting the microphone in his face.

Chris just smiled. “Fantastic” he replied. “I promise I will do the District proud, and bring home the win!” He pumped his fist in to the air, which encouraged the crowd to do the same, accompanied by another whooping cheer.

“Ok, and our second tribute will be…” Duke started, as he drew another name out of the bowl. “Ryoko Shadow!” He yelled aloud.

More cheers, but Ryoko, like Chris, didn’t hear them at first. She looked up on to the stage to see her childhood friends reaction. It was one of pure disbelief and surprise.

Chris looked down at Ryoko as she made her way up to the stage to join him. She was smiling, and looked full of confidence, but he knew that inside, she would be afraid… Or so he thought. Although he felt a sudden shock when Ryoko’s name was called, Chris knew he couldn’t let emotion take over, this was about pride, this was about winning, nothing or no-one was going to stand in his way, even if it was Ryoko.

Ryoko smiled at him as she walked past to be spoken to by Duke.

“What are the odds eh?” She laughed.

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:58:00 AM
Caelus could hear his two sons downstairs. They were optimistic and excited about todays tribute selection. He smiled secretly as he finished off writing a page of his memoirs. As he set down his fountain pen, his oldest son of 22, Silver, came in through the door.

“What have I told you about knocking?!” Caelus said sternly.

“Sorry father, I just thought I would let you know its time”

Caelus’ other son, CPU came up just behind his older brother. “Hey Dad, I was thinking, what if you get selected today? You haven’t trained nearly as hard as me and Silver have!

Caelus knew they were telling the truth, but he didn’t care, if he did get picked, he would have to just use his experience and knowledge to win… And win he shall, if the time came. Caelus was now 50 years old though, the last year of eligibility for The Games. He was an experienced fighter though, and helped significantly in the year of the rebellion with his skills on the battlefield. He had handed these skills down to his sons, in case they were ever picked on Draw Day. If they ever got picked he knew they would do the district proud and have every chance of winning, and of course, he wouldn’t want to see either one of them dead.

“Come on father” Silver said impatiently, flicking his shoulder length white hair “We’re going to miss it!”

“Don’t be so overdramatic son, of course we won’t. They always run late anyway.” Caelus said as he rose from his chair.

As Caelus had predicted, they were late. It was 12:10 when the mayor of District 1, Miles Edgeworth began giving his speech before the drawing.

“Today, as you know, is Draw Day!” He started, and a cheer erupted from the anticipating crowd. “District 1 has a great reputation in these games, and one that is expected to be upheld. I know many of you have been training tirelessly this year, so if you do get picked, do us all proud!” This was met by another roar from the sea of faces.

Another man arose as Edgeworth finished his speech. He wore a tank top, which although unbecoming of general style and fashion in District 1, did show off the mans rippling muscles. The sun reflected off his dark sunglasses, causing some members of the crowd who were standing in the wrong position to squint a little. As he reached the podium though, he was met with rapturous applause. This man was the first ever winner of The Hunger Games, and represented District 1. His name was Duke Nukem. Not your typical Distict 1er, Nukem had actually been employed by the district as a trainer for The Games, but instead himself had been drawn out of the hat. He became an instant District legend, and had won The Games in some style.

“Please” He shouted in his deep voice “I’m here to pick tributes and chew bubblegum… And I’m all out of gum!”

Huge amounts of cheers and laughter erupted from the crowd once more, all familiar with Duke’s famous phrases from the interviews before the first ever Hunger Games.

“Good luck to all of you.”

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:57:00 AM
Chris and Ryoko are two of the aforementioned doctors. Although they are meant to spend most of their time treating the sick and injured, there isn’t too much of it in District 1. The most they usually have to deal with is a strange rash, or a broken toenail. So most of the time, they actually spend in the gym, or out in the fields weapon training. Chris and Ryoko had been friends since childhood, their families were close, and both had pushed them to be doctors from an early age.

Chris had wanted to be involved in The Hunger Games for years. He believed a lot in the power of his district, and although he would cheer the District 1 tribute on in the previous games, he had always wished it would be him. He knew the draw for the tributes was at midday sharp in the city square, he knew that if he was picked this year, this was the last time to get in some field training.

The sun had barely risen over the horizon and Chris had set up his wooden target in the field and was already pacing back to his bow and arrow. He picked up his bow, loaded an arrow and pulled the string back in preparation to shoot. As he drew back, so did his shirt sleeve, revealing the tattoo he had on his forearm. “We never truly die”. Chris wanted to be in The Hunger Games for the glory, and to go down in history, not for the money… He already had enough of that.

“You’re up early” came a shout from behind him, causing his arrow to fly away from the target.

“God dammit Ryoko!” Chris span round angrily “You put me off!”

A beautiful girl in her mid twenties with shoulder length brown hair and fair skin was walking towards him.

“What if someone shouts at you whilst you’re in The Hunger Games? You going to tell them off for distracting you?” She smirked, crossing her arms.

“Pshh… Whatever” Chris said, turning back to load up another arrow.

Luis Sera looked at his watch. 10am. 2 hours until Draw Day. He hoped he wouldn’t be picked. He had a business to run. He couldn’t possibly leave it to his assistant. The place would be in ruins. If he did get picked, he thought, he would have to win it within 12 hours. Kill everyone as quickly as possible, then he could get back to work. Yes, he thought, I can do that.

“You look lost in thought sir” came a voice from his office door.

It was his assistant, Tyder. Tyder was much younger than Luis, in his early thirties, and although passionate about the company, didn’t have the initiative or intelligence to run it if Luis was selected.

“Just thinking about the draw today” Luis responded in a truthful manner, tapping his fingers on his desk.

“Don’t worry sir!” Tyder piped up with a beaming smile. “If you get picked, I can quite happily run the company in your stead!”

Luis forced a smile back, but all the time was thinking ‘well actually Tyder, I hope you ****ing get picked.”

District 1 also had its fair share of musical stars. Most lived in the capital, but those who rebelled, or just weren’t that popular anymore, were shifted to District 1. Hobo was one of those music stars, or a rapper to be more precise.

Hobo wanted to be in the games this year for many reasons. The main one was publicity. In the interviews beforehand, he could really sell his music to the people, maybe do a bit of rapping, get his name back out there. He wasn’t too worried either about the competition itself. Like most people in the district, he held a lot of pride in their record in The Games, and made sure he was fit and ready if the time ever came.

As he made his way to the square for the drawing of the names, Hobo looked around him as hundreds more were doing the same thing.

“Please let it be me this year…” He muttered under his breath.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:57:00 AM
Chapter 2

Beyond the lush green fields on the edge of District 1, the sun rose cautiously into the sky. For many people in Contestia, today would be a day of caution, and worry, as today… was Draw Day.

For one man in District 1 though, today was not a day of worry at all, today was a day he looked forward to every year, and was notoriously the most vocally proud man of his district. Pram squinted as the sunlight hit his eyes from a small gap in his expensive linen curtains. After a few moments, he broke in to a gleaming smile.

“Todays the day” he said with a broad smile.

Elsewhere other Disctrict 1 members were rising from their luxurious beds. Butlers, privileged enough to live in the district, but always at a beck and call to their masters were also entered in to the draw for tributes at this years Hunger Games. Butlers such as Leo.

Leo, amongst other servants to the rich and wealthy of District 1, dreaded Draw Day. Over the ten years The Hunger Games had been running though, only one servant had ever been chosen to compete… He had lasted no more than 5 minutes when the game started. He had run for a weapon and got to it second, and met a gruesome death, which all the servants had witnessed on a large screen TVs situated around the vast district. Leo had hoped he wasn’t going to be the second ever to be picked.

“LEO! BRING ME SOME COFFEE! NOW!” Came the scream from upstairs.

“Yes Master Plum, right away!” Leo shouted politely back, and scurried off to the kitchen, more things weighing on his mind today than coffee.

Plum sat in his leather armchair, crossed one leg over the other, and opened todays newspaper. “Draw Day is upon us. Who will lead District 1 to victory?!” read the headline. Plum, like many other District members, relished the games, and had been training all year in preparation to be picked. He may now be in his mid 30s, but he had the athleticism of a 19 year old.

District 1, more commonly known as the Phoenix District, is the wealthiest area in the country, outside the capital city. The capital city is mainly full of political rich types, and people that contribute fully to the prosperity of the nation, in a supportive and political manner. Those in District 1 are rich types who did not support the current regime, most likely were involved within the rebellion, and no longer really contribute much at all in the way of society, and just sit on family inheritances.

What the Phoenix District does have though, is an extreme amount of money, pride, and a lot of time on their hands. When The 1st Hunger Games were announced, most people had their heads in their hands, panic spread in the lower districts, but not here. People now felt they had a purpose, they had something to do with their time, they would train all year in preparation, win The Games for their District, and sit on even more money than they already do.

Although there are a lot of people in District 1 that sit around and live a life of leisure and luxury, it is also home to professional doctors and the highest earning businesses within the country.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:56:00 AM
The Hunger Games was a simple premise. Satanically simple. Every year each district offered up two people to participate in the game. These people were known as “Tributes”. These ten competitors were then put in to large open arena and were made to battle it out until just one person is left alive. Participants are chosen at random from each district, so everyone is at risk. If you are crowned the winner however, you and your family are given the option to move to a lavish house within the capital city, and are given a large sum in prize money. The King describes it as a great honour to win the games and shows his decent nature to award such a prize… But everybody knows its just a way for him to show who has the ultimate power within the country. The Districts understandably do not share his view, except a few families within Disticts 1 and 2, who pride themselves on breeding and training winners for the Games, in order to live an even richer life than they already do. As for the poorer districts, they live in fear when that time of the year rolls around again, and they all gathe within their respected district squares, in front of the city hall, and hope to God their name isn’t called out.

The Hunger Games have gotten bigger year after year, shown across the nation on every TV screen, and now with a regular talk show, its bigger than ever. Civilians of each district can now help their District representatives within the Games themselves through various tasks, but this gives those in Districts 1 and 2 a distinct advantage, as well all know, money makes the world go round…

The Games are now entering their 11th year. A representative from District 1 has won 6 times, District 2 have had 3 winners, and a member of District 4 won the 5th ever Contestia Hunger Games in a truly shock result, but it did bring significant amounts of hope to the lower districts.

Draw Day, as it is now known, for district participants in this years Games is just round the corner, and many already are dreading their name being called out… But the districts all have populations within the thousands… So may the odds be ever in your favour...

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:55:00 AM
Chapter 1

The country of Contestia was once a vibrant and prosperous nation. For years it was ruled by the mighty King Link and his subordinates without much question. As time passed though, the citizens of Contestia began to grow weary of King Link’s rule. People started talking, feeling Link was getting power hungry, and the country’s economy and general welfare of its citizens was beginning to decline. The people wanted change, they wanted someone new, but under the current regime, that was not possible.

Then came the rebellion. One man had had enough and began to gather civilians that felt the same way as him, and they began to plot to overthrow the government. That man’s name… was Ell Block. Along with his right hand man Jay Solano, they stormed the capital city of Bordate with an incredible civilian force on their heels and succeeded in capturing the throne. King Link managed to escape, but Ell Block didn’t care, he was King now.

Ell Block’s reign lasted a year, until he was tragically assassinated by an unknown gunman on the anniversary of his appointment as ruler. Before anyone knew what was happening, Link had charged in to the capital with the remainder of his Royal Guard and loyal followers, and he took the throne back.

Link had had more supporters than the general civilian population had originally thought, and in hindsight it seemed inevitable for King Link to regain the throne at some point.. Link killed Jay Solano as he regained the throne and the rebellion was officially over. Without their leaders, the civilians scattered or were forced out of the city and back to their homes.

King Link decided to seal the capital city of Bordate off from the rest of the country, and split the remainder of the land in to 5 separate districts. District 1, aside from the capital, was the wealthiest of the districts, and District 5 the poorest, where inhabitants were at an everyday struggle just to put food on their plate at the end of the day.

The King didn’t care though, he had no sympathy anymore for the rebels. He had become ruthless and unforgiving, and to stamp his authority even more, exert his power, and strike fear into the citizens of Contestia, he created The Hunger Games…

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Board 8 Hunger Games - Topic II ~
05/14/12 4:55:00 AM
Welcome to the Board 8 Hunger Games.

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An interactive Battle Royale style story topic, where the tributes choices, and fellow District members choices will alter the outcome of the Games and its victor.

First off, the Districts

District 1
Sir Chris

District 2
Semifinal vs Belarus

District 3
Ry Senkari

District 4

District 5
Genesis Saga
My Immortal

Now i will post each chapter i have written so far, along with the new chapter. Please do not post until I have finished.

Thanks ^_^

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Semi Final #2 - (1)Alison Brie vs (4)Francoise Boufhal ~
05/13/12 3:18:00 PM
Welcome to the business end of the Babes Contest 2012!

Semi finals time. Each girl gets 3 pics, and also a VIDEO! Awesome!!!


Final 4:

Discussion Topic:

1. Voting lasts 24 hours
2. No alt voting
3. Vote on every match if possible.
4. Base your vote on who you think is the most physically attractive, nothing more.
5. If you think my pic choices suck or just want to add your own, feel free to do so.

Semi Final #2

(1)Alison Brie
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(4)Francoise Boufhal
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A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/13/12 3:18:00 PM
My mistake.

She still lost though.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/13/12 3:07:00 PM
Semi Final Result

Kiebler - 22
Brook - 14

Keibler goes through to her second final.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topichello from Kyoto Japan!
05/13/12 7:07:00 AM
Kyoto is so awesome.

This last day of football is not so awesome so far for me.


A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ The Board 8 Hunger Games - Story Topic (You can still sign up) ~
05/12/12 4:33:00 AM
cant you just search hunger? I dont get this whole [hunger] thing or why people put them in topics.

And yeh it will be in a new topic.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Semi-Finals - (5)Kelly Brook vs (1)Stacy Keibler ~
05/12/12 3:50:00 AM

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/12/12 3:50:00 AM
Yeh 7-16 were single nominations just randomised, how some people like Elin Grindemyr only got one nom i'll never know, considering her performances in previous contests.

I don't think i've ever seen Brie in live action and i know some girls just look better that way than in photos. Guess i'll find out when i find a video for her in the next match, but photo wise she strikes me as very average.

Boufhal on the other hand i think is stunning, even though im not a fan of big boobs at all, but she has a beautiful face, beautiful eyes, and a killer body.

Boufhal 4 CHAMP!

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ The Board 8 Hunger Games - Story Topic (You can still sign up) ~
05/12/12 3:39:00 AM
I will slpit the chapter in to two parts as doing all the interviews in one i think will be ridiculously large.

Some people gave quite short answers, so i'll split the interviews in to the first part being districts 1-3, and the second districts 4-5.

Both will be written tonight though.


A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ The Board 8 Hunger Games - Story Topic (You can still sign up) ~
05/12/12 3:29:00 AM
Apologies for constant crapness. I have work this evening where not a lot happens and i usually just take in my laptop and play football manager out the back.

But tonight i will write the chapter, and post it tomorrow (Or tonight, depending on whether I decide to go out and get drunk again)

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Semi-Finals - (5)Kelly Brook vs (1)Stacy Keibler ~
05/11/12 10:36:00 AM

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ The Board 8 Hunger Games - Story Topic (You can still sign up) ~
05/11/12 9:51:00 AM
Sorry have had a bad couple of days, will hopefully get the chapter up tonight though.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Semi-Finals - (5)Kelly Brook vs (1)Stacy Keibler ~
05/11/12 9:49:00 AM
Welcome to the business end of the Babes Contest 2012!

Semi finals time. Each girl gets 3 pics, and also a VIDEO! Awesome!!!


Final 4:

Discussion Topic:

1. Voting lasts 24 hours
2. No alt voting
3. Vote on every match if possible.
4. Base your vote on who you think is the most physically attractive, nothing more.
5. If you think my pic choices suck or just want to add your own, feel free to do so.

Semi Final #1

(5)Kelly Brook
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(1)Stacy Keibler
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A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/11/12 9:39:00 AM
Final 4 Bracket

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/11/12 9:34:00 AM
Panthera posted...
From: kevwaffles | #111
Campo - 16
Brie - 20

WTF IS THIS?! This is a travesty of a result.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinals Day 2/2 - Campo/Brie, Edmonson/Boufhal ~
05/10/12 4:37:00 AM
Psycho_Kenshin posted...
And to provide another explanation for Brie's popularity, notice she has a killer body which would be freakin' excellent in the bedroom? And all natural? Versus a toned chick with implants.

Not that there's anything wrong with liking a hard body woman, just call me old fashioned.

You are quite obviously a boobs man through and through, and is essentially what you base your vote on. I'm more of a body/face man. Brie i do not find attractive in the slightest and how she has made it to the quarterfinals shocks me. Campo's face is cute as hell, as well as sexy, and body is amazing in my opinion.

As for the other match, Boufhal has a really beautiful face, big eyes, and is just generally really damn hot. Im not a fan of big boobs at all (B and C cup optimum IMO) but despite Boufhals enormous breasts, i still find her way more attractive than Edmondson.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
TopicThe BEST way to use Google Translate.
05/10/12 4:32:00 AM
Dunno how old this is, but this is so awesome.

Then copy and paste this:

pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk... pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk

Then Translate from German to English and press the listen button to hear "the translation"

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinals Day 2/2 - Campo/Brie, Edmonson/Boufhal ~
05/09/12 6:04:00 PM

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ The Board 8 Hunger Games - Story Topic (You can still sign up) ~
05/09/12 5:58:00 PM
Shouldnt have gone in to spam, cos i got Comm's answers, but i havent got yours... can you send it again please! ^_^

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinal TIEBREAKER - Louise Cliffe vs Kelly Brook ~
05/09/12 5:57:00 PM

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinals Day 2/2 - Campo/Brie, Edmonson/Boufhal ~
05/09/12 5:56:00 PM
Welcome to the business end of the Babes Contest 2012!


Discussion Topic:

1. Voting lasts 24 hours
2. No alt voting
3. Vote on every match if possible.
4. Base your vote on who you think is the most physically attractive, nothing more.
5. If you think my pic choices suck or just want to add your own, feel free to do so.

Day 2

(1)Misa Campo
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(1)Allison Brie
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(4)Jaime Edmondson
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(4)Francoise Boufhal
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Easy Vote Form




A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinal TIEBREAKER - Louise Cliffe vs Kelly Brook ~
05/09/12 5:46:00 PM
First to 5 wins.

Vote on who you think is most physically attractive.

(7)Louise Cliffe
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(5)Kelly Brook
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A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Results/Discussion Topic - Part 2 ~
05/09/12 5:45:00 PM
Cliffe - 15
Brook - 15

Keibler - 19
Grindemyr - 10

Grindemyr had a great run, but it comes to an end against the powerhouse that is Stacy Keibler. Cliffe and Brook cant be separated, so there will be a standard tiebreaker topic. First to 5.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
Topic~ Babes Contest 2012 - Quarterfinals Day 1/2 - Cliffe/Brook, Keibler/Grindemyr ~
05/08/12 4:26:00 PM

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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