Lurker > creativename

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TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1042
12/21/11 1:50:00 AM
Where's the "Though my legs keep aching" image from?

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1042
12/21/11 1:48:00 AM

From: PartOfYourWorld | #001
external image

Link's doom draws long as Bacon allows the doom in.

He probably won't :\

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/21/11 1:38:00 AM

From: ejm5446 | #2453
You want to make things fresh and exciting? Limit each series to only 3 characters. That way we get new entrants instead of minor Nintendo/Square people and random Pokemon.

OR, we could have an entire contest of only characters who debuted in this millennium. That would be unpredictable and exciting for sure.

Weaksauce new fodder and junk may excite you, but it surely won't excite anyone else :)

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/21/11 1:37:00 AM

From: FateStayAlbion | #2308
Well I know that, but Creative has said time after time they'll gain strength from their games. Like he thinks Nightcrawler will be strong since he was a playable character in some old X-men game. If he sees that the games do bad here, maybe he'll start thinking that maybe Batman isn't invincible on this site.

No. Pay more attention. I've said time after time that Batman will gain like zero strength from his games, and mocked the notion that most of Batman's strength would come from his games (because that's utterly comical yet I've actually seen it stated). If Batman had never appeared in a video game he would perform almost no different.

You're very confused with my Nightcrawler example. I've used Nightcrawler in the context of - is he one of the 128 most powerful non-VG originated characters? Very possibly not. But, he'd absolutely annihilate the 128th most powerful VG character.

Relative to the top tier non-VG characters, Nightcrawler isn't strong at all. Relative to comparable level VG characters (e.g. Professor Layton, Claptrap), he's a complete monster.

From: FateStayAlbion | #2352
Anyway, I do feel if there were as many Batman fanboys as Creative says there are, they'd blindly vote for the games even if they haven't played them. You need that kind of loyal fanboyism to take out Link.

Haha. Not even Zeldrones are that dronish.

And Superman would be decent strength, probably top 10-20 among fictionals, despite being known for the worst game ever. Clearly game strength is going to have zero correlation with character strength.

Now some characters would have decent strength from games alone. For instance, Batman and Spider-Man would probably be decent mid-carders based on their video games alone even if they'd never had a pop culture existence - they've had popular games that sold millions and have good character design. But their actual strength is virtually unchanged by whether the games exist or not, because they are way above that. The marginal strength added from their games existing is almost nil.

From: -LusterSoldier- | #2307
This contest allowed public domain characters and historical representations of real people to be in the contest. So I think the next Character Battle should allow characters like Dracula and Zeus into the contest, in order to test out the site's reaction to these characters being in a contest. It would be an intermediate step towards allowing any character from a video game to be in a Character Battle.

These types of characters would not be strong. You need characters that have major modern commercial success from their own brands. Characters that are strong in pop culture. Zeus is a nothing. Dracula is not quite a nothing, but he isn't anything of note.

From: ViviffTheMobile | #2410
I like that yes for removing Link has 49.99%. He's over-powering being over-powered and I love it.

Almost all of that is from the "remove everyone" option. The remove just Link option currently has the lowest votes of anything.

From: PartOfYourWorld | #2353
Everyone is so caught up on trying to find a "Link killer" that we're forgetting the main point of bringing the fictionals on board in the first place: to make things fresh and exciting again and to give us better contests in general.

Exactly. It's the best possible contest idea for a contest that would be exciting and unpredictable. Even a hypothetical games contest with a great bracket would be far more predictable.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 11:59:00 PM
A new games contest is the next best route.

Although people constantly complain about Link and obvious winner and all that, and OoT is the obvious winner there as well.

But it would certainly beat any character contest which didn't include fictionals. With a good bracket a games contest could generate many good and exciting matches.

I believe the vote totals for the character contest with fictionals would be higher than for a games contest though, because the games contest wouldn't reach beyond the site. A fictional character contest would probably generate interest and actually drive traffic and vote totals up.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 11:55:00 PM

From: CP724 | #2260
Hey creativename just wondering why are you so confident that fictional characters will do well on gamefaqs? Looking at the Gamespot contest seems like they didn't do THAT well. Joker only got 55% on Ganon over there so over here Ganon would 60-40 him at least.

I'm confident because this site's demographics are perfectly in line with the main popularity base for superheroes and action movie characters. Of course, the appeal for these characters is incredibly wide. But if there was a main target demo for superheroes and action movie (e.g. Star Wars) characters, this site hits it.

And Batman is the most popular American pop culture character of the last century. He would no doubt be among the most popular characters and I would bet on him to beat Link.

Gamespot is trash, there results mean nothing and correlate in no way with gamefaqs, you cannot compare at all. Kerrigan is strong there for goodness sake.

Ganon would not 60-40 Joker on this site - I'd be pretty confident Joker beats Ganon here. Joker is a very popular character in his own right and again, perfectly hits this site's demo.

Remember, the VG originating thing is a fairly quirky delimiter, added by CJayC and Bacon has stuck with it (although Dracula, Zeus and Adolf push it). Also don't forget even Santa almost hit 40% on Link and Santa is obviously not close to the 10 most popular non-VG originating fictional characters. That Santa hit that number on Link, is a very bad sign for VG characters.

It's largely math. The non-VG character field is so wide-spanning. The 128th strongest non-VG originating fictional would crush the 128th strongest VG character. Completely crush them. Much deeper field for obvious reasons - there's so many possible characters from so many areas, rather than just video games.

And it would make sense that the top non-VG characters are stronger than the top VG characters. Santa, a non-top 10 fictional relying almost entirely on "lulz" votes, doing better than some of the top 9 VG characters would do on Link supports this.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 10:08:00 PM

From: XIII_rocks | #2007
I honestly think he just doesn't like the community here and that was a troll attempt. The Jane Eyre thing is too illogical to be anything else and when you combine that with "Link always wins except when he doesn't"...yeah.

Perhaps he was just using Jane Eyre to mock the idea...but then I don't know why he'd include Sidious, who while he wouldn't be among the strongest, wouldn't be fodder.

From: XIII_rocks | #2008


From: charmander6000 | #2051
It was more of an unofficial 3rd place match which gave SBAllen time to put up the betting for the final match. Heck even the poll number has it after the final match.

You still need to include it on your lists. It was the defining match of the contest, the closest match of the contest, the highest vote total match of the contest, the match that excited everyone the most - to exclude it from top whatever lists does not make sense.

From: IngmarBirdman | #2053
Yet he likes the ideas of Worst Character/Game? Most attractive character? And Best Inanimate object?

When did he say this?

In the topic I link to in the post I said that:

The first notion that "stuck out" in his mind was tag team, and essentially that's what we got - the rivalry thing is a variation of tag team.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:58:00 PM

From: charmander6000 | #2003
You need to include the bonus match on that list.

Bonus matches don't count

It was an official 3rd place match. And it was the match of the contest - the only one people will remember, probably. You definitely need to include it.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:56:00 PM

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1805I already jumped in and started tracking the updates myself, because the updater is only doing the first two. Once in a while, I'll track poll updates on non-contest polls if I see a poll that catches my eye. I usually have a good eye for spotting polls that could have noticeable trends.

Alright then, I'll just delete these and stop tracking.

From: BK_Sheikah00 | #1953
Seems like too many people were too greedy. Most of the people on the leaderboard seem to be straight picks.

Yes this goes back to the game theory discussion we had when the final pick thing was announced.

Whether you should expect too many people to take a risk, and thus play it safe. Looks like that indeed was the right call.

Can someone remind me, prior to the final pick thing, what was the most points for a normal perfect battle score was?

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:50:00 PM

From: XIII_rocks | #1903
I still haven't gotten over his Jane Eyre example. That was proper 1984-style misrepresentation of the facts.

I had no idea what you were talking about (who the hell is Jane Eyre?) so I googled and got this:

So apparently he doesn't like the idea of fictionals (and actually thinks Darth Sidious would be among the strongest fictionals - Sidious would be very lucky to get 25% on Batman, and Jane Eyre might well threaten to push below the 5% on Batman level). Yet he likes the ideas of Worst Character/Game? Most attractive character? And Best Inanimate object?

Mind. Blown.

TopicSC2k11 Oracle Challenge Discussion Topic Part 2
12/20/11 9:39:00 PM
Congrats to Ngamer on his 3rd straight top 5 finish!! Super impressive.

Congrats to th3l3fty for his second championship! Congrats to gitanil for their team victory.

Many thanks to Carvey for running everything! Thanks man! Great work, everything ran smoothly.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:38:00 PM

From: FateStayAlbion | #1801Sure there is. People here want a video game contest, so it would negatively effect their interest if it isn't a video game contest. Why not go to some comic site if you want to see Batman and X-men in a contest?

This is pretty laughable - you seriously think replacing the weakest half of the video game characters with strong VG appearing fictionals will *reduce* vote totals? Sigh. Albion will Albion.

From: Ngamer64 | #1809
Okay, so should we send it in like THIS

What new Contest would you to see GameFAQs host in 2012?
* A new regular Character Battle
* A Character Battle, but with former winners removed (Link, Cloud, etc)
* A Battle featuring ANY Characters who've been in video games (eg Batman, Darth Vader, Gandalf)
* A new Best Video Game Contest (from all eras)
* Best. System. Ever.

Or should the first 2 options be combined, like Kotetsu had it?

I like! Well done.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:31:00 PM

From: Kotetsu534 | #1759A character battle including characters that did not originate in video games (e.g. Batman, Simba, Gandalf).

The "e.g." is very important here - people won't get the poll option without the example names. I'd put Batman, Vader there. If you want a third option, maybe Spider-Man.

The second the casuals saw "Batman" in the poll they'd wet themselves. So it's very important to include the name - a poll option like "Include fictional characters" might confuse people, they likely wouldn't get it or pay attention to the option.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:23:00 PM

From: red sox 777 | #1651
I mean, I still can't imagine how Cloud/Sephiroth could do worse on Link/Ganon than Cloud against Link 1v1, which means that Cloud can't even break 42% against Link now. Which is.....ugh.

The rivalry factor altered things in Link's favor, it looks like. Seems that people treated Link/Ganon as a proxy of the whole Zelda series - while Cloud/Seph are just FF7. I'm pretty sure Cloud would do better than 42%. However, I doubt he gets 45%. I'd say 43%-44%.

From: FateStayAlbion | #1658
If video game characters on a video game site can't beat him, nobody can.

We won't know until it happens (I'd take Batman over Link). And even if they can't, replacing the weak half of the bracket with strong non-VG origin characters would us a more flattened strength distribution, result in very little fodder, and much closer matches and many more good matches. On top of many surprises, since we're dealing with characters we have no data on.

There is literally nothing negative about the idea in terms of providing us with a better contest.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:15:00 PM

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1560

The updater is tracking today's poll, I see.

Well it's only tracking the first two, but I'll keep it up until after the poll is done so we can see any trends. Then I'll delete it later.

From: charmander6000 | #1607
This option would be getting at least 25%, probably more like 30+%, I think.

More overestimation that people want a fictional contest. Outside of this board people probably don't care.

You're...kidding right? Casuals would eat that contest up, and the vote totals would definitely be higher.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:08:00 PM

From: TheKoolAidShoto | #1503
"No, I want to see him face Batman" should be an option

This option would be getting at least 25%, probably more like 30+%, I think.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:05:00 PM
One has to note the absence of the non-VG originating characters option.

Augh. We're never going to have a decent contest again, are we?

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:03:00 PM

From: ExThaNemesis | #1410
FFVII always wins.


Sephiroth reigns!

You mean Snake or Samus reigns...

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 9:01:00 PM

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1355
My last post partially explains the reason why Cloud was dominating the early part of the morning vote, before the Trainers started stalling once the match became 50/50. The Trainers were heavily frontloaded at the start of the match, so of course they'll continue dropping for quite a long time.

I still don't follow - being front-loaded doesn't mean those votes are vampired from some other time segment, it just means you're strong in the early vote.

From: Lopen | #1356
Again, I agree with the "suddenly going 50/50 the second the lead was about to change" sentiment but... you're going to be hard pressed to find any lead change that doesn't have this. Dante/Vergil vs Sora/Riku for instance, Dante is going 57% updates for almost two hours, then right when he hits 0 Sora stonewalls him for like an hour... Dante eventually breaks through, gets 100 up, then Sora comes back.

It happens in every close match.

Well yes, but this happened for 14 hours! O_o That simply does not happen - especially when as I said, the two entities should have significant trend differences over those 14 hours normally. Instead of normal FF7 vs. Pokemon trends, we just saw a near constant stall for 14 hours.

From: Lopen | #1356
Shouldn't affect the x-stats.

People are of course free to ignore any stats they disapprove of. And I would post three sets anyway - raw, adjusted based on taking Trainers/FF7 at face value, and adjusted based on adjusting that match. Right now based on what red and Luster have said, I'd probably go with FF7 with 51.5%, so a very minor adjustment - it would take Link going from indirectly scoring 53% on Mario vs. Bowser to scoring about 54.3%.

Which ironically actually lines up almost exactly with the series contest Zelda vs. Mario Bros. indirect results!

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 8:36:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #1306
I already said this is irrelevant to whether you're being dogmatic and condescending or not.

What in the world? Of course it is relevant.

One cannot be both dogmatic and reasonable and willing to listen to facts at the same time. It is impossible. I was willing to listen to facts when presented (by red and Luster). And I have no agenda but accuracy.

Whether I was ever condescending, I don't know, I may well have been to some extent. I don't believe I ever said I wasn't, though I did take care to be as polite as I could. Perhaps some things I said were condescending simply because some people's stances were unreasonable. I am hardly going to apologize for that. If people were being deluded and I called them on it, that's not my problem.

But not once was I stubborn or dogmatic. Calling me those things is incorrect.

From: Lopen | #1309
Pokemon's morning vote has never been all that strong, and FF7's has never been bad, largely because there's still a strong European presence at that time. FF7 gained on Link during most of the morning vote too.

Perhaps there's something to be said for this. Though I still find FF7 going from blowing the doors off at what should be a more or less neutral time frame, to suddenly going 50/50 the instant the lead was about to change, in a match that had the highest vote totals of the contest, which included an entrant known to be the biggest rallying force...and an entrant known to be the biggest magnet for be suspect to say the least. In terms of linearity, this match is not going to be reliable.

Don't think anyone can with a straight face say that the Trainers from MvB were the same strength as the Trainers against FF7. FF7 brought out their best. MvB did not, if anything they were likely to be SFFed by MvB - MvB was maybe their worst possible opponent. Outside of things that the Trainers could themselves SFF, FF7 was their best possible opponent to bring out their max potential.

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1353
The Trainers were heavily frontloaded at the start of the match. Even more so because of the FF7 anti-votes. As strong as the Trainers were at the start of all their matches, their early vote is not strong enough to cause them to drop for the entire match. Only in very extreme cases such as L-Block in 2007 do you see a character that is so frontloaded that they never get a chance to stabilize before the match ends.

I don't follow here, Luster - what does this have to do with what I was talking about?

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 7:49:00 PM

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1255Pokemon isn't that great with the morning vote.

But neither is FF7. And yet it was 53%-54%ing Pokemon during that time.

There is no reason for FF7 to dominate the morning vote so thoroughly, against an entity whose morning vote should actually be better - in relative terms - than FF7's. Or at worst, they are both neutral at this time. Going from 53-54% during these two hours to 50/50 the rest of the way is waaay off from normal trends.

%age shifts of that magnitude from those two hours to the rest of the poll should only happen in very extreme scenarios of trend-clashing from the two entrants. And the morning vote trends of FF7/Pokemon just don't clash like that. It's not like FF7 is a Mario Bros.-like morning vote monster, while Pokemon is horrid with the morning vote.

From: LeonhartFour | #1257That would be it.

No, that wouldn't be it. Please state some fact or logic that shows I am the one who is mistaken. Otherwise, your stance is simply one of baseless hubris - calling me things like dogmatic and stubborn and arrogant with no reasoning to counter anything I have stated. I am using reasoning and data. You are using personal labels. The Trainers from MvB being static to the Trainers for the FF7 match simply does not compute. One can't make it compute, because it simply doesn't work.

Of all the people who have been taking a counter-stance to mine, Luster is literally the only one who has actually used facts. Everyone else is just being aggressive and uber-stubborn without using any real logic. I really do find these attitudes confusing.

Anyway, once again, the Trainers are the #3 of the contest and would be in any rankings I make. Because they *won* the third place match - they are #3 by definition, at their peak strength. Which they clearly weren't at in the Mario vs. Bowser match - oh, and of course "You people are f***ing idiots for not agreeing what I am thinking." as Not_Wylvane so succinctly put it :P Thanks to him for summarizing, very kind of him to do so.

I think some Pokemon fans here are hyper-sensitive to the notion of some "adjustment" that places them below a team they beat, when that's not the adjustment I'm talking about. It would be everyone else I'd be adjusting. My one and only interest is accuracy - accuracy to the best extent that is reasonably possible for us to achieve as a collective (red and Luster have been helpful in this). So the Pokemon fans can please just relax.

From: LeonhartFour | #1304I would imagine we should get a "What did you think of the contest?" type poll.

That's gonna get ugly...

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 6:01:00 PM

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1206
Trainers were more likely to be bandwagoned against Mario/Bowser to keep themselves from being eliminated from the contest. The primary argument against rallying in Trainers/Cloud is that it's a third place match that isn't even part of the contest, so there's no incentive to push the Trainers over Cloud.

No, they weren't more likely to be bandwagoned against Mario/Bowser because the match was not close. Plus, Nintendo hierarchy anyway.

From: -LusterSoldier- | #1206That's possible. The raw x-stats wouldn't be based off of the Trainers/Cloud match, while the adjusted ones would be.

I'll probably make 3 sets of stats, each set just needs an extra column. Once I make the spreadsheet new stats are easy. It's making the spreadsheet that's the hard work :(

From: KamikazePotato | #1203Congrats, you just described any close match.

From 8am to 9am, Cloud/Seph got 53.72% of the vote. From 9am-10am, they got 53%. But the instant they threatened to take the lead, Pokemon starting 50/50ing them. Those aren't normal trends. The 8am-9am and 9am-10am periods should reflect who the winner of the "day vote" is going to be.

[edit: Especially since in relative terms, Pokemon should normally be doing better in the morning vote against FF7 compared to the rest of the match]

Going from 53%-54% during those hours to 50/50 the rest of the way, is not normal. Normal close matches do not have %age differences between the morning vote and the day vote to that staggering degree - especially when the match then proceeds to become almost trendless, a flat line for the rest of the day. This despite the two entities normally having very different trends - instead of the exaggerated trends we should have seen, the trends vanished.

From: Not_Wylvane | #1210
This whole thing was farcical the minute you opened your mouth and started this bats*** insane derail.

Have a wonderful evening to you too.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:56:00 PM

From: Not_Wylvane | #1252
creativename, stop being so passive-aggressive and just outright say "You people are f***ing idiots for not agreeing what I am thinking."

We all know that's what you're trying to imply with your words, and I know you're going to deny it, but there's no use in even pretending otherwise since Leonhart and everyone else is already calling you out on your bulls***, so just shut the f*** up and drop it.


Dude, chill.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:42:00 PM

From: red sox 777 | #1154
Even at the half-way point in the match, it looked like Trainers/Cloud would fall just short of 60000 votes. Instead, Trainers/Cloud goes on to 63000 votes. That might give you an idea on the number of rallied votes in the match, but not all of them are for the Trainers. I'm sure Cloud got rallied votes as well.

So, for those 3000 extra votes, let's put a guess at 2500 for Trainers and 500 for C/S, giving us a net gain of 2000 for Pokemon. Seems about as reasonable as anything else.

Yes, sound reasonable enough.

Thank you for being able to have a reasonable discussion of the issue. You have no idea how much I appreciate that at this point :)

From: Lopen | #1201Point is this is bordering "who cares" territory.

Indeed. You are free to stop posting about the subject.

From: Lopen | #1201It's nowhere near 54% as I believe CN said earlier.

You misread me, I said it looked like they were headed for a 54%ish second half. Which would end up with them getting 52% overall. But Luster says I was overshooting it.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:39:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #1102
Here it is again.

Anyone who doesn't see things the way you "clearly and obviously" see them is being stubborn and they're just plain wrong. You're very dogmatic in a lot of your arguments.

Look. Can you please point out very specifically where I'm being "dogmatic"?

It's dogmatic to realize the Trainers didn't have the same strength across those two matches? How can one even reasonably argue otherwise when looking at the match? I'm being called dogmatic for stating the obvious. This whole thing is getting farcical :\

From: KamikazePotato | #1103
I seriously question how many 'rallied votes' Trainers got. Cloud/Seph making a 200+ vote comeback in the middle of the ASV is far more suspicious than Trainers stalling during a time period where FF7's strongest voter base is asleep.

No, FF7 sans-rallying being stronger than the Trainers during the ASV makes sense, even though in relative terms that is the Pokemon's stronger time. But without rallying they probably are losing that time period in absolute terms.

From: KamikazePotato | #1110And I'm okay with trends being weird, but going 'Trends are weird? Pokemon rallied a million votes!' is silly when FF7 was just as suspicious at times.

FF7 being rallied? Now we're really going off the rails :P

Any amount of rallying for FF7 would be trivial compared to the Pokemon rallying. You know that. The Pokemon simply have much more rallying potential, which is why they are the stronger duo head-to-head, and the true #3 of the contest.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:29:00 PM

From: Lopen | #1057
Looking at your Oracle percentage for this match, you basically just used Mario vs Link from 2002 as your prediction for this match.

Dude, I wasn't even paying attention in the Oracle for the last few matches because I'd lost interest in this contest. That's why I used the 2K2 percentage - so I wouldn't have to use my brain. Don't try to psycho-analyze too deeply into it. That was just me being lazy.

From: Lopen | #1057To me that screams out that you didn't "get" that Mario was stronger in this format so obviously you're going to fight adjusting him up significantly every step of the way. adjusting him up. The "no adjustments" people are the ones that say leave him where he is, which is almost equal to Cloud/Seph.

From: Lopen | #1057So what I'm saying is you're trying too hard to make this contest line up with previous contests, not realizing it is in fact a different format.

What? I don't even get where you're getting this from.

The *only* thing I'm saying is that the Trainers did not have static strength across those two matches. Literally everything supports this. Odd trends, higher vote totals, constant barriers, the Trainers constantly leading by juuuust enough - everything. It's blatant. It boggles my mind that someone could not see this, or try to argue against it. Arguing against it is - and really, I don't mean offense and don't want to make anyone mad, just being honest - deluded.

The Trainers at "full potential" are greater than FF7. Thus I will rank them 3. (apparently ranking them 4 would insult people around here, not that I'd rank them 4 anyway since they *won* the 3rd place match) But the Trainers were not at full potential in the MvB match.

From: Lopen | #1057(No, don't look at my Oracle prediction, I put Mario vs Bowser trying to hype an upset)

So I don't get to psycho-analyze you then based on something silly? Seems unfair :)

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:20:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #1010
Oh good, you realized what makes you pretty stubborn in this post.

You're pretty condescending toward people who disagree with your reasoning and logic.

But anyone who thinks that the Trainers had static strength across those two matches is clearly mistaken because the Trainers got a lot of rallied votes in the FF7 match they didn't get in the MvB match, so why do you say I'm being stubborn by having that stance? Having the obvious, common sense stance isn't being "stubborn".

Again, entrants strength can and does vary from match to match. Like L-Block. That's blatantly what happened with the Trainers here. That stance is reasonable. Having that stance is not being "stubborn".

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:14:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #1007
Well, I'm just saying that I'm personally not going to do anything.

As I said, if anyone else wants to do it, feel free, but it ultimately changes nothing. The only purpose for making an adjustment is to put the top four into your own perceived order. It has little bearing on the other 60 pairings.

I don't give a crap about top 4 in proper order. Trainers>FF7. What I would do is put the Trainers in the #3 spot, as that is their strength at "full potential", but adjust the rest of the Mario vs. Bowser half, including Mario vs. Bowser.

Assuming Trainers in Mario vs. Bowser equal the Trainers in FF7 puts Mario vs. Bowser closer to Link vs. Ganondorf than they really are.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:08:00 PM

From: Lopen | #960
Well obviously this is for the use of generations to come. What will they do when they haven't seen this contest and its next iteration comes up? They'll be pulling their hair out!


Again, if you don't care to discuss contest stats, I'm not sure what you're here to discuss. And yes these stats are utterly useless and no one gives a damn about this contest as a whole because it was CRAP. And thus no one really cares about stats.

But I'm trying to figure out what a reasonable adjustment number would be, and getting attitude for it. In the contest stats topic. Just weird ****.

From: LeonhartFour | #1001
You're a pretty stubborn fella yourself, you realize.

How an I being stubborn while being realistic and logical?

To say that the Trainers had static strength across the MvB and FF7 matches is just...I mean I really don't want to insult people so I won't say anything, other than it's an unreasonable mistake. They did not have static strength across those matches.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:03:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #952
And yes, Mario/Bowser would probably beat up Cloud/Seph pretty badly, because they have looked consistently better all contest.

And they blatantly would not beat then with 55.64%. The match would be closer than that because MvB would not need rallying to crush Cloud vs. Sephiroth in a non-close match.

If you are trying to argue that MvB beat Cloud vs. Sephiroth with 55.64%, then you are simply being stubborn, nothing more.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 5:00:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #905
I don't see anything wrong with Mario/Bowser putting similar numbers on Cloud/Seph.

,...but not adjusting puts them almost EQUAL to Cloud vs. Seph. The purpose of adjusting is to make Mario vs. Bowser - and their whole half of the bracket - look stronger.

From: LeonhartFour | #859
Not to mention, there's so much SFF littered throughout this bracket that even making "adjustments" on Link, Mario, Trainers, and Cloud solves virtually nothing, considering we already know where those four stand. Making adjustments isn't going to give us an accurate read on Snakes vs. X/Zero whatsoever.

Yes but in those other instances we have no basis for adjustment. Here we are fortunate to have another match.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:57:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #860
I'm fine with not adjusting stuff at all. If you had left it at 'dumb contest, don't care', then I would've been fine with it.

We could say "dumb contest, don't care" and then proceed to not post in this topic. Again - nothing else left to do other than this, except whine about how crappy the contest was.

This is the Contest Stats and Discussion topic and, gasp, I'm discussing contest stats! Oh no. Burn the witch.

I'm getting very confused by the attitudes of some people here.

From: KamikazePotato | #860
This "Trainer/FF7 match is bogus because I say so" is just plain dumb.

So you're saying the Trainers that faced MvB had the same strength as the ones that faced FF7? Really?

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:52:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #810
No, it isn't.

His rationale is that something clearly weird started happening, trends-wise, right around the time FFVII was threatening to take over the match and run away with it, and FFVII would have won easily if that doesn't happen.

Which is something we've actually seen happen multiple times in these contests.

Yes exactly.

Things in this contest do not have static strength from round to round. See: L-Block.

The Trainers that faced Mario vs. Bowser were blatantly a weaker entrant than the Trainers that faced Cloud vs. Sephiroth. It's absolutely ridiculous to even try and argue otherwise. I cannot believe that some people are trying to stubbornly cling to an indefensible notion. Like...why? I'm scratching my head here.

From: Lopen | #857
Yeah. Let's not be brain dead, I agree. Let's do the thing that makes sense and assume there's significant SFF today rather than some sort of statistical anomaly in Trainers vs Cloud/Seph. But that's the same thing. What we're trying to do is estimate the SFF level. You really aren't getting this for some reason.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:47:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #760
If you don't want to adjust because Rivalry Rumble anything is pointless, then that's fine, but not adjusting because of preconceived notions of the way things are 'supposed' to be is something we should have gotten past years ago.

This seems to be going over your head. Some adjustment is necessary because we have two results - the final match and the third place match - which obviously do not add up.

If you want unadjusted stats where Mario vs. Bowser are nearly equal to Cloud and Sephiroth, I say what's the point of those stats at all? They'd obviously be worth very little because M vs. B are significantly stronger than C vs. S.

From: Lopen | #802
So you're saying Mario vs Bowser beating Cloud vs Seph with ~56% is absolutely silly to argue?

Because I can totally argue that. Based off of previous matches in the contest, even. There were a lot of signs of Mario vs Bowser being significantly stronger than Cloud vs Sephiroth in this contest-- it's not "absolutely silly"

Yeah, and one could look at today's match and say that Mario vs. Bowser would barely beat Cloud vs. Sephiroth.

Please. Let's not be brain dead. I mean please.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:42:00 PM

From: PartOfYourWorld | #751
The Pokemon/FFVII match wasn't even a part of the contest. It was basically a for-fun double elimination match (and not even that, not really) in a format that has always been single elimination. It doesn't really matter what you think the "legit" result is; that match shouldn't be used for stat valuation. A character's x-stat value is taken the moment they lose and are eliminated from winning the contest.

Difference is that this is the first time we have a way to directly adjust the Link/Mario SFF based on a separate match. However taking that separate match at face value would clearly be wrong.

As for why adjust, well x-stats are the only loose end left. Nothing else left to talk about for this piece of **** contest. I mean what else are we going to discuss in a Contest Stats and Discussion topic for a miserable failure of a contest?

There's only so many "this contest sucked" posts we can manage :)

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:39:00 PM

From: KamikazePotato | #658
The idea of adjusting an entity below something it defeated is the ultimate "I have preconceived notions I won't let go of" argument.

Yeah - let's use today's result and set Mario vs. Bowser and Cloud vs. Sephiroth as near equals! That makes perfect sense!!

...seriously, I cannot believe this needs to be explained. The Trainers vs. FF7 result was clearly an abnormal match with boosted Trainer strength. Boosted Trainers are not going to equal the Trainers that got stomped by Mario vs. Bowser. It's absolutely silly to argue otherwise.

And it's also ridiculous to set Mario vs. Bowser and Cloud vs. Sephiroth as near equals, because clearly MvB would have beaten the FF7 duo comfortably.

The most sensible thing is to find a proper adjustment value.

From: -LusterSoldier- | #653They weren't going to end up with over 52% here, because that requires them to pull in over 54% over the second half of the poll. And Cloud/Sephiroth only managed one hour over 54% during the match, and that was the final hour of the night vote.

Well if that's true then what do you think a proper value would be? 51.50%? Because in the morning vote prior to the "barriers", they were destroying the Trainers with 54+% updates regularly (those damn kiddies and their hatred of the Pokemonz!). They were going to rise pretty high before the rallying strength kicked in.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 4:28:00 PM

From: HaRRicH | #607This "over-performing" trend with Pokemon's been accused of it so often. Red/Blue, Charizard, Missingno, RBY, Pikachu, as a series -- these aren't all coincidences, and having your series "over-perform" in most contests since 2006 means your series has been getting stronger since 2006.

Except it's blatantly obvious that the Trainers were stronger in the FF7 match due to "barrier" rallying that they didn't get in the Mario vs. Bowser match. They were very obviously not the same entity.

I mean it's just common sense that Mario vs. Bowser wouldn't beat Cloud vs. Sephiroth by 55+%. The match would be closer, but since Mario vs. Bowser would probably win comfortably no anti-FF7 rallying would be necessary. Thus they'd probably win with something like 52%-53%. Not 55.64%.

If you adjust based on MvB getting 55.6% on Cloud/Seph, your numbers are going to be wrong.

TopicSC2k11 Oracle Challenge Discussion Topic Part 2
12/20/11 3:19:00 PM
Would like to apologize to Ngamer - I really dropped the ball badly on the last few matches :( I was paying little attention so I didn't do any calculations or anything like I normally do, so I made some pretty bad picks. Otherwise we'd have had a shot to challenge for #1 team.

Anyway - congrats to th3l3fty and gitanil for winning the team! And I'm not sure what the preds for the top two were for this match, but I'll assume th3l3fty pulled it off, so congrats to him for his second Oracle championship! Very impressive.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 3:14:00 PM
Also other than these "no more contests" people, is anyone who wants another contest against the idea of including non-VG orginating fictionals?

Too bad we're probably not going to get a bonus match with fictionals. I'm pretty sure Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan would get at least 35% on Link vs. Ganon (if not much higher), which puts them among the strongest pairs. And Batman vs. Joker probably 60/40's Vader/Obi-Wan.

Would love to replace the weak half of the bracket - which is all fodder - with actual strong characters. Giving us a bracket much more "flat" in terms of strength, thus inevitably leading to closer matches and less blowouts. On top of new characters with zero data leading to high unpredictability.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 3:08:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #555
I don't see much reason to use Cloud/Trainers in X-Stat adjustments. Just using these two results against Link would probably be more accurate than that.

But there's clearly SFF going on in Link/Ganon vs. Mario/Bowser.

I think if you base that adjustment on FF7 getting 52%-53% on Trainers it makes the most amount of sense. Because if the Trainers were static in strength from the Mario/Bowser match and the "barriers" didn't go up, that's what it looks like FF7 would have risen to.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1041
12/20/11 2:58:00 PM
So I haven't been following things the last few days. What are people thinking about in terms of adjusted x-stats?

Because you could estimate Link/Mario SFF on Trainers/FF7, but I think that would be wrong because the Trainers were clearly stronger against FF7 than against Mario/Bowser.

Looking at the updates, it looked like with the morning vote the FF7 duo was going to godstomp with the day vote and finish up with 52%+ easily. But once they threatened to take the lead the "barriers" went up and stayed that way the whole match. Clearly shenanigans - which means you can't adjust Link/Mario straight-up based on Trainers/FF7.

So what SFF adjustment for the final match should be made? I'm thinking it should be based on FF7 getting 52%-53% on Trainers, because if the Trainers were static from the Mario match to the FF7 match it looks like that's what should have happened.

TopicSC2k11 Oracle Challenge - FINAL Round (now with 3rd place match!)
12/19/11 7:45:00 PM
Link vs. Ganondorf - 62.53%

TopicSC2k11 Oracle Challenge - FINAL Round (now with 3rd place match!)
12/17/11 11:17:00 PM
Cloud Strife vs. Sephiroth - 54.50%
Link vs. Ganondorf - 66.66%

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 6:50:00 PM
Yes, Optimus Prime would be pretty beastly in strength. Probably top 10 non-VG.

Not_Wylvane posted...
The majority of Batman's strength would be, surprise, from his games,

Not_sure_if_serious.gif O_o

Like less than 2% at most of Batman's strength would come from his games. Come on. Let's try to live in the real world here. Goodness gracious.

TopicSC2k11 Oracle Challenge - Round 5 - Semifinals
12/17/11 4:58:00 PM
Link vs. Ganondorf - 52.99%

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 4:51:00 PM

From: The_Djoker | #260Batman v Link would break traffic records.

It wouldn't break traffic records of course. This site is too niche now.

But it would be the highest vote drawing match possible of anything 1v1, and would definitely generate traffic externally from GameFAQs, much like L-Block.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 4:47:00 PM

From: Haste_2 | #210
So, the stats say Ryu/Ken (and also Samus/Ridley) > MMX/Zero now.... but the question is, do you buy that?

There was very possibly some minor SFF in Mario/Bowser vs. X/Zero.

I think it is possible for Ryu/Ken to be stronger than X/Zero however. It's not like that sounds shocking or anything.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 4:44:00 PM

From: The_Djoker | #153Lol @ link tripling goku/ vegeta. Good one. Theyd be one of tge strongest duos

They would have been strong way back in the day. Quite beastly strong probably.

But DBZ has been irrelevant for years. They wouldn't be close to one of the strongest non-VG originating duos anymore. Link/Ganon would destroy them. Yes, I do believe that would be a tripling. It would get ugly.

Back in the day though, when DBZ was popular and Pokemon hated around here, they probably could have broken 40% on Link/Ganon.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 4:40:00 PM
Someone please tell me Lightning Strikes is just trying to elaborately troll here.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1038
12/17/11 4:33:00 PM

From: Lightning Strikes | #155Hell, name me 15 non-VG characters who could beat Big Daddy, bearing in mind that this is GameFAQs.

For your sake, I hope you're just trying to mess with people and bait them via trolling. Because if you are actually serious...wowza.

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