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TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 2:46:25 PM
Umbreon posted...
Intent is irrelevant.

Okay. Still cant just accept and take responsibility for an intent that isnt mine.

You allowed it to happen.

You need to be more specific here. Because I didnt allow it to happen because I supported it, I allowed it to happen by being a shitty mod. Thats where the intent comes in.

Ill apologize for being a shitty mod, and for alllowing that place to fester to the point it did. I apologize for offloading it to Tails in the summer of 2023 to try and rid myself of its stench instead of actually doing something about it.

I apologize that by the time I was able to get the sub back and clean it up that those folks had already formed a cabal that led to the creation of deathmatch.

I apologize for not doing more work to get tails removed from the mod list when I did come back to clean the place up, because the guy ended up taking over the sub after so cleaned it up because he wanted deathmatch 2.0 my apathetic nature allowed that to happen as well. First time Im apologizing for that I think, but its true.

If not for me deathmatch wouldnt exist, and that stupid banner party probably never would have happened. Fandom wouldnt have been harassed. Those are things that occurred because I was an apathetic moderator.

I apologize for all of that.

Frankenstein isn't absolved of what his monster does because he lost control of it. It's still a monster of his design.

Thats true. But trying to force him to say I agree and support the carnage my monster has created isnt right either.

If its not true its not true. Intent doesnt matter when it comes to consequences of outcomes, but it matters when it comes to consequence of character, and how you interact with someone going forward.

It doesnt even mean you have to forgive that person, but you can still recognize the lit intentions. Trying to prove their something that they arentwhats the point?

I cant just pretend to adopt some malicious intent just because Im sorry and apologetic for the outcomes.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 2:33:07 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Engaging in off-site conversation with people who want this place absolutely destroyed for good, while knowing theyre alt-right and banned here is why people dislike the things you say about the future of this website.

Yea. I understand that.

You dont understand why the person who built a hive for those people isnt taken seriously when they have ideas for this website?

See this is what Im saying. Ill take responsibility for that place becoming a hive for harassment. Ive apologized for that many times before. I cant agree with your statement that I built a hive for those people because thats not correct, that wasnt my intention, and when it became that hive I took action (twice) to shut it down.

TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 1:59:58 PM
Murphiroth posted...
This post is evidence enough you're just going to continue to deflect and act like you had nothing to do with Tails and crew and that you're just an innocent bystander who had no idea what they were like.

I probably wont dodge it, because Ive taken responsibility for most of the negative outcomes in past topics.

I think youve must have seen that which is why you arent actually listing things you want me to take responsibility for because you know I will.

I just dont lie about my intentions. I think people want me to be this alt-right, bigoted troll because its easier to discredit my corporate mindset aka fandom shilling as you all like to call it.

Im not saint by any means, there is plenty to criticize me for. But it all comes with nuance because I have a twenty year posting history that clearly shows Im not some bigoted political troll.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 1:53:03 PM
Murphiroth posted...
Also really funny that Stero edited out the following part of his post...

"A lot of people, including myself used the guide sparingly and in good faith, so removing it would pretty much ensure that it would only get used by the folks who abuse it."

...because he knows it's not true.

No. Its true. I just thought it was a double paragraph. I basically said the same thing twice.

If you take down the guide you ensure that the only people who still have access to it are the people who want to use it in bad faith you kill off all the good faith traffic.

I think I contacted fandom five or six times over the course of two years.

Four moderations - two overturned, one I got clarification on since it came without a mid note, and one I agreed to disagree on. Then for a child endangerment topic over in the PWB which was promptly deleted, and another for a doxing/harassment topic made on CE which was also promptly deleted.

Last time contacting them was in September for a moderation that i ultimately admitted fault too. Looking back on it, even the one I agreed to disagree on I now look back and realize I was 200% at fault for. I can see that now and Im grateful for the feedback I initially received from Fandom it was helpful. All feedback was helpful.

The guide works if used responsibly. Its not a tool we should ignore completely or hide behind a wall because of some bad faith users.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 1:45:48 PM
Murphiroth posted...
Anything to dodge responsibility, amirite?

List me some things you think I should take responsibility for. Maybe I will take responsibility, maybe I wont. But taking accountability for ones actions, and being truthful with your intent dont always match up.

You can have well meaning or simply neutral intentions, and it can still result in disaster. I can take responsibility for the outcomes, but cant take responsibility for an intent I didnt have.

List it out
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 1:22:36 PM
Murphiroth posted...
And lmao at "I just shared the link!" like you didn't know how Tails and crew were and how they would use it. Insanely dishonest but that's your thing.

I literally told them not to, then banned those people when they did abuse it.

I didnt create the link, it exists because Fandom wants you to use it in good faith. Its not hidden, you can easily find it. It made sense to sticky it to the top of a sub that exists for the purpose of getting opinions on moderations and giving feedback on operation strategy.

I could have removed the guide once those folks started using it to troll, but what would be the point?

They already had the link, all that would be happening would be them posting it without the instructions that advise them not to abuse the form. Theyd probably give their own twisted instructions instead.

I worked hard to clean that place up, and eventually shut it down. Its over.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 1:07:44 PM
Sad_Face posted...
I've looked into other mobile games and was super hesitant about starting one. I watched videos of this one game, Brown Dust 2, but it didn't jive with me that I was watching a paid advertisement video. And of course when I went to the message boards, basically dead.

What shocked me even more is that I finally started a new mobile game, Blue Archive, but when I checked out the message board here, DEAD. And this is one of the bigger titles, with tons of fan art, concerts, and even an anime currently rolling.

Bringing up the dead message boards. Thats actually a problem for indie devs. Original IPs dont come with their own built in communities. If some mobile game studio gets the Batman IP itll come with a userbase of millions. But if its something original like Crashlands it wont come with anyone who cares until the game comes out or does a paid beta test.

But if you turn GameFaqs into a platform that allows for pre-registration, then you actually get to siphon the audience of established IPs and send them over to original IPs.

Like the Batman Arkham mobile game is giving away an exclusive skin to anyone who pre-registers. So thousands of people rush to GameFaqs to do so thus brings in new users (and gets Fandom paid by WB), then once those users are here they are going to browse to see what else is around and theyll find Crashlands.

Theyll pre-register for games they never had any intention of playing due to FOMO. But once you pre-register you automatically opt into push notifications for updates on the game. Including when the developers themselves post on the forums the user clicks that push notification and is taken to the topic to join in on the discussion. Now that indie dev has a thriving community.

You charge WB for the service. You dont charge Crashlands. Its feee for indie devs because they are helping GameFaqs with user retention by actually interacting with the community gives gamers a reason to stick around.

That makes Fandom money (from the AAA corporations), gets Fandom new users for free (also from the large gaming studios), it gives independent game developers a much needed community before launch (which is free), and in return those devs help Fandom retain its users by providing unique value in the form of dev to fan interaction.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 12:43:48 PM
DoesntMatter posted...
yes you did. you typed up and posted a paragraphs long instructional guide on how exactly they could go about harassing DToast and other GameFAQs employees.

No I didnt.

I shared a public link that Fandom actually wants you to use in good faith, that allows users to contest suspensions, and provide feedback.

I didnt instruct nor encourage anyone to abuse the link for the purpose of harassment, in fact the guide itself clearly told users NOT to do that. Users did it anyhow much to my chagrin.

You know this. We literally worked together to clean the place up.

But seriously this is getting tiring, can we just stay on topic? There are plenty of other ways to get in contact with me if you just want to yell at me.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:16:25 AM
Foppe posted...
What, you expect less ads with a bigger userbase?


Or better implemented adds, ones that are more experiential in nature, and less generic and in your face.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:16:08 AM
havean776 posted...
So they want to get rid of the exisiting userbase? And just hope it gets replaced?

Why not make a new website instead?

The content is valuable. As is the SEO, and quite honestly the email list that could be used to reengage older users ones that are a bit more casual in their online interactions but still just as core in their online spending
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:10:15 AM
hockeybabe89 posted...
"Fandom doesn't want to attract you old ass losers! Now, aren't you excited about Fandom's plans to attract a new audience and change this website?"

I mean, whats the alternative? How do they make money? More ads?
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:06:12 AM
Heineken14 posted...
Especially considering he worked with the shit tier bottom feeders in harassing gamefaqs employees in an effort to get the site shut down.

No I didnt.

Also can we not derail the topic to make it about me again, like its getting old.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:04:05 AM
havean776 posted...
He made a reddit all the racist chuds flocked to it than failed to run it.
So I don't think hes a good advisor on how to run a website.

Thats actually a valid point. Well done.

TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 8:01:01 AM
GiftedACIII posted...
Imagine thinking 13-28 year olds don't like discussing the attractiveness of fictional and cartoon characters let alone not realizing that's the peak age for a person to discuss them l

Its seen as weird when a bunch of forty year olds on the internet do it. But not when teens and young adults do it. Double standards or whatever.

What Im about to say is just an example, its not reflective of GameFaqs, so dont get all triggered. But in essence, no college aged kids wants to come hang out with a bunch of 40 year old virgins.

So you dont want GameFaqs to appear as if its representative of that type of community.

The fact of the matter is that GameFaqs is mostly folks in there late thirties and early forties. Thats just the demographic thats here, so guiding them to stay on topic and not devolve into weird internet culture, 4chan types of discussion will help cultivate the vibe so that it appears to a younger audience that thus place isnt some weird, dark corner of the internet that they need to run away from. But rather a place they could waste some time on, and make some new friends.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 6:41:48 AM
--Zero- posted...
What a weird obsession with this site.

Can you at least admit that I get a kick out of this. Like the past week has been heaven for me finally people are actually willing to chat about this.

Its not me just talking to myself while filling up hellhole and sex board topics.

Sure, weird obsession. But also one unique to me. Theres no hidden agenda here. I genuinely like to discuss this stuff.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 6:39:13 AM
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
Nope. It's okay to discuss trans issues as it applies to movie/videogame/etc. topics (characters, representation, etc.), and general social activism *not related to laws or government representation*, but politics is banned on all boards outside of CE, PERIOD. So, for example "Trump's AG pick wants to ban media representations of trans minors" would be prohibited on the movie/etc. boards, I'm fairly certain.

Hmm. I guess I dont agree with taking it that far. Id ease up on that some.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 6:38:20 AM

I use to run one of these platforms. Companies will purchase for high quality users. Gamers that play longer, spend more, and get in on the first day. 24-44 year old males that consider themselves hardcore gamers.

On Google Play you cant cultivate that. On GameFaqs you can reasonably guarantee that everyone who clicks that button fits thats description.

The average revenue per user would probably be some insane number like 7 dollars, as opposed to Google Plays 25 cents or whatever it is.

Do you ever buy games from the Amazon purchase links on GameFAQs?

Admitedly, no.

TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 5:52:41 AM
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
There are quite a few trans women on Gamefaqs as well. And they are now prohibited from discussing how politicians and laws affect them *or how said laws could affect future trans representation in videogames* outside of CE, which is just utterly and completely fucked up. Fandom claims it wants to be inclusive, yet its ToU prohibits trans people from promoting activism against politicians and policies that would harm them or worse.

Isnt the rule that if it fits into the discussion of whatever the topicality of said board is then you can discuss it?

But the current landscape cant really handle politics in its own. I think once this place onboards a bunch of new users and gets rolling it might be able to support such a board, but with the current size & niche of the community it just becomes to central to the entire platform
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 5:45:47 AM
ai123 posted...
I think you have some funny ideas about the attractiveness of a 'vanilla, generic' messageboard to 18-35 year olds.

No. You would have to build lots of belts and whistles, but thats the foundation you start with.

I envision a mobile app that allows for beta & pre-registration sign ups. Thats an easy bell to add, and it comes with whistles in the form of income from brands willing to pay for the service.


TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 5:44:44 AM
P4wn4g3 posted...
You started with an interesting topic and ruined it with your dumb corporate rhetoric. You've been missing the point for 4 years that Gamefaqs is and will always be a one man show that won't ever have any bells or whistles because that's too much work for 1 person.

They need to pay community managers. They technically could take just one single executive salary (250k) and divide it amongst 20 moderators.

So 20 volunteer mods now get 1k a month, and they become official community managers. This of course comes with some KPIs, and a contract.

Then you just hire a mobile developer (which they already have Im sure) and you use the marketing and UA department thats already on staff.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 4:49:11 AM
havean776 posted...
Young people have no need for text walkthroughs. Why would they? Youtube is easily accessable now.

You would need to get a mobile app, and then have influencer marketing campaigns so that notable creators made exclusive video walkthroughs for the platform.

Video guides that Fandom would own, and the influencer would send traffic too via promotion on their native channels.

Then youll offer bounties for video guides of former games, and perhaps some sort of native social streaming aspect that would encourage users to team together to create their own guides.

Bounties could be paid out probably not in money but some sort of partnered cryptocurrency that can rise in value based upon site engagement. That in of itself would bring additional traffic to the platform and allow GameFaqs to fund itself but it could also just be money
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 4:46:09 AM
AppleJoe743 posted...
So far they've implemented banning politics and restricting posting about sexual themes even further. How does that help with your earlier stated concerns? Earlier you even said they were trying to attract kids, which doesn't fit your enthusiasm for evolution that retains their userbase.

Because they need to acquire new, younger, more casual users. The existing userbase thats currently here is not the userbase they are going to try and cultivate. They wont be going after 35-50 year old males.

Theyll be going after the 18-34 market, which great empthasis in the 24-34 year old market, since they have the disposable income to spend and are the bridge between the existing users (that they dont really want) and the upcoming generation (which they definitely want).
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 4:39:57 AM
andel posted...
tv hasn't highlighted a single way in which fandom has worked on improving gamefaqs.

They are quarantining the boards where the core users reside, to try and curb the culture this place had cultivated, and make the rest of the boards a bit more vanilla

which is needed if they want to put money into any type of user aquisition campaign.

If the end of the funnel of a paid ad campaign is dropping off a newly acquired user onto a board where a bunch of 40 year olds are discussing the attractiveness of cartoon characters then that user isnt going to stick around, theyre going to dip out.

There is no logic in allocating funds to modernizing the site or acquiring new users if youre just going to drop that user off in the basement of a magic the gathering party, or in the midst of a political thrashing.

They need to make the boards more generic and vanilla so that these users can stick around without being chewed up and spit out by the board regulars.
TopicAs someone working a leadership role you would never
05/01/24 3:18:09 AM
Believe it or not I'm not much of a company man despite typically being in an executive position. I tell my employees to pretty much do the bare minimum to ensure we succeed, and never let their job interfere with their personal lives which are much more important.

Basically, I encourage my employees to have work life balance, and to put their individual goals ahead of the companies. I always have my employees backs too. I've never thrown one under the bus before, and always take the hit head on for them if needed.
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 3:12:27 AM
--Zero- posted...
What a weird obsession with this site.

TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 3:12:17 AM
thisworld posted...
However unlike fandom, they know how to retain their longtime older fans.

I don't think you can place the blame on Fandom like that. GameFaqs itself under the old regime couldn't retain it's users. This place was the 81st most trafficked website on the entire internet in 2011-- modernization or not, the reason we lost so much engagement on the forums was due to the vibe and culture of GameFaqs not aging into adulthood as it did with it's users.

It took so long for us to get swearing for crying out loud. Around 2011 the medium age was 24 years old -- we were all just basically getting out of college, shedding our awkward young adult skins, and becoming normal, mundane, average joes. So the folks who moved on with their lives, and started racking up their various adult milestones posted less and less, meanwhile the folks that didn't do these things, and more or less just retained their "awkward young adult skins" posted more and more.

It upset the vibe of the platform, where the minority of active users had a very large voice...the vocal minority set the tone of what GameFaqs were to become, and it ostracized your normal everyday average joe, which unfortunately made up the vast majority of the active userbase.

A poll of the day in 2010 got 120k votes -- most of those votes were from users under the age of 25. At this point everyone is just an akward kid. We aren't adults yet. We have no credit, we drive crappy cars, and most of us live at home with our parents still. Flash forward to 2016 and where down to 25k users, most over the age of 25. What happened to the rest of them?

Sure some will always just "move on" but for the most part the vibe and culture of GameFaqs continued to appeal to awakward teenagers, and less to normal adults with salaried wages, home ownership, teslas, and wives.

It wouldn't be so bad if the site was also attracting younger users to replace the ones that were aging out, but the newer generation was growing up with smart phones, social media, and influencers -- GameFaqs had none of those things integrated into its platform.

The place didn't evolve with its own userbase, or with the world around it. It just remained frozen in time, and unfortunately the user that attracts is very niche, and not that conducive to growth or monetization.

Fandom recognizes this I'm sure, and I look forward to watching their progress. Will they succeed? Probably not, but I'm eager to watch them try!
TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 2:53:11 AM
I go on and on like this for 7 pages, if anyone's interested you can click the link in the OP. But I've been preaching corporate overhaul for 4 years now, and my stance has more or less remained exactly the same. I knew it was only an eventuality until we finally got it.

Fandom has already begun implementing some of the simpler step, hoping to see them eventually start to take some huge risks with how they position the site to new (younger) users!

TopicAge Demographics of GameFaqs over the years...
05/01/24 2:43:42 AM
This is copied and pasted from my very first topic analysing the business/marketing strategy of GameFaqs back in 2020

Poll from 1999
  • 6,509 total user votes.
  • 75% of users under the age of 18.

Poll from 2010
  • 128,745 total user votes.
  • 78% of users over the age of 18.

Poll from 2019
  • 14,173 total user votes.
  • 97% of users over the age of 18.

New Entry:
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
05/01/24 2:17:47 AM
DoesntMatter posted...
dude, i got the message notifications to my inbox for every action the admins took. and there were a lot. post deletions and suspensions/temporary bans of users.

Yea. I could see them. When reddit admin's would remove something it would show up as "reddit anti-evil team" -- but the situation you just typed out makes it seem as if the Reddit admins themselves cleaned up the sub, and that forced the folks to go make their own reddit. They didn't, I did that on my own. All reddit did was delete some reported messages, and ban some users. I did the rest.

I even made a sticky post with the new rules, and letting them know what wouldn't be tolerated, and that's when they revolted and deathmatch was unfortunately born.

But you definetly helped me at leas. Your marks let me consistently take care of them. Seeing them pop up all the time kept me motivated to stay on it, and eventually led to me putting my foot down.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:38:58 PM
Okay now Im getting out of here.

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:37:55 PM
DoesntMatter posted...
no, that came about because you let those folks go off on unhinged rants and coordinated campaigns of harassment and reinforcing of each others' false victimization complexes for months and months without any interest in actually properly moderating your sub at all or holding any of them to the Reddit content policy, or holding yourself to the Reddit moderator code of conduct, and then i stumbled across the sub and saw the veritable slew of pathetic whiny incel bullshit that had been allowed to fester there, all of which were violations of various parts of the Reddit content policy, so i went through and reported everything i saw. when Reddit admins had to step in and start actually cleaning up the sub because not you nor any of the other mods at the time were willing to, all the chuds suddenly found themselves being held accountable for their actions, which they didn't like, so they went off and created their own subreddit and abandoned yours. that's what happened. you didn't start updating rules or banning people or actually doing your fucking duties as moderator of the sub until you were afraid that Reddit admins were going to shut it down because you weren't moderating it properly, once things started getting rightfully reported. don't try and act like it was some attempt at a selfless act by you that actually led to any change on that sub.

You marking everything definitely got my attention. But the Reddit Admins didnt do anything. They deleted a few posts thats it.

I took action on my own to moderate the hell out of it. Then they made their own subreddit because I wasnt allowing them to act like deranged lunatics.

Then I started banning them shortly after.

I did legitimately give the thing away over the summer because I wanted nothing to do with it. Then I came back like a month later after I saw it had basically breakdown into what Deathmatch would become.

At that point over the summer I cleaned it up on my own. Made an effort before it was even on your radar. Its just that I fell into my old habits again of disappearing and not really up keeping it, until late autumn which is when we finally crossed paths.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:27:15 PM
andel posted...
fandom isn't about operating one site and sustaining their business model that way. gamefaqs is probably in the middle or higher end of traffic for all the sites they own, as they own wiki for the most niche shit imaginable. their gimmick is taking something over and turning it into absolute shit with invasive ads and such

Umm. I thought that maybe the CNet sites were grouped right. Meaning if meta critic & ganespot pulled a profit it it might actually also carry GameFaqs along with it.

But I always thought that would suck if true because then there is no motivation to improve GameFaqs itself.

It does seem as if the individual websites have been itemized now.

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:24:39 PM
DDP886 posted...
Some of their stuff I DO agree with however, the 1500 word papers are really unnecessary. 150 words or less, please

I agree with zero of it. Literally zero.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:23:35 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
so you think hes stalking the archive site just waiting for gamefaqs user STEROLIZER to say things about him

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:23:20 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
He cant see these posts or this board. You back pedaled because you realized the blame isnt just on tails. Its you too.

Yea. Thats true
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:22:22 PM
DDP886 posted...
sounds like a death match (sub) kinda thing, writing manifestos

Yea. That was the thing that came about as a result of me banning those folks.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:21:11 PM
andel posted...
who the fuck is this dude suggesting major tech company advertising campaigns as a legitimate way for gamefaqs to operate? no one is dumping millions of dollars into gamefaqs advertising, we have always been a niche community and gamefaqs is much harder to monetize than the kinda places that would use that boilerplate tech 'strategy'.

fandom could just not obliterate the loyal community of thousands of daily active users and continue getting traffic via guides like gamefaqs has always done. maybe also bring back contests because there was a time that those drove tons of traffic to the front page

I reckon that the current userbase is not large or profitable enough to sustain the hand that feeds it.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:19:54 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
very interesting edit.

I originally said someones name whose name I dont want to say cuz then hell start stalking me and going all crazy
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:17:16 PM
DoesntMatter posted...
you typed up a paragraphs long primer on how to contact admins in order for people to whine to them about "unfair" moderations. you absolutely created that subreddit to give people who are habitually incapable of following the ToU a way to harass the admins of this site.

uh yea? I guess I see that argument.

Wish they had used the feedback form in good faith. It exists for that reason. Its not secret. Fandom wants you to use it.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:16:51 PM
Luigi_and_Tails posted...
Ha, there's a name I haven't seen for many years. Yep, I had LUE access but at some point I was user level -3 (account pending closure). Obviously I chickened out of closing my account. However at that time I lost LUE access.

As my theme in this topic seems to be, hope you're keeping as well matey. We've seen a lot on this site.

Hey man, you want me to get the hell out of this topic (please say yes) so you can have it back?

Cuz if you say yes Im going to respect it. Then I have the reason i need to not respond.

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:15:30 PM
hockeybabe89 posted...
What are you personally gaining by Fandom making money?

The site continuing to exist

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:14:14 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
This dude is legitimately like this tho

Like for other people, i think theyd have already been written off. But he is actually legit with the way he thinks, which is absurd and honestly deserves to be dunked on by the entire board.

I actually appreciate this.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:13:01 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Ridiculous. All of this is ridiculous.

so yeah i created a safe haven for the worst users CE has ever seen,

Not why I created it

but I just ignored them, I didnt actually support them is a horrible defense of what you did.

Okay sure. Ill give you that. We found equal ground here.

Youre calling me lazy? This half-assed defense of your own actions is lazy.

It was lazy until just now. You finally found a reason as to why you should hate me instead of just hating those other guys and just treating it like a hive mind of group think.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:09:35 PM
Social boards get shut down? You wanted it.

Yea. I guess so. I wanted Fandom to convert things like the sex board into a real board. I dont think users should be able to have their own community boards, nor should boards be without topicality yet.

Maybe in the future with a new userbase, but the topicality keeps the gatekeep mentality from forming.

All the boards get shut down? You wanted it.


Anyone who has their device ruined because they didn't have the good sense to use a adblocker? You wanted it ("Fandom has to make money somehow").


And when this site gets stripped to it bare essentials and gets turned into a tax write-off?

Unfortunate, but honestly Id be of the belief that at least they tried, the old regime brought this upon itself

Don't complain, because it's what you asked for.

Yea. Sure.

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 10:09:27 PM
Umbreon posted...
So what's your plan for actually getting fresh blood on an ad riddled site?

  1. Mobile App
  2. Partnershio with game devs to provide promo codes & beta tests in exchange for pre-registration/installs
  3. Social Media Integration, and game streaming
  4. Influencer Marketing
  5. Exclusive Video Guides
  6. Ad Campaigns Paid User Aquisition
  7. Retention via push notifications and membership rewards program
  8. Paid Extroverted Community Managers
Among other things.

Example of bullet point 2:

You're tolerable when you're not talking about your obsession.

Problem is, that's pretty much all you do talk about these days.

Thars true. All I talk about is how a certain type of user is keeping GameFaqs from growing and succeeding. Thats very true. But like. Why are we suddenly pretending that this isnt all I talk about, and Im sudden acting under some gimmick.

That's if you aren't trying to pick fights with people who aren't interested in fighting you just because you happen to be bored.

And then you come in acting like you're just one of the boys. Acting like you like and respect the same people who you called things I can't say here.

How would you prefer I act? Like a troll? Also Im not just going to assume the people Im talking too are the same type of people I rage about why would I do that? Why wouldnt I give people the benefit of the doubt?

You don't get to praise the destruction of this site and get to pal around the users of this site. That's not how this works.

I dont think the sites being destroyed. I believe the opposite. As Ive been preaching for the past three years.

Don't want to keep derailing this topic so I'll end with this.

Its already derailed. I responded to the derailing comments instead of ignoring them like I usually dobecause you were the one who made the comment. Not going to ignore my friends. Ill ignore everyone else. Just like I have been mostly.

Every bad thing Fandom does? Has your seal of approval on it.

I dont think they are bad. Theyre doing pretty much everything Ive been suggesting for years.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 9:52:12 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Lmao you cannot be fucking serious

You regularly interacted with these people knowing what they were like. You enabled and contributed to that horrible place, and do not fucking act like youre above them. Youre one of them.

They interacted with me, would be a more accurate statement. Anytime they preached Trump or said something transphobic or bigoted I denounced them.

Should I have actually attempted to moderate that Reddit from the get go and curve that stuff before it got out of hand you betcha.

But I didnt have a crystal ball and I dont currently have a Time Machine. I didnt care enough to keep up with their drama, or CEs drama. I just did my own thing.

They were over their preaching conservative voices and raging against the woke boogeyman or whatever they called, and I was somewhere else talking about user aquisition strategy, and user age demographics.

Two completely separate things. Did I enable them through my apathyyea sure. Ill own that. Do I believe in any of the nonsense they preach nope.

Go ahead and criticize me, but do it on my own merit. Based on the things I say, and I preach. Im not part of some Reddit hive mind
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 9:44:50 PM
Heineken14 posted...
People bring those things up because you are both talking down to others in that you super duper totally care about gamefaqs while they do not and also....

Having a different opinion, even one as unpopular as mine isnt talking down too you can engage and Ill discuss. I enjoy talking about these things.

that very obvious insult to everyone's intelligence that everyone doesn't know your history.

I have a history of being a corporate shill going back to 2021. Its almost my entire GameFaqs identity.

Thats my history. Ive been preaching for modernization, and atttacting new users, appealing to a more normie audience as oppose to one thats entrenched in online culture.

Thats me. This whole Fanom reform, corporate salad stuff Ive been preaching that for years. Thats totally what Im about. Improving the platform, atttacting new people, and making the site profitable again.

That is my history. You can hate it, and if disagree with Fandoms changes, then you should hate. But I mean, i didnt suddenly create this persons to troll yall. This is quite literally my thing always has been.

TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 9:36:48 PM
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
You like this place SO MUCH that you created a nice reddit space for the worst, most vile banned members this board has ever seen to hangout and coordinate in. You also regularly interacted with these people knowing exactly what they are.

Gold star for that wonderful contribution to us all.

I made it for myself. Partly so I could have a place to discuss meta topics like best business practices.

The folks you are refer to used it for own devices that I didnt support nor have anything to do with their nonsense. So much so I actually banned them for it, and they went and made their own terrible thing.
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 9:13:22 PM
Error1355 posted...
STERO, this topic isn't about you.

You know error you default to this line a lot. But the reality is, Im discussing the topic at hand. I gave TC a thoughtful reply.

Other people decided to derail the topic by switching the discussion to be about me instead. This has actually happened quite alot lately, and I usually ignore it and just continue to stay on topic.

Part of the reason I do, is because I know as soon as I actually reply to someone whos attempting to derail that conversation by bringing up personal things about me that have nothing at all to do with the discussion at hand

that youre going to jump at the chance to reply in this manner. Well done
TopicBest wishes Fandom, but I don't want my contribs on here anymore. So I did this.
04/30/24 9:05:30 PM
GranAures posted...
then gave that subreddit over to people who have been regularly banned that he helped egg on

There are false statements in this message. I think you know that too.
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