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TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
02/16/25 12:05:08 AM

This was probably about as bad of a matchup for Yuri as you could get outside of a Noble Niner, and it was one of the biggest blowouts of the contest. It was so bad that, in one of the strangest Guru choices we've had (and there have been a few), SuperNiceDog picked Yuri Lowell for his Guru nom leading up to CBIX because he thought he didn't get a fair shake here. While that may be true, it turns out he still sucked and got blown out in the first round again (although not as badly as here)!

TopicRATE THE GAME - #144 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo
02/15/25 11:35:34 PM
azuarc posted...
Should I consider this a stand-in for all SF2, or does it need to be exactly SSF2T? Because I seriously lost track of what was different between all the different versions beyond whenever they added Cammy and company.

notdave posted...
Game #144 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo (or your favorite version of SF2)

TopicHappy Valentine's Day from Miles Edgeworth
02/15/25 11:33:23 PM
Mewtwo59 posted...
It's Oldbag. Presumably the bouquet is from her.

Or is it for her?

Topic"You can now play the card game Queen's Blood"
02/13/25 1:41:36 PM
foolm0r0n posted...
Tifa is the one I couldn't figure out at all

Punch, power up, punch, power up, punch, power up

TopicFirst time playing Mass Effect
02/13/25 1:35:23 PM
Lair of the Shadow Broker is so good

TopicHow to Train Your Dragon is a legitimately good movie.
02/09/25 12:37:07 AM
I've only seen the first one in its entirety, but I've heard good things about the others

TopicSuper Bowl LIX Discussion Topic
02/09/25 12:07:17 AM
I think I covered all the options!

02/08/25 11:00:41 PM
It could be one of those situations where if you die in here, you die for real because your brain thinks you're dead or something

Topic2024-2025 NBA Topic
02/08/25 10:48:20 PM
well that would be Charlotte botching their end of the deal!

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
02/02/25 5:29:33 PM
Tidus has the same problem Knuckles has (another guy who can't get past round two). He's popular enough to get in almost every year, but not popular enough to get a high enough seed to avoid a stronger character in round one or two.

Except in 2010 when he got a 4 seed, but then Allen did vote-ins and all the winners got 13 seeds, whoops!

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
02/02/25 5:16:56 PM
I decided to go dive into the Stats Topic archives to see if I could find the split on Tidus/Sub-Zero. Tidus had 57% of picks in the Guru. Apparently, the only round 1 match that was more of a toss-up was Alucard/Magus lawl

Topic2024-2025 NBA Topic
02/02/25 4:44:19 PM
It's kind of wild to watch a team crater in real time

Topic2024-2025 NBA Topic
02/02/25 10:21:39 AM
neonreaper posted...
If I was a Mavs fan I think I would be done

suddenly a bad time to be a fan of Dallas sports teams

still on the verge of giving up my Cowboys fandom

TopicI have been playing Mega Man for the first time
02/02/25 1:11:09 AM
Kenri posted...
I couldn't possibly provide a full ranking, but 9 is the best and 2 is the second best and it's not close.

I would agree that there's a gap after the top two.

Topic2024-2025 NBA Topic
02/02/25 12:43:46 AM
Shattered posted...
So tired of teams constantly helping out the Lakers

David Stern would've vetoed this on the spot imhotbqh

Topic2024-2025 NBA Topic
02/02/25 12:30:47 AM
Huh, that feels like a video game trade

There's gotta be more to this if the Mavs are trading Doncic

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
02/02/25 12:00:26 AM

Roxas had terrible draws in all of his other appearances, so I'm glad he was able to get one win in his contest career. He started off over 60% but apparently there was a 4chan rally for Heavy, which only succeeded in tanking the final percentage. I sure do miss the days when that was all outside rallies were capable of doing.

TopicFill in the Blank 536: ___ly
02/01/25 11:55:48 PM

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
02/01/25 12:30:35 AM

We had seen Prince of Persia put up 38% on Kirby in 2006, which was a solid performance. However, there's a danger in having your character design vary from game to game. He didn't exactly get a flattering match picture here, and it wasn't the Sands of Time version we had seen in 2006. Samus was at 90% in the first minute of the match and above 80% for a little while, and we haven't seen Prince of Persia in a contest since.

TopicFill in the Blank 535: ___ Lord
02/01/25 12:24:07 AM

TopicFirst time playing Mass Effect
01/30/25 1:32:38 PM
Good, good. There's actually a great callback to it in ME3, but it doesn't trigger if you didn't get that conversation in ME2.

TopicFirst time playing Mass Effect
01/30/25 1:17:54 PM
Did you get the Gilbert & Sullivan conversation with Mordin?

Still waiting to see how his Loyalty Mission went for you.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
01/30/25 12:39:15 PM
OrangeCrush980 posted...
I wonder how that match goes nowadays. Dark Dawn somewhat ruined the Golden Sun series, but I don't think that time's been terribly kind to Layton either.

Isaac didn't do much worse on Kirby than Phoenix Wright did in 2018, so he was probably still around the VFL. Layton did okay in 2013 though! He avoided the doubling against Barret. He wasn't in CBX though, so we can't track how the series has aged. I think Isaac probably still wins fairly easily, but maybe not a doubling since he couldn't even get a doubling on Estelle.

TopicRATE THE GAME - #127 - 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
01/30/25 12:28:06 PM
It Takes Two - 8/10

Beat the game last night, so I can rate it now.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
01/30/25 12:15:46 PM

This was the division for niche RPG characters to finally get a win. Isaac had nearly upset Lucario in 2008, but he got an easy draw here. He outperformed the Oracle average by 10% as well, but that's partly because we're never really sure what to make of fodder vs. fodder matches (although I guess Isaac might be above the Vyse Fodder Line, but he'd be close).

TopicFebruary 2025 Video Games
01/30/25 11:33:25 AM
I'll get Daybreak II eventually, but I'm still early on in the first game.

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1378
01/29/25 12:06:57 AM

This was the first big shocker on the board and the first time we got owned by the casuals because Arthas was a heavy favorite on the board, while Kefka had almost 75% of brackets overall. The logic behind picking Arthas was simple: He had looked about equal to Diablo in 2007 and 2008, and Diablo had beaten Kefka in Villains. On top of that, Kefka had looked pretty bad in 2007 (getting destroyed by the Marcus Fenix ASV in both matches) and 2008 (finishing dead last in a match with Marth, Duke Nukem, and Nico Bellic).

Now I don't think we would've been stunned if Kefka had won close in an upset because the Oracle average for Arthas was only 53-54%, but a 60/40 blew most of us away. This was finally the Kefka people had been expecting to see when he first debuted in 2003, and all it took was not looking like lettuce. Thanks, Dissidia.

TopicIf you knew you [could/couldn't] do [action] against [boss] in P5 (spoilers)
01/26/25 1:32:08 AM
It's been a while since I've played, but I feel like the game makes it pretty clear not to use Ann.

TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time - The Top 20
01/20/25 10:52:49 AM
like Albion claiming Ramza cuts on Hogger were when he took a break to make a sandwich lawl

TopicFirst time playing Mass Effect
01/20/25 10:52:24 AM
Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.

TopicNFL Divisional Playoffs Discussion Topic
01/20/25 10:51:14 AM
I just read that the Ravens had zero designed runs for Lamar the entire game for the first time in his career.

One of those two-point attempts feels like the time to run one.

Or just do the Derrick Henry jump pass. It works every time.

TopicNintendo Switch 2 reveal most likely coming Thursday
01/20/25 10:49:32 AM
Super Paper Mario was a divisive game. I guess you can argue it was still a big game in spite of that because it's Paper Mario, but I dunno if I'd herald that as a big launch window game (even if I do like it).

And I guess it's the best-selling Paper Mario game because they stopped making good ones for 15 years after that. The damage was already done by the time Origami King came out (which was good but still not up to the standard of the first two or three if you want to include Super Paper Mario in that grouping).

TopicNFL Super Wild Card Weekend Discussion Topic
01/16/25 1:43:35 PM
And there's no shame in being a great coordinator who isn't head coaching material. They're different skill sets.

TopicNintendo Switch 2 reveal most likely coming Thursday
01/16/25 8:43:10 AM
LightningStrikes posted...
Do not like movie DK design.

Is this how boomers felt when Donkey Kong Country came out

the glorious return of Cranky Kong...?

TopicWho is the overall antagonist between Tom and Jerry?
01/12/25 6:48:55 PM
I feel like Jerry is presented as the protagonist of the cartoons

TopicNFL Super Wild Card Weekend Discussion Topic
01/12/25 3:50:02 PM
Vikings already lost to the Rams once.

Dunno who will win between the Commies and Bucs, but I do expect it to be high scoring because wow those are two bad defenses

TopicNFL Super Wild Card Weekend Discussion Topic
01/12/25 3:15:10 PM
the Packers have a chance to repeat history and make the Eagles join them

TopicContest Stats and Discussion - Part 1377
01/12/25 2:46:32 PM
Friendly reminder (mostly to myself) that the CBVIII retrospective begins this week!

TopicNFL Super Wild Card Weekend Discussion Topic
01/12/25 2:25:17 PM
Broncos are a cool story but it's Josh Allen's time

to win league MVP

TopicRATE THE GAME - #108 - Gears of War 2
01/09/25 2:42:19 PM
oh good I actually played that for the first time a couple years ago

TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time - The Top 20
01/01/25 9:50:28 PM
also one of my favorite B8 contest factoids ever that reflects just how debated the Devil Division was

RPGuy96 only got one match correct in that entire division, and that was Squall > Geno

Yes, people actually took Terra > Dante because the mentality was still out there that the main character had to be stronger than the villain, and so Terra had to be stronger than Kefka, if nothing else.

(ironically Terra actually ranks higher than Kefka in the 2018 X-Stats so it eventually kinda became true!)

TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time - The Top 20
01/01/25 9:43:09 PM
Knuckles and Tidus still have never made it beyond round 2

TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time - The Top 20
01/01/25 9:42:12 PM
Aw yeah

TopicNFL Week 17 Discussion Topic
01/01/25 9:36:04 PM
Looking like Huntley is going to get the start for the Dolphins again

TopicCollege Football Playoff Discussion Topic
01/01/25 9:15:51 PM
Ohio State has opened as a 4.5 point favorite against Texas

TopicNFL Week 17 Discussion Topic
12/31/24 5:25:26 PM
the Cowboys are cutting Zeke to give him an opportunity to sign with a playoff team lawl

he was so bad for us that we stopped playing him altogether, who in the world is going to sign him

maybe for their practice squad I guess

TopicCollege Football Playoff Discussion Topic
12/31/24 5:06:11 PM
Friendly reminder that Michigan lost to Indiana

TopicCollege Football Playoff Discussion Topic
12/31/24 4:30:00 PM
South Carolina not exactly making their playoff case at the moment either

TopicFill in the Blank 504: Party ___
12/31/24 12:07:51 AM
Answer for the topic: Like a rock star

TopicFill in the Blank 504: Party ___
12/31/24 12:07:40 AM
azuarc posted...
I did a search for "Let's Get Dangerous" and google primarily told me it was the name of a random DuckTales episode...

It's in the Darkwing Duck theme song

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