Board List | |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/15/25 8:03:29 PM #91 | Framed #1073 Framed - One Frame Challenge #76 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/15/25 7:59:07 PM #349 | #GuessTheGame #1009 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1009 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/15/25 7:56:35 PM #409 | Wordle 1,338 3/6* 1. 2. 3. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Quordle Topic - Part 9 |
blistr 02/14/25 4:23:35 PM #319 | Daily Chill 201 3 7 5 4 Daily Quordle 1118 6 5 7 4 Daily Extreme 201 8 7 4 6 Daily Sequence Quordle 1118 3 4 5 7 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 3 |
blistr 02/14/25 3:47:33 PM #16 | Spots Code #218 Guesses: 4 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Connections Topic - Part 11 |
blistr 02/14/25 3:45:55 PM #148 | Connections Puzzle #615 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | NYT Strands 10#: Please Understrand |
blistr 02/14/25 3:33:12 PM #116 | Strands #349 Ice packs --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/14/25 3:26:43 PM #89 | Framed #1072 Framed - One Frame Challenge #75 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/14/25 3:23:40 PM #340 | #GuessTheGame #1008 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1008 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/14/25 3:19:17 PM #398 | Wordle 1,337 4/6* 1. 2. 3. 4. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Please stay |
blistr 02/14/25 5:04:17 AM #10 | My first thought was Jackson Browne - The Load Out / Stay live in 1978. --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Literally $40 for 60 eggs at my store |
blistr 02/14/25 4:32:53 AM #32 | I get my eggs from our local butcher. He has them for $8.50 AUD for a dozen medium size or $17 AUD for a tray of 20 large size. The tray of eggs usually contain at least 40% double yolkers too. All the eggs are free range. --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE NYT Mini Crossword Topic - Part 6 |
blistr 02/14/25 1:09:37 AM #329 | 2:13 for Friday --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Quordle Topic - Part 9 |
blistr 02/13/25 7:10:54 PM #316 | Daily Chill 200 6 5 3 8 Daily Quordle 1117 7 5 6 8 Daily Extreme 200 7 4 5 6 Daily Sequence Quordle 1117 5 7 9 10 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Welp, tomorrow is da day CE, how we feeling? |
blistr 02/13/25 6:16:35 PM #6 | Joelypoely posted... Tomorrow is Saturday the 15th here, it should be a good day Same. But today will be good too as the wife gets back from spending the past few days down in the big smoke. --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Connections Topic - Part 11 |
blistr 02/13/25 5:45:05 PM #138 | Connections Puzzle #614 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 3 |
blistr 02/13/25 5:40:44 PM #10 | Spots Code #217 Guesses: 5 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | NYT Strands 10#: Please Understrand |
blistr 02/13/25 5:36:26 PM #105 | Strands #348 Will you be my valentine? --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/13/25 5:24:35 PM #336 | #GuessTheGame #1007 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1007 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/13/25 5:22:22 PM #85 | Framed #1071 Framed - One Frame Challenge #74 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/13/25 4:20:26 PM #386 | Wordle 1,336 4/6* 1. 2. 3. 4. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Quordle Topic - Part 9 |
blistr 02/13/25 5:12:18 AM #315 | Daily Chill 199 4 3 6 5 Daily Quordle 1116 4 7 3 5 Daily Extreme 199 6 7 5 4 Daily Sequence Quordle 1116 3 5 7 8 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE NYT Mini Crossword Topic - Part 6 |
blistr 02/13/25 2:40:46 AM #327 | 1:59 for Thursday --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 2 |
blistr 02/13/25 2:22:29 AM #500 | 500 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Quordle Topic - Part 9 |
blistr 02/13/25 1:29:56 AM #313 | Daily Chill 198 6 2 3 7 Daily Quordle 1115 7 3 6 4 Daily Extreme 198 7 3 6 8 Daily Sequence Quordle 1115 4 5 7 10 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Connections Topic - Part 11 |
blistr 02/12/25 5:06:49 PM #131 | Connections Puzzle #613 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | NYT Strands 10#: Please Understrand |
blistr 02/12/25 5:00:01 PM #94 | Strands #347 It's in the cards --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/12/25 4:30:53 PM #81 | Framed #1070 Framed - One Frame Challenge #73 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/12/25 4:28:37 PM #332 | #GuessTheGame #1006 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1006 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 3 |
blistr 02/12/25 4:26:52 PM #4 | Spots Code #216 Guesses: 5 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 2 |
blistr 02/12/25 4:26:26 PM #496 | Spots Code #216 Guesses: 5 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/12/25 4:23:42 PM #376 | Wordle 1,335 3/6* 1. 2. 3. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE NYT Mini Crossword Topic - Part 6 |
blistr 02/12/25 5:51:04 AM #325 | 1:05 for Wednesday --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 2 |
blistr 02/12/25 5:48:50 AM #494 | New topic: --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 3 |
blistr 02/12/25 5:48:14 AM #1 | Spots Code #215 Guesses: 4 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 2 |
blistr 02/12/25 5:46:33 AM #493 | Spots Code #215 Guesses: 4 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Connections Topic - Part 11 |
blistr 02/12/25 1:02:51 AM #128 | Connections Puzzle #612 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/11/25 11:54:01 PM #330 | #GuessTheGame #1005 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1005 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | NYT Strands 10#: Please Understrand |
blistr 02/11/25 5:27:57 PM #82 | Strands #346 Don't stop believin' TomClark posted... I get the theme, but I don't understand the Spangy. Is this one of those things I'm too British for? It's what they call a --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/11/25 5:18:17 PM #78 | Framed #1069 Framed - One Frame Challenge #72 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/11/25 5:14:25 PM #365 | Wordle 1,334 3/6* 1. 2. 3. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Quordle Topic - Part 9 |
blistr 02/11/25 4:38:59 AM #308 | Daily Chill 197 4 2 7 6 Daily Quordle 1114 3 8 5 7 Daily Extreme 197 4 4 6 2 Daily Sequence Quordle 1114 5 7 9 X --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE NYT Mini Crossword Topic - Part 6 |
blistr 02/11/25 3:48:42 AM #322 | 0:56 for Tuesday --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Spots: Crack The Code - Part 2 |
blistr 02/11/25 1:32:57 AM #487 | Spots Code #214 Guesses: 10 G Y G Y --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Google changed Gulf of Mexico to America. |
blistr 02/11/25 1:23:04 AM #35 | In Australia it's listed as Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America). I don't use Google maps and had to enable it just for this screenshot lol --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Connections Topic - Part 11 |
blistr 02/11/25 1:09:20 AM #123 | Connections Puzzle #611 Sir_Will posted... That was terrible. --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | NYT Strands 10#: Please Understrand |
blistr 02/11/25 1:00:01 AM #78 | Strands #345 "Attention all shoppers" --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Movie - Part 11 |
blistr 02/10/25 4:14:51 PM #75 | Framed #1068 Framed - One Frame Challenge #71 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | Guess The Game Part 23 |
blistr 02/10/25 4:10:10 PM #326 | #GuessTheGame #1004 #GrandGameGuesser https://GuessThe.Game/p/1004 --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Topic | CE Wordle Topic - Part 31 |
blistr 02/10/25 3:49:20 PM #352 | Wordle 1,333 3/6* 1. 2. 3. * --- You matter, unless you are travelling at the speed of light. Then you energy. |
Board List |