Lurker > DanHarenChamp

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Got a weird headache, can't tell if I drank too much caffeine or not enough
DanHarenChamp210/26 2:29pm
I feel like girls with curly hair are hornier than girls with straight hair
DanHarenChamp510/25 11:50pm
Just had a lecture on transgender hormone replacement therapy
DanHarenChamp210/25 10:51pm
Gimme some healthy meals to cut weight
DanHarenChamp1710/25 9:34pm
Just so everyone knows, user GeneralZhao is a welcher and a sig bet dodger
DanHarenChamp510/25 6:10pm
How can I donate money to the victims of the bowling green massacre
DanHarenChamp210/25 2:06pm
You guys follow pakalupapito on twitter?
DanHarenChamp110/25 12:48pm
Its crazy looking back at facebook and seeing some of the girls I could've been
DanHarenChamp810/25 8:18am
Damn I am out of shape....The process starts now
DanHarenChamp310/24 10:49pm
Which Android phone has the best battery life (as in long term battery life)
DanHarenChamp910/24 10:09am
I told a stripper that was smoking a cig that smoking is bad for you
DanHarenChamp1510/23 11:19am
If vin scully doesn't call this World Series....
DanHarenChamp610/23 12:25am
What should I eat for dinner tonight?
DanHarenChamp1410/22 11:27pm
Would u live in a dream house in a boring city or average house in a great city?
DanHarenChamp710/22 5:57am
Poll: what kind of meat is Taco Bell beef?
DanHarenChamp1310/22 1:29am
I guarantee this Yankee fix will be in
DanHarenChamp1010/21 11:17pm
Are you allowed to flame yourself without getting modded?
DanHarenChamp510/21 6:37pm
Hey I won a 2 week sig bet, what should I make this losers sig?
DanHarenChamp410/20 10:27am
New CoD commercial is he best one since BO3 paint it black commercial
DanHarenChamp310/20 5:17am
Would you buy an expensive watch? If so, which one?
DanHarenChamp1210/19 11:24pm
So I checked into southwest flight EXACTLY at the 24 hr mark. I'm
DanHarenChamp110/19 10:05pm
Attn: Finance people, whats a good rule of thumb on % of my income I spend for
DanHarenChamp110/19 7:45pm
Nothing brings out the worst in people like....
DanHarenChamp310/15 12:48am
NBAB Fantasy Basketball league - Anyone interested?
DanHarenChamp910/14 10:47am
If I were a community college professor would you have sex with students?
DanHarenChamp910/12 9:29pm
Give me a hot black female pornstar with light skin and freckles
DanHarenChamp1010/11 9:09pm
Who are some legit top-tier actors by Talent
DanHarenChamp310/09 11:22pm
I know a guy who was struggling in Cali, now lives like a king in Kansas
DanHarenChamp4210/09 9:01pm
Trump & Pence - will go down as racists
DanHarenChamp510/09 7:27pm
You guys need to respect veterans like Trump
DanHarenChamp2210/09 6:58pm
Recommend me some classy casual and business casual shoes please
DanHarenChamp710/08 11:02pm
CNN should start a daily show like show called "Fake Newz"
DanHarenChamp210/08 9:34pm
I put my first vas cath in today
DanHarenChamp110/07 11:31pm
Whats the deal with republicans being anti- birth control?
DanHarenChamp9410/06 4:23pm
If you were a 9/10 girl, 18 years old, what would you do with your life?
DanHarenChamp1910/06 4:18pm
Any pharmacists here? What r all the differences between Isosorbide mono and di
DanHarenChamp110/06 1:56pm
Attn: People working at starbucks, is there any time in the AM where its slow?
DanHarenChamp210/06 10:59am
Just had the most amazing dream ever
DanHarenChamp610/06 10:43am
CNN is still the best news network on TV
DanHarenChamp610/05 1:02am
Damn, I'm out of paper towels
DanHarenChamp210/05 12:41am
At the end of the day, guns help with peoples insecurities
DanHarenChamp110/04 8:26am
You guys see the police body-cam footage?
DanHarenChamp1010/03 11:55pm
Just saw the last South Park......quality episode
DanHarenChamp410/03 11:29pm
Honestly, we should allow the purchase of rocket launchers and RPGs
DanHarenChamp1010/03 8:42pm
Poll: Whats more unamerican.....kneeling during the anthem or waving confederate
DanHarenChamp210/03 8:13pm
I love having a 75 inch 4k TV with a Polk sound system + 300 watt subwoofer
DanHarenChamp3510/03 5:21pm
People who use their phones on an elevator to avoid the awkwardness
DanHarenChamp710/03 3:08pm
I can never understand the feeling of compensating for a small penis with guns.
DanHarenChamp2710/03 1:07pm
Anyone else live in Vegas? The community response is solid
DanHarenChamp410/03 1:11am
11:40 and I'm still drunk , fuck
DanHarenChamp210/02 9:40pm
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