Lurker > treewojima

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I'm now covered in three different types of hair clippings
treewojima303/24 10:08pm
Saw this little fella on the riverbank at work today
treewojima503/22 1:21pm
Beach House is the best thing to come out of Baltimore since The Wire
treewojima103/21 12:11pm
Yay, my car started overheating on the way to work this morning
treewojima1103/20 5:48pm
I think I'm still drunk from last night
treewojima803/18 10:21am
I'm seeing Trump campaign ads on TV again
treewojima103/17 7:18pm
I'm drinking Elysian Space Dust, and it's pretty fucking good for an IPA
treewojima303/16 7:08pm
Sexted my FWB but forgot she was helping at the battered women's shelter tonight
treewojima403/15 9:06pm
People here in the US can't use roundabouts for shit
treewojima2703/14 3:41pm
i've been playing around with homebrew Game Boy Advance development. it's p fun
treewojima103/12 6:36pm
my local hospital scheduled my mom for an MRI and an Xray after they were closed
treewojima103/11 7:29pm
Russian Duma approves bill banning online criticism of the government
treewojima2203/07 7:53pm
I just found a McDonald's that doesn't offer dollar menu items
treewojima703/07 1:01pm
manual master race. automatics are for suckers
treewojima903/03 7:02pm
my local library is closed due to inclement weather... it's raining outside
treewojima503/03 2:03pm
my friend is literally telling me that she's an indigo child
treewojima102/24 7:07am
Why would the Spartans throw the Persian messengers down the well?
treewojima502/22 3:11pm
My local NPR station is the same frequency as those FM car audio transmitters
treewojima1302/19 3:42pm
ITT: We reenact Fargo
treewojima402/17 6:32pm
About to play AC: Odyssey for the first time
treewojima1502/17 2:27pm
I'm at a gas station, and the pump is playing unmutable commercials
treewojima1502/15 8:32am
It's depressing to watch clearly made-for-3D movies on regular TV
treewojima102/12 6:49pm
I just want a little house with a big garage to work on my cars
treewojima302/10 3:24pm
The best pizza is ham and pineapple
treewojima2502/06 9:02pm
I have almost $10 in Google Play credit just from doing their surveys
treewojima902/04 9:25am
I nominate this as one of the best commercials ever
treewojima802/02 5:35pm
Colds are the worst
treewojima102/02 4:45pm
I just whacked my head on the roof of my car while getting in >_>
treewojima202/01 7:16am
I have discovered the joy of homemade egg McMuffins
treewojima1001/29 9:38pm
ads in apps that play sound/music despite disabling all sound
treewojima101/28 2:13pm
Great, I'm getting sleep paralysis again tonight. No sleep for me.
treewojima901/27 11:40pm
Remember the Creatures series of video games?
treewojima401/27 9:54pm
I made the switch from toilet paper to Clorox wipes, and it's great
treewojima701/27 9:40pm
I just lost my job. Kinda.
treewojima3301/24 4:15pm
Take me to your special place, close your eyes, show me your face
treewojima101/20 8:39am
Remember Fraggle Rock? AKA, one of the greatest kids shows of all time?
treewojima201/18 7:53pm
I ordered my Thai food "extra extra spicy"... bad idea
treewojima2401/18 4:37pm
PSA: Please clear ALL snow off your vehicle before driving on public roads.
treewojima201/16 7:54am
My coworker spent all weekend replacing the clutch in his Jeep only to learn...
treewojima901/14 2:21pm
I found a video of a doctor fucking a girl with a medical implement on YouTube.
treewojima901/13 4:39pm
I swear to God, if I hear that fucking Thunder song one more time
treewojima3401/11 3:31pm
____? Where we're going we don't need ____.
treewojima501/10 9:06pm
Do you like spicy food?
treewojima1601/08 6:34pm
Batman with time to plan vs. Dawkins with his dukes up
treewojima401/06 1:44pm
Pentagon chief of staff resigns
treewojima1701/06 9:17am
blech, I broke the ceramic soap dish in the shower
treewojima301/05 7:19am
pulpy orange juice >>> pulp-free
treewojima1201/03 9:03am
Why are most cars silver, gray or black?
treewojima1401/02 1:50pm
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