Lurker > EnvoyOfTheLight

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Neat browser game, teaches core concepts of fighting games
EnvoyOfTheLight50009/19 6:59am
Yo why do peeps care so much about getting blocked
EnvoyOfTheLight703/29 11:00pm
In hindsight, all that Satanic Panic style, generally nonsense fears of the past
EnvoyOfTheLight203/29 10:16pm
Hold on to those shitty old portable radios
EnvoyOfTheLight1303/26 1:34pm
The only thing more underrated than ff9 is pumpernickel.
EnvoyOfTheLight1303/23 1:50pm
On one hand, deepfakes are terrifying
EnvoyOfTheLight803/14 10:22pm
China and Russia collaborating in plans for Moon Station
EnvoyOfTheLight403/10 2:34am
Found a neat Turkish market, got salgam since I had heard of it before, but...
EnvoyOfTheLight103/09 1:35am
More Weird Internet Stuff
EnvoyOfTheLight1503/02 12:52pm
Man, sex isn't even interesting until it gets at least a little weird.
EnvoyOfTheLight1102/26 3:19pm
Phoenotopia is the best damn game for scratching a 2D Zelda itch, but..
EnvoyOfTheLight102/20 1:28am
Guilty Gear Steam Sale, ACR 80% off @ 3$
EnvoyOfTheLight902/19 9:38pm
If you wanna score some Valentine's points, try writing a crappy comic
EnvoyOfTheLight602/14 2:12pm
Treat major burns with grafts of fish skin!
EnvoyOfTheLight702/14 3:18am
Some phonemes can fuck right off, and that's okay.
EnvoyOfTheLight1002/12 3:49pm
fuck that beer topic from a few hours back got me wanting beer
EnvoyOfTheLight1102/05 2:24pm
Where do you go to get a giant frozen margarita and too many tiny tacos?
EnvoyOfTheLight302/01 6:06am
Attempt to not be shitty v2
EnvoyOfTheLight101/25 6:29pm
Oh shit, Phoenotopia got a proper release.
EnvoyOfTheLight701/22 12:12am
good (FUCKING) night ce
EnvoyOfTheLight301/17 2:47am
You can't say animaniacs without saying anime.
EnvoyOfTheLight1101/16 12:22am
Is Phil Collin's face approaching you?
EnvoyOfTheLight801/14 11:37pm
What was the last videogame myth you heard/believed in?
EnvoyOfTheLight901/11 9:04pm
It's too cold for a night run.
EnvoyOfTheLight2001/09 1:14am
Calling it now: Conservatives will continue to be Bad At The Internet.
EnvoyOfTheLight701/08 9:07pm
VoightKent is (likelygoingtobe) SUSPENDED!
EnvoyOfTheLight2501/08 12:08am
In case you thought you were safe: The world is spinning too fast.
EnvoyOfTheLight1001/07 1:14am
Cory Booker going in on 'em
EnvoyOfTheLight201/06 8:48pm
If The Shredder cuts a loaf of bread,
EnvoyOfTheLight101/03 10:09pm
Cobra Kai Season 3 is emotionally draining.
EnvoyOfTheLight201/02 6:41pm
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