Board 8 > ---===>>>"The Revolution" A fictional story by me<<<===---

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05/17/12 9:01:00 AM

Chapter 1 – Chris Achromatic. How it all began

We're in the middle of the age known as “The Revolution”. Many dreamers are out trying to overthrow the World Rulers. They share the same dream; being the one ultimate revolutionary to defeat the whole WR for good. Only a few come close, but even the weak ones are, without knowing it, part of turning the WR over. They inspire countless people all over the world to make attempts themselves, although not everyone is brave enough to admit it. Recently a man named Wigs Gumfan inspired people in his small town at the edge of the world, to go out as revolutionaries.
“That Wigs, he's truly amazing!”
“Keep it down, the WR might have spies.”
“Like they'd come way out here.”
“To think we're that scared of just talking together.”
“It can't be helped. Even with someone like Wigs out there, we can't do this.”
The town wanted to to do something, but most of them didn't have the guts. Although there were exceptions to this...
“Everyone! I'm Cobain Achromatic! I'm gonna be the ultimate revolutionary! You heard me! I might just be 11 now, but I'll definitely be the one! I'll surpass even the great Wigs! I'll-”
“Whoa there kid, don't overdo it.”
“Yeah the WR could be among us you know.”
“I don't give a ****! Because someday... somehow... I will be known as Sir Cobain!”
The young generation were already making themselves bold. It may seem like nothing, but Cobain was talking big words.

“It's very dangerous to speak like that! I can't allow you to walk around on your own anymore.” Cobain's mother told him. It was actually big enough news to get into the local newspaper, when a boy spoke like that.
“Mom! If I'm gonna be the ultimate revolutionary, then I can't just go around hiding my dreams! It takes one brave person to be it!”
“The local news will reach the WR without doubt, if they didn't already notice! You could be dead!”
“A man must take risks like that, otherwise I'm not gonna get anywhere! Isn't that right bro?”
Cobain's younger brother was also there. Chris Achromatic.
“Umm, well, you see-”
“Stop filling your younger brother with this nonsense!”
“Shut up! Do you like the WR or something!?”
They went on for hours very often. Cobain kept being stubborn, but his mother was too afraid that he'd die to let him do anything.

The next day, Chris talked with one of his friends, Extha Nemesis, about it.
“So your brother's really serious about being a revolutionary, eh Chris?”
“Yeah, he's pretty awesome don't you think?”
“I don't know man. I mean, it's not like it's changing our life really. He should just accept that the World Rulers are the ones who control us.”
“You... you really think so?”
“But of course! Heh... I actually kind of want to become a WR general myself. That could be pretty awesome. “
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Anyways, see you later, I have to be home now.”
“Yeah... see ya!”

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/17/12 9:02:00 AM

To think Extha would be a WR, well I better get home too, dinner should be-
“Hey loser!”
Dammit, not now!
That was none other than Nick. He was 9 years old, just like Chris. Basically Nick enjoys acting tough and often mocks Chris along with some of his friends.
“Damn Chris, what's the rush for? I'm just gonna beat you up, you know the usual!”
“Leave me alone! I haven't done anything wrong!”
”He sure can run after all these times.” Nick muttered. “Hey Foolmo! Help me here, we gotta surround him.”
“You got it!”
What's the fun in beating innocent people up, dammit. Maybe Extha is right, these revolutionaries are nothing good. I should ju-”AUGH!”
Foolmo reached Chris and kicked him in the side. Chris fell to the ground in pain.
“Augh, it hurts!”
“Hey good job there Foolmo, now it's my turn!”
That's what Nick said before he jumped up landing on Chris' chest. There was a crack like a gunshot as several of Chris' ribs broke.
“ARRGHHH!” Chris screamed in pain, before he started crying.
“Hey Foolmo, I think I overdid it this time, lets make a run for it.”
“No kidding. I heard that, we're out of here.”

No one was around to help Chris, although another guy showed up. His name was Gravy Green, a mysterious child, who was some years older than Chris. He showed up in the town from time to time.
“Looks like they got you real good this time Chris.”
“Shut up... I... I can't... can't breathe...”
“What a shame. So you finally hit rock bottom.”
Gravy wasn't really much stronger than Chris normally, but he'd always take advantage of situations when Chris couldn't do anything and tease him. He kicked Chris a few times. Not very hard, but enough for Chris to cough up some more blood. Then he heard some footsteps and got away. It was Extha who was frightened by what he saw.
“What happened Chris!?”
Chris was no longer in any condition to speak. Extha was shocked. When it was clear to him that Chris wouldn't talk, he looked for help, and Chris was brought to the hospital.

He stayed there for a while. He was afraid of telling about Nick and Foolmo, because of what they might do to him if he did. But this was too serious, so Chris didn't have a choice. Nick and Foolmo got into a lot of problems because of that, but Chris didn't hear much about it, since he stayed at the hospital. A distant small city, the WR don't really come there very often. Not long after he found himself in a hospital bed, he heard a voice.
“Hey brother!” Cobain had come to pay him a visit. “So are you getter better?”
“Yeah, I'll be out soon.”
“That's great news. I hope you don't get the wrong idea of me. I mean though we both aim to be the one to turn the WR over, Nick and I have different ambitions. Nick wants to turn them over, but he's nothing better to the innocent people than they are. I hope you know I'm not like that.”
“Heh... yeah, I know. It's a shame that I can't do anything. I wanna train... so I can catch up to you big brother.”
“You wanna train to stand up to Nick?”
“Well yeah but... I kinda also want to revolutionize.”
“Really!? That's awesome. You're free to join Team Cobain. No wait, you have to! I'll be so much more fun!”
“Haha, we'll see, I'm gonna get some sleep.”
“Oh, I see. Sleep well.”

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/17/12 9:03:00 AM

Eventually, Chris got out of the hospital, and tried training a bit the best way he knew. Though it didn't take long before his fears became reality.
“Chris you filthy bastard!”
Chris gasped. “Nick, I didn't mean to!”
“SHUT UP! You think I've been bad before? That was nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you! My life has been **** lately!”
Nick took out a knife from his pocket. Foolmo was standing behind him with a grin on his face.
“No wait, you can't be serious, I was in the hospital for a while, isn't that enough? Please, I'll do... anything...”
“No can do you little wuss. You should have thought about that training earlier. You life ends here. Foolmo hold him up bro.”
Foolmo held Chris's legs and arms down, so Nick could kill him without even struggling. He held the knife at Chris' throat.
“Any last words or whatever they say?”
“Let me go!”
Suddenly a rock came came flying, knocking the knife away from Nick!
“Augh so close, who the hell is there!?”
“Hey, keep your hands off of my brother, you hear me!”
“Cobain, I'm so relieved, what a lucky coincidence!”
“Heh, I enjoyed seeing you train. Now for you troublemakers, if it's a fight you want you're getting one!”
“What?” Foolmo said that while laughing.
“I mean come on, sure you're two years older, but do you really think you can beat two of us? We're too tough for you.”
Cobain went over and lifted Foolmo in his shirt.
“You piece of ****. Don't think you're worth anything!”
Then Cobain threw Foolmo away and kicked Nick in the face. Nick fell to the ground, coughing up blood.
“I don't want to pick on someone younger than me, but in this case you give me no choice!”
Nick was down, Cobain was above his level. However, Foolmo saw his chance to pick the knife up, then he held Chris.
“Dammit, big brother, help!”
“I got him Cobain, you can't do a thing now. You went straight for Nick, but forget about me. Dumb mistake.” Foolmo laughed.
“Hey... nice going bro.” Nick told him.
“I'm personally gonna kill you and Nick as well if you don't throw that knife away right now!”
“No you wont!” Foolmo yelled to a now silent Cobain. “I know you, and you're not that kind of revolutionary right? You don't want to kill people that could help turning the WR over in any way. Even if it means the chance of you being the one would decrease!”
“That's bull****! If you did anything to my brother, I'd go berserk!” Cobain then yelled.
Chris started thinking. I can't do anything, while Cobain is out there putting his life on his line to help me. That's not how I want to be. I can do something too! I don't wanna live a life full of regrets!
Struggling, Chris managed to get free from Foolmo's grip, so that he lost the knife. Chris had an opportunity here, since Foolmo was surprised, so he turned around and punched him in the face.
“Stay away bastards!”
“Whoa, good job little brother.” Cobain said that while smiling relieved.
“Damn you guys!” Nick was still conscious. “This does it Chris. We're rivals now. I'm gonna train way harder than you, then out in the world... I'm gonna kill you someday.”
“Shut your mouth little brat!” Cobain told him.
“You're gonna get in trouble for this you know!” Nick yelled back.
“People will understand the situation we were in. And besides, as a revolutionary, I don't even care.”

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/17/12 9:04:00 AM

“Hey little brother, that was pretty cool back there you know. You'll fit great into my team!”
“Hey big brother... I'm not gonna join your team.”
“What!? Why not!?”
“You see, I wanna be the one to turn over the WR as well! I'll surpass Nick, then you, even Wigs one day! That's also my dream. I will be known as Sir Chris.”
“... I see.” Cobain smiled once again.
“So we'll be rivals too, eh little brother?”
“Well, you could say that. But I don't wanna fight you!”
“Heh, me neither. Lets train together intensively everyday, what do you say? We can't head out on a journey yet!”
“Sure thing!”
And so the two brothers Cobain and Chris underwent intense training everyday for several years, growing stronger and stronger.


However, things didn't go well forever. Eight years later, when Chris was 17, something terrible happened. One day, their mother was murdered. Tears was streaming out of the brothers eyes, but the killer was nowhere to be found. It wasn't easy to get over. Some days afterwards, they talked about the future.
“Little brother. I'm gonna start my journey now.”
“You can't leave me at a time like this!”
“This is the best time. I'm 19 years old, I wanna head out before I hit my twenties.”
“Just stay for a few months! Or weeks, at least!”
“I'm sorry, my journey starts here. I've already unlocked my special ability; electricity. I know you may wanna start your journey too if I am, but don't! You're not ready yet.”
“Damn this. Things was going so well.”
“Don't cry. You'll make it. Head out when you're 19 as well, you should've unlocked your special ability by then!”
“You did it already when you were 15! Cmon, I need your help man!”
“You're strong Chris, you can do it, best of luck. Goodbye, see you out there!”
“... yeah... 'til we meet again then!”


Chris trained as intensively as he could for another two years, until he was finally 19, and more ready than ever to fulfill his dreams!
Today's finally the day. I've waited so long He stood up on a roof and yelled as loud as he could. “EVERYBODY! LOOK OUT! THE GREATEST REVOLUTIONARY IS STARTING HIS QUEST TODAAAAAAAY!!”

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/17/12 9:09:00 AM

What is this?
This is a fictional story created solely by me, featuring people from Board 8 as the characters. The genres are adventure, action and fantasy. New chapters will come out every Thursday around 12PM EST. Except for the first, all chapters will be about 500 words long, and they'll all be posted in this topic.

Choosing which Board 8ers gets to be which characters were chosen with a little influence from your personalities and mostly I just picked whoever I thought should have it. I haven't picked all my favorite users as the main characters or something like that, but there has been no such thing as being fair, as posting in the topics or showing more interest has in most cases not influenced which character you got.

That said I hope you'll all enjoy it regardless of how big a role your character has. It's my first time doing something like this, but almost everything has been thought out well, and there's explanations to by far most of the stuff happening.

If you got any questions about the story, like why I did this and that, something you don't understand or whatever, fell free to ask. I'll be happy to answer. I'm obviously not going to give out spoilers, but I could reveal some smaller stuff.

Special thanks to XIII for helping with grammar and such.

Here's the prologue that was released on April 26th:

Chapter 0 – Prologue

Many years ago, it was decided with force who should rule the world. This was the birth of the World Rulers, and they are still ruling today.

God made three people his most loyal followers to rule for him. They are known as The Three Leaders of The World, the most powerful people existing. They are so mighty that no one has ever opposed them. Aside from having tons of men below them, they can get all people to do exactly what they want, no matter what it is. If they don't do this, they will be killed.

Through time, countless brave people have attempted to defeat them and build up a new government. They are referred to as revolutionaries. No one has even been able to overthrow the WR, but people are still trying to attain a peaceful life, not having to worry about submitting to insane orders.

Among them is Chris Achromatic, who dreams to be the one revolutionary to turn the WR over. Having trained sine he was young, he heads out on a journey, gathering a team up on the way. Together, they head towards the center of the WR - a treacherous place located between huge mountains, mighty storms and seas, all of them containing incredible animals.

There will be countless adventures and challenges along the way, because Chris is far from the only one to have this dream. He shares it with his childhood rival, his inspiration, even his brother and many others. Most of them gets their dreams shattered in seconds, but they wont stop trying. In the future, this age will be called; The Revolution.

Chapter 1 will be in the next posts!

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/17/12 9:21:00 AM


(Maniac64 at work)
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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05/17/12 9:23:00 AM


I bring order and chaos, I am life and death, creator and destroyer, just like the rest of humanity.
My bunnyslug:
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05/17/12 9:23:00 AM


-- - My MST3K Watchthrough topic.
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05/17/12 9:35:00 AM

These are some messed up little kids!

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05/17/12 12:26:00 PM

Frick yes tagging.

~Halo Now darkness takes you... forever.
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05/17/12 1:16:00 PM


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05/17/12 1:18:00 PM

I will tag this.
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05/17/12 1:20:00 PM

GranzonEx posted...
These are some messed up little kids!

Messed up little kids are the best to read about though so it's already caught my interest.

I bring order and chaos, I am life and death, creator and destroyer, just like the rest of humanity.
My bunnyslug:
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05/17/12 3:28:00 PM


-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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05/17/12 3:30:00 PM

tag for later

Mr Caffeine? He was awesome. - Ayuyu
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05/17/12 3:50:00 PM


Will not remove this line of my signature until the Seahawks, Jazz or Rockies win a title (Started 5-16-09)
SuperNiceDog: Guru winner
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05/17/12 7:05:00 PM


"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
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05/18/12 1:50:00 PM

You might want to add more references to who is speaking. It's a little tough to tell who is talking in a couple parts.

Besides that it's an interesting set-up.

Mr Caffeine? He was awesome. - Ayuyu
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05/18/12 1:50:00 PM


XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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05/18/12 7:41:00 PM

Oh, it started. Yay!

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/19/12 10:54:00 AM

I enjoy it.

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05/20/12 8:50:00 AM

So I'm just gonna assume the majority of you all are enjoying this 100%, because only a few had something to say <_< We'll that is nice. Alright, here's something:

Short preview of Chapter 2:
Chris accidently gets on the nerves of a tourist named Crimson, and thus the two of them meet, but one of them keeps giving the other one the creeps. They also meet a person familiar to Chris.

Chapter 2 is called; Finally 19. Introducing Crimson Ocean

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/20/12 8:57:00 AM

Uh oh Chris. Are you ready for this jelly?

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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05/21/12 1:00:00 PM

Attempt to get some life into this topic until Thursday. >_>

Who are you all most interested to see in battle as a grown up? Chris? Cobain? Nick? Perhaps one of the others?

People can have been very different when they were children. How do you think the characters you've been introduced to are now?

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/21/12 1:19:00 PM

Chris. Gotta find out if he got his special ability.

And I'm guessing there isn't to much difference in character personalities yet. Except for Cobain being more serious and less idealistic.

Also most interested in seeing how Extha is doing with his opposing goal.

(Maniac64 at work)
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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05/21/12 2:16:00 PM


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05/22/12 12:59:00 PM

Oh btw, I know I gave the title for Chapter 3 in the other topic. If any of you an actually remember it, then forget it cause I changed it ^^

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/23/12 12:21:00 PM

New chapter tomorrow! Get hype!

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/24/12 9:05:00 AM

Chapter 2 – Finally 19! Introducing Crimson Ocean

Damn, where's that annoying yelling coming from!? I better go check, I can't think like this. She looked around town. There's some guy yelling on top of that roof. “Hey, you up there! Can you please keep it down a bit?”
“I SAID WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!” What the hell is with this guy!?
“Hm? Who are you? I can't remember seeing you around here before.”
“I am Crimson Ocean. I don't live here, I was just here to get some stuff, but I'll get back to my city aga-”
Crimson interrupted Chris by slapping him in the face.
“Augh, what did you do that for?”
“You weren't listening to me!”
“Yeah I did, though I gotta break it to ya you're not even close to being red.”
“My name is Crimson, damn you!” This guy is even more annoying when you're talking with him.
“Now back to the point. Can you stop please stop yelling? I couldn't even concentrate on something as simple as filling my car.” Crimson said impatiently
“Yeah alright. I'm going to start my journey now anyways.”

Crimson began to walk back to her car, when she heard movement behind her. She spun around and saw that she had been followed.
“Chris?” She asked with a nervous tone. “Why are you following me.” They were still walking towards her car.
“You said you have a car right?”
“Umm yes...” There was a short silent moment. “That doesn't really answer my question though.”
“Well, there's only one road out of this town. I'm on my way to the center of the World Rulers, and wherever you're headed it's gotta be the same direction. So you're giving me a ride on some of the way.
“When did we agree on that!?” This guy freaks me out, doesn't he have any manners?
“I wont be any trouble for you. I'll sit on the other seat completely calm like if if I wasn't there, and you look like a nice person.”
Crimson starting running, but so did Chris, and she quickly realized she couldn't lose him that way.
What's he plotting? Does he want to steal my car or something, maybe he's a pervert or maybe he's... no, he seems too dumb to be thinking at all actually. “Look I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna take you and me.”
“Oh why not? Isn't there enough room in the car? Who else is going?”
“It's not that. It's just that you're a stranger. I just met you. I can't take you along.” You also seem insane or something...”
“So what? It's not like anything will happen.”
I can't keep up with this dumb kind of logic, why doesn't he get it?
As they approached Crimson's car, they sighted someone inside the vehicle – looking through her stuff.
“Hey thief! Stop!”
He looked up quickly. It didn't take Chris long to recognize him.
“You're... Gravy!”

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/24/12 1:56:00 PM

Evening bump.

Don't know if you guys just read it, which is cool too, but comments or something is always nice to get, even if they're negative!

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/24/12 2:03:00 PM

Wow, Chris is super dense.

(Maniac64 at work)
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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05/24/12 2:10:00 PM

I am most certainly reading this. I just rarely comment on what I'm reading V_V. Sometimes I'll get into it and do some update hype though, I'll try to do that in the future.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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05/24/12 2:35:00 PM

This interpretation of Chris reminds me of hardtack; tough, dense and packed with energy.

Decent story so far.
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05/24/12 3:58:00 PM

*rides around in my hot rod*

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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05/25/12 2:21:00 PM

Oh btw, just saying this in advance; next weeks chapter will be up 2-3 hours later than usual.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/25/12 3:01:00 PM

I wonder why I didn't see this before.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/26/12 1:02:00 PM

Yeah, I really highlighted the topic.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/26/12 1:12:00 PM

I hope I'm awesome.

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/27/12 2:02:00 PM


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05/27/12 2:21:00 PM

Two Chapter Titles Revealed!
Chapter 3: A Shocking Truth. Chris Takes Revenge!
Chapter 4: Special Abilities

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/28/12 2:00:00 PM


Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/28/12 3:34:00 PM

So how much do you have written already?

SuperNiceDog - 1, pjbasis - 0
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05/28/12 10:37:00 PM

I've written 6 chapters so far. Wrote them early because in the next 3-4 weeks, I don't see myself having a lot of time to do that. After those weeks though, I see myself having plenty of time to write, so that I could possibly start posting two chapters by then.

I've planned out and taken notes of how almost the whole story plays out though, so I pretty much already know what I'll write when I start doing it.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/29/12 2:21:00 PM

Short Preview of Chapter 3:
Chris is reunited with an old face; Gravy. Chris is pissed about Gravy trying to steal from his "friend" Crimson's car, and that's basically what starts their battle. We see some of what Chris can do after 10 years of training, but it gets more intense when Chris learns something unexpected!

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/30/12 9:31:00 AM

Daily bump. Don't forget that tomorrows chapter will be 2-3 hours later than usual.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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05/30/12 11:09:00 AM

sounds good

(Maniac64 at work)
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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05/31/12 11:22:00 AM

Chapter 3 – The Shocking Truth. Chris takes revenge!

“Chris? Haha, is that really you?” Gravy replied.
“What the hell do you think you're doing to my friend's car!?” Chris yelled.
“Well, I wouldn't exactly call us friends, but it's nice of you to help I guess.” Crimson mumbled while sighing.
“Whoa there, acting all tough are we Chris? You're just some dumb weakling, pointlessly trying to walk in your brothers footsteps. He's not here now Chris!” Gravy said with a confident grin on his face.
“I'm gonna beat the hell out of you!”
“Face reality Chris! That dream is pointless! Just try beating me!” Gravy said before he charged at Chris. Chris stood still while keeping his cool as Gravy got closer. He got ready to fire a punch right a Chris. “This is it Chris!”
Gravy punched out, but Chris was far too quick. He dodged to the left and threw a punch with lightning speed, hitting Gravy square in the month. Two of Gravy's teeth fell to the ground and Gravy himself soonfollowed.
What? Crimson was surprised. He didn't even look like he put any effort into that punch nor does he look that strong in the first place, yet this guy seems completely beaten up already.
“What insane strength,” Gravy said with a small voice. He was unable to get up again.
“Think again before messing with me! I'm super strong now!” Chris said happily. “Alright Crimson, lets get going!”
“Wait Chris!” Gravy managed to yell. “I have something I want to say first...”
“Aren't you unconscious yet?” Chris answered.
“It's about... your mother.” There was silence for a moment, then Chris spoke again, anger returning to his voice.
“How dare some piece of **** like you mention my mother!”
“Hehe... ahaha” Gravy was laughing despite his situation.
“What's so funny!?”
“Chris... why do you think that you dumb townsfolk were unable to find the killer?” Gravy asked, his mouth forming a gruesome smile.
“What are you saying?” Chris' eyes were wide open now.
“Perhaps the killer wasn't someone who usually resides in town...”
“Where are you getting at? Don't tell me-”
“Yes Chris, it was I! Who else could it have been!” Gravy yelled, still laughing maniacally. Chris closed his eyes and held his head low.
“It's simple! If someone like me has to steal in order to survive, then some **** like you don't deserve to have someone taking care of you! Bwahaha!” Gravy laughed in a crazy way.
Chris opened his eyes wide open again. Shaking in anger and frustration, his eyebrows lowered and he started walking towards Gravy.
“You have got to be the most stupid person to tell me stuff like this when you're already down!” Chris said, picking Gravy up by his shirt.
“Seeing you like this... is totally worth it.” That was Gravy's last words before Chris did a dealing punch in his head.
“You had so much... I had nothing.” Gravy mumbled before falling unconscious.

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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06/01/12 3:57:00 AM

Yay comments

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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06/02/12 3:58:00 PM

Damn y'all

Nio-chan and Ctes:
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06/02/12 4:06:00 PM

Sorry, my bad.



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