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SovietOmega 01/01/17 4:03:53 PM #287: |
A new year happened recently. I think one of my new years resolutions is gonna be to finish this game. Still got a lot of Layton games to go through too...
--- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/03/17 12:15:25 AM #288: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/05/17 12:59:24 AM #289: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
#290 | Post #290 was unavailable or deleted. |
SovietOmega 01/10/17 2:30:27 PM #293: |
--- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
SeabassDebeste 01/10/17 2:38:06 PM #294: |
(i'm still here, just not bumping!) --- yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 01/11/17 3:47:49 AM #295: |
K, murder solving time.
Like two seconds back in the game and everything is already going wrong. There's a body in the fountain and some ice melted. One of these is definitely worse than the other, but take a guess which one the gang all react more strongly to. Without anything even remotely resembling logical thought, Miles asserts that the key to this new mystery is rooted in the IS-7 incident. Of course he is gonna be right, but only in the way that Sherlock Holmes is always right...ahh to be a game character where all coincidence is meaningful and nothing is left to chance. To be continued ...all this time and I was THAT close to a better break off point?! Whatever...back to the past we go! --- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
_SecretSquirrel 01/11/17 3:54:28 AM #296: |
--- Agent Triple Zero at your service! DpObliVion is the new greatone. Congratulations to our Guru overlord. ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 01/11/17 4:05:47 AM #297: |
The game serves up a welcome little summary of what happened in the past case....body in chest, salt lamp, castle, melted sherbet...nice and brief, although it sure took ol' Gregory a fair amount of digging around to uncover all that.
Greg and Ray have a little chat about the philosophical need for Defense Attorneys. People make mistakes and might be tempted to accept a surface view of reality and so a check on those sorts is needed. To defense those alone and helpless...that is Gregory's noble cause. From that to chocolates and a sob story from Kate. Now she's rambling about how awesome her camera is, while Gregory muses over the potential significance of the amount of film used. way that camera isn't critical to the case with it now in our inventory. --- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 01/11/17 4:41:19 AM #298: |
The sherbet was sweet, but the lyre was too salty for Ms. Delicious. This case just keeps piling on new layers of complexity. Temperature, location, chemicals, colors, constellations, and now tastes. So many dimensions of possibility to explore and the case is still relatively young...
...and now, finally, the game is asking us to connect the teapot to the PH symbol. The PH standing for Pierre Hoquet, the same PH that Delicious saw on the sherbet. Isaac Dover was actually...Pierre Hoquet! Gasp! The guy we knew little about was actually this other guy we know little about! This changes everything! It leads Edgeworth Sr. down a trail of logic that puts Kate in Dover's room taking lots of sculpture shots and being clumsy with power cords, so I guess it changes exactly as much as it needs to. --- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 01/11/17 4:51:52 AM #299: |
Just as we're making good traction in the case, Mr. Crankyface bursts onto the scene with as many insults as demands for suspicious parties to be questioned. Everyone but Ray and Gregory walks off. One stomach rumble later, and they conclude it is time for 'hamburgers'.
To be continued! --- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
SeabassDebeste 01/11/17 8:51:54 AM #300: |
Minor hype for THE CONTINUATION.
--- yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/13/17 2:31:00 AM #301: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 01/16/17 4:45:01 PM #303: |
Bleh...was feeling a bit out of it. Its been coming and going at the oddest times. I'll try and polish this case off today though, depending on how much is left. Feels like an end is starting to think about being on a horizon though.
--- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/18/17 12:01:15 AM #304: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
_SecretSquirrel 01/19/17 5:25:38 AM #305: |
I object to the purge.
--- Agent Triple Zero at your service! DpObliVion is the new greatone. Congratulations to our Guru overlord. ... Copied to Clipboard!
do_ob_tpkillr 01/19/17 5:47:23 AM #306: |
_SecretSquirrel posted...
I object to the purge. Over ruled! ... Copied to Clipboard!
LeonhartFone 01/20/17 2:03:28 AM #307: |
--- Leonhart posting from his phone ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/22/17 2:01:39 AM #308: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/24/17 12:10:43 AM #309: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/26/17 1:11:40 AM #310: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 01/28/17 12:22:11 AM #311: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
FBike1 01/29/17 10:33:54 PM #313: |
--- No one reads signatures. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Raka_Putra 01/29/17 11:07:11 PM #314: |
SeabassDebeste posted...
Minor hype for THE CONTINUATION. --- Mr Peachi, Him Daisy! ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 02/01/17 12:41:04 AM #315: |
Wouldn't be much of a new years resolution if I let this fall at this point. In these dark political times, a distraction is sorely needed...
--- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
Raka_Putra 02/01/17 10:11:11 PM #316: |
... Copied to Clipboard!
_SecretSquirrel 02/01/17 10:13:50 PM #317: |
Screw that idiot, I want my Paul Atishon spinoff.
--- Agent Triple Zero at your service! DpObliVion is the new greatone. Congratulations to our Guru overlord. ... Copied to Clipboard!
LeonhartFour 02/01/17 11:43:41 PM #318: |
it's been so long since this topic started that the title turned dark blue again
--- ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/04/17 12:12:16 AM #319: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/06/17 12:33:53 AM #320: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/08/17 12:38:48 AM #321: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/10/17 12:27:42 AM #322: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
#323 | Post #323 was unavailable or deleted. |
Team Rocket Elite 02/14/17 1:25:12 AM #324: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
do_ob_tpkillr 02/14/17 1:39:53 AM #325: |
I'm sorry, TRE, but this topic is already dead.
RIP in peace, AAI2 topic. ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/16/17 12:21:26 AM #326: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/18/17 2:07:09 AM #327: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
#329 | Post #329 was unavailable or deleted. |
Team Rocket Elite 02/24/17 1:41:08 AM #330: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/26/17 1:43:50 AM #331: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
TsunamiXXVIII 02/26/17 3:22:09 AM #332: |
LeonhartFour posted...
I'd put Knightley on the level of Dahlia and Kristoph, not Payne. Well stated. It's easy to forget that both of them are first-case killers, given how they loom over their respective games. LeonhartFour posted... May could actually be a last name though! Yep, this too. For once, you're right on point. LeonhartFour posted... Ray understands. Defense attorneys only hire female assistants. It's a hard, fast rule. Can't break it. *pft* Forget "on point"; this is downright good! --- FC 5026-4424-6331 -- Native Vivillon type: Polar Still need Marine, Sun, Icy Snow, Monsoon, River, and Jungle ... Copied to Clipboard!
TsunamiXXVIII 02/26/17 3:28:36 AM #333: |
SovietOmega posted...
Paratroopa1 posted...This reminded me of something I've been wondering about for a while. Wow, this is quite informative. Thank you. dowolf posted... SovietOmega's links more or less answer the question. The answer is no, finger quotes are most definitely not a thing in Japanese. If you're referring to the animation I'm thinking of (I might not be thinking of it--I last played the game back in 2013 or something), I always thought he was doing a little picture-frame thing. This even more so. Never knew any of this. You guys are great. --- FC 5026-4424-6331 -- Native Vivillon type: Polar Still need Marine, Sun, Icy Snow, Monsoon, River, and Jungle ... Copied to Clipboard!
TsunamiXXVIII 02/26/17 3:44:50 AM #334: |
SovietOmega posted...What is it with Karma and christmas time, I wonder? DL-6 and now this case... Geez, spoilers much? And ugh I figured when I quoted that that it was safe to leave it unspoilered; want expecting the final few pages to be such a bumpfest. Glad I decided against putting my own PLvAA playthrough in topic form since it would be a bumpfest too (but I promise I'll bring the VN topic back for ZTD and AA6) Paratroopa1 posted... Put yourself where you were when you first played the first Phoenix Wright Yep. That is a thing that happened. --- FC 5026-4424-6331 -- Native Vivillon type: Polar Still need Marine, Sun, Icy Snow, Monsoon, River, and Jungle ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 02/28/17 12:17:19 AM #335: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 03/02/17 1:29:33 AM #336: |
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
LeonhartFour 03/02/17 2:44:24 AM #337: |
Pretty sure it's time to just let this one go, man. He hasn't posted here in a month.
--- ... Copied to Clipboard!
Team Rocket Elite 03/02/17 2:52:31 AM #338: |
You might be right. I'll probably just let this purge if there's no response.
--- My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion. Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest! ... Copied to Clipboard!
SovietOmega 03/02/17 2:58:59 AM #339: |
I am still 100% determined to see this game through to the end, but have needed some time to reflect on some personal issues. I think I can start this back up pretty soon, but should that fail to happen, then by all means let this purge and I will pick it back up again at a later date.
--- There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out ... Copied to Clipboard!
#342 | Post #342 was unavailable or deleted. |
do_ob_tpkillr 03/08/17 4:36:13 AM #343: |
GameFAQs Contests
You are no longer tracking this topic. T'was a good run, TC. Sorry it didn't work out. ... Copied to Clipboard!
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