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LurkerFAQs ( 06.29.2011-09.11.2012 ), Active DB, DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


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Posts: 29
Last Post: 7:14:00pm, 07/08/2012
Anyone interested in a Bike Coupon? Can probably get someone to go back to the bike shop today and get you a cheap bike if you want one (I'm not really interested in it, would prefer cash/items). Would save you 1K. If nobody is interested in trading for it, or plum won't let you do this, dig a hole with my shovel and bury the coupon (may as well use the shovel for one last time, if I have it still). If the shovel is removed already (unclear based on what is written in item 5 below) and it is unusable - get Charmeleon to set the coupon on fire.

Rock Tunnel

1. The Things you can do every day
Look for Mysterious Things (Item Finder, ACTIVATE!)
Train Kakuna
Dig with shovel (suppose it is worth a shot..., assuming I have one - see later)

2. Team Challenge 2: 2v2 AI battle

Not in a team. If I can still participate: Charmeleon, Oddish, Beedrill, Magikarp

3. a. Run over and save the boy

4. Shovels needed!

Sell shovel. If I have one, seeing as they have all been removed (reading what is in number 5)

5. e. Make polite chit chat

6. b. A defensive piece

~ Ringworm ~

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