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LurkerFAQs ( 06.29.2011-09.11.2012 ), Active DB, DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


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Last Post: 4:44:00pm, 12/21/2011
it was clearly "pokemon" in general as to why blue/red got so far. For one, it was Trainer blue and Trainer Red. Taking the cartoon series names that would be ash and gary, but in this case red vs blue. and they were together for what, one game? and a remake? Where countless others are generation (system) wide and multiple games per generation.

Thats why Cloud vs sephiroth shouldn't even of made it as far, it was a one game thing, sure the story was good and had some gravity, but for one game?

I agree with Mario vs bowser against link vs ganondorf, but for red vs blue to make it that far....pff, plus the cameos of "gary" were just one battle and done, didn't even become a major part of the story until the end.

what a joke (and i'm a huge Pokemon Red/Blue fan so get that out of ur minds)

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