Should alt-right leader Richard Spencer have been punched in the face?

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Poll of the Day » Should alt-right leader Richard Spencer have been punched in the face?
Should alt-right leader Richard Spencer have been punched in the face?


Richard Spencer being punched:

I'm not even going to watch the video but the fact that he's the "alt right leader" I bet he deserved the punch.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face. That's something both the Communists and the Nazis had in common.
feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face. That's something both the Communists and the Nazis had in common.

And 7 year olds get in fights with other 7 year olds claim to be their father. Are they also communists and nazis?
feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face.

Would you still be saying that if he was an Islamic extremist?
No, he shouldn't have. But at the same time, I don't feel particularly bad that he was.
Friend Code: 2707-2146-0610
Ditto, Kecleon, Lillipup
BlackScythe0 posted...
feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face. That's something both the Communists and the Nazis had in common.

And 7 year olds get in fights with other 7 year olds claim to be their father. Are they also communists and nazis?

Obviously, the puncher is on the same level as the 7 year olds that you mentioned. Mature adults should know better.

Shiny_Vikavolt posted...
feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face. That's something both the Communists and the Nazis had in common.

Would you still be saying that if he was an Islamic extremist?

No, however, he's not an Islamic extremist. I don't see him and his kind murdering innocent civilians. Do you?
waterdeepchu posted...
No, he shouldn't have. But at the same time, I don't feel particularly bad that he was.

This. Although, I'd never heard of this guy before he was punched, and know no one can shut up about him. Streisand, eat your heart out.
" Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. "
-Magus 10
You know, free speech is a thing, but when your 'speech' calls for literally killing whole groups of people, then those views should not be allowed to be given agency. Punch away.
Everytime I read rottenmonk's posts, and think about future offsprings, I weep for the humanity. -FranckKnight
I grew up in a society where if a stranger grabs your girl's ass he gets punched in the face.

Being a white supremacist is far worst.
feco91 posted...
I don't see him and his kind murdering innocent civilians. Do you?

Indirectly? Absolutely.
Violence will only beget violence.
nurlen posted...
feco91 posted...
I don't see him and his kind murdering innocent civilians. Do you?

Indirectly? Absolutely.

If we were to go around punching everyone indirectly responsible for the murders of innocents, we'd be punching a loooooooot of people.
This is a case of, no, even if somebody is saying shitty things they should not be punched. but i also dont care that he was.

but ultimately, no, he should not have been punched.
A: People should have the right to life!
B: That's just your opinion! I think people who aren't straight white and cis should all die!
C: Now, now, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

...yeah, he deserved the punch. And the "B" people may be worse, but the "C" people are super annoying.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
No, because:

a) No one's views, no matter how toxic, warrant a physical response. Words are words and should be countered with more words.
b) This probably does more to help him than hurt him. Some angsty teen sitting in his bedroom probably isn't going to get lured to the cause of white nationalism by someone screaming "Death to the Jews" on a Youtube video, but someone getting punched in the face simply for voicing their views (and a bunch of people cheering online afterwards) is a much better way to garner sympathy and attract followers. In essence, we're ceding the moral high ground to the white nationalists with this, which is a thing that should never happen.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Legally? Absolutely not. Morally? Fuck yeah.
darkknight109 posted...
his probably does more to help him than hurt him. Some angsty teen sitting in his bedroom probably isn't going to get lured to the cause of white nationalism by someone screaming "Death to the Jews" on a Youtube video, but someone getting punched in the face simply for voicing their views (and a bunch of people cheering online afterwards) is a much better way to garner sympathy and attract followers. In essence, we're ceding the moral high ground to the white nationalists with this, which is a thing that should never happen.

There are people who dont like bullies and stick up for underdogs. This is true. At some point it doesnt matter what Spencer said, he will attract more followers just because an innocent(which is true) man got punched by an evil bully. You dont even need to know spencer is an actual white supremacist, because it doesnt matter.

Really, even though before I said I don't care spencer got punched, which is true, even if i think it was wrong, the fact is violence doesnt solve these problems. spencer can now roll over like a dog with a cone on his head and people will feel sympathy. The best way to counter spencer is a) use logic and facts in a calm and coherent manner to shut him down b) ignore him
Zareth posted...
nurlen posted...
feco91 posted...
I don't see him and his kind murdering innocent civilians. Do you?

Indirectly? Absolutely.

If we were to go around punching everyone indirectly responsible for the murders of innocents, we'd be punching a loooooooot of people.

Knowingly or unknowingly
Most people learn in kindergarten not to respond to words with violence. People who resort to violence like that are idiots who never learned how to use their words.

More importantly, the approval of violence to enforce a status quo is highly reminiscent of groups like the KKK who terrorized anybody who spoke out on matters they disagreed with (showing how far our country is backsliding). And, of course, it echoes the sort of mob mentality that preceded countless fascist governments.

Otherwise, I'm not sure why you're posting a very old story which we previously discussed at length on this and other boards.

feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face.

tbh, it is an extremely fascistic act and reminiscent of the thuggery that proceeded many of the most brutal regimes in world history.

BlackScythe0 posted...
And 7 year olds get in fights with other 7 year olds claim to be their father.

Which is a spectacularly stupid analogy for any number of reasons, besides the implicit defense of this violence.

waterdeepchu posted...
No, he shouldn't have. But at the same time, I don't feel particularly bad that he was.

Regardless of what you feel for him, you should feel badly for the state of our nation that people are trying to justify this. Not only because it demonstrates a bankrupt morality, but it could start a cycle of violence or potentially escalate further as more thugs are emboldened by the attacker's success. Today it's punching, tomorrow it could be shooting.

Rottenmonk posted...
You know, free speech is a thing, but when your 'speech' calls for literally killing whole groups of people, then those views should not be allowed to be given agency. Punch away.

Overlooking that I can find no citation for him ever calling to kill groups of people -- can you provide any? -- that STILL wouldn't justify taking the law into your own hands. Further, the only people who *might* have it coming are people who advocate punching people in the face because that'd be karmic justice, but even then I'm not for it.

nurlen posted...
feco91 posted...
I don't see him and his kind murdering innocent civilians. Do you?

Indirectly? Absolutely.

Not even indirectly, unless you count the fact that he's a tax-paying American at which point you open yourself up to being punched because you're also indirectly murdering innocent civilians through funding the government.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
He's a dickhead, but no.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
waterdeepchu posted...
No, he shouldn't have. But at the same time, I don't feel particularly bad that he was.

Pretty much. Violence should be reserved for situations where it's the only way to fix a problem, as a general principle, but I'm not really going to feel sympathy for a nazi that gets punched. If I saw it in person, my first response would absolutely be "what's wrong, did you nazi that coming?", and never "are you okay?".
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Violence came before words. I have no sympathy for that bitch.
Mains: Xiaoyu/Zafina (Tekken)-Dhalsim (SF)-Jax (MK)
Luong/Yamazaki/Joe (KoF)
feco91 posted...
Right, because if someone doesn't align with your political views, he deserves a punch in the face.

I'm not saying punching him was the right answer, but you're being very generous with your terminology there. A neo-nazi who wants to make America a whites-only nation is hardly just "not aligning with your political views."
"The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense." -Tom Clancy
Everyone must be treated as individuals, even Nazis (granting that Spencer is one, which he denies). Someone who actually murders people for ideological reasons needs to be stopped, violently if necessary. An idiot like Spencer who only says stupid shit deserves a lot of things - public disapproval, challanges, ridicule and such - but not violent assault.
I think, therefore I am... I think.
People need to realize that "Nazis" don't exist anymore. People who share similar views to the Nazi ideology are Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis have no where near the power that actual Nazis had in the 30s and 40s.
KroganCharr posted...
Everyone must be treated as individuals, even Nazis (granting that Spencer is one, which he denies).

Given that he looks maybe 30-40 and WWII ended over 70 years ago, it's unlikely he is one.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
KroganCharr posted...
Everyone must be treated as individuals, even Nazis (granting that Spencer is one, which he denies).

Given that he looks maybe 30-40 and WWII ended over 70 years ago, it's unlikely he is one.

That's kind of my point. At worst, he shares their ideology.
I think, therefore I am... I think.
Rottenmonk posted...
You know, free speech is a thing, but when your 'speech' calls for literally killing whole groups of people, then those views should not be allowed to be given agency. Punch away.

"free speech should be allowed unless what people say upsets me"

"punching people is acceptable as long as i personally don't like those people"

wew lad
Golden Road posted...
A: People should have the right to life!
B: That's just your opinion! I think people who aren't straight white and cis should all die!
C: Now, now, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

...yeah, he deserved the punch. And the "B" people may be worse, but the "C" people are super annoying.

so all the people who have called for the deaths of straight, white, or cis people on social media are fair game for getting punched in the face too in your view

or you're a hypocrite

pick one
You lose all moral high ground when you act even dumber than him. Me mad, me no like. Punch!
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Zeus posted...
BlackScythe0 posted...
And 7 year olds get in fights with other 7 year olds claim to be their father.

Which is a spectacularly stupid analogy for any number of reasons, besides the implicit defense of this violence.

Not a defense. Just calling out the implicit flaw of "How could anyone get hit for a disagreement?"

My point is disagreeing with someone is the number one people get punched. Not an issue of legality.
Not at all, that's just going to make him look better. Grow some tact people, smash a pie in his face, put a kick me sign on his back. Don't punch him.
Heck no, violence is not the answer.
BlackScythe0 posted...
calling out the implicit flaw of "How could anyone get hit for a disagreement?"

by introducing the implicit flaw of "the average person's behavior is meaningfully comparable to that of a 7-year-old"

cue cynical "dude, have u even met ppl hurhurhur" comments
Yes, and he should have gotten a goose step to the balls too.

Punching Nazis is a time-honoured tradition in this nation.
My great-grandparents didn't leave Poland for me to let Nazis be entitled to their opinions.

and yes i obviously mean neo-nazi, just so zeus doesn't start crying about the sanctity of the term "nazi"
You are my moon, Little Moon, and it's late enough. So climb down out of the tree.
how dare people have thoughts in their head that i don't approve of! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Zareth posted...
People need to realize that "Nazis" don't exist anymore. People who share similar views to the Nazi ideology are Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis have no where near the power that actual Nazis had in the 30s and 40s.

The terms have become colloquially synonymous. "He's not a Nazi because the Nazi Party doesn't exist anymore" is completely missing the point of what's being said for the sake of petty pedantry. Are neo-Nazis as powerful and dangerous as the actual Nazi party was in their time? Of course not. But I'm quite happy to keep them that way.

berniepanders posted...
"free speech should be allowed unless what people say upsets me"

"punching people is acceptable as long as i personally don't like those people"

wew lad

Pretty much. I'm a pretty nice, reasonable person. If you've managed to seriously upset me and/or make me genuinely hate you, there's a pretty strong chance that you are in fact an awful enough person to deserve a sucker punch. That's hardly a guarantee, of course, but it's at least worth keeping in mind.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Jarsky2 posted...
Yes, and he should have gotten a goose step to the balls too.

Punching Nazis is a time-honoured tradition in this nation.

Not that I agree with this video's point. Just saying calling someone a nazi because they have a different opinion and are bigoted is wrong imo.

Jewish people have endured discrimination nearly everywhere throughout history. What makes the Nazis unique is their extra cruel methods and targeting Jewish people for extinction rather than viewing them as lesser people.
adjl posted...
I'm a pretty nice, reasonable person

the fact that you condone violence against people who simply hold different views is incontrovertible proof otherwise

you've always been a total fake talking bullshit, though, so this is unsurprising
lol imagine thinking nazi ideology is just a difference of opinion like pizza toppings or something

do-nothing centrists are the reason america is the way it is right now
You are my moon, Little Moon, and it's late enough. So climb down out of the tree.
Some Nazis were better people than those in our age who claim punching Nazis is ok ...

Let that sink in
It stares back if you stare long enough
lol imagine thinking you can fight fascist ideology with fascistic action

hypocritical idiot sjws are the reason america is the way it is right now
yeah becauae allowing fascists to mobilize and organize is definitely the way to make them go away, as history has taught us time and again
You are my moon, Little Moon, and it's late enough. So climb down out of the tree.
yeah because mobilizing and organizing to undertake fascistic action against people with differing ideas is definitely the way to run a free society and protect us from those dangerous undesirables, as history has taught us time and again lol
berniepanders posted...
the fact that you condone violence who simply hold different views is incontrovertible proof otherwise

But I don't condone violence toward people who simply hold different views. There are a great many people who simply hold different views from me that I'd consider perfectly lovely people, and with whom I'd happily debate the issues over a refreshing beverage. I only condone violence in response to few very specific views that differ from my own, typically characterized by being exceptionally hateful, violent, or otherwise unambiguously deserving of the label "awful person."

Neo-Naziism doesn't deserve the legitimacy afforded by saying "everyone's entitled to an opinion!" Nobody is entitled to that particular opinion, and Nazis are pieces of shit. This is not - nor will it ever be - negotiable.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
i mean shit, it worked for italy right? let's get together and beat the shit out of everyone we don't agree with, surely that will stop the rise of fascism!
Kana posted...
yeah becauae allowing fascists to mobilize and organize is definitely the way to make them go away, as history has taught us time and again

You should probably go back to not being here. It's not working out for you.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
adjl posted...
But I don't condone violence toward people who simply hold different views.

except you literally did when you said "yeah pretty much" to me describing that exact situation lol

adjl posted...
Nobody is entitled to that particular opinion

lol, fuck outta here with that nonsense. anyone is entitled to the freedom of thinking whatever they want to think. it's the single freedom that can't be abridged as of yet - not that quislings like you aren't trying like hell to break down that final barrier and send us down a slippery slope

yeah, nazis are pieces of shit, but only shortsighted idiots would condone and normalize violence against others over nothing more than their thoughts
Poll of the Day » Should alt-right leader Richard Spencer have been punched in the face?
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