On a scale from 1-10, how OCD are you about things?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » On a scale from 1-10, how OCD are you about things?
Choose your choice

I'm probably like a three
"because I like to troll" -yourDaddie
"5 7 6" was the first thing I noticed and it's seriously bothering me.

So that amount.
Living like this is a full-time business.
around 3. when i organize my physical games i like to put them in alphabetical order and stack them neatly. when building with lego's i like to make it symmetrical.
Kill From The Shadows
Your poll irks me a little bit
It bothers me when people use the term "OCD" to describe minor quirks. That's not what OCD is. OCD is when those quirks *ruin your fucking life*. It's like calling any minor illness AIDS.
"Good luck and good gaming." -Klaravoyia
BTB posted...
It bothers me when people use the term "OCD" to describe minor quirks. That's not what OCD is. OCD is when those quirks *ruin your fucking life*. It's like calling any minor illness AIDS.

Then consider 10 clinically diagnosed OCD :P
"because I like to troll" -yourDaddie
Gah...this is one thing that's really hard for me to rank.

Maybe a 7/10
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
Probably around a 2. I always put things back where they belong and hate when others don't do the same. This isn't a bad thing though as that way things won't get lost. I also have a set way how I do daily tasks such as washing pots, brushing my teeth and so on. I suppose with age being set in your ways is normal though.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif

I have some routines and like to keep things in order.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
I like to get to venues early to get organized. Ditto for classes, get my multimedia stuff set up and organize materials a half-hour before students arrive.

Other than that, normal academic, have trouble allocating horizontal surfaces, piles of stuff everywhere office and home.
If ballet was easy, it would be pointe-less
gguirao posted...

I have some routines and like to keep things in order.
Put a lid down on it, Save it for a another night.
I dunno, I may legitimately have a minor case of it. I get very anxious about food if I don't follow particular routines while preparing it. Like, I can't touch food after touching non-food. If I'm making a PBJ, I'll need to wash my hands after getting the peanut butter out of the cabinet, even if I had just washed them before getting the bread out.

I've managed to sort this out by using my left hand to touch non-food things and my right hand only for food, but it still results in an awful lot of hand-washing.
An asteroid, Mr. President.
Serras posted...
I dunno, I may legitimately have a minor case of it. I get very anxious about food if I don't follow particular routines while preparing it. Like, I can't touch food after touching non-food. If I'm making a PBJ, I'll need to wash my hands after getting the peanut butter out of the cabinet, even if I had just washed them before getting the bread out.

I've managed to sort this out by using my left hand to touch non-food things and my right hand only for food, but it still results in an awful lot of hand-washing.

sounds like a bit more than a minor case
Kill From The Shadows
BTB posted...
It bothers me when people use the term "OCD" to describe minor quirks. That's not what OCD is. OCD is when those quirks *ruin your fucking life*. It's like calling any minor illness AIDS.

CountessRolab posted...
BTB posted...
It bothers me when people use the term "OCD" to describe minor quirks. That's not what OCD is. OCD is when those quirks *ruin your fucking life*. It's like calling any minor illness AIDS.


Mead posted...
Then consider 10 clinically diagnosed OCD :P
"because I like to troll" -yourDaddie
8 or 9
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
-0melette- posted...
gguirao posted...

I have some routines and like to keep things in order.
Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken.
i WoUlD sAy A 5 oUt Of 7.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
Poll of the Day » On a scale from 1-10, how OCD are you about things?