Would you rather be murdered or put on death row?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Would you rather be murdered or put on death row?
Which one?

For the first option, you wouldn't know the murder is coming

The day that you are murdered would be the same day that you are put into jail (depending on which scenario you pick)
So in one you're in prison and the other one you're not?

I choose the not in prison one
So in one you're in prison and the other one you're not?

I choose the not in prison one

Yeah so basically a random death in the outside world


A planned death in prison. You'll probably be waiting on death row for quite awhile as well.
Execution by lethal injection or the electric chair is legal murder so either way, you're still murdered.
Fall down, go boom...
Life is like a box of chocolates. Most of it is crap.
Death row

break out of prison
"Link is hot, I gotta say, Link is hot." - Reggie Fils-aime, Nintendo president
https://i.imgur.com/FHFg24N.gif http://i.imgur.com/UVf23d0.gif me irl
Murder. I'd rather suddenly die than know when I was going to die.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
I'd rather death row because I don't want a horrific death.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Murdered and not seeing it coming.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
Poll of the Day » Would you rather be murdered or put on death row?