Bindi Irwin let a GIANT HAIRY TARANTULA Crawl on her BODY!! Does it scare you???

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Bindi Irwin let a GIANT HAIRY TARANTULA Crawl on her BODY!! Does it scare you???
Does that spider scare you?

18 y/o Bindi Irwin, Daughter of the late animal expert, Steve Irwin let a HAIRY GIANT SPIDER crawl on her CHEST as the terrifying creature was snapped in her recent instagram post.

She posted "it's cuddle time with a sweetheart i named Harriet"..

The 8 legged creature was sitting on her bare skin which was an inch from her chest to her neck as she smiled for the camera.

She has never shied away from handling terrifying creatures such as boa constrictors and crocodiles at the Australia Zoo where she works.

Does that Spider scare you? let's see what people will vote

Bindi and the Giant Tarantula -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Actually today I was handling a spider I found in my house.

They don't freak out if they don't realize you're not a tree.
Tarantula don't bother me and spiders in general don't bother me. It's the little, deadly ones like the black widow you need to stay clear of.
Edit: Also that gal is hot. She can fly into my web anytime!
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Cute pic, big spiders that aren't wandering or Sydney funnel web don't bother me, but small ones do since everywhere except Australia and South America, the small ones are the killers.
"In the name of the future moon I shall punish you"-Chibi Moon
If small furry creatures with 4 legs and 2 eyes are adorable, even smaller furry creatures with 8 legs and 8 eyes must be orders of magnitude more adorable.
Hank Pym changes superhero aliases more often than Hawkman changes origin stories.
I've had a tarantula on me before. It was tame, so not a big deal.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I held an emperor scorpion once, thing was very calm. It's really weird feeling all those feet, and feeling weight/heft from an insect.
Your palace may last forever, but my yurt can go anywhere.
She is hot
Fan of Martin Scorsese's crime drama Goodfellas.
I never bother spiders. And they don't bother me.
Congratulations! You have found a Runestone!
In before AllStar tags me lol..
PotDs UnOfficial President and Official Sheldon Cooper
Poll of the Day » Bindi Irwin let a GIANT HAIRY TARANTULA Crawl on her BODY!! Does it scare you???