College Survey shows Students are more DIVIDED than EVER as 35.5% are LIBERAL!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » College Survey shows Students are more DIVIDED than EVER as 35.5% are LIBERAL!!!
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A new survey of American College Freshman shows that the political divide is BIG among students as well as only 42% of them consider themselves neutral while 35.5% consider themselves liberal or far left while 22.2% consider themselves conservative or far right.

137,456 freshman at 184 U.S colleges and universities were surveyed.

Kevin Eagan said that the spikes get bigger in political engagement when it is a presidential election as the political climate at the end of Obama's administration had an impact on this year's results.

He said "As republicans took over Congress during Obama's final 2 years, students may have felt more pressure, more inclined to chose a side. And i think that last year's election certainly exacerbated that"

The gender divide is evident too as girls were more blue than red and more women described themselves as liberal or far left than ever before while 41% said they were liberal or far left compared to 28.9% of men.

Women are solidly liberal such as stricter gun control 75.4 vs 58.8 and climate change at 82.4 vs 77.6

Women were more likely to be liberal as Men were more likely to be conservative

What are you? let's see what people will vote
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Centre-Left (Liberal) and i'm male
Probably between liberal and independent. Though honestly it really comes down to the individual issues.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
Poll of the Day » College Survey shows Students are more DIVIDED than EVER as 35.5% are LIBERAL!!!