Do you believe that someone's intelligence is mostly inherited?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you believe that someone's intelligence is mostly inherited?
I know there are always exceptions and what not, but do you believe that it is usually and mostly genetic or inherited?

"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
Not at all. There are too many smart kids with stupid parents and intelligent parents with dumbass kids.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Some, there is probably a certain cap because of genetics, like not everyone can become the next Einstein, but there is a huge gap between someone's ceiling and their floor
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If I recall correctly, the standard official assumption in the psychological community is that there is a degree of genetic biases at the extreme ends, but that in purely biological terms, most humans are starting from the same basic potential and how "intelligent" you become is almost always an expression of your life experiences and the culture you grow up in.

Or to put it another way, maybe 1-2% of humans are destined to be geniuses from the womb, and 1-2% are destined to be somewhat slow, but the other 96-98% are all starting from the same point and have to "earn" their eventual place.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
To be fair, that was also the standard assumption 20 years ago or so, that outlook MAY have changed since (though if so, I'm not aware of it).

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Muscles posted...
Some, there is probably a certain cap because of genetics, like not everyone can become the next Einstein, but there is a huge gap between someone's ceiling and their floor

yeah it seems like einstein's name is always synonymous with genius usually, but was he really the smartest person who ever lived, you think? hmm?
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
Genetics establish a baseline, but environment and experiences determine where you end up relative to that baseline, with considerable variability from it.
Intelligence is such a broad aspect of a person. Which person is smarter, the one who knows more things or the one who doesn't know as much, but has the ability to learn things quicker than the other person?
Intelligence is such a broad aspect of a person. Which person is smarter, the one who knows more things or the one who doesn't know as much, but has the ability to learn things quicker than the other person?

That's why I put "intelligence" in quotes in my post. The real problem is that we rarely agree on any singular and useful definition of intelligence.

What you're describing is part of it, but things like problem solving and organizational thinking are also part of it. Then things like spacial awareness and capacity for recall come into play, and you start having a large mess full of a ton of variables.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
No. Children aren't born smart, they're "built" smart and can start developing language and math skills as soon as they're born.
the White-Sounding Black Chick
If that was true I'd be way smarter than I am now, My father is like, wicked smart a majority of the time, and can often times do math problems I couldn't even begin to ATTEMPT, to yeah, No way....
Age 0-4 is a crucial development stage. Psychologists and linguists have tons of evidence pertaining to brain activity, exposure to different environments, and behavioral traits to back these claims up.

More this than inheritance in my opinion, from what I've learned. It also explains why primogenitures are smarter than their younger siblings in many cases-- parents don't quite put in the same amount of time and effort as they did when they first become parents.
I believe twin studies have shown there is a definite genetic component to intelligence. Like everything, it's a combination of various factors.
Blighboy posted...
I believe twin studies have shown there is a definite genetic component to intelligence. Like everything, it's a combination of various factors.

Unless they seperated the twins and had them grow up in different environments this wouldn't really prove much
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
No, the foundation is inherited, progress is earned.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Mead posted...
Blighboy posted...
I believe twin studies have shown there is a definite genetic component to intelligence. Like everything, it's a combination of various factors.

Unless they seperated the twins and had them grow up in different environments this wouldn't really prove much

That's literally what happens though. You compare twins that grew up together vs those that didn't, as well as fraternal vs identical vs normal siblings vs control.
Blighboy posted...
Mead posted...
Blighboy posted...
I believe twin studies have shown there is a definite genetic component to intelligence. Like everything, it's a combination of various factors.

Unless they seperated the twins and had them grow up in different environments this wouldn't really prove much

That's literally what happens though. You compare twins that grew up together vs those that didn't, as well as fraternal vs identical vs normal siblings vs control.

i agree bligh, imo there definitely is a genetic component to intelligence
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
Of course it's inherited. Any other answer is just wrong.

Is your height mostly inherited? Maybe not if you stunted your growth.
jamieyello3 posted...
Of course it's inherited. Any other answer is just wrong.

Is your height mostly inherited? Maybe not if you stunted your growth.

Mostly maybe. I know a lot of people who are taller than both their parents myself included.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
jamieyello3 posted...
Of course it's inherited. Any other answer is just wrong.

Is your height mostly inherited? Maybe not if you stunted your growth.

well 26.47 perc. of this poll's respondents disagree with you
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
jamieyello3 posted...
Of course it's inherited. Any other answer is just wrong

Years of research says you're wrong >_>

It's definitely a combination of nature and nurture, but one's intelligence is not majorly determined by inherited genes.
the White-Sounding Black Chick
Inherent intelligence is, but exposure counts too. Poor breeding can affect anything from serious physical defects to mental disabilities, but it's a combination.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Smallville posted...
well 26.47 perc. of this poll's respondents disagree with you

27% are wrong.

Mead posted...
Mostly maybe. I know a lot of people who are taller than both their parents myself included.

And those genes that made you taller were dormant in your parents.
RCtheWSBC posted...
Years of research says you're wrong >_>

It's definitely a combination of nature and nurture, but one's intelligence is not majorly determined by inherited genes.

Years of research have determined 75% is genetic, and the rest of the IQ determined by the environment. When everyone is in the same environment, it comes down to almost entirely genes.
jamieyello3 posted...
RCtheWSBC posted...
Years of research says you're wrong >_>

It's definitely a combination of nature and nurture, but one's intelligence is not majorly determined by inherited genes.

Years of research have determined 75% is genetic, and the rest of the IQ determined by the environment. When everyone is in the same environment, it comes down to almost entirely genes.

People who deny the role genetics play probably do so either because they are afraid of their own or those genetics aren't good so they can't figure it out...
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
jamieyello3 posted...
Is your height mostly inherited? Maybe not if you stunted your growth.

Mostly, but there is a definite environmental component to it. Nutrition plays a big role.
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adjl posted...
Mostly, but there is a definite environmental component to it. Nutrition plays a big role.

Unless you stunt your growth or inject yourself with steroids it's entirely genetic. There's nothing you can choose that will make you grow taller besides not mutilating yourself.

I can only assume starving as a child can't be good for your brain later on too.
jamieyello3 posted...
Unless you stunt your growth

And stunting your growth can be as simple as not getting enough food during major growing years.
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Poll of the Day » Do you believe that someone's intelligence is mostly inherited?