This 27 y/o Blonde Girl's Husband LEFT her after her FACE was BURNED!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 27 y/o Blonde Girl's Husband LEFT her after her FACE was BURNED!!!
Do you think her ex-husband should be publicly named and shamed?

27 y/o Courtney Cosper Waldon from Georgia, a mother of a 5 y/o daughter suffered horrific burn to her face after a fire pit accident revealed how the injury left her homeless, out of work AND ABANDONDED by her HUSBAND!!

She had 3rd degree burns to her face and 40% of her body after gasoline was poured on a campfire back in September of last year.

She was rushed to hospital and placed in a medically induced coma for a month and 2 weeks after she awoke, her husband of only 2 months LEFT her AND their 5 y/o daughter, Caroline!!

Because she couldn't work, she and her daughter were homeless and they are still trying to rebuild their life

Courtney said "I went from being the very pretty girl, just married, had my life in order to barely being able to dress myself and needing help for everything and having to learn how to do things over again. It was very hard to come to terms with what happened..The first time i saw myself in the mirror, i got sick and almost passed out. I got so many stares with people looking like they had seen a monster. It was a slap in the face when my husband left me. I tried and begged him to come back, my daughter didn't deserve it. There were defintitely times i wanted to give up, but i had ot think of my daughter. They didn't bring her to the hospital so the first time i saw her, she heard my voice and gave me a hug. She's been amazing"

She spent 51 days in the ICU and had to undergo laser surgery and has 7 skin grafts as well as had to learn how to walk again..

Each surgery cost 11,000 and a GoFundMe page was set up to help cover medical bills as she still has 12 more surgeries to do..

She remembers every second of that day the moment the gasoline was poured on the fire pit as she remembers being on fire and immediately dropped and rolled and finally was tackled to the ground as she was crying in pain..

Without income and with medical bills to pay, they have been forced to leave their home and are living with her mother in Georgia as they are supported by donations and the local church so they can build a small home on family land

Thanks to the donations, the were able to build a small house as companies have helped the project by donating their services with concrete, and a heating/air conditioning system and a roof for free.

Do you think her husband should be named and shamed? let's see what people think.

Courtney - Before Injury

Courtney -- After Injury

Their home being built -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
She kind of reminds me of Mason Verger from Hannibal.
Full Throttle posted...
She was rushed to hospital and placed in a medically induced coma for a month and 2 weeks after she awoke, her husband of only 2 months LEFT her AND their 5 y/o daughter, Caroline!!

Well, they were only married 2 months... plus was the kid even really his? In general, a massive disfigurement is going to be hard on the spouse as well as the injured and, honestly, it's a lot to ask for them to stay together. Even if they were really in love and had married years, that shit can break up a relationship. Hopefully she finds a great plastic surgeon eventually and is able to put her life back together.

Full Throttle posted...
She had 3rd degree burns to her face and 40% of her body after gasoline was poured on a campfire back in September of last year.

...that was just a fucking stupid thing to do. Does nobody look at warnings? Given that she was injured, I'm assuming it was she was the one who poured it.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
That face will haunt me in my nightmares. I feel bad for the lady, kind of (gasoline in a fire?! Idiots), but I wished I hadn't even seen her picture. I feel physically unwell now, and I saw a dude's head basically get smushed off in a motorcycle crash without flinching (he was going double the speed limit so fuck him).
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I honestly don't know how people can continue living looking like that.
KevinceKostner posted...
I honestly don't know how people can continue living looking like that.

You havent set a signature for the message boards yet
Full Throttle posted...
Do you think her husband should be named and shamed?

No why should he? We don't really know why he left her but if it was due to her injuries I somewhat understand as her appearance would have changed. Both physical and mental attraction are important in a relationship and although marriage is supposed to be 'in sickness and in health, until death us do part' and all that jazz nothing is a guarantee save for death.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
She's really really not that bad.

Obvious dick husband.
If they didn't have a kid together I wouldn't feel indignant at this situation, but the guy should stick through it for his kid if nothing else.

I do feel genuinely bad for the woman though. I can't imagine having to go from having a pretty face to a horribly disfigured one. Hopefully she finds peace through this anyways.
I do not support homosexuality in any way.
If you believe in Allah (swt) put this in your sig!
wwinterj25 posted...
No why should he? We don't really know why he left her but if it was due to her injuries I somewhat understand as her appearance would have changed. Both physical and mental attraction are important in a relationship and although marriage is supposed to be 'in sickness and in health, until death us do part' and all that jazz nothing is a guarantee save for death.

But does that justify abandoning his wife who lost her job and is forced to rely on others to help her raise her child? leaving her is one thing but when she has a mouth to feed he also has some responsibility to this assuming he's the father.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
jamieyello3 posted...
She's really really not that bad.

Obvious dick husband.

Trying to be controversial again?
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
aHappySacka posted...
But does that justify abandoning his wife who lost her job and is forced to rely on others to help her raise her child? leaving her is one thing but when she has a mouth to feed he also has some responsibility to this assuming he's the father.

First of all it doesn't specify if it's their child or just hers. If it's the former he can still do his part in bringing up their kid. If it's not then well to be honest it isn't his problem. Second of all just as it isn't her fault she's in the situation she's in it isn't his fault either. Meaning the situation she's in isn't what he signed up for. It may sound harsh when I say this but she's forced to live in this situation but he isn't and nor should he be. Like it or not the 'agreement' has changed and she isn't the person he married.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
wwinterj25 posted...
aHappySacka posted...
But does that justify abandoning his wife who lost her job and is forced to rely on others to help her raise her child? leaving her is one thing but when she has a mouth to feed he also has some responsibility to this assuming he's the father.

First of all it doesn't specify if it's their child or just hers. If it's the former he can still do his part in bringing up their kid. If it's not then well to be honest it isn't his problem. Second of all just as it isn't her fault she's in the situation she's in it isn't his fault either. Meaning the situation she's in isn't what he signed up for. It may sound harsh when I say this but she's forced to live in this situation but he isn't and nor should he be. Like it or not the 'agreement' has changed and she isn't the person he married.

Technically if she was the person who tossed gasoline on an open fire, it is her fault that she's in the situation she's in because her action would have led to her injury.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
jamieyello3 posted...
She's really really not that bad.

Obvious dick husband.

Trying to be controversial again?

No. Her husband obviously didn't care for her beyond looks.

If you leave your wife and children homeless because your wife was mutilated I think there's a special ring in hell for you.

And she's not freakish looking, she's just kind of ugly and she looks 30 years older.
Zeus posted...
Technically if she was the person who tossed gasoline on an open fire, it is her fault that she's in the situation she's in because her action would have led to her injury.

I mean losing her job and whatnot. Although I do agree if she was the one who thrown gasoline onto a fire it is her own fault sure.

jamieyello3 posted...
No. Her husband obviously didn't care for her beyond looks.

You're aware these kind of things can and probably do effect you mentally also? Besides as I've said before both looks and personality are important and both would have changed in this situation.

jamieyello3 posted...
If you leave your wife and children homeless because your wife was mutilated I think there's a special ring in hell for you.

Where does it say it's his kid? Also if you ask me she's already living through hell.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Zeus posted...
wwinterj25 posted...
aHappySacka posted...
But does that justify abandoning his wife who lost her job and is forced to rely on others to help her raise her child? leaving her is one thing but when she has a mouth to feed he also has some responsibility to this assuming he's the father.

First of all it doesn't specify if it's their child or just hers. If it's the former he can still do his part in bringing up their kid. If it's not then well to be honest it isn't his problem. Second of all just as it isn't her fault she's in the situation she's in it isn't his fault either. Meaning the situation she's in isn't what he signed up for. It may sound harsh when I say this but she's forced to live in this situation but he isn't and nor should he be. Like it or not the 'agreement' has changed and she isn't the person he married.

Technically if she was the person who tossed gasoline on an open fire, it is her fault that she's in the situation she's in because her action would have led to her injury.

This, which means she sucks on the inside too. Only a complete dipshit throws gasoline on a fire.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
jamieyello3 posted...
Zeus posted...
jamieyello3 posted...
She's really really not that bad.

Obvious dick husband.

Trying to be controversial again?

No. Her husband obviously didn't care for her beyond looks.

If you leave your wife and children homeless because your wife was mutilated I think there's a special ring in hell for you.

I more meant about the claim that her current looks aren't that bad, because she's rather horrific at the moment. I hope she doesn't have to live like that and that she'll get some additional surgery, but there's no way around the fact that she looks rather horrific.

Second, we don't know if the child is actually his because Ducky takes liberties with these stories as he doesn't care about accuracy. And, of course, they'd been married a whole fucking two months. I could see making an argument if it was a long-term marriage or something, but this is a kinda minimal commitment especially for a society where divorce is a regular occurrence.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Alright, after finding a Mirror article on the story and the Daily Mail article (unsurprisingly only tabloids are running this), I have learned the following:

1) It's not his daughter. The Daily Mail rather specifically only calls the girl HER daughter so, once again, "great" journalism, @mrduckbear @Full_Throttle , when you put "their" daughter.

2) The Mirror doesn't specify who put the gasoline in the fire (albeit it's less ambiguous than the Daily Mail), although this one line suggests it wasn't her fault: Courtney was sat around a fire when gasoline was poured onto the pit. which exploded towards her. As such, it might not have been her stupid mistake. And, if we're talking about naming and shaming anybody, it should be the fucking moron who would throw gasoline on a fire and subsequently did horrific damage to a person.

Courtney said: "It was a slap in the face when my husband left me. I tried and begged him to come back, my daughter didn't deserve it, but he just said he couldn't handle me.

"There were definitely times I wanted to give up, but I had to think of my daughter. They didn't bring her to the hospital, so the first time I saw her was when I came home.

Honestly, I have a hard time painting the husband as some great villain. He's not a fucking saint. but I can understand the issue. Frankly, all I saw was the photo and I had to look away.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Very, very unfortunate.

I understand that there are many other possibilities on why he left her...but marriage is also about vows. Simply put, he left her when she was at her worst. Very, very unfortunate......
"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
KevinceKostner posted...
I honestly don't know how people can continue living looking like that.

With pain and difficulty.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Nah understandable that hed leave the note that it isnt actually his daughter just makes it more so.

Zeus posted...
And, if we're talking about naming and shaming anybody, it should be the fucking moron who would throw gasoline on a fire and subsequently did horrific damage to a person.

Also this.
Currently playing - Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
seriously, what idiot pours gasoline on a campfire, that's not even Darwin's award level anymore
2017 St. Louis Cardinals are 21-15
Husband is a vain asshole, who loved his wife because she was pretty and for nothing else. Women, be careful who you marry.
minervo posted...
Husband is a vain asshole, who loved his wife because she was pretty and for nothing else. Women, be careful who you marry.

yeah b/c women have never done anything like this

what about the marine guy whose face got blown off and the wife fled

yeah get out of here with that old school middle ages chivalrous bullshit. we all equal now, boy. #NoMoreTears
#TeamShenti #AlphaAF #Unbannable
I bet the husband threw the gas on the fire and couldn't live with the guilt looking his wife in the face every day, even if it was an accident.

KevinceKostner posted...
I honestly don't know how people can continue living looking like that.

Seems pretty clear through reading the article that she's doing all she can to be there for her daughter. Having children, in top of being a gigantic responsibility, can fuel a person's willpower through some tremendous ordeals.
"outrage culture sure is fun." - Nade Duck
jamieyello3 posted...
Obvious dick husband.

Doesn't even begin to cover it. Who just abandons their family when they are needed most?
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Really weird feeling when I'm in a topic agreeing 100% w/ Zeus and Shenti...

They (especially Zeus, good research) pretty much covered it already.
Choose your spouses more carefully people...
PKMNsony posted...
Choose your spouses more carefully people...

Yeah you shouldn't marry someone unless you know beyond all certainty how they will react to every possible scenario and if you are wrong and they abandon you, well then that is just your fault and you should go to prison
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Mead posted...
PKMNsony posted...
Choose your spouses more carefully people...

Yeah you shouldn't marry someone unless you know beyond all certainty how they will react to every possible scenario and if you are wrong and they abandon you, well then that is just your fault and you should go to prison

Yeah, because you totally didn't blow my statement out of proportion. Great job, you sure showed me!
Zeus posted...

...that was just a fucking stupid thing to do. Does nobody look at warnings? Given that she was injured, I'm assuming it was she was the one who poured it.

This is speculative. She could have been sitting around the fire. I had a claim where someone poured kerosene into a fire pit and the fumes got lit causing a fire ball to light a woman's face on fire.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
Jen0125 posted...
Zeus posted...

...that was just a fucking stupid thing to do. Does nobody look at warnings? Given that she was injured, I'm assuming it was she was the one who poured it.

This is speculative. She could have been sitting around the fire. I had a claim where someone poured kerosene into a fire pit and the fumes got lit causing a fire ball to light a woman's face on fire.

Brutal. I would have loved to kerosene that. From a distance. Where no one gets hurt.
She actually healed awesome. No scarring to her face and mild scarring to her hand.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
Alexandra_Trent posted...
Very, very unfortunate.

I understand that there are many other possibilities on why he left her...but marriage is also about vows. Simply put, he left her when she was at her worst. Very, very unfortunate......

I doubt that most women nowadays would stick with their man if such a thing happened. Thank feminism
I do not support homosexuality in any way.
If you believe in Allah (swt) put this in your sig!
Wow. OK I'd have a hard time with that one.
Like, she needs to become Muslim and wear a full face burka if we go outside or something. And the kid will be haunted forever by this too. Like damn!

Also... Fuck those hospital bills. "We've saved your life only to ruin you financially and put you out on the streets so you can suffer and die more slowly"
Ugh... Fuck America and their epic stupid health care system.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
The husband is a douche. It really doesn't even matter whether he left because he couldn't handle the stress of the situation (and putting his issues before his wife's problems), or if he just didn't want an ugly wife, although that would be worse. Neither reason is good, though.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
Guys people leave their spouses all the time in this day in age, for a lot more petty reasons.
Meanwhile, at Incel headquarters;

"Gross I wouldn't touch that"
jamieyello3 posted...
Meanwhile, at Incel headquarters;

"Gross I wouldn't touch that"

loool so true
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
deoxxys posted...
Guys people leave their spouses all the time in this day in age, for a lot more petty reasons.

Since when is "but other people do bad things too!" ever a good excuse for doing something bad =P
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
Jen0125 posted...
Zeus posted...

...that was just a fucking stupid thing to do. Does nobody look at warnings? Given that she was injured, I'm assuming it was she was the one who poured it.

This is speculative. She could have been sitting around the fire.

I already addressed that in a later post when I quoted a passage from the Mirror which suggests that she might have been a bystander (although it fails to identify who actually did it)
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Golden Road posted...
deoxxys posted...
Guys people leave their spouses all the time in this day in age, for a lot more petty reasons.

Since when is "but other people do bad things too!" ever a good excuse for doing something bad =P

because its not necessarily "bad" as you claim it to be, its there life and they can live it how they want and you can look down on them like some Christians do for "doing bad things"
deoxxys posted...
because its not necessarily "bad" as you claim it to be, its there life and they can live it how they want and you can look down on them like some Christians do for "doing bad things"

Abandoning someone you love in their time of need is pretty bad. Just because people are allowed to do bad things doesn't mean they're not bad things.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
jamieyello3 posted...
Meanwhile, at Incel headquarters;

"Gross I wouldn't touch that"

you seem mightily upset by the very existence of that particular thing. Calm down
2017 St. Louis Cardinals are 21-15
What_The_Chris posted...
jamieyello3 posted...
Meanwhile, at Incel headquarters;

"Gross I wouldn't touch that"

you seem mightily upset by the very existence of that particular thing. Calm down

Well it's true. There's no such thing as an involuntary virgin when there are always people less attractive than you.
Poll of the Day » This 27 y/o Blonde Girl's Husband LEFT her after her FACE was BURNED!!!