Do you believe in not speaking ill of the dead?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you believe in not speaking ill of the dead?
Iirc after roger ailes died today or yesterday, it was mostly praise for him.....

.....maybe cause it was because he had recently died. Imo you see this all the time, celebrities who maybe weren't that great people who because they had recently died, they might not say negative stuff about them.
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
I think how a person is spoke of should not change simply because they have died. If they were an asshole, we shouldn't sugar coat it.

You can feel bad about someone dying but still think they were a right dick.
He was a rapist sellout lard-head who poisoned the country for money and cared for no one but himself.

Oh, I mean RIP.
I don't believe the dead care because they're dead.

I'm not going to walk up to the dead person's loved ones and mock them or anything but I'm not going to pretend the dead person was a different person than they were.
1. The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. 2. They're all complacent sheeple. <==]-<(-_o)>-[==>
I'll talk shit if they were shit.
Nah f*** Hitler and f*** anyone who looks like him.
Babylon ah mosh up the sea and fear him da Rasta mon.
If we were only allowed to say good things about the dead, we wouldn't really be allowed to teach history. Remember Stalin and Hitler for example?
Ignore when people say that the title length is not important, that a title should just convey what the game is about. They're just jealous theirs isn't as long
Zangrief posted...
I think how a person is spoke of should not change simply because they have died. If they were an asshole, we shouldn't sugar coat it.

You can feel bad about someone dying but still think they were a right dick.

Exactly. Dying doesn't somehow get you off the hook for being an asshole your entire life. There is however something to be said about having enough class to know not to speak poorly of them to their loved ones.
John Mellencamp said it best "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone."
Smallville posted...
Do you believe in not speaking ill of the dead?

If someone were a arsehole alive then they are still a arsehole when they are dead. It really bugs me when some folk suddenly like someone just because they are dead.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Ailes was an incredibly evil man. He was an unapologetic serial sexual predator, plus he poisoned democracy in the United States and promoted partisanship for money. I'm never exactly happy to see someone die, though. I wish there were a heaven for everyone.
No, because Puggles is still a dick, assuming he really ever died in the first place. Same for Terris. Dying doesn't whitewash your entire life although I do somewhat agree that the dead deserve a short grace period. Not for them, mind you, but for whatever survivors they leave behind. And I'll tell you this: If either of them made it into an afterlife, I'm sure they're pissing people off there, too.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
It's not nice to go "ha ha, you died~! sucks to be you, dead'ums"

But it's still fair to criticize things they did in life.
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Zangrief posted...
I think how a person is spoke of should not change simply because they have died. If they were an asshole, we shouldn't sugar coat it.

This, mostly. Though I wouldn't badmouth Roger Ailes specifically regardless, because I don't really give a fuck about him either way.

But the flip-side of that equation is, even if someone was a huge asshole while alive, they're still going to have family and friends who are mourning their loss, so effectively walking up and pointing and laughing at them and going "I'm glad he's dead!" is kind of a dick move, and it just sort of makes YOU the asshole.

Which, I suppose, means that the rest of us would then be obligated to shit-talk you once you're dead as well. And so on and so forth, ad infinitum.

So yeah, I can see why tact and human empathy would tend to discouraging speaking ill of the dead in a lot of cases depending on the circumstances, but I also don't think that simply dying magically erases all of your sins and leaves you immune to all criticism.

DarkKirby2500 posted...
I don't believe the dead care because they're dead.

To be fair, the practice of not speaking ill of the dead started at a time when most people believed the dead would come back and haunt your ass if you badmouthed them.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Death doesn't change me. I'd piss on their tombstone and talk shit all day.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I think it is in poor taste.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Poll of the Day » Do you believe in not speaking ill of the dead?