Alcohol VS Smoking

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Alcohol VS Smoking
If you had to choose...

Didn't add "neither" as an option. If you prefer neither, just don't vote :P

I prefer smoking, but my job is probably gonna try to bust a worker who comes in smelling bad every morning because she's a dumbass. To play it safe, I don't do it anymore.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
alcohol is love
you talking about tobacco?
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Alcohol. I occasionally drink it anyway (wine, specifically) because of the taste. Smoking is a stigma to me no matter how often it's done, it stinks, and its only real purpose is to satisfy an addiction.
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Definitely smoking.

I used to drink, then somehow I stopped. Now I can't do it that much. I prefer smoking because alcohol makes me straight stupid, and I get tired way, way too easily on it. cant focus on one damn topic either.

with weed I get like none of the physical drawbacks of alcohol pretty much, am not as stupid, and I dont want to pass out after like 3 beers.

Even back when I was in college and could drink like a champ, I feel like i'da preferred weed(did not smoke at that time) simply because it doesnt make you a complete idiot(despite its stereotype it just doesnt)
Smoking tobacco as that's much cheaper and doesn't effect the way I normally think.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
neither, so i didnt vote
Kill From The Shadows
Choose what?
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Give me the A, smoking gives me anxiety, and yeah yeah, people all like "You just gotta have the right stuff, it'll relax you", well go fuck yourself, quit trying to push something on me I don't wanna do.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
I used to be big on smoking, but then I got big on drinking.
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
weed is not nearly as debilitating as alcohol. you can actually do shit on it, no hangover, feels 100x better than alcohol, etc.
DirtBasedSoap posted...
no hangover, feels 100x better than alcohol

I have had weed hangovers before where I felt high/sluggish the entire next day. Also, weed makes me extremely paranoid. As such, I no longer use marijuana.
3DS FC:0447-5939-4469 (Chris/CGMastermind)
DirtBasedSoap posted...
weed is not nearly as debilitating as alcohol. you can actually do shit on it, no hangover, feels 100x better than alcohol, etc.

Lately I don't feel like doing anything at all. I feel more like forgetting I'm even around. Alcohol is great when that's your goal. I did have way more fun smoking, though.
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
KJ StErOiDs posted...
Alcohol. I occasionally drink it anyway (wine, specifically) because of the taste. Smoking is a stigma to me no matter how often it's done, it stinks, and its only real purpose is to satisfy an addiction.

Its not addiction though, I've been clean about a month and havent had any withdrawals or other symptoms brought on with quitting an addictive substance cold turkey
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Muscles posted...
KJ StErOiDs posted...
Alcohol. I occasionally drink it anyway (wine, specifically) because of the taste. Smoking is a stigma to me no matter how often it's done, it stinks, and its only real purpose is to satisfy an addiction.

Its not addiction though, I've been clean about a month and havent had any withdrawals or other symptoms brought on with quitting an addictive substance cold turkey

are you trying to say nicotine isn't addictive?
Kill From The Shadows
The only thing I like that fits into those categories is beer.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
I hate both, so won't vote.

Granted, if I HAD to vote, I would vote for alcohol. I don't mind the taste of some alcoholic beverages, it's just that alcohol makes me feel weird, but not the good kind of weird. Depressive and angry... I hate myself when I'm drunk, so I just don't drink AT ALL anymore.

As for smoking... even the smell bothers me. And it bothers me even more is that people who smoke constantly don't even notice they end up smelling like ass all the time.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games.
Both so I didn't vote.
Nobody is perfect. Well, one guy was but we killed him.
I don't mind alcohol,but I don't drink that often.
Istopped smoking last year.

So clearly the first option.
Know it or not, man treads between twin abysses a tightrope that has neither beginning nor end.
yutterh posted...
you talking about tobacco?

I honestly thought this was what they meant.

I don't do either but I would much rather smoke some weed than drink any alcohol.

Oh yeah, and I feel that weed should be completely legal and alcohol should be illegal.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
Alcohol. Unless I push it way too far, that only affects me. Smoking makes everyone else suffer for it.
I'm a smoker and I hate it. I want to quit.

Alcohol on the other hand is a wonderful thing to a not self-destructing person.
Neither, but I'd rather drink alcohol if forced to than smoke if forced to since smoking is so addictive, expensive, smelly, disease-ridden, and even capable of making others sick. - My advice for surviving college and writing academically - My YouTube channel
DirtBasedSoap posted...
weed is not nearly as debilitating as alcohol. you can actually do s*** on it, no hangover, feels 100x better than alcohol, etc.

This but reverse the weed and booze.

I can't do smoke-ables.
I love the Power Glove. It's so bad ---
PSN & Wii U: BrunyBrunz
yutterh posted...
you talking about tobacco?

...nope. Lol

Alcohol, although fun, sometimes makes my body feel awful the next morning. I don't really get headache hangovers, but I consider myself to be really in-tune with my body and try to treat it as a temple, blah blah blah... more often than not, alcohol just wrecks my efforts to do that.

The vapors from a bong I feel are a much cleaner way to have fun and alleviate stress on a Friday night if I was to choose between smoking or drinking.

Lately I've enjoyed neither. I've really been getting a lot out of life by hitting the gym and drinking tea every morning to get energized. But fun comes in all shapes and forms, and I like mixing up the types of fun every once in a while.

Life is good.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
I voted alcohol but I do enjoy a cigar every now and then.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
being paranoid is the best part of weed lol
Alcohol in moderation doesn't have the disastrous effects of smoking and while additive is not nearly so intrinsically all encompassing as smoking is.

I've seen people spend money they don't have on alcohol. I've thought someone in voice chat had a Southern drawl but was actually drunk all the time (which is very sad). I've seen the late stage effects of smoking killing THREE people though as it turned them into barely able to breath husks that eventually died of either cancer or not being able to breath, one of them in so much pain with her last weeks of hardly being able to gasp that her doctor essentially killed her with huge overdoses of morpheme to put her out of her misery (which seems to be an open secret method of euthanasia). Now a kid that was in the car with one of them (his grandfather) as he died from inability to breath anymore is a smoker. So is his dad who is a friend. And said friend's wife has to hide money to pay bills, and he needs surgery and his doctor said he WILL die if he doesn't stop his smoking and drinking. She lost a tooth and could never get dental work done over it because her husband spends all their money on alcohol and cigarettes. Their house needs work done that WOULD be done if he didn't smoke or drink so much. Even when he has guests he'll still make excuses to go out and hang out with his drinking buddy, or be sent on an errand but have an excuse to not go then return without the money he was supposed to spend on necessities.

Now my nephew smokes. One who was so detached from reality when he was a teenager he suggested they just kill smokers to solve the problem. (I don't know where he got that from, but he may have just said it to bug me.) Somehow, he smokes. I am extremely upset at whoever the moron is who tempted him.

If you smoke, give it up ASAP. Especially if you have family. Even if the smoking doesn't sap your money away that should be spent on house work or vehicles or your kid's education and such, you're still taking a risk of killing yourself and depriving your family of yourself far sooner than they should lose you. It's absolutely depressing and disgusting. I am extremely grateful I've never been tempted. Growing up with yellow house walls and a mother that smoked probably helped though. She still died, but at least her last few years were smoke free and she remarked how much better she felt after withdrawal ended.

I just can't believe even kids who saw their relatives turn into pale husks who eventually died have still started smoking. It's absolutely unthinkable to me.

As to the topic alcohol at best usually tastes like tainted fruit juice to me. I think beer is disgusting and wine is typically a fruit juice with a bit of Listerine mixed in. I don't swear off alcohol though. I've had wine coolers or wine at special events or 'hard' lemonade on occasion but I don't go out of my way for it. I hope I'm never ever tempted with tobacco though. That reminds me of the time I took a sip of 'my' soda and grabbed the wrong can. It was my cousin's chewing tobacco spit can. ...yeah

MarceloSampaio posted...
As for smoking... even the smell bothers me. And it bothers me even more is that people who smoke constantly don't even notice they end up smelling like ass all the time.

Here in Wisconsin a decade or so ago a smoking ban in public buildings went into effect. There was all kinds of doom and gloom that all the bars would go out of business and such. Our current Republican governor boasted as he campaigned he would get rid of the ban.

By the time he and his government were in office, people had some time to experience restaurants without smoking allowed . Suddenly after experiencing how nice it is not to have stench floating around while eating, even into non smoking sections, the ban became far more popular than not!
DirtBasedSoap posted...
weed is not nearly as debilitating as alcohol. you can actually do shit on it, no hangover, feels 100x better than alcohol, etc.

Unless you're me. I had medical marijuana once and went psychotic. Literally.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
DirtBasedSoap posted...
being paranoid is the best part of weed lol

If you're already paranoid af it's basically scarecrow fear gas.

TheCyborgNinja posted...
went psychotic

Wasn't that fun? My entire brain felt like I was running at 10 fps, vision and sight. Even my thoughts went completely void in between 10 fps, it's not pleasant having your consciousness flicker on and off. It's apparently a rare reaction, but the "hallucinations" are always the same for whoever gets it.

I was barely holding on to any self-control I had, like I was about to go outside and do who knows what.
weed doesn't make you fat like alcohol
jamieyello3 posted...
DirtBasedSoap posted...
being paranoid is the best part of weed lol

If you're already paranoid af it's basically scarecrow fear gas.

TheCyborgNinja posted...
went psychotic

Wasn't that fun? My entire brain felt like I was running at 10 fps, vision and sight. Even my thoughts went completely void in between 10 fps, it's not pleasant having your consciousness flicker on and off. It's apparently a rare reaction, but the "hallucinations" are always the same for whoever gets it.

I was barely holding on to any self-control I had, like I was about to go outside and do who knows what.

are you sure you smoked weed?
Alcohol, I can enjoy one or two beers (or scotches) and be just fine.

I smoke one or two joints and I am going to be spending the rest of my night puking my guts out in the bathroom.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
Dikitain posted...
Alcohol, I can enjoy one or two beers (or scotches) and be just fine.

I smoke one or two joints and I am going to be spending the rest of my night puking my guts out in the bathroom.

do not smoke weed after drinking lol. you'll get sick as fuck
DirtBasedSoap posted...
Dikitain posted...
Alcohol, I can enjoy one or two beers (or scotches) and be just fine.

I smoke one or two joints and I am going to be spending the rest of my night puking my guts out in the bathroom.

do not smoke weed after drinking lol. you'll get sick as fuck

I wasn't. That is what happens when I get high. Hell, that is what happens when I take cold medication and it makes me high.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
what kind of pussy pukes after two joints?
SmokeMassTree posted...
FinalFantasyIV posted...
what kind of pussy pukes after two joints?

lmao i didn't want to be rude but srsly

unless you're fucking hammered
I used to prefer smoking but as I've gotten older it seems to just give me anxiety more and more as the years go by. Alcohol helps me relax
DirtBasedSoap posted...
are you sure you smoked weed?

It could have been laced with salvia or something, but I doubt it. I've done research, and there are people who've had the same exact slideshow vision I had just from weed along with the same feelings of terror.

I felt like I was flickering dead and alive.
I've never smoked a cigarette in my entire life. Don't plan to. They might as well be called cancer sticks on the packs themselves.

I'm guessing the poll might have been a lot different if I had said "alcohol vs marijuana" but I didn't, and that was a mistake on my part.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
DirtBasedSoap posted...
Dikitain posted...
Alcohol, I can enjoy one or two beers (or scotches) and be just fine.

I smoke one or two joints and I am going to be spending the rest of my night puking my guts out in the bathroom.

do not smoke weed after drinking lol. you'll get sick as fuck

Unless you're a badass like me and do both regularly
RedPixel posted...
I've never smoked a cigarette in my entire life. Don't plan to.

Don't. They're insanely addictive and if you have any other issues going on in life they'll pile on the pressure to keep smoking.
lol who is even talking about cigs?
FinalFantasyIV posted...
lol who is even talking about cigs?

Just a guess that people interpreted it that way judging from some of the comments. I won't call anybody out.
Working in a team is great! It always helps to have someone else to blame.
DirtBasedSoap posted...
FinalFantasyIV posted...
what kind of pussy pukes after two joints?

lmao i didn't want to be rude but srsly

unless you're fucking hammered

The kind of person who has a brain condition that gives them vertigo rather easily, usually from getting high. If you want to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars in brain surgery so that I can be "normal" then be my guest.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
Krazy_Kirby posted...
neither, so i didnt vote
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Poll of the Day » Alcohol VS Smoking