Do you believe kathy griffin's apology was sufficient in your opinion?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Do you believe kathy griffin's apology was sufficient in your opinion?
Do you think the apology was sufficient?

No, she should obviously be publicly whipped and beheaded, that is the only possible solution.
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I haven't seen it and it wasn't sufficient
wolfy42 posted...
No, she should obviously be publicly whipped and beheaded, that is the only possible solution.

i can sense your sarcasm
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
wolfy42 posted...
No, she should obviously be publicly whipped and beheaded, that is the only possible solution.

i can sense your sarcasm

That is very impressive over the internet:)
Proud member of the Arv The Great is great fan club!!! Join today by putting it in your sig.
you should post the apology
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
Smarkil posted...
you should post the apology

man get the hell outta here with your brain dead comments always coming into my topics and saying stupid shit i'm putting you on ignore it's the only way to stop your stupid comments, and here's a tip make your own good topics, but hey you ain't capable of doing that, genius, how do you stay so positive all the time? get a life dude
I hereby apologize for suggesting that Kathy Griffith should be beheaded (but no whipped), as I realize such a suggestion is insensitive and might upset people who would rather see her tortured slowly over many hours instead.

Proud member of the Arv The Great is great fan club!!! Join today by putting it in your sig.
Public apologies are kind of meaningless.. I mean, the only reason anyone ever apologizes like that is not because they are sorry, but because they got called out.
Everything is awesome
Who the fuck makes a topic like this with a poll and doesn't post the apology? And even lists "I haven't seen it" as an option?

Worst topic of the month
Who the fuck makes a topic like this with a poll and doesn't post the apology? And even lists "I haven't seen it" as an option?

Worst topic of the month

so what make your own damn good topic if you can, you can see it on youtube or yahoo or msn, worst and stupidest comment of the month, dur
Not interested. High-profile apologies don't mean anything to me and I wasn't really bothered by Trump-head to begin with.
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Yeah holding a model of the president's severed bloody head is less of a joke and more of a terroristic threat.

I actually commend Trump (for once) for scolding her on Twitter instead of pulling out the secret service.

Apologies didn't save her career that's for sure, not that they mean anything to me.
Tc confirmed underage user
jamieyello3 posted...
Yeah holding a model of the president's severed bloody head is less of a joke and more of a terroristic threat.

I actually commend Trump (for once) for scolding her on Twitter instead of pulling out the secret service.

Apologies didn't save her career that's for sure.

but griffin said trump did pull out the secret service. She's under investigation, but her attorneys said it was rediculous
I can see why people are upset, but I dont see how I could be upset, seeing as she is a shock comedian pretty much acting out the water is wet theory.

Real apology, half assed apology i dont care
Tc confirmed underage user

i'm putting you on ignore too congratulations all your comments are toxic, i'm thinkin that's not a new thing for you, to be put on ignore by a bunch of people
I made the list!
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
Peterass posted...
Public apologies are kind of meaningless.. I mean, the only reason anyone ever apologizes like that is not because they are sorry, but because they got called out.

That is like the definition of sorry though. No one is ever "sorry" about anything, they are trying to get whoever is offended to shut the hell up.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
I made the list!

Kudos! :D
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
I don't care behead them both is the best option.
"Now I'm in THREE cowboy hats!!!" ~ Senator Bluto Blutarsky
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
Smarkil posted...
you should post the apology

man get the hell outta here with your brain dead comments always coming into my topics and saying stupid shit i'm putting you on ignore it's the only way to stop your stupid comments, and here's a tip make your own good topics, but hey you ain't capable of doing that, genius, how do you stay so positive all the time? get a life dude

@Smarkil is this the same guy we kept giving shit for making those garbage topics? I feel like that 'genius' remark confirms it.
for a second i thought that she maybe apologized for pretending that she was funny for the past few decades
Is this going to be one of those times when you pretend not to have a plan until the last moment? And then turn out to really not have one?
yeah so what now you're on ignore too, guessing that's not a new thing for you for people not to like you and put you on ignore, genius, which you certainly ain't you're the exact opposite of a genius
Cacciato posted...
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
Smarkil posted...
you should post the apology

man get the hell outta here with your brain dead comments always coming into my topics and saying stupid shit i'm putting you on ignore it's the only way to stop your stupid comments, and here's a tip make your own good topics, but hey you ain't capable of doing that, genius, how do you stay so positive all the time? get a life dude

@Smarkil is this the same guy we kept giving shit for making those garbage topics? I feel like that 'genius' remark confirms it.

It definitely is. I think his name was @Smallville ? Musta had to change names on account of his terrible topics.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
I don't think it was Smallville.

@ThaGuyFromGTA3 what was that other account you had?
If you mean the tweets -- and I don't know for sure that you do because you posted no reference material -- then no, because I couldn't even tell what she was apologizing for in that one video. It seemed like a boilerplate apology which could have applied to jumping the curb while parking (because she went too far) or missing a highway exit (because she went too far)

ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
Smarkil posted...
you should post the apology

man get the hell outta here with your brain dead comments always coming into my topics and saying stupid shit i'm putting you on ignore it's the only way to stop your stupid comments, and here's a tip make your own good topics, but hey you ain't capable of doing that, genius, how do you stay so positive all the time? get a life dude

Smark is on the money, though. You should post things for reference.

Who the fuck makes a topic like this with a poll and doesn't post the apology? And even lists "I haven't seen it" as an option?

Worst topic of the month

tbh, I'm beginning to think posting a topic referencing something without giving a link then getting mad about it is his gimmick.

I made the list!

In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Cacciato posted...
I don't think it was Smallville.

@ThaGuyFromGTA3 what was that other account you had?

I'm fairly sure it was smallville cause I remember making fun of him for liking a terrible show. He might've even made a topic(s?) about it.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
when did i get mad about it? i just responded to other users who came in and made mad and stupid comments, read the other comments
i don't care
I don't think it was Smallville, only because Smallville actually types correctly.
Cacciato posted...
I don't think it was Smallville, only because Smallville actually types correctly.

Yeah, plus there wouldn't be much need to change accts since that one isn't banned anyway.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
smallville types correctly, he types very well? Well that would be sure of a hell lot differently than how you type
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
when did i get mad about it? i just responded to other users who came in and made mad and stupid comments, read the other comments

ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
Smarkil posted...
you should post the apology

man get the hell outta here with your brain dead comments always coming into my topics and saying stupid shit i'm putting you on ignore it's the only way to stop your stupid comments, and here's a tip make your own good topics, but hey you ain't capable of doing that, genius, how do you stay so positive all the time? get a life dude

ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
Tc confirmed underage user

i'm putting you on ignore too congratulations all your comments are toxic, i'm thinkin that's not a new thing for you, to be put on ignore by a bunch of people

ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
yeah so what now you're on ignore too, guessing that's not a new thing for you for people not to like you and put you on ignore, genius, which you certainly ain't you're the exact opposite of a genius

Dude, these posts are the ones in the topic coming across as the most mad. Plus, if all someone says is "you should post the apology" and you go off on them and block them, you're going to have a hard time convincing anyone that they're the ones who are upset.

As for the topic, didn't see the apology, don't particularly care. I think it was a crass and tasteless stunt, but since there's nothing I saw that could be considered an actual threat, it's been blown out of proportion. This shit happens a lot, let the secret service investigate it and move on if they do.
" Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. "
-Magus 10
hahaha TC is so mad. Underage user confirmed.
no, read all the comments i was only responding to mad and critical comments, read them all, i was not the instigator
I more dissapointed that she did apologize, thats the last thing you should do in her line of work but I guess thats why she's as much of a nobody as she was
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
smallville types correctly, he types very well? Well that would be sure of a hell lot differently than how you type

You forgot to capitalize and use punctuation. Guess we lnow you're not Smallville. :(
ThaGuyFromGTA3 posted...
no, read all the comments i was only responding to mad and critical comments, read them all, i was not the instigator

Shhhhhhhh, just calm down now, buddy. It'll be okay.
I don't think she should've apologized at all.
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
MrMelodramatic posted...
I don't think she should've apologized at all.

Do you think cnn should have fired her? you had no problem with the head, picture?
CNN has every right to fire her. I didn't have a problem with it.
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
You know, after checking that one site maybe it is Smallville. I could've sworn there was a different guy that threw a fit every time we made fun of his poll options though.
Who can really tell with all these people anymore? Everybody gotta have a gimmick now.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
If one of you dudes that i have on ignore have posted in my topic then thankfully i can't see your stupid and ignorant comments, which they're certain to be
I don't think she should've apologized. If Ted Nugent didn't apologize for threatening to murder Obama then Kathy Griffin should've never apologized.
I was never offended in the first place.

And I don't hate Trump.

I disagree with her political opinion, but I think she has the right to express it.

That said, if it was suppose to be funny, the joke was poorly constructed.

I hate Trump/you're supposed to hate Trump, wouldn't it be funny if we cut his head off? There is nothing clever about that statement, that's just a straight statement about how much you hate Trump.
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
No. I don't. Here's why.

When she posted that image she KNEW the consequences. That was the whole point. It was an attempt to 'be funny' (where's the joke? I'd be more forgiving if I could find even a half-assed pun) in which she knew she was going to get Trump supporters mad and so-forth. Thing is, it didn't pan out like she had hoped and it's only now that she's apologizing. This wasn't her making a mistake and delivering an unintentionally hurtful message or saying/implying something she didn't mean to. This was a joke that bit her back.

If I forgive her it will be through my own choice and disposition, through her continual effort to show she is repentant but not through her works alone. Saying you're sorry is easy. Being sorry is hard.
I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
cmon claude
Poll of the Day » Do you believe kathy griffin's apology was sufficient in your opinion?
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