Have you ever been able to "talk" your way out of a speeding ticket?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Have you ever been able to "talk" your way out of a speeding ticket?
I never have been able to when it was a speed trap or something like that, where he's just waiting there for someone to do something......

....specific, i'd think that fewer people could, but I have been able to when he was just driving around and just let me go. What about you?
I got a warning once when I increased my speed knowing that the speed limit was going to go up. Pulled me over right next to the speed limit sign.

In a different incident I got a ticket when I made an illegal u-turn to get out of the way of a fire truck. Even pointed it out to the cop that pulled me over. Tried to fight it in court but the officer lied and said there wasn't a fire truck.
PSN: Kollin6618
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I just pull my dick out and the cop is like omg you're free to go
I've never tried.
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Poll of the Day » Have you ever been able to "talk" your way out of a speeding ticket?