Should the media stop reporting terror attacks for safety reasons?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Should the media stop reporting terror attacks for safety reasons?
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I feel like this is what the terrorists want. It seems like its a weekly occurrence now and sometimes they over react and over show it almost causing fear and panick. Its like seriously stop. Then they also show the after math of candle light vigils and I want to say no amount of candles will stop this. If anything the media I feel should do what communists used to do in the early 1900s just blanket it out of the media dont give them attention and instead put pressure on the government on being so soft. So many times they say oh they were on our watch list, ok yeah thats great but why so soft on it enough with playing the good guy card it doesnt protect your people.

Its like that singer Grande too, now shes in the media, creating concerts they even talking about her concert in london again how she is reacting and her tweets. She wasnt even in the stadium and was out partying with her crew when that attack happened and she milks it to get that media attention too. I feel like the media causes some of these attacks because it gives the psychos ideas to say at least I can create this panic and attention for my crew back in the middle east etc. its ridiculous even sometimes saying a website listing how to make bombs or get in trucks and run people down, seriously why tell the public that is what they are spreading most of these attackers dont know about that and instead look it up after the media plant the seeds into them
"Why do you hesitate to extend the power of Macedon - your power"-Alexander The Great \_O__/ >>>> l__O__l "YES"."YES"
Pretending it isn't happening won't make it stop. If anything it will just make it worse. They'll try harder to get the attention they want. Not only that, but if the world isn't aware of how bad it is then we're less likely to take the steps necessary to stop it, or at least minimize it.
John Mellencamp said it best "Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone."
Honestly, I feel that only the facts should be reported.

If not much information is known or it just happened "A vehicle on Main Street just drove into a crowd of pedestrians. We'll provide more information as it is discovered."

Once they have more information "The driver of a truck drove into a crowd of pedestrians. 20 people are injured. 5 are dead. The suspect was found to be intoxicated with a .101 blood alcohol level and is currently held at County Jail."

Cut the emotional sensationalism and just give up the facts. I don't care if the person was white, black, Chinese, homosexual, or was an advocate for Black Lives Matter.
yeah but once they report it do they need to stop airing or regular programming and then have these special talk shows. bring in retired cops, so called experts, professors etc etc. its like sheesh alright we get it the 100th attack happened in the world and youve said this before about isis or some other group its just repeating it over and over. I get it we need to know what has happened to stop it but at these stage with internet I think we will know who the bad guys are it just doesnt need to be shown 24/7 and turned into a talk show, give a 2min segment done move on to the next and put pressure on the politicians how they will combat this and stop being soft on it and not just say aww we lost lives we so sad preyers for this city etc. it does nothing the media should be more professional instead they do kinda help the bad guys out with some idiotic reporting they do
"Why do you hesitate to extend the power of Macedon - your power"-Alexander The Great \_O__/ >>>> l__O__l "YES"."YES"
? You act like anyone except those who were directly affected by this will care a week from now, they'll all be talking about whatever silly thing Trump tweeted or the hottest new trend.

Also there are far worse terror attacks that happen in developing countries that get next to no coverage at all in most of the world, and yet they keep happening, so yeah.
What are you smoking?
Report it, but throw out all basic human laws of decency about having respect for the dead.

Make jokes about the dead terrorist, photoshop pictures of him/her to look silly. Show the terrorist's remains after his/her bomb blew him/her to chunks on tv (at night, w/ a warning first for graphic content).
Humiliate and disrespect that scumbag as much as possible, so that the terrorist's legacy is to be a punchline. Take the piss out of any semblance of "glory" or "martyrdom" from the act.
Well, they never reported the Bowling Green Massacre.
If they stopped making the news I think they would all but stop happening. They are essentially advertisements.
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
It'll never happen for one simple reason. There's an adage in the press that "if it bleeds, it leads". When just 6 corporations control 90% of the media, it isn't about informing the general populace, it's about advertising revenue. ~there's always free cheese in a mousetrap.
No freedom of the press is one of if not the paramount right of this country and prevents a dictator.
"Now I'm in THREE cowboy hats!!!" ~ Senator Bluto Blutarsky
Poll of the Day » Should the media stop reporting terror attacks for safety reasons?