Do you think it should be illegal to intentionally name Bills(law) misleadingly?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you think it should be illegal to intentionally name Bills(law) misleadingly?
Do you think it should be illegal to intentionally name Bills (law) something misleading?

The U.S. congress seems to do this quite a lot. When they want to pass a bill that benefits corporations and others who they benefit from helping rather than the citizens, they intentionally give it a misleading name to try and have to slip through without the public noticing.

The "Restoring Internet Freedom" act which has the goal of removing net neutrality is only the most recent example.
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
Should also prevent people from stapling unpopular bills to very popular ones
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Few things:

First off, how the fuck would you enforce that? It's an impossibly vague standard.

Second, just because the bill doesn't mean what you think it means doesn't automatically mean it's misleading. "Restoring Internet Freedom" is certainly one example, because net neutrality is a regulation and therefore impedes freedom.

Third, even bills which do the opposite have a kernel of truth to them. The ACA, for instance, had the side-effect of making healthcare unaffordable for countless Americans and in other cases it simply gave the thing away for free rather than controlling prices, but it did lower costs for a small number of people due to caps.

And finally bills need real names so the public has an idea of what's being discussed.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Lokarin posted...
Should also prevent people from stapling unpopular bills to very popular ones

In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
Lokarin posted...
Should also prevent people from stapling unpopular bills to very popular ones

I did a Simpsons, but I don't remember if it's that episode.
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
In what world would they pass that law?
I'm genuinely curious.
Yes, riders should be illegal too.
Lokarin posted...
Zeus posted...
Lokarin posted...
Should also prevent people from stapling unpopular bills to very popular ones

I did a Simpsons, but I don't remember if it's that episode.

Not sure what you meant to say, but it's a clip of a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington remake from the episode "Beyond Blunderdome." In an earlier scene, a senator attaches a toxic Rider to Smith's bill to deliberately tank it. In Homer's suggested version, Smith gets revenge on the senate for that.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
Poll of the Day » Do you think it should be illegal to intentionally name Bills(law) misleadingly?